
Chat with Nick

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. [19:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Nickolai
  2. [19:39] <snuffshotMartyr> What happens if a contract with the mask gets broken?
  3. [19:39] <solemnSketcher> o for fuck's sake
  4. [19:40] <solemnSketcher> look... first of all...
  5. [19:40] <solemnSketcher> hello lyra. second, im not sure if they can be broken
  6. [19:40] <solemnSketcher> for i did not take a deal
  7. [19:40] <snuffshotMartyr> What if someone agrees to do something impossible?
  8. [19:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Like make a four-sided triangle?
  9. [19:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Or going back in time to kill themselves?
  10. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> ... then the deal is null
  11. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> what did you ask for?
  12. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> because i know you didn't haggle much
  13. [19:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Long story
  14. [19:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Actually, no.
  15. [19:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Really short one, I guess
  16. [19:42] <snuffshotMartyr> I basically said we'd agree on something later
  17. [19:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Reggie seems to consider that a poor decision
  18. [19:42] <solemnSketcher> ...
  19. [19:42] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  20. [19:42] <snuffshotMartyr> That bad, huh?
  21. [19:42] <solemnSketcher> sure, lets not set a straight deal with the murder-mask
  22. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's be honest
  23. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Was it gonna follow the rules anyway?
  24. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> look, i heard you were worried about alex.
  25. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> he's alive.
  26. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> *YES!!!*
  27. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> *BLUH!!*
  28. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> i hope it will follow the rules.
  29. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> he broke a leg
  30. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> i stabilized him
  31. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Even better
  32. [19:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Sorta
  33. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> we chatted
  34. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> got drunk and then passed out
  35. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> As one does
  36. [19:44] <solemnSketcher> we are asleep, im in prospit, he must be here too
  37. [19:44] <solemnSketcher> he did for pain and i kind of... for fucking up bigtime
  38. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> I too have experience with alcohol
  39. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> As of like twenty seconds ago
  40. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> This stuff is revolting
  41. [19:44] <solemnSketcher> oh?
  42. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Not important
  43. [19:45] <snuffshotMartyr> You and Alex are on Prospit?
  44. [19:45] <solemnSketcher> ok...
  45. [19:45] <solemnSketcher> so... lets set this straight. the thing you have to do now is set the terms of the deal
  46. [19:46] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright
  47. [19:46] <solemnSketcher> i am on prospit
  48. [19:46] <solemnSketcher> why does thou ask?
  49. [19:46] <snuffshotMartyr> About the rule-breaking?
  50. [19:47] <solemnSketcher> yes?
  51. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> I wanna see what happens if the contract doesn't get followed
  52. [19:47] <solemnSketcher> interesting
  53. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Not for me
  54. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> For the mask
  55. [19:47] <solemnSketcher> a contract from below its hard to break
  56. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I wanna see the consequences it gets for failing
  57. [19:48] <solemnSketcher> it always cometh back to bite your buttocks
  58. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Well duh
  59. [19:48] <solemnSketcher> it probably would end up in a lot of blood and a dead lyra
  60. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> That happens a lot, buddy
  61. [19:48] <solemnSketcher> you told me so
  62. [19:49] <snuffshotMartyr> But what if THE MASK breaks the contract?
  63. [19:49] <solemnSketcher> ...
  64. [19:49] <solemnSketcher> why should the mask break it?
  65. [19:49] <snuffshotMartyr> No comment
  66. [19:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Ask it what happens
  67. [19:49] <solemnSketcher> you made that contract with yourself.
  68. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Meaning... ?
  69. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> there's no other voices but mine in here, who you dealt with was a part of thee
  70. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, great
  71. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Fine. I'll talk to it myself when we next meet
  72. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> inner voices or whatever
  73. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> You're on the cliff planet, yeah?
  74. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> yep
  75. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> I'll be there as soon as I can switch characters
  76. [19:51] <solemnSketcher> ...
  77. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Long story
  78. [19:51] <solemnSketcher> im not planning on sticking around for long
  79. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> You're on Prospit, yeah?
  80. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> So maybe I'll beat you there
  81. [19:52] <solemnSketcher> where are you?
  82. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> The body I'm planning on using is in Alex's place
  83. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> In a pool of blood
  84. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Y'know, the usual
  85. [19:52] <solemnSketcher> i havent seen any bodies in here
  86. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Well that's concerning
  87. [19:52] <solemnSketcher> oh. that one
  88. [19:53] <solemnSketcher> sorry, my error.
  89. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> What?
  90. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> How would-?
  91. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> What?
  92. [19:53] <solemnSketcher> the gate skipped to your planet.
  93. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  94. [19:53] <solemnSketcher> i met alex before.
  95. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay?
  96. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm lost
  97. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Screw it
  98. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> i though you were refering to the one im currently in
  99. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> No, in Alex's place
  100. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> That one'll be there to chat with the Abyss
  101. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> comphrension mistake.
  102. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Whatever
  103. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> abyss...
  104. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  105. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> It asked for a name
  106. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> interesting word you have there lyra
  107. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> I shoulda chosen something better
  108. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> you are abyss
  109. [19:54] <solemnSketcher> its you
  110. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  111. [19:54] <snuffshotMartyr> The mask is
  112. [19:55] <solemnSketcher> when you put it on. its only you in there
  113. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah yeah
  114. [19:55] <solemnSketcher> or... it should be, i dont know if you have paranormal powers.
  115. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Meh
  116. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> But y'know what I shoulda called it?
  117. [19:56] <solemnSketcher> you should have called it "bullshit"
  118. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> I *shoulda* named it Carl
  119. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> *That*'s a good name for an evil mask ghost.
  120. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> But instead I had to be all impulsive
  121. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Like an idiot
  122. [19:56] <solemnSketcher> you are not an idiot
  123. [19:57] <solemnSketcher> you are just reckless
  124. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Only an idiot would deprive a fragment of themselves of an awesome name like Carl
  125. [19:57] <solemnSketcher> a reversed card of fool, like byron
  126. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Hey
  127. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I resent that
  128. [19:57] <solemnSketcher> heh.
  129. [19:57] <solemnSketcher> its part of it
  130. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I ain't no ace
  131. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Can't I be a two or something?
  132. [19:58] <solemnSketcher> ace? i am talking about tarot
  133. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Well yeah but isn't the fool the equivalent?
  134. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Either really high or really low?
  135. [19:58] <solemnSketcher> the fool has no number
  136. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Powerful or worthless
  137. [19:58] <solemnSketcher> good point
  138. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> I wanna be a two
  139. [19:58] <solemnSketcher> but tarot is not viewed like that
  140. [19:59] <solemnSketcher> why a two?
  141. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> That way there aren't any surprises about exactly how useful I am
  142. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> No expectations to fail
  143. [19:59] <solemnSketcher> why not a ten? or a queen?
  144. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Screw queens
  145. [19:59] <solemnSketcher> the only one you are failing is yourself lyra.
  146. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  147. [20:00] <solemnSketcher> if you need help, you have everyone.
  148. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't need help
  149. [20:00] <solemnSketcher> you act on impulse
  150. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> I need significantly less help than is currently being provided to me
  151. [20:00] <solemnSketcher> you do need help, now more than ever
  152. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  153. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> I need to know what happens if the Abyss doesn't help me
  154. [20:00] <solemnSketcher> you overestimate yourself lyra.
  155. [20:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Dude
  156. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> why should carl help you?
  157. [20:01] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm a two
  158. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> at least a five.
  159. [20:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Why on earth would I expect anything from me?
  160. [20:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Carl should help me because we made a deal
  161. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> because you overestimate yourself?
  162. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> No I don't. I'm fully prepared to fail and die horribly
  163. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> you have to discuss the terms.
  164. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> And if Carl is really a part of me, then it should respect our deal
  165. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> or break the contract
  166. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Or let him break it
  167. [20:03] <solemnSketcher> but is carl even a part of you? once again. you could be passively channeling bullshit occult entities
  168. [20:03] <solemnSketcher> meh.
  169. [20:03] <snuffshotMartyr> If the contract doesn't matter, then I'm screwed either way
  170. [20:03] <solemnSketcher> regardless. you are putting on the mask and talking woth it
  171. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Eeyup
  172. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Once I fall asleep/wake up/whatever
  173. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> See you then, I guess
  174. [20:04] <solemnSketcher> okay... on some less pressing matters. how did you pass out on alcohol?
  175. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh
  176. [20:04] <solemnSketcher> i guess so.
  177. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> I didn't pass out
  178. [20:04] <solemnSketcher> oh.
  179. [20:05] <snuffshotMartyr> You know how people get drunk when they wanna celebrate?
  180. [20:05] <solemnSketcher> oh. can you keep a secret?
  181. [20:05] <solemnSketcher> yes i know
  182. [20:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably not, no. Regent reads my mind.
  183. [20:05] <solemnSketcher> lopez was a rather festive fellow
  184. [20:05] <solemnSketcher> ok, go ahead. im not telling
  185. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Good call
  186. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Well anyway, Regent had Faerzen pour me this drink
  187. [20:06] <solemnSketcher> oh.
  188. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> And when you said Alex was alive, I tried to do the celebration thing
  189. [20:06] <solemnSketcher> so it was you
  190. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> And...
  191. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> This stuff is VILE
  192. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> hahahahaha. its always like that the first time
  193. [20:07] <snuffshotMartyr> How can Alex possibly have had enough to get drunk?
  194. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> first time here too.
  195. [20:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Is drunkness just temporary insanity from the taste or something?
  196. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> downed a whole bottle of something called "whisky" between the two
  197. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> intoxocation
  198. [20:08] <solemnSketcher> oh. he broke a leg, alex was drinking the pain away
  199. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Well that's dumb
  200. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Adding mouth-pain won't make the leg pain go away
  201. [20:09] <solemnSketcher> it will
  202. [20:09] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't think it would
  203. [20:09] <solemnSketcher> alcohol produces numbness. lopez always seemed able to take a hit when he was drunk
  204. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Well yeah but first you need to actually ingest it
  205. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> And that's worse than the injuries
  206. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> I'd rather be back on Derse than drink this whole glass
  207. [20:13] <solemnSketcher> kind of.
  208. [20:14] <snuffshotMartyr> But maybe not until after chatting with Carl
  209. [20:14] <solemnSketcher> well... faerzen is from parts that back in my time made things with quite the punch
  210. [20:14] <solemnSketcher> so... how is he?
  211. [20:15] <solemnSketcher> last time i spoke to him he was rather... worried
  212. [20:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Seems fine
  213. [20:15] <solemnSketcher> that's good to hear
  214. [20:15] <solemnSketcher> ...
  215. [20:16] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  216. [20:16] <solemnSketcher> so.. i guess its till i wake up then?
  217. [20:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Guess so
  218. [20:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh
  219. [20:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Apologize to Alex for me, wouldja?
  220. [20:17] <solemnSketcher> dont worry about it
  221. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Thanks
  222. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> I owe you one
  223. [20:17] <solemnSketcher> :)
  224. [20:18] <solemnSketcher> hey, we have a deep talk to do about life and metaphorical bullshit when you have time
  225. [20:18] * snuffshotMartyr ceased pestering solemnSketcher [SS]
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