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Mar 14th, 2015
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  1. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 (Combinekyle): [ADMIN] ! admin to me
  2. [PM from CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892] to me pls, got a minge witholding a script that was taken icly
  3. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 (Combinekyle): [ADMIN] ! admin pls
  4. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: // admin to me pls
  5. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.37831: // /a is your friend
  6. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.01.55866: // try /aing that
  7. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: // I tried, no avail, he got on his units, i know where his priority is,
  8. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: // Stop being a cunt. I'm having difficulties loading in.
  9. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: // srry m8 just thought chu were ignorin meh
  10. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: // Then don't make assumptions.
  11. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] What's the issue.
  12. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] he had his crowbar taken ICly
  13. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] he refuses to drop it
  14. Apollo Simmons: [LOCAL-OOC] this here jail needs some decoration
  15. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] and is failrping with me
  16. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Chop, if it was taken from you IC, you need to drop it
  17. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] No, I have a serious problem with this guy.
  18. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] he keeps moving when I pat him down too
  19. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] There is no problem. He hit someone with it in a shop, citizens told me, he ran to catwalks, was put on BOL
  20. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] then he came to plaza
  21. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] He's been barking orders at me in LOOC disrespectfully, hasn't done any /mes or said anything in the time I've been here, while I've made attempts to roleplay with him.
  22. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] tried to apparehend, mingeran
  23. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] knocked out, dragged here, crowbar taken icly
  24. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] I dont need to do /mes
  25. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] this is about your script
  26. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Of course you don't.
  27. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] If you were running without roleplay, then it's generally assumed you're not roleplaying. Now that you're both stationary, just roleplay.
  28. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] wait I took his crowbar
  29. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] That's what I've been trying to do.
  30. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] when I knocked him out
  31. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] and he hasnt dropped it
  32. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Fine, Chop. In a position where you're knocked out, you can't really resist, can you?
  33. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Just drop the crowbar and get back to roleplaying. Simple.
  34. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] there is no roleplay, after crowbar is removed, hes back on the streets
  35. ** Chop Holloway sweeps back to his spot on the wall, tucking his skinny shoulders blades up against the plaster. He folds his arms, tapping out a little waterfall of ash onto the tiles. "Not a big talker, are you?"
  36. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] wow wtf is this
  37. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] desperate attempt to keep his script
  38. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] I will roleplay when his crowbar is gone, it is gone icly, and i wont let him go with it in his inventroy\
  39. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Christ, stop being so insufferable. I'm removing his crowbar now, get back to roleplaying with him.
  40. (I remove his crowbar here)
  41. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Is that what roleplay means to you -- just attempts to keep ahold of script items?
  42. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] You are attempting to hold your script. Not me.
  43. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Stop.
  44. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] I have other things to deal with.
  45. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Patting me down without /mes.
  46. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Fuck's sake.
  47. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Combine.
  48. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] You need to fucking roleplay.
  49. [PM from Chop Holloway] Can you please tell him not to keep fucking doing that.
  50. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] BRO THIS IS OOC basicaly
  51. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] wtf
  52. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Look.
  53. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] If you're going to pat him down, roleplay it.
  54. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] shaking my fucking head.
  55. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] It's not that difficult of a concept. He's here to roleplaying and trying to roleplay.
  56. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: Get on the wall boy.
  57. CCA.C17-RcT.75755: 04.
  58. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: I need assistance to 101.
  59. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: 10-4, what's your 10-20 068?
  60. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: Room 101..
  61. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] STOP
  63. Chop Holloway: What do you want from me?
  64. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: I need assistnace asap, man is resisting pat down.
  65. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: He is wasting my time.
  66. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: Why is he not tied up?
  67. [RADIO] CCA.C17-UNION.02.56252: Knock him out and do it.
  68. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.01.55866: 10-3.
  69. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: /r I had to untie him to get him to drop his crowbar, which he didnt do
  70. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: // an admin told me i have to roleplay with his minge ass
  71. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] How have I been minging? I've been roleplaying with you consistently.
  72. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] Bro.
  73. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: // Fakk mane I com
  74. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] You mingeran\
  75. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You just haven't acknowledged any of my actions.
  76. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] Drop the crowbar or get banned.
  77. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] You voided RP the second you did that.
  78. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: I am coming.
  79. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] The admin took it, I THINK
  80. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] No, I'm keeping it, 24237.
  81. [RADIO] CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: 688 mind joinning me?
  82. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] my fucking god
  83. [RADIO] CCA.C17-DUTY.04.37831: Citizen on the catwalks.
  84. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Get outta here.
  85. [RADIO] CCA.C17-UNION.02.56252: I got it.
  86. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You are being dicks.
  87. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: Take him down.
  88. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237 (Eqhuinox): [ADMIN] ! Can we get an admin to room 101
  89. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You just refuse to RP.
  90. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: Alright boy'o.
  91. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 would attempt to grab his feet and pull him down. (Resist?)
  92. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You need to RP getting up onto the table.
  93. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: Knock him out 068 if hes not complying.
  94. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Stop
  95. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Shh
  96. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] look at this
  97. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] fucking wasting our time
  98. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] Stop being a fucking dickhead.
  99. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] And roleplay.
  100. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] IC is IC.
  101. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] I have been roleplaying this entire time.
  102. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] If you can't handle losing script items, find another server.
  103. ** CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101 quickly moves her hand to the man's ankle and pulls it back attempting to drop him off the table.
  104. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] 23905.
  105. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You don't have the slightest inkling of what's going on.
  106. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] hesus 239
  107. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 lifts his leg.
  108. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 places leg on table.
  109. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 lifts himself with his muscles.
  110. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] If you are telling _me_ to roleplay.
  111. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 grabs the mans feet.
  112. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] This guy is under the impression that this is all OOC.
  113. (CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101) ** The man would fall of the table and most likely hurting himself as she falls down. **
  114. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 tries to pull him down. (Resist?)
  115. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Holy shit
  116. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] SHE
  117. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] this fucking guy
  118. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] HE*
  119. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: Grab his hands!
  120. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Shh
  121. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Okay, rule #32. Don't flood the chat with /mes.
  122. ** CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892 attempts to wrangle his hands and put them behind his back.
  123. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] You need to give me time to respond.
  124. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: By the name of Breen..
  125. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Go back to the first /me and start from there, let's do this in turns.
  126. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] As it is _meant_ to be done.
  127. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] there are 4 civil protection units you fuck
  128. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] does anyone else see a problem with this guy?
  129. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Who did the first /me?
  130. ** CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101 sloly shakes her head as she claims onto the table and quickly attempts to push the man off if he doesn't resist.
  131. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] he is fucking causing problems
  132. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] mingerunning
  133. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Okay, fuck it.
  134. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] I'll /me first.
  135. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] mingebeating people
  136. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Please
  137. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] Then we'll start from there.
  138. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] mingekeeping scripts i took icly in plaza
  139. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Alright guy
  140. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] We can stand here all day
  141. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] And waste our time
  142. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Or you can be a good boy
  143. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] let's see his response.
  144. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] And accept that you can't have everything in life
  145. Eric Wolfram (The Watchman (Feuer)): [ADMIN] ! What is Chop Holloway's steam?
  146. [PM to Eric Wolfram] A cross, i believe. Why.
  147. Eric Wolfram (The Watchman (Feuer)): [ADMIN] ! Ask the unit dealing with him in room 101 about what he has done.
  148. [PM to Eric Wolfram] What, are they complaining to you now? I've been watching, and all he's been trying to do is get roleplay done.
  149. ** Chop Holloway unbuttons his coat, hands diving into his jackets and withdrawing two matte-black .50 Desert Eagles. He lifts up onto the ball of his foot, spinning around and pumping a round -- each one having the words "COP KILLER" etched onto them -- into the thick skulls of each of the little piggies assembled around him. He lands on the ground afterwards, smoke pouring out of his death barrels. He blows it away from each one, before striding out the door, quipping. "You just got served."
  150. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] There, now you respond.
  151. [PM to Eric Wolfram] 06892 has been complaining in LOOC since I've gotten on, although now he's being problematic.
  152. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] 239
  153. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] You see this?
  154. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Please..
  155. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] THIS IS NOT RP
  156. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Let me do it
  157. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] fuck am i going to do? i'm not an admin.
  158. Chop Holloway: [LOCAL-OOC] It's your turn to do a /me.
  159. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] call zippo raid.
  161. FlatPancake banned Chop Holloway for 30 minutes (I was with you until the /me. Take a break.).
  162. Eric Wolfram (The Watchman (Feuer)): [ADMIN] ! Well, he pulled out a deasert eagle in the work event when he did not have one ICly, he aparently minged with a crowbar in the plaza and he is in general a disruption of a person who seems to be attempting to troll in a way that don't get him in- Oh hey.
  163. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Oh well
  164. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] Let it be known that I was with him until the /me.
  166. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] reasonable?
  167. Eric Wolfram (The Watchman (Feuer)): [ADMIN] ! On top of autohitting Natalie with said Deagle.
  168. (Dr. Jackson Peters) [BROADCAST] the man returns to looking up and to the camera, "Thank you for your question, concerned Citizen."
  169. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Please no
  170. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] god dammit
  171. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] frankly, i'm just annoyed that he started acting all snobbish
  172. CCA.C17-JURY.04.00101: [LOCAL-OOC] Calm down
  173. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] wasted my god damn time
  174. CCA.C17-GHOST.AdJ.23905: [LOCAL-OOC] that shit pisses me off.
  175. CCA.C17-JURY.AdJ.63110: [LOCAL-OOC] As he stated, you guys need to learn to take turns when roleplaying and stop trying to force everything on him.
  176. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] he was minge
  177. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] i didnt know we rpd with minges
  178. CCA.C17-DUTY.04.06892: [LOCAL-OOC] no matter how long it takes an admin to determine if minge
  179. CCA.C17-UNION.04.24237: [LOCAL-OOC] Theres 4 cp's how was he even gonna try to do anything?
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