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Fluttershy Alpha Mare [RGRE] part 1

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May 14th, 2016
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  1. Fluttershy Alpha Mare [RGRE] part 1
  3. >You can hear the birds singing all around you.
  4. >The wind gently rustle the leaves on trees and bushes.
  5. >Their unique song effortlessly mix with those of your little winged friends.
  6. >You delicately fill your lungs with a fresh spring air and sigh contently.
  7. >It's perfect.
  8. >You are Fluttershy and you're a very happy pegasus mare right now.
  9. >Why?
  10. >Because you, Anon and the rest of your herd came to relax to the park today.
  11. >Just like you always wanted, but were too timid to ask.
  12. >Luckily, knowing you like nopony else, Anon did it for you and here you are.
  13. >At the moment the two of you were sitting at the park bench, just basking in the warm sun rays and listening to the little critters living in the tree branches.
  14. >The rest of your herd went to get all of you some ice-cream from the booth on the other side of the park.
  15. >Like always they made a competition out of it and loudly took off, scaring you and all the animals around.
  16. >You love those two with all your heart, but sometimes they're just so n-noisy and restless a-and-
  17. "Eeep!"
  18. >Uttering a very unmearly sound, you felt a large arm wrapping itself tightly around you.
  19. >O-Of course, y-you knew it was Anon h-hugging you!
  20. >He just um, suprised you.
  21. >The stallion in question looked at you with a small smile on his h-handsome futures.
  22. >"Sorry Shy, I didn't want to startle you."
  23. >To this day you couldn't believe that you're in a herd with such a considerate and understanding stallion... or in a herd at all.
  24. "I-I wasn't... scared. I just wasn't um, prepared. Th-That's all."
  25. >Anon delicately ran his hand through your mane.
  26. >When you felt his fingers stroking your head and neck, your eyes almost rolled upwards from the unexpected pleasure.
  27. >"Hmm, why yes. I'm sorry. It's obvious that you're the, how you ponies say it, 'mareliest mare' around. After all, you're the alpha mare of our little herd, aren't you."
  28. >Your ears dropped and you scrunched your muzzle a little.
  29. "O-Only becouse you say I am, Anon. You know as well as me, that I'm not fit for that role at all. U-Um, please select one of our other herdmares as an alpha... i-if you want to."
  30. >Anon put one of his hands on your flatten ear and gently straightened it with his strong fingers.
  31. >Then he started delicately scratching it with gusto.
  32. "Oh my. U-Ummm..."
  33. >Your stallion chuckled and put his other hand on your chest tuft and started caressing it lazily.
  34. >"But you're perfect to be the alpha, my little song-bird."
  35. >It may be unmearly, but you always loved when he called you that.
  36. >Hence the growing blush on your cheeks [spoiler]a-and the growing heat in your nether region.[/spoiler]
  37. >"Unlike those two, you don't act without thinking. You don't live in the moment and actualy plan for the future. You're calm and collected when you need to be and have enough patience to see things through. That's what I like in my alpha mare, Shy."
  38. >Anon started carefully twisting and squeezing your ear just how you liked it.
  39. >You bit your lower lip and felt that your wings began to unfold themselves.
  40. "O-ohh *huff* w-we're in a p-public place, A-Anon."
  41. >He seemed not to hear you.
  42. >"Heck, you're the one who found me in the Everfree almost a year ago! You gave me home, feed me, taught me about your pony culture and all that shebang! If someone deserves to be an alpha mare in my herd, it's you! You just need to be more confident, Shy. That's all."
  43. >Suddenly, he hugged you tightly, pressing most your body to his.
  44. >"Will you at least try to be my alpha mare, my delicate song-bird?"
  45. >S-So that's what you were doing, mister!
  46. >He was showing you a good time, to make your eventual refusal harder and to associate the feeling of pleasure with the words "alpha mare" in your mind.
  47. >You learned a long time ago that Anon is a very clever and cunning stallion.
  48. >N-Not that the other stallions were s-silly and foalish, o-or something.
  49. >Gathering all of your will power you stirred in his arms and looked at him.
  50. "Anon, I..."
  51. >He was making his "begging puppy face" a-and even started squealing quietly like one.
  52. >By Celestia, there was no mare in Equestria who could resist that!
  53. "...I-I'll try."
  54. >He grinned broadly and squeezed you even tighter to his warm body.
  55. "Eeep!"
  56. >"That's the spirit, Fluttershy!"
  57. >You huffed quietly, but then quickly nuzzled his cheek and put your head in the crook of his neck.
  58. >Sensing his wonderful stalliony smell and the touch of his hands on your fur, you quickly began humming happily to yourself and closed your eyes.
  59. >His cheerful voice reached your ears once again.
  60. >"He he, I see "somepony" is pretty comfy up in here! Enjoying the privileges of being an alpha mare, aren't you?"
  61. >You giggled quietly, without opening your eyes.
  62. "Don't be silly, Anon. I know you'd do the same for Rainbow and Spitfire. Actually, I've seen you do it and m-many more a lot of times with them."
  63. >Anon started stroking your back with his hands.
  64. >"Hmm, then we must quickly think of something special for my alpha mare."
  65. >He delicately traced one of his fingers through the feathers in your folded wing and you felt a pleasing shiver ran down your spine.
  66. >"Maybe an exclusive wing massage when we'll be back home will do the trick?"
  67. >Before your wings had the chance to completely unfold from the visions that found their way to your head, you heard the loud, marely voice behind you.
  68. >"Oh, now this stallion knows how to show his mare a good time!"
  69. >When you turned around, you saw Flitter of all ponies, looking at you and especially Anon with half lidded eyes.
  70. >You started to feel extremely embarrassed for some reason and you hid your muzzle in your mane.
  71. >Flitter seemed to not notice you beside Anon.
  72. >"So, how's it going to be, hotstuff? Are you going to ditch that little chicken and let a real mare show you a true meaning of fun in the park?"
  73. >O-Oh she saw you then.
  74. >Anon looked at you, smiled and winked.
  75. >Then, he turned to the rude pegasus mare in front of him, who was busy adjusting her pink bow in her mane.
  76. >"You better watch out, little mare. You're talking to my alpha."
  77. >To her credit, Flitter almost didn't laughed.
  78. >Almoust.
  79. >"Bwwahahaha! She, SHE is your alpha mare?! The moust unmarely mare in town?!"
  80. >She came closer to the both of you and to your greatest horror put a tip of her extended wing on Anon's knee.
  81. >"Please be serious, colt. Is she's your alpha, then who's in the herd with you? The flower sisters? After all, they faint on the spot when somepony scare them a little."
  82. >Anon shook his head slowly at her.
  83. >"Nope and she's really my alpha. You better show some respect while you still have the chance."
  84. >Still hidden in your mane and frightened out of your fur, you didn't say anything and just nodded your head.
  85. >Flitter smiled smugly and grabbed Anon's free hand with her wings.
  86. >"Well then! Miss "alpha", can I borrow your stallion for a while?"
  87. >You felt Anon squeezing your hoof with his second hand reassuringly.
  88. >It gave you enough courage to answer her.
  89. "N-No, y-you can't. *eep*"
  90. >She unceremoniously pulled Anon's hand with her wings and held it close to her muzzle.
  91. >"Oh, don't be like that. Learn to share, sister! Me and my herd don't have a stallion. I promise, we'll give him back tomorrow."
  92. >Flitter lowered her muzzle, almost touching his skin with her lips.
  93. >"He'll be just a little more... happy."
  94. >Without any warning, she kissed his fingers, looking you stright in the eyes.
  95. >Your pupils shrank and your heart stopped.
  96. >There was this long forgotten feeling growing inside you.
  97. >The one you didn't feel since your outburst at the grand galloping gala long time ago.
  98. >The one when you took Iron Will's teachings too literally.
  99. >The one when a dragon almost hurt Rainbow and you used your Stare to teach him a lesson.
  100. >Flitter smiled even wider and you saw a faint trickle of saliva between her lips and Anon's hands.
  101. >At that moment, you stopped suppressing that feeling inside you.
  102. >Before she could even blink, you grabbed her head in your hooves and pressed it hard against your own.
  104. >Without waiting for her reply, you shoved her away from Anon and jumped on his knees.
  105. >You unfurled your wings to their full extent, to show her that you'll going to protect your stallion like a true pegasus alpha mare.
  106. >Flitter narrowed her eyes and also opened her wings before you.
  107. >Then she loudly uttered a chirping sound, challenging you in a pegasus way.
  108. >You answered her with one of your own and beating with your wings, you puffed your chest tuft up front.
  109. >She may be a better flyer, but you were physically bigger than her.
  110. >Flitter's tail began to swish furiously behind her and she flatten her ears.
  111. >"So this is how you want to play, huh?! Little Fluttershy finally found her courage!"
  112. >Suddenly she squawked loudly and the bushes behind her started rustling.
  113. >From between those came out two more pegasus mares.
  114. >Cloudchaser and Cloud Kicker,who immediately unfurled their wings and narrowed their eyes at you.
  115. >"Let's see how you'll like it when my whole herd's here with me, eh "alpha"?!"
  116. >O-Oh my...
  117. >N-No, Fluttershy!
  118. >You must be s-strong to protect your stallion!
  119. >Clenching your teeth you looked at all o them, still standing on Anon's legs.
  120. "I-I promised myself, t-to not use my Stare against fellow ponies! D-Don't make me change my mind!"
  121. >Your warning seemd to not impress them at all.
  122. >They slowly started to walk in your direction and you decided to hold your breath preparing for the worst.
  123. >Suddenly, you felt Anon's hand on your withers.
  124. >"Easy there, Shy. There's no need to use your Stare. Yet."
  125. >In the corner of your eye, you saw that he produced his special necklace from under his shirt.
  126. >At the end of a green string hanged three big primary feathers and a little silver whistle.
  127. >The feathers were gifts from you and your herdmares to Anon.
  128. >You smiled despite the dire situation you were both in.
  129. >It seemed that Anon was always keeping your special gifts as close to his heart as possible, along with the little silver whistle.
  130. >Spitfire gave it to him when she joined your herd.
  131. >To her unconcealed amusement, he called it "the rape whistle", because he should only use it when he's in danger, or needs immediate help from his herd.
  132. >It was magically enchanted.
  133. >Only you and your herdmares can hear it, even if you're many miles away from Anon.
  134. >Anon put it in his mouth and almoust immiedlietly you heard it's distinct magical melody in your ears.
  135. >Two loud BOOM sounds filled the air around the park.
  136. >The three mares before you stopped in her tracks and one of them looked at the sky.
  137. >"Wh-What was that?!"
  138. >Anon was the one, who answered them with a smile.
  139. >"Oh, you'll know soon enough. Just wait for a 3...2...1..."
  140. >With an earsplitting bang, a cyan and golden blurs landed between you and the hostile herd.
  141. >The ground under the hooves of your herdmares cracked and the air blast threw the three pegasus mares backwards.
  142. >You were saved by Anon, who knew what would happen and quickly hugged you after using his whistle.
  143. >Rainbow, who was pawing the ground aggressively was the first one to speak.
  144. >"Alright Shy, which one of them tried to put her filthy hooves on our stallion?!"
  145. >Spitfire was just looking at the three mares with her narrowed eyes.
  146. >They were pretty scared at the moment and began to back away slowly.
  147. "A-Actually, Filtter used her wings a-and even managed to pull Anon's hand with those. S-Sorry, I let it happen."
  148. >Spitfire's nostrils flared dangerously and she popped her neck loudly like a fly-school bully.
  149. >"Really now?!"
  150. >She quickly stood on her hind legs and did a few motions with her wings and hooves.
  151. >As a wonderbolt captain she was a master of pegasus martial arts and anypony could see that.
  152. >"Once I fought my way through the cave full of feral Diamond Dogs, only using my hooves and wings. I wonder how long it'll take me to beat the three of you to a bloody pulp? Care to check it out?!"
  153. >Rainbow stomped the ground loudly.
  154. >"Hey, don't forget about me, sister! I want a piece of them too!"
  155. >Still backing away, Flitter gulped loudly.
  156. >"I-I think i-it's time for us to go. N-No hard feelings, right girls? I-I mean, it was only a harmless fun a-and... RUN!"
  157. >The three of them took off rapidly in the air and started flying away.
  158. >Spitfire relaxed her combat stance and returned all of her hooves on the ground.
  159. >Rainbow just huffed audibly.
  160. >"Bucking cowards. If I only wanted, I could easily catch them and beat the hay out of all of them."
  161. >She and Spitfire quickly found themselves on the park bench beside you and Anon.
  162. >As fast as he could, he turned it into a big group hug.
  163. >Your two herdmares began affectionately rubbing against Anon, marking him with their smell as a sign for other herds and mares out there that he was taken.
  164. >Of course, he thought that they were trying to comfort him after the stressful situation and started patting them on their heads.
  165. >"Relax girls, everything's alright. Luckily Fluttershy, our alpha mare was here to protect me."
  166. >Rainbow playfully punched you with her hoof.
  167. >"Nice work, Shy. I knew you had it in you!"
  168. >Spitfire wrapped her wing around you and smiled.
  169. >"Indeed, good job, Fluttershy. We must protect our big guy from those other pesky mares."
  170. >Anon delicately ruffled your mane and winked at you with a smile.
  171. >"Yeah, I thought I was a goner when that Flitter mare kissed me."
  172. >Rainbow and Spitfire stopped moving.
  173. >And breathing.
  174. >Your cyan herdmare slowly turned her head to look at you.
  175. >"She.Did.What?"
  176. >Uttering a quiet *eep*, you hid your head in your mane a little.
  177. "Sh-She kissed Anon's h-hand."
  178. >Spitfire's eyes widened and her pupils turned into pinpricks.
  179. >"That does it... she's dead... DEAD!"
  180. >At an untold sign she and Rainbow tried to go after Flitter and her herd, but Anon was pressing them tightly against himself.
  181. >"You see, Shy! Two hotheads! That's one of the reasons why I'm making you my alpha mare for life!"
  182. >Then he turned to the two mares, who were wriggling in his arms.
  183. >"Calm down, dammit! It was just a little peck on the hand! Nothing much happened! Fluttershy made her pay for it enough already!"
  184. >They stopped trying to free themselves.
  185. >Rainbow looked at you with wide eyes.
  186. >"R-Realy? You showed her who's boss, Shy?"
  187. >You felt the heat spreading through your whole muzzle.
  188. "Y-Yes. I-I grabbed her head and p-pushed her off of Anon. Th-Then, I showed her my w-wingspan a-and stood to challenge her..."
  189. >Before any of your herdmares could say anything, Anon grabbed you and lifted you in the air.
  190. >"See?! A true alpha material! I'm proud of you, my little song-bird!"
  191. >Your cheeks just couldn't be redder.
  192. >Without missing a beat, Anon pulled you to himself and kissed you deeply.
  193. >When you felt the texture of his hot tongue on yours, your wings stood at attention on your back, like a pair of royal guards.
  194. >After your kiss ended, you heard Spitfire humming loudly.
  195. >"Hmmm, so those are the privileges of an alpha mare? My, my, now I'm tempted to challenge you for that position, Fluttershy."
  196. >Rainbow answered her from the other side of the bench.
  197. >"Ha! Stand in line, sister!"
  198. >Before you could say anything they both started to laugh and Anon hugged all of you tightly once more.
  199. >"Nope, I don't agree on any challenges. Shy is your alpha, you lovable hotheads, period!"
  200. >You felt the wings of both of them wrapping around you and you wrapped yours around them.
  201. >Rainbow looked at you with a smug smile from under Anon's arm.
  202. >"Alright, so if Fluttershy's our alpha, I have a request. I want to bring a new mare to our herd, but as you all know, I need alpha's permission to do this. Also, Shy shoud test that mare, if she's worthy enough to join our herd. Her name's Daring Do, I'm sure you remember her, she's..."
  203. >You stopped listening after that and just gulped loudly in your group hug.
  204. >Looks like your life as an alpha mare won't be an easy one.
  205. "Eeep."
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