
GOP, enemy of the USA

Feb 11th, 2018
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  1. 12:58 *** RexAlef joined #politics
  2. Senator Mark Warner sexts a Russian oligarch:
  3. Topic set by ltCd-!~ltCd-@ on Thu Feb 08 2018 19:48:27 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 12:58 Ekko Greetings RexAlef, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  5. 12:58 +++ Ekko has given voice to RexAlef
  6. 12:59 *** dharmic quit ()
  7. 13:00 --- Rang3r has unbanned *!*
  8. 13:00 RexAlef How do you guys feel about the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, creating his own news site?
  9. 13:01 RexAlef To me, it seems like a great example of the ever-creeping influence of Russian propaganda/misinformation into our political culture.
  10. 13:01 RexAlef Having the topic link to seems like a way to reduce the integrity of this community.
  11. 13:01 *** chEEKie quit (Quit: AndroidIrc Disconnecting)
  12. 13:03 *** basebug quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  13. 13:03 RexAlef How do you guys feel about Devin Nunes' plan to construct a physical barrier between Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee?
  14. 13:03 RexAlef It feels like an important step to civil war, to me.
  15. 13:04 RexAlef How strong is the case, do you guys think, for the eventual execution of Devin Nunes by firing squad at the base of the Washington Monument in DC, given his repeated violations of the US Constitution and work to aid our enemy, Russia, in their warfare against our homeland?
  16. 13:04 RexAlef To me, it is building strongly.
  17. 13:04 _Forbin qanon is posting up a storm this is quite a read.....
  18. 13:05 _Forbin
  19. 13:05 urlinfo *** Q
  20. 13:05 RexAlef _Forbin: How do you feel about Steven Bannon vis-a-vis Donald Trump?
  21. 13:05 _Forbin why is NK in the games this year, why is the sister with pence, etc
  22. 13:05 RexAlef Do you feel that the usage of Breitbart to disseminate Russian propaganda is an example of an act of treason against the US by Steven Bannon and Friends?
  23. 13:05 [pack]
  24. 13:06 urlinfo *** State Dept. cuts staff in Yemen years after embassy closed: report | TheHill
  25. 13:06 _Forbin bannon strikes me as an opportunist and sabateur actually
  26. 13:06 RexAlef _Forbin: Does Donald Trump seem like an opportunist to you?
  27. 13:06 RexAlef To me, yes.
  28. 13:06 RexAlef I might define Donald Trump as the "nation's leading example of an opportunist".
  29. 13:07 *** dharmic joined #politics
  30. 13:07 +++ Ekko has given voice to dharmic
  31. 13:07 RexAlef _Forbin: How do you feel about the coming attacks on the the 2018 American elections this November by Russia?
  32. 13:08 RexAlef These attacks have been described as 'assured' by CIA director Mike Pompeo -- deep Trump supporter -- and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State -- honored friend of Russia by Vladimir Putin.
  33. 13:08 RexAlef I would consider them an 'act of war'.
  34. 13:08 dharmic idiotic questions deserve idiotic responses
  35. 13:10 RexAlef At what point do you guys think the GOP became uninterested in securing our homeland from the attacks of autocrats?
  36. 13:10 RexAlef My best guess is 2009-2013.
  37. 13:10 RexAlef At what point do you guys think the GOP became interested in destroying our nation's law enforcement and intelligence agencies?
  38. 13:10 RexAlef My best guess is 2017.
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