
Agava - A Lesson

Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. Agava looks towards Nia and tilts her head. 'Do you have a time, proffessor?' the dryad asked with her usual manner.
  2. (Agava)
  5. Nia cocks her head towards the dryad, the small tufts of hair atop her head swaying in a gentle breeze as faint flecks of prismatic light flicker in and out of existence around the creature.
  7. "Time is something I always have- the question is- is it being used?" the little woman says, her black gloved fingers moving to rasp on her lips for a moment- pondering.
  9. "No- its not, Im free to chat with young one, what is the inquiry you desire?"
  11. Moving forwards, the little woman moves from above the bushes by her small home- moving to rest upon the towering stone, one of many encompassing the grove.
  12. (Professor Nia)
  15. Agava's hair rustled loudly while her arms moved behind her only for her hands to rest on the grass to work as support for her to lean back and look at the sky for a moment while she pondered over the question that troubled her mind for years.
  17. Her gaze soon moved towards the very familiar fae, to which she decided to ask, hoping for her wisdom.
  19. 'How one of self's kin... can contact the spirits or... master the bond with nature? Self... been training for years and feels that as much progress was done... something is... missing.' The dryad's lips parted, allowing for chorus of whispers from within of the trees to speak in her name as she decided to share her troubling thoughts with someone she considered a mentor and a close friend.
  20. (Agava)
  23. "Mmmmm~"
  25. Nia leans back on the rock for a moment, peering into the night sky before leaning forwards and crossing her arms across her chest.
  27. "That's a difficult question- well it would be if you were born mortal that is- mhm" the little fae nods.
  29. "Lets see- ahh, yes.
  31. Its difficult to explain- because one such as I was born from the very essence of nature.. so explaining how to master it is a tad bit tricky- but fret not, I have a few ideas mhm"
  33. Moving an arm from their chest, the ancient creature waggles her finger in the air- little blots of pure white light speckling into and out of existence.
  35. "Nature is... akin to a hive mind of lives yes? Like the home of bees or.. ants mhm- all connected but not yes? Your kind knows this very well to the point you can use it yes- become Intune with it but~
  37. Where does it all come from hmm? what's the source of it all? how does natureknow what to do what it does? Those might be questions those who inquire might seek answers for.
  39. Well well! I can provide an answer to that- one beyond powerful beings, or holy relics. Or even tribal deities. The real source~" Nia drags on her little talk- teasingly holding back the answer that was always at the tip of her tongue- waiting, peering down at Agava.
  40. (Professor Nia)
  43. The dryad sat motionless like a statue or a plant while observing Nia, fae that this point ended up becoming her mentor since her wisdom always brought positive results.
  45. Similarly as before, Agava silently listened to the fae's explanation to questions she gave, by now taking them with care and full focus. As the fae went on with her speech, Agava slowly connected few dots as she already seen the nature through its eyes whenever she managed to focus her will on it.
  47. Though afterwards came a sudden halt to understanding what Nia told her, the cryptic speech that tugged onto the nature blessed curiosity and desire to master her bond left her leaning forth as if trying to get closer to Nia as the chorus soon asked. 'Source? What would it be? Do...you mind telling self?' the dryad asked while tilting her head.
  49. (Agava)
  52. "Gladly- and with honor~" the little fae coos- rocketing up into the sky with an obscene burst of wind under her wing tips.
  54. Extending out their palm, winds pull and tug at the little woman's hair and clothes, the fabrics flittering in the gusts the surrounded the guardian.
  56. A strange static crackling emanates within the air as Nia glows brighter and brighter with each passing second, the fae thrumming with timeworn aether, the little flickers of lights growing and expanding before~
  58. ThRuM!
  60. The aura and the lights around the professor explode in a magical concussion- darting high into the sky and shattering into fireworks! revealing a colossal tree like consolation in the sky.
  62. Yggdrasil
  64. "Mother" Nia speaks, looking back at Agava.
  66. "The tree of life, the connection between this realm and mine- the source of thriving greenery.
  68. Yggdrasil, guardian of the life stream"
  70. (Professor Nia)
  73. Agava's face twisted in excitement upon hearing Nia's response, her hair rustled loudly as she observed the fae in silence. Her large emerald eyes glistering brightly in the aura that her mentor emitted, reflecting the dryads dedication which over time began to turn into confusion as Nia's aura began to change only to turn into a weird constellation.
  75. With which came the explanation that left the dryad staring at the ground, trying to analyse what Nia just told her only for her body to start swaying from side to side just as she asked.
  77. 'Tree of life... how would one reach the Mother...our mother? How one can speak with her... to seek help, answers and prove to her?' the dryad asked suddenly as her head snapped back to look at the fae before her, her hair rustling loudly in anticipation.
  78. (Agava)
  81. Settling back down, the flickering lights gently fading from the sky- the prismatic aura of the fae soflty regains around Nia, her hand reaching into one of many various pouches.
  83. "Ahh~ that is an appropriate question."
  85. Rustling for a few seconds, the fae pulls out a branch- fully in bloom and teeming with strange aether.
  87. "This is a small bit of mother- gifted to me from her- as to where to meet them-
  89. you would have to go to the spirit world- or more specifically Yggdrasil's realm- yes, the home of the fae- and mother.
  91. As to gain the right to be there- well- getting there in the first place is the trial you will need to overcome-
  93. I was born there- left there and returned there about a century ago- you will need every ounce of cunning- wits and resolve to meet her.
  95. You will be shown things you couldn't imagine- witness abominations far more frightening then you will ever encounter in this plane of existence- there will be things thrown at you that will make you question everything you have known mhm~
  97. That is the trial~ surviving the spirit world."
  98. (Professor Nia)
  101. The answer became convoluted and confusing for the dryad as she began to tilt her head only to look towards the ground as she pondered on what was told to her regarding the trials and obstacles that would stop her from reaching the Tree of Life.
  103. 'Would this be something that self has to discover alone... or can self ask for help or a tip of how to place a first step?' the dryad decided to risk and ask, her mind racing as she began to think of potential ways to overcome the first trial in situation when Nia couldn't help her.
  104. (Agava)
  107. "Actually~!"
  109. Raising her finger, Nia smiles- flying in front of Agava.
  111. "I can help take you there~ I actually have almost everything I need~ since a Kin and I were planning on going to visit mother as well all I need issss~
  113. Petrified bark. Mhm~"
  115. And what better person to ask than a dryad for the last material needed to make a fairy ring? Well that's what Nia thought anyways.
  117. "Well- I can get you in there- but mother helped us out last time mhm."
  118. (Professor Nia)
  121. Agava blinked as she heard the answer, it was oddly sudden and clearly planned, though still leaving the dryad staring at Nia with her leafy eyebrows risen as she tried to process her words.
  123. 'A pteriffied bark?' the chorus asked in Agavas stead, reflecting on the dryads confusion as the whispers gained somewhat high pitched tone, making them sound closer to a shout.
  124. (Agava)
  127. "Mhm!" Nia nods.
  129. "The skin of a tree so old it has turned into stone~ pretty hard to come by but its key into opening up a fairy ring into the spirit world mhm.
  131. But im pretty sure someone like you could find it easy!"
  132. (Professor Nia)
  135. Agava narrowed her eyes as Nia ended up claiming that it was possible for a dryad to find a petrified bark.
  137. 'How...would self supposed to find it?' the dryad asked, clearly unable to come up with any ideas.
  138. (Agava)
  141. Shrugging she would look at Agava.
  143. "I don't know exactly. Petrified bark isn't living? everything else is? use your nature stuff to find not living tree?
  145. Might find lots of rocks? or maybe some bark! I believe in you mhm!" the little fae shouts! giving Agava a thumbs up!
  146. (Professor Nia)
  147. Agava nodded faintly in response as she thought of the suggestion given to her. 'Will see about it. But will need a bit of time to practice...and search.' Agava replied.
  148. (Agava)
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