
Flutterrape: The Play

Nov 27th, 2012
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  1. >You are Fluttershy
  2. >Today you're thinking of a plan to win Anon's heart
  3. >You've tried finding his fetish
  4. >And forcing him into love making
  5. >Maybe if you showed him what you would do if you two got together?
  6. >But how....?
  7. >Wait...
  8. >A play!
  9. >You smile
  10. >This time Anon's going to love you
  11. >It cost quite a few bits, but you rented the Ponyville Theater for the next two nights
  12. >You gathered your friends
  13. >"Um hi girls I'm going to put on a play about what I w-want to do with my life..."
  14. >Twilight smiles
  15. >"And you want us to help?"
  16. >"Yes."
  17. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes
  18. >"Let me guess is the play going to include Anon?"
  19. >"Um maybe...sorta ...yes."
  20. >Pinkie giggles
  21. >"Ooooh~! She wants to make a play about her romantic and sexual fantasies."
  22. >You hide behind your mane and shiver
  23. >"B-but Pinkie I'm hoping they can be more than just fantasies."
  24. >Rarity looks disgusted by the whole idea
  25. >It saddens you
  26. >She sighs
  27. >"Alright Fluttershy tasteful."
  28. >Applejack shakes her head, knowing this is going to be anything but tasteful
  30. >You are Anon
  31. >Hear knocking on your door
  32. >Open the door
  33. >It’s Fluttershy
  34. What?
  35. >”Oh hi Anon!”
  36. >She looks extremely excited today
  37. >She flies up and strokes your face
  38. >”There’s going to be a play tomorrow night, and you’re invited!”
  39. You seem a bit too enthusiastic about this
  40. >Fluttershy just gives you a look of pure joy
  41. >Out of her saddlebags she produces a ticket for a front row seat
  42. >”I’m going to be the star and I want you to see everything…”
  43. Eh I don’t know….
  44. >She gives you puppy dog eyes
  45. >It’s really cute you have to admit
  46. >”Please Anon?”
  47. No
  48. >She gets an even sadder look
  49. Okay fine
  50. >She squees and gives you the ticket
  51. >”Oh thank you so much!”
  52. >Before you can give a “you’re welcome” she nuzzles your crotch intensely and flies off
  53. >God damn it Fluttershy
  55. >It’s tomorrow night
  56. >You enter the theater and take your seat
  57. >You’re really unsure where this is going
  58. >You look at the audience
  59. >Nothing out of the ordinary
  60. >Granny Smith is even here
  61. >Hopefully this will be tasteful
  62. >You look at your ticket
  63. >The title of the play is: “My future husband and I.”
  64. >Hopefully….
  65. >The play starts and Spike begins to play the piano
  66. >The curtains open and Fluttershy is there
  67. >Spotlight on her
  68. >”To be or *squeak* not to be…”
  69. >What
  70. >May actually be tasteful
  71. >But she doesn’t continue she walks up to a prop version of your house
  72. >” Anon my love, come outside, if that’s okay with you.”
  73. >A voice responds to her
  74. >”No Flutterhsy I don’t want to love your shy and cute self today.”
  75. >Sounds like Pinkie doing a bad impression of you
  76. >Fluttershy puts on an exaggerated sad look
  77. >”Oh why Anon I love you like a little baby bunny!”
  78. >She really likes bunnies so it’s only meaningful to her
  79. >Even Pinkie seems confused
  80. >”Uuuh I see, I understand now.”
  81. >Pinkie enters outside
  82. >She’s in an Anon costume
  83. >It looks more like an unholy abomination between Big-Bird and Barney
  84. >”Prepare for hot monkey dick!”
  85. >So much for tasteful
  87. >Fluttershy cheers
  88. >”Yay!”
  89. >She squees and embraces “Anon”
  90. >”Oh no! Fluttershy! We cannot be together unless you guess my fetish! “
  91. >Some heroic piano music starts playing
  92. >Fluttershy flies up into the air
  93. >”We need to find your fetish so we can be together forever!”
  94. >A magic flash appears around Fluttershy
  95. >She’s suddenly wearing blinders, a saddle and reins
  96. >”Anon” hops onto her back and Fluttershy canters in place
  97. >Everyone in the audience wolf whistles as if this was some kinky stuff
  98. >It looks kind of retarded and funny to you
  99. >After a few seconds Rainbow Dash covered in mud or something appears
  100. >What the hell
  101. >”It is I! The great nutella monster!”
  102. >Fluttershy gasps
  103. >”Don’t worry Anon I’ll save you!”
  104. >”Anon” hops off of Fluttershy
  105. >She then holds a riding crop inbetween her teeth and approaches Dash
  106. >She has a mock fight with the “Nutella Monster” and suddenly she begins spanking Rainbow with the riding crop
  107. >Everyone in the audience begins to murmur and the stallion on your left is licking his lips
  108. >Sure this is weird, but it’s not even sexy
  109. >”Ah…I am defeated…”
  110. >Some triumphant piano music plays
  111. >Fluttershy turns her head in a dramatic breeze that came from somewhere
  112. >”Is nutella your fetish Anon?”
  113. >”No you silly filly!”
  114. >”Let’s have s-sex anyway pl-please”
  115. >They cuddle together on the ground
  116. >Rarity levitates a large blanket over the two
  117. >They obviously aren’t having sex but the sheets start moving like crazy
  118. >Fluttershy begins to make moaning noises
  119. >Then she whinnies loudly
  120. >The crowd goes wild
  121. >you’re just disturbed that she can go from sounding like a woman to a horse so quickly
  122. >The whinnies get louder and louder
  123. >Eeeeeewww
  124. >How much longer is this play?!
  125. >Pamphlet says there are 69 more scenes
  126. >Oh god
  128. >Each scene got more disgusting than the last
  129. >”Anon” would ride Fluttershy on some new adventure and she would fight off monsters that represented fetishes
  130. >Applejack dressed up as a giant apple and Fluttershy stuck 5 apples up her cunt
  131. >Twilight stumbled through her lines and angrily played the part of some fetish mentor
  132. >Rarity was pretty into the whole bondage crime lord thing (Don’t ask)
  133. >Probably really is her fetish
  134. >Each ending in some awkward fake sex with Fluttershy whinnying and crying out your name
  135. >You can see that she’s actually dripping juices during the performance
  136. >It’s the final scene now
  137. >”Anon! We’ve defeated the evil bunny napper and his meanie friends!”
  138. >She embraces “Anon”
  139. >”But we still haven’t found you fetish!”
  140. >”Anon” speaks up
  141. >”Fluttershy my fetish is your fetish….”
  142. >Fluttershy cheers loudly as if you had actually said this
  143. >”I loved riding you around and spanking your flank.”
  144. >”Now I want to ride you to heaven.”
  145. >Oh fuck no
  146. >This time they don’t use a blanket
  147. >”Anon” has the riding crop and begins spanking her flank
  148. >Her tail lifts up
  149. >And since “Anon” is just a costume
  150. >Pinkie just awkwardly dry humps her
  151. >”Yes Anon! Ride me! *whinny*!”
  152. >You can see her marehood winking from here
  153. >Poor Pinkie…
  154. >You hear fapping
  155. >?!
  156. >All the guys in the audience are going to town on themselves
  157. >You want to vomit
  158. >Oh god!
  159. >Soon everyone is whinnying and moaning
  160. >Yeah so much for this being tasteful
  161. >Then “Anon” exits the stage
  162. >Fluttershy is blushing and panting
  163. >She presents her marehood to you and everyone on stand
  164. >She lifts her tail
  165. >And urinates
  166. >Oh god what the hell
  167. >Everyone is cheering and cat calling her
  168. >Then she winks at you
  169. >Not with her eyes unfortunately
  171. >”Anon! The purpose of this play was to show you the love we can have!”
  172. >”Take me. Take me and marry m-“
  173. >Before she can finish many stallions are rushing at her with erect horsecocks
  174. >”Eeep!”
  175. >She flies off with every stallion chasing after her
  176. >She must have done the sexiest thing for ponies
  177. >You on the other hand will never be able to get the horrific sights you’ve witnessed out of your head
  178. >The mane six are beside you now
  179. You guys really shouldn’t encourage her like this…
  180. >They all sigh
  181. >Pinkie giggles
  182. >Twilight blinks
  183. >”It wasn’t that bad just a bit provocative.”
  184. It was really disgusting and also SPIKE was here playing the piano.
  185. >You look to see Spike chasing after Fluttershy
  186. Emphasis on was….
  187. >They all laugh
  188. Also that play was god-awful even without the mentally scarring sex scenes. It had Fluttershy written all over it. Especially those fetish scenes
  189. >The mane five all look at each other
  190. >”Actually those are our fetishes.”
  191. >Fucking ponies
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