
The Higher Road (MGNW)

Mar 13th, 2016
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  1. While Grief and Pain are a lot we've accepted to shoulder, I've come to realize through my time as a Magical Girl that many suffer from it far more than necessary. As such, I've decided to collect, write down and share my thoughts on the matter so that they may help others go through their trials like I did. Taken to heart, perhaps those hardships could even stop being hardships at all and become welcome challenges instead.
  3. Before proceeding to anything else, the first thing that needs to be addressed is the hardest pill to swallow: Accept that you, and likely all your friends, will die sooner or later. It's not good enough to just know this fact. Understand it. Feel it. Come to terms and make peace with it. I know what I'm asking of you is nearly impossible, but it is a truth, and lying to yourself will only hurt you more when you inevitably come to face that truth. Don't hurt yourself like that, we are all fleeting existences and that is precisely why we need to learn to enjoy the time we do have, both to ourselves and with one another, to the fullest.
  5. Secondly, understand and remember that when a Magical Girl becomes a Witch, she may lose herself and experience torment, but her loss is not in vain. In fact, when a Magical Girl who becomes a Witch, it is the greatest and most noble sacrifice she could ever hope to accomplish. A Magical Girl who sacrifices herself in such a way gives her life so that not just a friend or lover, not just a handful of individuals, but so that the entire world may continue to live a little while longer. There are no words to fully weigh the good that a single, lone Magical Girl like you and me can do in this manner. As such, I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to keep it in mind when you face hard times. When you lose a comrade before your eyes, don't tell yourself: "How horrible, she's suffered a depressing fate". Instead, tell yourself "How courageous, she's given her life for us all". You may not see it like this at first, but it is also a truth. Likewise, when you feel your last moments slipping, don't dread the end; rejoice in the good you, too, will soon be able to do for the world. You will be able to be at peace with yourself.
  7. If you can bring yourself to do these things, then from this point on, be re-assured, everything else will be easier than what you've already managed to accomplish. Be proud of yourself for that.
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