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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Why do you want to be an enforcer: First things first where it all began, So in 2015 I joined PERP after being a member of a different DarkRP community where I was Admin from when I was 11 and became very proud of my work around that community before I left. When I joined this community I always thought to myself that I want to impact this community as much as I did to the last one, Since then I have made myself familiar with the rules and tried to get known around the community and help out as much as I can as a user. I feel like my knowledge and reputation around has got to the point where I can apply for enforcer and help out as much as possible to the best of my abilities. Secondly, I really enjoy helping new members to the community settle in and even get started in character, also within this time I have started to enjoy the community even more and role playing and helping others out a lot in the community and I like the compliments, thankyou's and general praise for helping fellow members out. Finally, I want to be mod for the general experience, I always since I first joined the community looked up to the staff team and found them really fun characters to be around making role play the best it can be and genuinely helping so many people out really makes me happy after I see how much people appreciate it.
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