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Mar 22nd, 2017
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  2. Position:Supreme Kai
  3. Character Name: Zepher
  4. Character Age: 14
  5. Byond Key:SeanMcCloud
  7. The beginning was like all others. Oppressive darkness given way to confusing light before the two harmonized into something new. Each breath from his lungs filling the sky like fireworks, while each sling of his wrist brought forth new worlds to scatter into the plane which existence rested in. This symphony of colors bled from his palm like a river and pounded in his veins like thunder. The silence broken with the birth of life itself crying out for the first time.
  9. He allowed himself a smile and a few words of comfort to the creation, his creation. "Do not fret young ones. Though there will be trials. I will be there when they are over." A canvas once barren now laid filled to the brim with possibilities. Not even he could resist staring into it's majesty. With a humble nod of approval he let himself go, drifting among the stars and the worlds that surrounded them like moths to a flame. His fatherly eye floating among them, witnessing life in it's entirety. Briefly passing by a pale blue dot two worlds from an orange star.
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