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  335. <h3>RuneFest 2011</h3>
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  341. <span>Buy and redeem a 90 Day RS game card from GameStop from the 20th June to 10th July and receive an exclusive in game Katana – offer valid in US stores.</span>
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  351. <span>A completely new type of update, introducing three repeatable stories and some new characters!</span>
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  373. <span class="newsTitle">Introducing: the Members’ Loyalty Programme!</span>
  374. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 23-Jun-2011</span>
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  376. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  377. <p>Being a RuneScape member means more activities, more quests and more skills. From June the 28th it will also mean access to a fleet of unlockable and exclusive rewards with the introduction of the Members’ Loyalty Programme. (read more)</p>
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  379. Jun<br>23
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  387. <span class="newsTitle">The Golden Gnome Video Awards – a helping hand</span>
  388. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 23-Jun-2011</span>
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  390. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  391. <p>Making a great video has never been easier thanks to Excl’s Video Top Tips Guide. In part one: budget software that rocks, cunning editing techniques ... and electrocution. Ouch.</p>
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  393. Jun<br>23
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  401. <span class="newsTitle">Jagex Emails – How To Know It’s Safe! </span>
  402. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 22-Jun-2011</span>
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  404. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  405. <p>If you have an email address registered with us, Jagex will occasionally send you emails. Here is some advice on how to avoid being caught out by malicious users imitating us via email. </p>
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  407. Jun<br>22
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  415. <span class="newsTitle">Members’ Activity Weekend!</span>
  416. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 22-Jun-2011</span>
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  419. <p>Don your best duelling gear, polish your games necklace and dust-off your favourite bailing bucket! It’s time for an action packed activities weekend!</p>
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  421. Jun<br>22
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  429. <span class="newsTitle">Help us get to 500,000 fans and dare a Jmod!</span>
  430. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 15-Jun-2011</span>
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  432. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  433. <p>Our Facebook fan base keeps growing and growing. Now we are just under 5,000 page likes away from half a million – a fantastic achievement to celebrate! </p>
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  435. Jun<br>15
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  443. <span class="newsTitle">‘RuneFest Awesome Costume Competition’ - Dress to skill!</span>
  444. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 15-Jun-2011</span>
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  446. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  447. <p>Deciding what to wear can be tough at the best of times and now thanks to our first RuneFest competition, that’s not about to get any easier...</p>
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  449. Jun<br>15
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  461. <span class="newsTitle">Development of the Mahjarrat</span>
  462. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 24-Jun-2011</span>
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  465. <p>Paul talks about the origins of the Mahjarrat.</p>
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  467. Jun<br>24
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  475. <span class="newsTitle">Clan Submissions Page</span>
  476. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 26-May-2011</span>
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  478. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  479. <p>It's May here in 2011 - the self-proclaimed &quot;Year of Clans&quot; - and we have another edition of the Clan Submissions Page, discussing the recent update &quot;The Clan Camp&quot;.</p>
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  481. May<br>26
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  488. <img class="newsIcon" src="" alt="">
  489. <span class="newsTitle">An Update on Clans</span>
  490. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 15-Apr-2011</span>
  491. </h3>
  492. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  493. <p>Mod Chihiro discusses some of the more common issues and requests that have been raised on the subject of clans, and what we intend to do about them.</p>
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  495. Apr<br>15
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  503. <span class="newsTitle">Wars and Scores</span>
  504. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 07-Apr-2011</span>
  505. </h3>
  506. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  507. <p>Mod Jack explains how the scoring for Rated Clan Wars is going to work, plus a little about the clan hiscore table.</p>
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  509. Apr<br>7
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  517. <span class="newsTitle">Clan Submissions Page</span>
  518. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 21-Mar-2011</span>
  519. </h3>
  520. <img class="newsImage" src="" alt="">
  521. <p>It's back! The Clan Submissions Page returns a little revamped and excited about the Clan Celebration Month.</p>
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  523. Mar<br>21
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  531. <span class="newsTitle">Evolution of Clans</span>
  532. <span class="newsPosted">Posted 18-Mar-2011</span>
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  535. <p>How has RuneScape's clan community evolved over the ten years the game has been running? The following blog has been provided by the players who run, a well known and respected RuneScape fan site.</p>
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