
Biting The Bullet (Complete)

Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. >Day Da Nile in Equestria, today you, Mr. Cake, Big Mac, Soarin, and Braeburn all hit up a bar, and sit at the counter.
  2. >”Hey thanks for taking me out with you guys, I’m having a great time.” Mr. Cake says grabbing his drink and taking a sip “Ah, Strong drink, what do you call this again Anon?”
  3. “A Shirley Temple.”
  4. >”Hope I don’t get to drunk.” He laughs “I could drink like 5 of these.”
  5. “That won’t be a problem.” You mutter bitterly as Mr. Cake enjoys himself
  6. >Big Mac and Braeburn glance over at you and when you make eye contact, they plead with their eyes for what needs to be addressed.
  7. (“Those pussies, looks like its up to me to start this.”)
  8. “Say Mr. Cake.”
  9. >”Yes Anon?” He smiles looking at you, its hard to hate the guy, he has a boyish innocence and attitude that make it hard to want to hurt his feelings, but it must be done.
  10. “…Do you want another drink? My treat.”
  11. >”Sure, these things are great.”
  12. “Hey, can I get another Shirley Temple for my friend here?” You ask waving down the mare behind the counter
  13. >”Right away sir.”
  14. >Big Mac and Braeburn look away as you look at Soarin,
  15. (“You tell him.”) You think trying to telepathically tell him
  16. >Soarin avoids looking at you, and instead focuses on the wall while tapping on the counter.
  17. >”C’mon guys, why the long faces?” Mr. Cake asks “It’s a Friday, lets have some fun.”
  18. “Mr. Cake, we need to talk.”
  20. >”Talk about what?”
  21. *Inhale* *Exhale* “…..”
  22. >Big Mac, Braeburn, and Soarin all remain quiet as well, and Mr. Cake looks over at everyone
  23. >”….Seriously guys, whats up? You’re all starting to freak me out here.”
  24. >”I..I can’t do this man.” Soarin says getting up
  25. “Sit the fuck down.” You point at him as Soarin stops dead in his tracks.
  26. >With a grimace, he sits down and knocks back his whole drink in one gulp, Mr. Cake’s expression is of pure fear, he knows it’s something serious.
  27. >”Guys?” He asks as Braeburn sighs
  28. >”It aint easy what we’re gunna say, but we can’t keep this to ourselves anymore.”
  29. >”Eeyup.”
  30. >”Well what is it?” He asks
  31. “It’s about Pumpkin and Pound Cake.” You add
  32. >”My kids? Buy they’re fine, I just saw them before we left.”
  33. “That’s just the thing, they’re not your kids.”
  34. >”Ahaha, what are you talking about? Of course they’re my kids.”
  35. >”They aint.” Big Mac says “Aint ya jus tha least bit curious as why one is a pegasus, and tha other is a unicorn?”
  36. >”Oh not this again, I already told you, my great, great..”
  37. “Yeah, we heard that bullshit, it didn’t make sense then, and it doesn’t make sense now.”
  38. >”But it’s true.”
  39. “It’s not true, I researched your entire family line, and not a single pegasi or unicorn could be found at all.”
  40. >”It was a mistake in translation from several generations ago, those things happen with records from so far back.”
  41. “God you are so fucking in denial it hurts, Mrs. Cake cheated on you with two stallions.”
  42. >Mr. Cake shakes his head “Please don’t say things like that about my sugar lump Anon, its very rude.”
  43. “Rude? Calling her out for what she is isn’t rude, in fact it’s the nicest thing any of us can be doing for you.”
  45. >”Anons right ya know.” Braeburn says backing you up “Mrs. Cake has been how shall we say, “Sleepin around” fer a while now. She used tah be a mare of the night in her yunger days.”
  46. >”You’re lying, yeah she used to work late hours, but it wasn’t doing that.”
  47. >”Mister,” Braeburn says leaning on the table to get a better angle at him, “Mah family don’t lie, we Apples er an honest bunch.”
  48. >”Eeyup.” Big Mac agrees
  49. “Mr. Cake, you’re a nice guy, I don’t want to be doing this, but you have to know the truth. Yeah she may be sweet and nice, but she isn’t faithful, she loves fucking other stallions, especially manly and cocky ones.”
  50. >”That’s not true.” He says angrily for the first time, “I know for a fact that she despises those kinds of stallions, she tells me herself.”
  51. >”It’s true.” Soarin says laying his head on the counter completely plastered, “It’s all true.”
  52. >”And how do you know that?” Mr. Cake asks annoyed “I take it you grew up with her? Was her high school sweetheart? Had your first kiss by the lake?” He says starting to tremble “Talked for hours on the bed about what business the two of you would open? Well I’m sorry, but you’re all wrong, she’d never do that to me.”
  53. >”I know one of the stallions she slept with.” He says as Mr. Cake’s expression turns to sorrow and he gets quiet “He was a Wonderbolt when he met your wife, the two met at some cake party thing, and things took off from there. I’ll spare ya the details, but needless to say he is the father of Pumpkin Cake.”
  54. >Mr. Cake holds his gut and curls up on the seat “I..I don’t feel so good.” He shivers, “I.I think I’m gonna throw up.” Tears roll down his face as he tries to hide his shame, burying his head under his hooves, he rests on the table and starts crying.
  56. >1 year and 7 months later
  57. >You, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight sit at an outdoor table at a little café.
  58. >As everyone drinks their assorted drinks, Applejack finishes hers first, and wipes away the residue from her lips, “So I told him, “Whoa there, if ya think ya can scam ol Applejack ya got another thang…” She stops her story to focus on something in her line of sight.
  59. >Naturally, everyone else turns to look, and sees Pinkie Pie and Mr. Cake trotting along with the two kids. Pinkie skips ahead in front of the kids and plays peak-a-boo with them. Though they have long since passed the infant stage, the two still love to play with Pinkie Pie, their new mom.
  60. >”Has that mare got any shame?” Applejack speaks out loud, “Pairin off with somep0ny that treated her like a daughter? What kinda expamble is that fer the yungins?”
  61. >”Chill out AJ,” Rainbow says defending Pinkie Pie, “Its not like she moved in right when Mrs. Cake left. Those two have been through a lot, and in the end they found eachother.”
  62. >”But they’re still like family, it aint right.”
  63. >”That’s true Rainbow, Mr. Cake is old enough to be her dad.”
  64. “To be, and is, are two different things, as is like family, and are family. Those two share no blood, she wasn't raised by him, and really Pinkie was a tenant and an employee. Now she’s his girlfriend, he’s her boyfriend. Besides, Pinkie loves him, and he loves her, she’s actually a faithful mare, and one who would never dream of hurting him or the children. She’s a more fit mother and mate than Mrs. Cake would ever be.”
  65. >”See?” Rainbow asks pointing at you, “A perfectly reasonable point, thank you Anon.”
  67. >”I don’t know, the whole thang still reeks to high in the sky.” Applejack says in a “that’s all I got” tone
  68. >”Anon is right about one thing,” Twilight adds “Pinkie and the kids ARE happy, even Mr. Cake is smiling again.”
  69. >The 4 of you look out as Pinkie rolls in the grass with her kids, completely happy, and giggling up a storm.
  70. >”Where do you think she went anyway?” Rainbow asks
  71. “You read the note,” You say looking back at her “She went to pay for her deeds, wherever that is.” Going back you look out at the family and smile, with a whisper you say “Enjoy your new life Mr. Cake, you deserve it.”
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