
Star Swirl Chronicals

Aug 19th, 2014
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  1. Generosity: Star Swirl and the Noble's Gift
  3. Far upon the glistening spires and golden tops of the towers of fair Canterlot, a old pony slowly trudges out of the double raised doors of her imperial highness, Celestia.
  4. Grumbling to himself the stallion adjusts his bell strewn hat as he ruminates upon the proceedings of the Day Court.
  5. 'It's an entire mess.'
  6. He finally concludes with a angry snort of hot breath impatient with the dilly dallying of pretentious nobles believing themselves above the law and of their own princess!
  7. The sheer gall and impudence of the noble class, it's enough to make an old sorcerer to grind his teeth!
  8. Star Swirl had advised the princess against allowing the nobles to have such reign and power over her own.
  9. No good could come of it, as corruption could and had easily settled in as they competed against one another in the 'Great Game' as the more rapscallion elements had declared it.
  10. Yet for all his pleas upon his close friend Celestia instead gave him a smile and explained that the best way to encourage her people to not place her upon a pedestle was to be on the same level as they, she was not flawless as many heralds had claimed whenever she made a visit to foreign kingdoms.
  11. Such was the thoughts of dear Star Swirl the Bearded as he continued to think upon the terrible state of the kingdom when young upstarts could and would get away with their crimes when he heard on the winds a call.
  12. "Star Swirl, Star Swirl the Bearded! Mite I have your ear!"
  13. Turning to address the voice Star Swirl saw none other than one of the nobles he had been thinking upon.
  14. With a frown the stallion slowly compossed himself before answering "Aye lad, what say you?"
  15. "If I might be so bold my good gentlecolt would you wish to partake with me in a meal? Celestia knows that I am famished."
  16. Walking closer to the rummy eyes of Star Swirl the nobles appearance resolves itself into none other than Regalia with golden coat and purple mane parted by a horn upon his brow, a young blood from Trottingham if Star Swirl recalled vaguely.
  17. Star Swirl began to polietly tell off the upstart noble for presuming a meal with him before his stomach gives an almighty rumble making the stallion suddenly blush from the noise.
  18. "I take it that you are quite famished as well, come tis be my treat to you!"
  19. With that Regalia wraps a foreleg around the stallion and frog marches the pony away from the courtyard of the well to do and out into the market district.
  20. Much haggling and shouting of wears can be heard amongst the crowd of multicolored equins as Regalia rattles on and on about topics that hardly hold Star Swirl's attention before they stop as a pony, a begger at that accosts the duo.
  21. The earth pony had seen better days no doubt as his light red coat and pink mane were no longer bright and vivid but a dull colored version of his colors with a foreleg wrapped in a hasty made bandage and sling.
  22. "Please sir's alms for the poor?"
  23. Star Swirl waits a moment feeling that his own thoughts about the bit pinching noblility would soon be vindicated only to be in a shock!
  24. "Why my good sir, here have your alm's but tell me, what was your profession before your unseemly fall from grace?"
  25. Regalia helps the stallion up from his kneeling position pushing a small sack of coin to him as the beggar stutters surprised by the action of the noble, "A carpenter sir, I had hurt my foreleg in an accident and can't pay for my family. The land lord had kicked us out after a week."
  26. "Why then my good chap take this," Regalia exclaims with passion taking a piece of parchment out and quickly writes upon it with his own magic, "A writ for work and lodging with the business I have here in Canterlot, collect your family and show this to the front door, they will take you in until you are able to work once more."
  27. The beggar can only stare at the parchment like it was crafted of pure gold, which it might as well be Star Swirl thinks to himself before he suddenly wraps Regalia in a tight hug with his good foreleg leaning his weight upon the noble dirtying his clothes blubbering "Tha-Thank you sir, I won't let you down!"
  28. Regalia smiles and pats the stallion upon his back before sending the now former beggar off to collect his family before looking to Star Swirl with the face of contentment.
  29. "Most would be happy with giving a begger a bit and leave it at that, if they even did the first. Might I ask why you did so much for that stallion?"
  30. Regalia blinks at Star Swirl in confusion a moment before realization appears on his face, "Ah my good Star Swirl, the reason why I did that was simple, why give a beggar enough to survive the next day when instead you can simply inquire upon their happen stance and give them their own means to stand on their own four hooves?"
  31. Star Swirl hummed non-committally while internally impressed with the noble for his willingness not to forsake his fellow pony, even a earth pony at that!
  32. None the less the duo soon make their way to a well worn down cafe where the many races of Equestria meet and eat.
  33. Pausing for a moment just outside the door Star Swirl watched amazed as Regalia entered without a pause in his step and greeted the owner as if he were a long lost uncle and some of the regulars by the way he acted with them.
  34. Seeing Star Swirl waiting at the door Regalia called to the stallion to come inside all where welcomed after all!
  35. Not one to fall short of a challenge Star Swirl entered the cafe where the duo had a enjoyable meal upon spotting Regalia's cutie mark, a garment of chain mail Star Swirl asked "Your cutie mark Regalia what pray tell does it mean?"
  36. Pausing in his salad the stallion looks to his brand and laughed "Ah well in that case it was when I was practicing my lancing with my fellow knights when I saw one knight beating down the others in his company with bravado and skill."
  37. Holding a fork out like a spear Regalia continues "The knight, Sir Lance, was indeed powerful with his skill of the lance able to hit a pony on every single pass without fail! Yet it had gone to the knight's head and made him surly of working with others."
  38. Stabbing a tomato with vengeance Regalia waves the fork around in his tale "So I decided to challenge him to a duel," Biting into his tomato and swallowing it down Regalia says with mirth "He beat me soundly, then he decided that maybe he should lead the company which I admit made me rage, so I called out to him for a mock skirmish with the stake of leading the unit."
  39. Star Swirl leans back watching the noble continue his tale sipping upon his tea as he listens, "In the battle Sir Lance lead his troops through threats and played an aggressive game in the skirmish, however he let his own confidence lead him astray as his men faltered under the methods he employed, I however knew better and had my men spread out to flank the scoundrel and surrounded him."
  40. "The battle of fierce and short yet by use of working together and letting my best mate Shatter Point take Sir Lance a peg by letting him have the killing blow for the battle. It was then that I felt my cutiemark appear and I learned that like every link in the chain you must relay on your friends to see you through danger."
  41. Star Swirl hums in thought rather impressed with the upstart as he tips his mug of tea towards the noble "Sounds like quite the feat Regalia, tell me what do you think of the court this day?"
  42. With a scrunched expression Regalia answered "I am rather sicken by the fact that most nobles are hardly noble to begin with, they hardly think of anyone but themselves!"
  43. Star Swirl watches Regalia seeing no subterfuge before saying "I feel much the same, if only we had a way to make them share the same generosity that you feel for your fellow pony."
  44. Regalia sighs at the praise instead of preening again this noble continues to astound the mage, "The only way to fix the issue is to lead by example, hopefully they will follow suit as they see that it is better to be loved than it is to be feared and hated."
  45. With that the duo continued to talk with one another before taking their leave of each other for the day.
  46. Star Swirl hums to himself surprised at finding a noble who acted with pure intentions, it was... refreshing to find one with such a generous spirit.
  47. Coming to a stop at his tower the stallion reaches back with his magic when he suddenly feels something extra in his pocket, pulling out the odd item he finds a curious gem an amethyst which suddenly plays a voice recording. "Hello old chap I think you had dropped this by accident and decided to slip it back into your pack with a spell as you had already left the cafe. Hope to see you later in the day court Star Swirl!"
  48. Touched the stallion dismisses the spell only to find a strange resonance from the gem.
  49. Intrigued the stallion took the gem inside where two other gems locked away in secrecy chimed in symphony...
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