
Sam and Max in: Showbiz Showdown!

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. Sam was trying to jot down notes on the umpteen napkins he'd collected from the various restaurants, Max was busy retching into the resevior for his water gun and everywhere else after topping it off. The pair had collected a series of trophies, from the chestpiece of a tiger animatronic to a plastic narwhal horn, to a dinosaur's hat and a robotic dung beetle leg.
  3. "I had no idea you could move that fast after eating an entire crate of lobster dogs, Max."
  5. "*retch* It's like being full of something screaming to escape ya, and it doesn't care which way it goes, Sam. Puts the little extra pep in your step! Ohgo-BLEUGH"
  7. "I've been there, the one time I took ipecac and mixed it with hot chocolate. Lesse, next stop, Freddy Fazbear's. Think you've got room for pizza?"
  9. "Gi... Gimme about twenty minutes, I'll have room to eat a whole horse! BLECH"
  11. The two caught their breath, they've already cut a bloody swath through the various animatronics, their anti-robot supplies getting dangerously low, the DeSoto much lighter than when they first arrived. This would be at least the eleventh place that they basically ate, broke things, and ran without paying the tab, freelance police or not, they needed to move fast before the local authorities decided they'd had enough of them saving the world from the threat of uncanny valley and murderous robot.
  13. Entering the pizzeria, there was the big purple rabbit, the brown bear, and the yellow chicken all on stage, giving their deathly stares to Sam as they performed, Max however was stopped in his tracks by the 7' tall rabbot.
  15. "Table for two, please. Max, pull yourself together, we're here on business."
  17. "But look at that gorgeous piece of felt, plastic, and metal, Sam!"
  19. "I think it's trying to bore through my skull with that stare."
  21. "I must have them!"
  23. Max stormed the stage and paused a moment as he skimmed the rules posted on the wall and hugged the leg of the rabbot, seeing the rules only stated don't touch the bear, Freddy. Sam was going to stop Max, but decided to let things run their course as he noticed for a moment someone behind the flapping kitchen door that looked familiar. That helmet, those overalls, the distinct smell of rocket fuel. The Podunk Rocket gang was most definitely holed up here.
  25. Sam drew his revoler and carefully made his way to the kitchen, adjusting the reflective visor on the brim of his hat. Max was doing unspeakable things to the robotic rabbit, Bonnie, meanwhile, and several of the child guests were crying or asking their parents what was going on, the acts not something that'd be easy to explain, let alone repeat in therapy. Sam stormed the kitchen, the Podunks wearing partial uniforms over their normal uniforms, aprons over coveralls or purple security shirts on top of their lack of shirts, they realized the jig was up as the leader pulled out a remote control with a dial on it.
  27. "It's that cop dog, the one with the rabbit terror thing! Let's put an end to him and his little buddy!" the leader cried out before turning the dial to 21, maxxing out the murder functionality before Sam shot the remote out of the leader's hand, accidentally breaking it.
  29. "Reach for the sky, Podunks!"
  31. "You just sealed this entire town's fate you dolt! Without that remote, they're all set to the maximum kill setting and they don't know where to go to fulfill it! Now the animatronics are everyone's problems as well as yours, and not just the ones here, ALL OF THEM!" The Podunks cowered a bit with their hands raised in surrender. "None of us are leaving here alive, you idiot!"
  33. "-eeeEEEEEEEEEE!" Max came flying in through the kitchen doors, covered in love bites, hate scratches, and murder lesions of the skin, a few chunks of fur missing from him. "Oh hey, you found the Podunks, and I found true love!"
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