
Ana's Uncle vs Tricky & Tojo

Aug 24th, 2015
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  1. [18:54] <RayGold>
  4. [19:00] <RayGold> January 19 2015 (Mon.) 6:14 PM -- Anastasia's Living Room
  5. [19:02] <`DICE> What's going on in your house, Anastasia? Your uncle should be watching the news right now because it's his case they're talking about now, right?
  6. [19:02] <Anastasia_Locke> Sure, alright
  7. [19:03] <Anastasia_Locke> He's watching, let's say she's doing homework and half-listening
  8. [19:04] <`DICE> A homeless man is being interviewed on the program. "Two 'em-- one of 'em was tall and the other was not-so-tall, but they were both kids. I'm tellin' ya, those two kids were the killers!"
  9. [19:05] == Thingymabob [Thingymabo@] has joined #Backstory
  10. [19:05] <`DICE> "And did you see where they went?" The reporter asks.
  11. [19:06] <`DICE> "Yeah!" He points to the apartment building across from Anastasia's house.
  12. [19:06] <`DICE> "You're positive?" Asks the reporter.
  13. [19:07] <Thingymabob> role 1d6
  14. [19:07] <`DICE> "Definitely! That's where they live!" The homeless man cups his hands next to his mouth, forming a hand-megaphone-sorta thing, and yells at the building.
  15. [19:07] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> < Its not an apartment > <Also thingy, don't comment>
  16. [19:08] <`DICE> (my bad, house)
  17. [19:08] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> < TIS FINE >
  18. [19:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "Pretty close to home"
  19. [19:08] <Anas_Uncle> "Mmhmm"
  20. [19:08] <`DICE> "I KNOW YOU KIDS ARE UP THERE. COME ON OUT YOU DARN KILLERS!!" You hear this coming from the screen and outside of your house.
  21. [19:09] * Anastasia_Locke blinks. "This is live?"
  22. [19:09] * Anas_Uncle nods
  23. [19:09] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tricky waves out the window with a kind-hearted smile on, before opening the window and shouting, "HI! How're you doing?"
  24. [19:09] <`DICE> "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM!!"
  25. [19:10] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Actually he pointed a gun at me, so I knocked him out and called 911. If he died, it wasn't our fault!"
  26. [19:10] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "BESIDES, MY BUDDY IS A GIMP. HOW COULD A GIMP MAKE A SMOOTH GETAWAY?"
  27. [19:11] * Anas_Uncle stands up and grabs his gun
  28. [19:11] <Anastasia_Locke> "Uncle?"
  29. [19:11] == Nos_The_Person [Nos_The_Pe@] has joined #Backstory
  30. [19:11] <`DICE> The news program pans back to the reporter. "More on this story, later."
  31. [19:12] <Anas_Uncle> "The story's happening NOW. Even if it isn't some kid gangers, stuff's happening outside."
  32. [19:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "You're going, then?"
  33. [19:12] * Anas_Uncle nods
  34. [19:12] <Anas_Uncle> "You know where the guns are. Keep the doors locked, stay safe"
  35. [19:12] * Anastasia_Locke nods enthusiastically
  36. [19:13] * Anas_Uncle steps outside, locks the door, and descends
  37. [19:14] * Trickenfleur_Harmenst hoists Tojo onto his wheelchair, "Ssss-cccccrrrrrr-EEEEE-wwwww IIIIII-mmmmmm"
  38. [19:14] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I know, just shush and cope, you were like this for a while, I'm sure you can handle it a bit more for the media's sake."
  39. [19:16] * Anas_Uncle approaches the building, suited up in body armour, riot shield, and revolver
  40. [19:17] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tricky walks out door, wheeling Tojo with him, Tricky waves enthusiastically with a huge grin on his face, "YAY an actual swat guy! Hi! Do you know anywhere we can get to get away from the media before they completely distort everything?"
  41. [19:17] == Thingymabob [Thingymabo@] has left #Backstory []
  42. [19:18] <Anas_Uncle> "You can stay right here for a good while. The rest of my team is incoming"
  43. [19:18] <`DICE> Anastasia's Uncle's cell phone starts to ring.
  44. [19:19] * Anas_Uncle backs away from the house, raises his shield, and flicks it open
  45. [19:19] <Anas_Uncle> "What?"
  46. [19:20] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "wwwwww-eeeeeeee aaaaaa-rnnnn-ttttt ttttt-ooooh bbbb-llaaaaa-mmmm." Tojo tones
  47. [19:20] <Anas_Uncle> "Keep quiet."
  48. [19:21] * Anas_Uncle waves the gun in their general direction from behind the safety of his shield
  49. [19:21] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Yyyyyy-uuuuuu s-ay thhhhhh-aaaaaaa-ttttt tttt-oooooh Aaaaaaa mmmmm-uuuuuu-ttttt-eeeee?"
  50. [19:21] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo shook his head.
  51. [19:21] <Anas_Uncle> "I said QUIET."
  52. [19:21] <`DICE> "Hey boss, y'know the case with the guy who got stabbed in his own house? We got a confirmation from the boys that there were only two other people in the house. Only other DNA we could find."
  53. [19:22] <`DICE> "Just an update. How's your investigatin'?"
  54. [19:22] <Anas_Uncle> "I've got 'em right here. Get the squad en route."
  55. [19:23] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tricky shrugged, "Y'know, we're civilians. So, by law, you're incapable of stopping us from going anywhere right now without endangering both your position and SWAT's rep?"
  56. [19:23] <`DICE> "Already?! ...I'll send a squad your way."
  57. [19:23] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Still minors, too" Tricky added as an after thought
  58. [19:23] <Anas_Uncle> "You're under arrest."
  59. [19:23] <Anas_Uncle> "There, that was easy"
  60. [19:23] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "For what?" Tricky inquired
  61. [19:23] <Anas_Uncle> "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you."
  62. [19:24] <Anas_Uncle> "Attempting to resist will be met with appropriate force"
  63. [19:24] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Appropriate meaning in front of a camera you're going to wave a gun at children?"
  64. [19:24] <Anas_Uncle> "Potential murderers, yes"
  65. [19:25] <Anas_Uncle> "I care more about getting everyone out of this intact than being seen as a hero"
  66. [19:25] <Anas_Uncle> "Now stop trying to talk your way out of this. Things'll go a lot easier if you just sit tight"
  67. [19:26] == Nos_The_Person [Nos_The_Pe@] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  68. [19:26] * Anastasia_Locke watches on TV with rapt attention
  69. [19:26] == Trickenfleur_Harmenst [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  70. [19:28] == Nos_The_Person [Nos_The_Pe@] has joined #Backstory
  71. [19:28] == Trickenfleur_Harmenst [] has joined #Backstory
  72. [19:28] <`DICE> A van arrives. The driver, in SWAT body armor, exits the car and moves to Anastasia's uncle. "Uhh... boss... these're the killers?"
  73. [19:29] <Anas_Uncle> "I'd rather not take chances, one way or the other."
  74. [19:29] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I swear I haven't killed anybody." Tricky mutters.
  75. [19:29] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "rrrrrrr-UUUUUUUU-dddddddd" Tojo tones
  76. [19:29] <Anas_Uncle> "Then you'll be let go in no time. We just want to talk"
  77. [19:30] <`DICE> Three more SWAT members exit from the back of the van. Two of them handcuff Tricky and Tojo.
  78. [19:30] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "In front of a reporter camera? If you're wrong then its a bad rep, if either you're right or wrong its detrimental for us as we won't be able to go to school without shame."
  79. [19:30] == yzabtech [] has joined #Backstory
  80. [19:30] <Anas_Uncle> "We've been over this. Stop talking."
  81. [19:31] == yzabtech [] has left #Backstory [Leaving]
  82. [19:31] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "But that's not legally mandated." Tricky grinned
  83. [19:31] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "And y'handcuffed the guy in a wheelchair who's also a mute. You might as well gag him."
  84. [19:31] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo glares.
  85. [19:32] <Anas_Uncle> "Take them in."
  86. [19:32] <Anas_Uncle> 'This is for the best, alright?"
  87. [19:32] <`DICE> The driver whispers to A's Uncle: "We taking them to the station, boss?"
  88. [19:32] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" the tone box tones, loudly, as it drops
  89. [19:33] <Anas_Uncle> "Yeah. Need a statement, if nothing else."
  90. [19:33] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo falls over, wheelchair and all, as he reaches for it in his handcuffs
  91. [19:33] <Anas_Uncle> Roll 1d20+5 to catch falling wheelchair-kid
  92. [19:33] <`DICE> Anas_Uncle rolled 1d20+5 to catch falling wheelchair-kid [ 1d20=2 ]{7}
  93. [19:34] <`DICE> One of the SWAT members picks up the tone box and puts it in a duffel bag. "Sorry, pal. You're getting this later." Tojo falls on the concrete.
  94. [19:34] * Anas_Uncle is squashed in an attempt to stop the falling wheelchair
  95. [19:34] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo grunts, reaching for the officer with the tone-box
  96. [19:34] == Jaczac [] has joined #Backstory
  97. [19:34] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tricky groans, "Y'know he does have a right to that, and by law anything I do towards you right now is self defence, right?"
  98. [19:35] * Anas_Uncle doesn't bother to respond
  99. [19:35] <`DICE> "It's not self-defense if you're under arrest, it's assault. Now you better start complying or your buddy isn't getting his talk-box back."
  100. [19:36] <`DICE> One of the officers tries to pick up A's Uncle from under the wheelchair. "You okay, boss?"
  101. [19:36] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Silencing a mute is considered illegal even when you're under arrest. I'm not complying until you realize the futility of trying to argue this with me."
  102. [19:36] <Anas_Uncle> "Fine. Shield got in my way"
  103. [19:37] <Anas_Uncle> "Kid, resisting arrest is a lot more illegal than anything we could reasonably be said to be doing."
  104. [19:37] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "If you are hearing this, the owner of this box is incapable of speech-" The box began to tone.
  105. [19:38] * Anas_Uncle returns the riot shield to his strife deck
  106. [19:38] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I'm not resisting, I'm just not moving because I haven't been properly directed. I'm a child with severe PTSD remember?"
  107. [19:38] <`DICE> The officer smacks the box in an attempt to silence it. "Keep quiet kid, your pal is getting this back once we reach the station."
  108. [19:39] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "EEIIIIOOUUUHIIIII" The box screeched, Tricky sighed, "At least you could help him off the ground. On live television, too."
  109. [19:40] <`DICE> Two SWAT officers carry Tricky and Tojo with them to the back of the van.
  110. [19:41] <`DICE> The other officer and the driver enter the from of the van.
  111. [19:41] <`DICE> the front*
  112. [19:42] * Anas_Uncle approaches the reporters
  113. [19:42] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tricky pokes Tojo and asks, "Are you okay?", Tojo nods, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Hot Tamale.
  114. [19:43] <`DICE> One of the officers also reaches into his pocket and helps himself to a Hot Tamale.
  115. [19:43] <`DICE> The driver radios to A's Uncle: "You comin' with us, boss?"
  116. [19:44] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo glares slightly, then smiles slightly.
  117. [19:44] <Anas_Uncle> "Damage control. The press needs someone to explain what's going on, before rumours start flying."
  118. [19:44] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Its a rape!" Tricky shouts out of the back of the van.
  119. [19:44] <Anas_Uncle> "And if it's all the same, I'd rather stay in this area in case it's not these two."
  120. [19:45] * Anas_Uncle clears his throat
  121. [19:46] <Anas_Uncle> "Is everyone alright?"
  122. [19:46] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Not quite! I've got a gagged mute and a child with a developing case of PTSD. HIS SECOND TO BE PRECISE"
  123. [19:47] * Anas_Uncle ignores Tricky and focuses on the gathered crowd of reporters
  124. [19:48] <`DICE> "Sir," one of the reporters asks, "are you sure those two children are the killers?"
  125. [19:48] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I'm sure I'm NOT a killer!" Tricky shouts
  126. [19:49] <Anas_Uncle> "Of course not. But they might have some information, or at the very least an idea that can help us apprehend the real criminals."
  127. [19:50] <`DICE> "Quiet, kid, your screaming's extra loud in the van." Says the officer siting next to Tricky.
  128. [19:50] <`DICE> "So you just arrested two kids that might not even be guilty?" Another reporter asks.
  129. [19:50] <Anas_Uncle> "They aren't being arrested. They're being taken in for questioning, and for their own security."
  130. [19:51] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Of course it is," Tricky smiled slyly to the officer next to him, "My intent is to ensure you seem as awful as possible before the media for randomly arresting us under the word of a homeless guy who was sleeping until the police cars showed up."
  131. [19:51] <Anas_Uncle> "In a worst-case scenario, it's possible that the real murderer or murderers would be looking to go after possible witnesses."
  132. [19:52] <Anas_Uncle> "Our primary goal is to make sure these children are safe until we can guarantee that that's not the case."
  134. [19:53] <`DICE> "Look, kid, we're just following orders. If you're innocent, you're innocent. Why are you tryin' so hard anyways? Are you guilty or not?" The officer next to Tricky replies.
  135. [19:53] * Anas_Uncle sighs
  136. [19:53] <`DICE> "Anything else you would like to say to our viewers, sir?" The cameras pan back from the van to Ana's uncle.
  137. [19:53] <`DICE> The van begins moving.
  138. [19:54] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Innocent" Tricky replies, "But at the same time, I'm not in favour of being arrested for simply LIVING next to a guy who i found bleeding out on the floor."
  139. [19:54] <Anas_Uncle> "I can only assume their resistance is due to a misconception about the pervasiveness of police brutality, as portrayed by common media."
  140. [19:55] <Anas_Uncle> "Please, to everyone at home. It's our job to protect the people, and fighting every step of the way only makes things difficult, both for us and for you."
  141. [19:55] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "AND YOU WAVING A GUN AT ME AFTER I LEFT MY HOME!"
  142. [19:55] <`DICE> "Well you're not being arrested, you're just being brought in for testing. You're the only two who boss has any suspicion on. If you guys pass the DNA test, you'll be free to move along and sue us or something." The officer says.
  143. [19:56] <Anas_Uncle> "We aren't 'the bad guys', and as soon as we find out what exactly happened here, the sooner everyone can sleep easier."
  144. [19:56] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "But we're not gonna pass it, albeit being innocent." Tricky sighs. "I checked his pulse to see if he was okay, and Tojo tried to clot the bleeding from his gut."
  145. [19:57] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> roll 1d20+3 for bluff
  146. [19:57] <`DICE> Trickenfleur_Harmenst rolled 1d20+3 for bluff [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  147. [19:58] * Anastasia_Locke smiles
  148. [19:58] <`DICE> "Sure thing, but we're gonna need you to take the tests anyways. It's not like we'll go to court with only DNA tests."
  149. [19:59] <Anas_Uncle> "Are there any questions I can answer?"
  150. [19:59] <`DICE> The driver radios to Anastasia's uncle: "Hey boss, are you gonna be searching their place for evidence?"
  151. [19:59] <`DICE> The reporters exit the scene. "That'll be all officer."
  152. [20:00] <`DICE> The cameramen and officers head to their respective news station van and leave.
  153. [20:00] <`DICE> cameramen and reporters*
  154. [20:00] <Anas_Uncle> "Send in a forensics crew. Who knows how much the kids have been mucking around."
  155. [20:01] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> < Important note, they have their scissors on them, Cleaned w/ bleach and cut through some things to hide the fact it was bleached, BTW. YES I'VE PLANNED OUT PERFECT MURDERS BEFORE. SHUSH >
  156. [20:02] <`DICE> ( what do you guys want to do from here? fast-forward to a certain scene? )
  157. [20:03] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> < Might as well fast forward to the station >
  158. [20:04] <Anas_Uncle> ((Works for me, sure))
  159. [20:04] <`DICE> ( is anastasia's uncle going ot be there? )
  160. [20:05] <Anas_Uncle> ((Probably after the first few hours, yeah))
  161. [20:05] <Anas_Uncle> ((Once forensics team arrives, he checks back in on Ana, then has lunch or something))
  162. [20:06] <`DICE> Two SWAT officers escort the young men to inside the police station.
  163. [20:07] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Where's Tojo's tone-box?" Tricky inquired. <Lemme know when they're gonna get separated, if they are>
  164. [20:08] <`DICE> "I've got in my bag," said the officer holding Tojo's arm. "C'mon, we gotta get DNA samples from you two."
  165. [20:08] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo tilted his head, then tapped his leg twice, then shook his head.
  166. [20:08] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "He can't walk, can't you see he's in a wheelchair?"
  167. [20:09] <`DICE> A police officer appears in front of the boys, with two empty pill bottles and two cotton swabs. He stands in front of Tojo and asks him to open his mouth.
  168. [20:09] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> Tojo does so, although his facial expression remains the same. Tricky sighs, "Don't bother, the saliva sample will be a match. I checked his pulse."
  169. [20:10] <`DICE> "We're bothering anyways because it's evidence. Now say 'ah' so I can swab your mouth too.
  170. [20:11] <`DICE> "
  171. [20:11] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Ahh." Tricky mimics, opening his mouth.
  172. [20:12] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "EEEEEEE-ooooooh-mmmmmm" the tone box continues to tone inside the bag
  173. [20:13] <`DICE> He swabs your mouth saliva and puts the wet cotton swab in the empty pill container. "Now, do you boys have anything to say about the murder?" The SWAT officer uncuffs Tojo and hands him his tone-box.
  174. [20:14] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "lllll-Ooooooh-ttttttttiiiiiii-dddddddd IIIIIIIII-ssssss ssssss-tttttt-oooooooh-mmmmmm-aaaaaaaaa-kkkkkk"
  175. [20:14] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Tojo clotted his stomach, I checked his pulse and called 911. He died before police or ambulance arrived." Tricky translated.
  176. [20:17] <`DICE> "Uh huh." The police officer says while writing what Tricky says on a notepad. "Is that all you have to say?"
  177. [20:18] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Um, Lets see, Once he died I wheeled Tojo back to our house to get cleaned up, we cleaned the blood off him, and we came out as the hobo was yelling we were murderers."
  178. [20:18] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Then a SWAT officer begins waving a gun at us."
  179. [20:19] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Oh yea, I also used my tongue to check his pulse"
  180. [20:20] <`DICE> "Mhm. Yep." The officer continues writing on his notepad.
  181. [20:21] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I'd also like to request NOT getting split apart from Tojo. It'd be worse for the both of us."
  182. [20:22] <`DICE> "Is that all?"
  183. [20:23] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Should be." Tricky said absently, Grabbing onto Tojo's arm.
  184. [20:28] <`DICE> "Alright then. You boys are free to go. You don't mind if the officers drive you back in the van, right?" The police officer says as he unhandcuffs you both.
  185. [20:29] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I don't mind." "ggggggg-OOOOOOOO-ddddd"
  186. [20:29] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Can I ask a question?" Tricky asked
  187. [20:30] <`DICE> "What is it, son?"
  188. [20:30] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I'd like to apologize to the officer I yelled at a lot and bickered with, do you know where I can contact him?"
  189. [20:31] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Don't you dare tell them how to kill my Guardian))
  190. [20:31] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> ((They're planning to APOLIGIZE (srsly)))
  191. [20:31] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> ((Or at least Tricky is.))
  192. [20:31] <Anastasia_Locke> ((tfw I trust Carl more than I trust you))
  193. [20:32] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> ((rrrr-UUUUUUU-ddddd))
  194. [20:33] <`DICE> "Oh, Peter? He's one of the top SWAT dogs, but I'm just a police officer so I don't have any info on where he lives."
  195. [20:34] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "I didn't want to know where he lived..." Tricky sighed, "Just like a phone number or something."
  196. [20:35] <`DICE> "Sorry, kid, I have no clue. Maybe you could ask one of the SWAT guys or the chief or something."
  197. [20:35] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Okay, do you know where the 'chief' is?" Tricky inquired again
  198. [20:35] <`DICE> "At home, enjoying his day off."
  199. [20:36] <`DICE> "Look, Peter was supposed to come in earlier but he never did."
  200. [20:36] <`DICE> "Sorry kid, I can't help you."
  201. [20:37] <Trickenfleur_Harmenst> "Very well then." Tricky sighed, as he grabbed Tojo's handles and began walking him back home.
  204. "Surveillance camera footage from Lydom Enterprises."
  205. "So here, you can see the two young men entering the drug dealer's house, WITH the drug dealer."
  206. [fast forwarding the footage]
  207. "And at THIS moment, you can see the glass shatter from bullet impact."
  208. [fast forward some more]
  209. "And THIS is when both of the boys leave to their home."
  210. "Now, when we reached the site of the drug dealer's death on Saturday, we determined, ON-SITE, that the man was very recently killed due to body temperature and the freshness of the wound."
  211. "We also have documents stating that Mr. Douglass Shepherd moved into his house on Saturday, the same day he was killed."
  212. "And since we know for a fact that the only people Mr. Douglass've had contact with are those two boys, we can safely assume they are the murderers."
  213. [10:47:28 PM] Strategist14: "Assuming isn't good enough. What did the forensics team find out?"
  214. [10:48:39 PM] william cai: "Nothing in their rooms. It did smell like bleach though. Did you check to see if the boys had anything on them?"
  215. [10:49:18 PM] Strategist14: "That should have been taken care of during their detention."
  216. [10:49:41 PM] Strategist14: "What of the murder scene? Weapons used?"
  217. [10:49:52 PM] william cai: "Something bladed. We don't know what."
  218. [10:50:17 PM] Strategist14: "Any hints of bleach there?"
  219. [10:50:52 PM] william cai: "We couldn't find any weapons used for the murder at the scene. No bleach in the body if that's what you're asking."
  220. [10:51:27 PM] Strategist14: "I see. It would have been easy enough to get their hands on a knifekind abstratus or something similar."
  221. [10:51:39 PM] Strategist14: "But then what's the motive? I want to know WHY they did this."
  222. [10:52:10 PM] Strategist14: "They're still being held, right? Can we get a psychoanalyst here?"
  223. [10:53:17 PM] william cai: "The chief let them go a while ago. They should be on their way home. And besides, we're still not sure if they actually killed the guy, we're just PRETTY sure."
  224. [10:54:15 PM] Strategist14: "No other suspects, you said. If we can find out a motivation they might have had, we'll be that much closer to knowing one way or the other."
  225. [10:55:19 PM] Strategist14: "I've got a few suspicions, but I'd rather not colour any investigation with personal bias."
  226. [10:56:54 PM] william cai: "Well, that sounds like something you'll have to do on your own. We're done for today."
  227. [10:58:28 PM] Strategist14: "Understandable. Stay safe tonight."
  228. [10:59:03 PM] Strategist14: "We'll regroup in the morning."
  229. [11:00:03 PM] william cai: "Sure. Have a good night, Peter."
  232. ==Next Day==
  233. Peter: You get a cell phone call during the middle of the day.
  234. [3:48:59 PM] Strategist14: ((Police phone or personal phone?))
  235. [3:49:08 PM] william cai: police
  236. [3:49:40 PM] Strategist14: "Yeah?"
  237. [3:50:13 PM] Strategist14: "Any news?"
  238. [3:51:42 PM] william cai: "Yeah, not really news. This is Linda from forensics, I'm with the Chief of Police right now. We're gonna need you to drop the case, Peter. We can't get anything else on these kids, and with what we have the court's never gonna let us have 'em."
  239. [3:52:37 PM] Strategist14: "Do we have any other leads than the two of them?"
  240. [3:54:17 PM] william cai: "No, Peter. Just let the case go. The guy was a drug dealer anyways. Just keep your loved ones, your friends, whoever-- just keep them away from those two kids. Even for a pair of teenage boys, they're trouble. Real trouble."
  241. [3:55:26 PM] Strategist14: "There's a murderer out and we're ignoring it because the victim was a criminal?"
  242. [3:57:38 PM] Strategist14: "What happens when the next victim isn't?"
  243. [3:58:18 PM] william cai: "What happens, Peter, is we actually FIND some hard evidence and get them arrested. We've got nothing."
  244. [3:58:51 PM] william cai: "Anyways, just keep your neice safe. You guys live so close to them, after all."
  245. [4:00:03 PM] Strategist14: "I- fine. If there really isn't a single lead to follow for the killer, then I suppose there's nothing to be done but wait."
  246. [4:00:57 PM] Strategist14: "The public won't be happy."
  247. [4:02:47 PM] william cai: "Thanks for understanding, Peter." She hangs up.
  248. [4:05:33 PM] Strategist14: Peter sighs and leans back in his chair, eyes shut.
  249. [4:05:45 PM] Strategist14: Ana looks to him. "Everything okay?"
  250. [4:06:00 PM] Strategist14: "Fine. Just tired," Peter replies.
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