
Thad turns himself in

Nov 14th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -She carefully stroked her fingers through her hair, chewing on her lower lip. "I guess I deserve that. I'm sorry if I havent exactly been very nice to you..."-
  2. Covet: "I'd be more inclined to forgive you if I didn't suspect there was motive behind that apology. Also I'd have to care. But it's good that you recognize that you've been mean. Kudos." He continued flatly giving her a deadpan stare as he talked.
  3. Tsaaq: Thaddeus' car swerved into their driveway. He groaned as he hit the brakes and put the car in park. He inhaled deeply, looking at his reflection or as much as he could see without his glasses. He went to slowly make his way down the path to the porch. Going to each one slowly like a zombie. He slowly opened the door and looked between the two of them. He inhaled deeply and went to limp towards his bedroom so he could wash up in his bathroom.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "There really isnt. I just feel bad. You're a good person and you don't deserve anyone to be mean to you for any reason." She sent him a small smile, pushing her hair back over her shoulder. Hearing Thad come into the house, she twisted to look behind her, furrowing her brows at his appearance as he limped away from them. "Was he... bleeding?"-
  5. Covet: "I still don't care how you feel. I don't buy it. You can kiss my ass another time, but it's not going to get you anywhere tonight." He said then watched Thad come through looking beat up and bloody. "Yep." He said in response to Jade's question, shoving pizza into his mouth for another bite.
  6. Tsaaq: He opened his room door and went to jump into the shower just to clean up. He winced as he turned on the water. His doggos ran out of the bedroom and down the hall to where Felix had been while he showered.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Umm...." She said when the dogs came running out and Thad was nowhere, leaning over to uncomfortably pat Charles on the head. "I wasnt trying to kiss your ass, I was just trying to apologize. And you seemed down so I just thought you might want some company..."-
  8. Covet: "I don't want your apology. In fact if I needed apologies, yours wouldn't even be on my list. I don't want company, which is why I was sitting in silence enjoying my god damn pizza." He said then reached down to pet the doggos, because it's not their fault their owner sucks.
  9. Tsaaq: Thaddeus went to put on fresh clothes when he was done bathing. He crossed his arms and winced. "Well..." He trailed off and went to roll up the carpet that covered the floor of his room and went to tug on the loose board until it lifted completely. He went to retrieve whatever guns he had left over from all his fuckery and went to toss them into a drawstring bag as he walked out into the living room. "Would you watch my dogs? Until my brother gets here." Thaddeus went to ask Felix with a calm expression, strapping the bag to his back.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I never said you needed my apology, but you're still getting it." She spoke a little solemnly, trying to keep her voice even despite getting frustrated with him. "We have to live together... so I just thought it might be easier for you..." She mumbled.-
  11. Covet: "Yeah sure." Felix said to Thad, then raised an eyebrow, "Everything alright there. You seem like you're in a hurry. Shouldn't you be here when your brother gets here?" He looked back over at Jade, "If you're expecting something because you said sorry, because you're feeling guilty.. or whatever your reason is, It's not happening. What would make things easier for me, is if you'd stop talking."
  12. Tsaaq: He shook his head slowly. "I'm tired of doing this. Trying to act like I didn't do anything." Thaddeus said softly. "I'll be gone by the time he gets here... You can really bring you dogs with you to jail." He told Felix with a shrug. "I'm heading down the police station..." Thad trailed off, looking defeated but also relieved at the same time.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Okay..." Jade spoke in a small voice before twisting around to look at Thaddeus, her brows knitted together, but she was trying not to say anything. Also she was like WTF.-
  14. Covet: Any and all anger he had for the multitude of things that were shit in his life at the moment, dropped briefly as Thad dropped that bomb, "Okay, dude. That's probably for the best." He said with a straight face. "You're dogs will be covered until they're picked up." He didn't need an explination.
  15. Tsaaq: Thad inhaled deeply as he nodded his head slowly. "Wait." He said. "In case some type of stroke of a cosmic joke occurs and they don't believe me... There's a gun with no bullets burried in the backyard. These stupid bombs I tried to make and some plans I had to blow up the school about a year ago." Thad said, not really caring that Jade was there more the merrier. "Uh, there might we some shit in the locker in the garage... Some old phones at the bottom of the lake. The phone I used to record raping Hayley before I sent it to the entire school. I'm sure cops will be by to sweep the place." He shrugged. "And tell Steph... Don't tell her shit actually. My sorry probably doesn't mean shit." Thad shook his head and went to walk away, towards the door.
  16. Tsaaq: ((might be**))
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Jade just straight up at Thad through wide eyes in complete disbelief of every word coming out of his mouth.-
  18. Covet: Felix listened then frowned, "I feel like I should be writing this down." He said then his face hardened at the mention of Steph. "I'll do that. In all honesty, I feel relieved, I won't have to worry about her hunting you down behind my back, seeking her own justice. I'd say consider yourself lucky, but well this is where we are." He said putting his hands up, wincing at the pull it caused on his ribs.
  19. Tsaaq: "You wanna write it down? We can do that?" Thad stopped in his tracks. "Record it on your phone... I'm just gonna be telling you what I'm telling the cops. No use in sitting around brooding like I don't deserve to be put away... For a while I thought I won cause nobody caught me but... I lost everything." Thad went to open up his bag he had. "Well first off. I ordered guns online and stashed them in the house. Uh, I planned the assault of Hayley and recruited the basketball team to help me... Then afterwards I posted the videos of her everywhere. After that I think I broke into Steph's ex boyfriend's apartment. Killed his cat. Tried to kill him. Me and Devin did that together by the way you don't know him." He shrugged. "I killed Devin, like on purpose. It wasn't self defense. I was planning on killing him. And I did it. But before that we kidnapped the girls... And we." Thaddeus paused again. "Well. I was trying to take care of them but Devin was an idiot and they were already half dying I couldn't do it all by myself. So... I was just going through the motions. I wasn't worried when everybody found them. I already planned on blaming it on Devin." He sighed and squinted his eyes. "This feels like a lot of shit."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Jade just sat, her mouth agape as she tried to take as many mental notes as possible because this was the fucking jackpot right here. She didnt know most of this stuff, only a small amount.-
  21. Covet: Felix hesitated pulling his phone out for a second, then reached into his pocket getting it out so he coupld pull the camera up and switched it to video, getting his confession down, while he reiterated everthing. "It kind of is a lot of shit, Dude. I don't even know what to say right now."
  22. Tsaaq: "Yeah I know... There's uh. There's more." He rose his eyebrows. "Steph has problems with her body. I know... So.... I used to a burner phone to text her telling her she was fat. And I was the one who posted all the confessions about her being obese. I actually did it to everybody. I watched everyone to see their weaknesses and just terrorized them..." He shrugged. "I've date raped other girls. I helped one girl I was with date rape this gay kid... Then I framed her for it." He shruged. "I think I broke into other people's houses and stole shit. It's hard to say who at this point. I was just a busy boy... And I know. I don't know what to say about myself either." He shrugged.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -After a long while of staring, Jade just blinked. "Wow....."-
  24. Covet: Felix set his jaw as he brought up Steph and the constant torture he continued to give her. He blinked and paused the video and stood up to walk over to Thad. "I need you to hold up for a second...I realize that you're trying to do right by this, but I also think you'll understand why I have to do this too." Felix said as he realed his hand back and punched Thad in the face nice and hard.
  25. Tsaaq: Thaddeus staggered back and held his face. "Ugh." He groaned, holding his face. "Yeah... I know." He sighed exasperatedly. He held his face cause it still hurt like a bitch from Hayley. "And now? I'm outta here. And this is finally over." Thaddeus said with an exhale as he went to crouch down and say goodbye to the doggos. "I'm sorry fellas... You're not gonna see me for a while. But don't be sad. I never deserved two cute boys like you. I could've learned some shit from you guys." He went to stand and held his head, feeling dizzy. He went to walk towards the door.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Jade jumped a bit when Felix punched Thad in the face, pushing up from the couch to stare when he went to the door, her gaze swinging back to Felix. "What the hell just happened? What are you going to do with that?" She asked, gesturing to his phone.-
  27. Covet: Clutching his side he shook his hand, then watched as he told the dogs goodbye, then looked at Thad, "Best of.. whatever to you dude. " Felix said then looked at Jade. "Show it to those that need to see it. You heard him, he's going to tell the same thing to the cops. If not, he's still screwed, but he seems to be alright with how it's going to end for him."
  28. Tsaaq: Thad went to limp to his car then waved his hand. He wouldn't need his car either where he was going. No point. Since central was nearby anyhow he decided to walk to the police station since he'd be behind bars and wouldn't enjoy fresh air or freedom for what probably would be a long time. Little did he know he just started the catalyst to a shit show.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know if I'd necessarily call that alright. He looked... defeated. Or whatever you want to call it." She glanced at the door again, still in shock. "I can't believe he did all that. Like... I knew he raped Hayley, but a lot of the rest of the stuff? I didn't realize he was THAT bad. I always thought everyone was being overdramatic... but wow..."-
  30. Covet: "Good. I hope that's how he feels." Felix said coldly, then went to sit back down with his pizza, shooting off a text to Remy. "People are always surprising, especially when you think you know them. They always come up with something to put you deeper into shock."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I guess...." She settled back down onto the couch, her mind running off in its own direction before snapping back to the present. "Wait, are we still talking about Thaddeus?"-
  32. Covet: Felix looked over at Jade as he took another slice of pizza, feeling his phone blowing up now with messages from Remy. "We're talking about people. Who do shitty things. Thad might be a piece of shit, but at least he's finally being accountable for his shit."
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