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Oct 20th, 2014
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  1. Applejack ran through his mental list one last time as he bucked the last of the apples for today. Chickens fed? Yep. Fields plowed and planted? Yep. That leak in the roof fixed? Yep.
  3. He couldn't help but grin as his mind went down the list, knowing that he would have the rest of the day off.
  5. And with one last kick, he was finished with harvesting the apples.
  7. He took a deep breath and wiped his forehead with the back of his hoof. It was a rarity to be done so early, but damn did it feel good knowing he was free.
  9. Taking the bushels of apples, he walked towards the barn whistling to himself.
  11. "You seem ta be in an awfully good mood," came a voice from behind him.
  13. "After this Ah'll be completely done fer the day," he replied "that is unless you or Grampy Smith have some surprise chore."
  15. "Don't worry lil' brother," assured Big Macarena, "Ah've got nothin' else fer ya, and Grampy Smith is sleepin' like a log inside."
  17. Applejack grinned from ear to ear.
  19. "So what exactly are ya plannin' on doin' fer the rest of the day?" Asked Macarena as they headed towards the barn.
  21. "Elusive asked me to help him with a few things at his place," replied the orange Stallion.
  23. "So let me get this straight," began Macarena, "on yer off day, yer gonna go and do more work?"
  25. "Is it wrong of me to want to help mah friends?"
  27. "Not at all, but Ah don't want ya ta overwork yourself again. Ah just worry about ya AJ, that's all."
  29. "Well no need to worry," assured Applejack, "it won't be that punishing. If Ah remember right, he needed me to fix a couple of things around his house. He would do it himself, but Ah'm not sure Elusive knows which end of a hammer yer supposed to use."
  31. The two laughed as they put away their final load for the day, and after a brief farewell, Applejack was finally able to head off to town, and to Elusive's house.
  34. It was a pleasant day for a walk in Ponyville. The sky was clear except for a scant few clouds, the sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze to keep it from being too hot.
  36. After a short walk, Applejack found himself in front of Elusive's place of business: Carousel Boutique, which also doubled as his home. Oddly enough, Applejack noticed that all the curtains were drawn, and no lights could be seen from within. Strange, as how they've been planning this for a while now.
  38. He tried the door know, and to his surprise, it was unlocked. With a light push he opened the door and peered into the darkness inside. After a quick breath, Applejack stepped into the unknown.
  40. "Elusive," he said into the darkness, "You home? Yer lights were out, but the door was unlocked, so Ah thought Ah'd-"
  42. Applejack was cut off by the door slamming shut behind him, plunging him into shadows. It was eerily quiet, and he felt like he was being watched.
  44. "You're late Applejack," came a smooth voice from nowhere.
  46. "Elusive," squeaked Applejack, surprised at the sound of his own voice, "Ah'm sorry, Ah was just makin' sure that everythin' was squared away at the farm, so nopony would bother us or any-"
  48. "I don't believe I have you permission to speak," said Elusive, cutting off Applejack mid-sentence, "and not only that, but you entered my house without my permission, nor did you address me properly. I thought I trained you better than that. What do you have to say for yourself?"
  50. Applejack looked around the room, trying to find the source of Elusive's voice. His heart began to race as he tried to answer.
  52. "Ah'm sorry, Master. Ah've been lookin' forward to this fer a while now, and Ah was just excited. Ah just want to serve you, sir."
  54. A dim light flicked on, bathing a small area of the room in a warm light. Elusive was sitting in a chair with his forelegs crossed, his face unreadable.
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