
Milliversary for the win

Mar 27th, 2014
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  1. A little over an hour after initially coming into the Bar, Tavi makes it back downstairs feeling clean, refreshed, and oddly relaxed considering he’d been in Ellen’s world dodging lasers. Looking around, he finds Araris already back from his own bath and sitting in a booth, a distinctly no-nonsense look on his face. “That went well,” Tavi begins brightly.
  3. “We’re talking,” Araris says firmly as the younger man sits down. Considering how cheerful that little trip had made him, it was best to get this conversation done before he could wander off on more misadventures. “Now.” It’s enough to remind Tavi of how this had begun, and he raises an eyebrow. The conversation continues more quietly, enough to be hard to hear outside the booth—
  5. Until, that is, Tavi’s voice rises sharply (<i>“Do you <b>know</b> how many nights I couldn’t sleep… furyless freak? …How <b>alone</b> I was?”)</i>. A moment later he stands abruptly, visibly crying with anger, and whirls around with a snarl when Araris tries to call him back. He stalks swiftly to the back door without a work, yanking it open hard and slamming it behind him.
  7. Araris, meanwhile, just sinks back into his seat with a tired sigh.
  9. He can be found waiting there for a good hour or two, finishing a meal and with tea to calm himself down from a distinctly unpleasant conversation, and keeping an eye on the back door.
  11. Outside, Tavi spends about the majority of that down by the practice dummies, and in the process accidentally brutalizes one or two. A lucky few might be able to find him by the lake after, cooling down.
  13. <small>[[ooc: Again, two Alerans, two players! Indicate which one your character’s talking to, because they are <i>not</i> together today. Slowtimes to either Kippur or Lee may apply. All threads take place between <a href=>this one</a> and their exit.
  14. Disclaimer: lots of dialogue will be taken from <i>Captain’s Fury</i> by Jim Butcher, Chapter 10.]]</small>
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