

Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. +n10sit: "hi i ohko 70% of the meta with neutral no-drawback STAB and can also set up and support my team and i have decent bulk"
  2. raikoo: balanced!
  3. +n10sit: vgc needs keldeo
  4. raikoo: the main thing about kang is that it just has so much staying power
  5. raikoo: its incredibly hard to ohko it
  6. +n10sit: !learn keldeo, ice beam
  7. Keldeo can't learn Ice Beam
  8. @Memoric: sturdyjuice level 1 aron with sturdy is the metacall
  9. @Memoric: it needs 3 hits to die
  10. raikoo: oh god
  11. +n10sit: yeah with sand
  12. +n10sit: so u endeavor and they die to sand
  13. @Memoric: you just need Endeav
  14. @Memoric: with prio
  15. @Memoric: isn't sand kinda shit in vgc, idk
  16. @Memoric: i don't follow the meta
  17. +n10sit: its better than it is here
  18. @Memoric: cool beans
  19. raikoo: ttar exca isnt bad but its heavily reliant on rock slide flinches usually lol
  20. NameChangeOrRoomBn: so what's really 'meta' in smogon doubles?
  21. NameChangeOrRoomBn: just curious
  22. +n10sit: kang
  23. +n10sit: lando t
  24. +n10sit: thalk
  25. +n10sit: basically
  26. +n10sit: i mean its not "every team is thalk"
  27. +n10sit: there are good non thalk teams
  28. manga team: getting reqs at night is so painfully slow
  29. manga team: 0/10 not worth
  30. manga team: gn nerds o/
  31. manga team:
  32. +n10sit: gn
  33. +n10sit: tunga mem
  34. @Memoric: w0t
  35. KappaRoss123: What's thalk? Not familiar with a lot of the shorthand yet
  36. +n10sit: thundurus/heatran/amoonguss/landorus/kangaskhan
  37. KappaRoss123: of course
  38. @Memoric: a core so good it's almost your whole team
  39. @Memoric: lal
  40. KappaRoss123: Whenever I see those all I'm thinking is
  41. KappaRoss123: Wow, look at all the creativity you have
  42. KappaRoss123: >definitely not salty
  43. +ruby D: 13ulbasaur 8D
  44. +ruby D: Hawkie D:
  45. @13ulbasaur: rubee!
  46. @13ulbasaur: poor hawkie
  47. Stae: thalk consists of sub tran right/
  48. Stae: ?
  49. @Memoric: y
  50. Stae: .-.
  51. +n10sit: hi ruby
  52. +ruby D: hi n10sit
  53. Stae: whats a good 6 pokemon for thalk
  54. +n10sit: azumarill
  55. Stae: thx:>
  56. Meloettaaa: hiiiiiii
  57. %Yoda2798: hi
  58. Stae: holaaa
  59. Stae: hows it goin
  60. Meloettaaa:
  61. Welcome to Smogon Doubles!
  62. Sylveon
  63. Smogon Doubles links:
  65. - Doubles Winter Seasonal Signups!
  66. - Doubles OU Resource links
  67. - Fall Seasonal Round 10!
  68. - Room Tournament Championship
  70. heatran
  71. Official room tours Wed 5pm / Fri 9pm / Sat 10am (EST)
  74. Congratulations to our current Room Tournament Champion: Yellow Paint! | PREPARE YOUR KANGAS
  76. Must be rank autoconfirmed or higher to talk right now.
  77. Stae: SEEMS LEGIT
  78. Stae: oops caps is on
  79. Stae: thalk is toooo good
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