
#OpLeo Stop the Slaughter at the Zoo

Mar 27th, 2014
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  1. #OpLEO #CopenhagenSlaughterhouse
  3. We are now at a point where it is obvious that the Copenhagen "Zoo" or "zoological garden" as they want to be known as, is engaging in a practice of slaughtering healthy animals who have done no wrong, usually, because they are receiving new animals from other zoos.
  5. They slaughtered #Marius, a beautiful healthy Giraffe, even though, other zoos and people had stepped up and agreed to take Marius, give him a good forever home. Not only did they senselessly end his life, but they dissected him outside, and let children see them butchering Marius, and then fed him to the lions.
  7. Now, they have slaughtered an entire family of Lions, two cubs, Mother and Father, because they said they were getting another lion.
  9. If their space is SO limited they cannot accommodate new animals without slaughtering healthy, well behaved ones, they do not need to have ANY more animals made available to them by other zoos or by any other donors.
  11. The WORLD has registered its disgust, its opposition to this zoo, but "Scientific Director", Bengt Holst, continues to thumb his nose at concerned animal advocates around the world, in essence giving the world the middle finger.
  13. With the senseless slaughter of a whole FAMILY of Lions, we have reached a point where we must not let this madness, this cruel depraved practice of this "Zoo" continue unabated.
  15. We do not advocate anything illegal...but rather, we seek to use all legal means to oppose these actions, to form a coalition of concerned citizens of the world against this waste of lives.
  17. We advocate putting pressure against the funding source of the Copenhagen Zoo, putting pressure on an organization they are a member of, namely E.A.Z.A. ( ) European Association of Zoos and Aquaria...and to continue, with increasing effort, to mount a unified worldwide opposition to this zoo, and to any zoo who conducts the same bloody campaign of killing animals when alternative resolutions are available.
  19. The Zoo are the stew, we are the fire...we will heat things up til there is a roiling boil.
  21. This is not just an Op limited to Anons...but we invite all those who love animals, to be a part of this, and to help us make the
  22. situation as uncomfortable for the people at the Zoo as possible.
  24. We nane this Op in honor of the four Lions who were sacrificed for nothing. Thus, #OpLEO .
  26. This is a continuing Op until our goals are accomplished. We are in this not for a skirmish, but to win the war against those who slaughter animals for nothing.
  28. We are Anonymous.
  29. We are Legion.
  30. We do not forgive.
  31. We do not forget.
  32. Expect Us !
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