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Apr 9th, 2010
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  1. (21:59:13) zear: in case someone wonders how to get into the console in the newest rootfs
  2. (21:59:28) zear: edit one of the entries in gmenu and set "Wrapper" to "OFF"
  3. (21:59:46) zear: you'll have to do it every time you relaunch gmenu due to a glitch
  4. (21:59:53) zear: ok, have to go, cya everyone
  5. (22:00:06) gbraad left the room (quit: Changing host).
  6. (22:00:06) gbraad [~gbraad@fedora/gbraad] entered the room.
  7. (22:01:31) mortys: how do you do that ?
  8. (22:01:42) zear: press esc on one of the icons
  9. (22:01:43) zear: i think
  10. (22:02:15) mortys: i don't see any Wraopper option
  11. (22:02:28) zear: there must be one
  12. (22:02:50) zear: ah, choose the "edit [your_app]" first
  13. (22:03:30) mortys: *
  14. (22:03:40) mortys: ok see it and after that ?
  15. (22:03:48) zear: find a "wrapper" option
  16. (22:03:51) zear: and set it to "off"
  17. (22:03:56) mortys: that's it
  18. (22:04:00) zear: ok, save the changes
  19. (22:04:05) zear: and launch that app
  20. (22:04:40) mortys: cool
  21. (22:04:48) mortys: thanx zear
  22. (22:04:57) zear: you'll have to do it every time you relaunch gmenu
  23. (22:05:18) mortys: no prob, I'm gonna try to edit the start file
  24. (22:05:37) zear: sorry for that, but for my excuse - devs should test their new rootfs before the release :P
  25. (22:05:50) mortys: we need an return to console option/app :)
  26. (22:05:58) zear: nah, for some reason after restart it changes the wrapper to ON
  27. (22:06:16) zear: ah, you mean a start file for the whole nanonote?
  28. (22:06:18) zear: that could work
  29. (22:06:20) zear: if there is one
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