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- [04:57:45] IncSys: so we go back to this
- [04:57:47] IntSys: no DW
- [04:57:51] MC Kappa: yes DW
- [04:57:53] IncSys: yes DW
- [04:57:54] IntSys: you can't do this anymore
- [04:57:56] IntSys: like
- [04:58:06] IntSys: if freaking pyrro can mistake you for me
- [04:58:11] IntSys: I can't risk this
- [04:58:17] IncSys: *half the active server
- [04:58:19] IncSys: :]
- [04:58:20] IntSys: .
- [04:58:23] pyrromanis: IT'S TOO EARLY FOR ME, OK?
- [04:58:28] IntSys: Don't you dare
- [04:58:30] MC Kappa: couldn't you use a little more excitement in your life? :>
- IntSis joined
- [04:58:39] MC Kappa: .
- [04:58:40] IntSys: >IntSis
- [04:58:44] pyrromanis: need food and coffee
- [04:58:46] This Net: LMFAO
- [04:58:46] IncSys: YES
- [04:58:49] IntSys: okay who is it
- [04:58:49] pyrromanis: and i'm freaking sick
- [04:58:54] • IntSys gets a freaking chainsaw
- [04:59:05] MC Kappa: time for the whole server to become IntSys?
- [04:59:07] IncSys: Aww what a cute death machine <3
- [04:59:07] MC Kappa: y/y
- [04:59:07] IntSys: NO
- [04:59:08] IncSys: yes
- [04:59:09] IntSys: N
- [04:59:09] IntSis: I'm Int's sister.
- [04:59:11] This Net: icsw is that you
- [04:59:12] IncSys: out of YES
- [04:59:13] IntSys: PLS
- [04:59:15] IncSys: I bet it is
- [04:59:17] IntSys: THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST
- [04:59:19] Caradius: lol
- [04:59:28] Caradius: hi pyrr o/
- Shinyrio left
- [04:59:48] pyrromanis: hihi colin o/
- [04:59:54] YntSis: huh
- [04:59:54] Meteor Admin ZEL: I'm just not gonna question
- [04:59:57] YntSis: nice green
- IntSon joined
- [05:00:08] IntSys: why this
- [05:00:11] IntSys: I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS
- [05:00:14] MC Kappa: IntSys has children?
- IntSis left
- [05:00:19] MC Kappa: Who's the mother?
- [05:00:21] Intssys: someone called for me?
- [05:00:22] IntSys: THAT'S NOT EVEN LEGAL, LOST
- [05:00:25] IntSon: I'm your son from the future.
- [05:00:36] YntSis: I didnt ask for it the previous times either
- IntCSW joined
- [05:00:37] IntSys: >Implying I'll get laid
- [05:00:41] IntSys: >Implying I'll adopt children
- [05:00:44] YntSis: NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL
- [05:00:45] • IntSys laughs
- Chimchain joined
- [05:00:49] MC Kappa: they'll adopt you instead
- [05:00:51] IntSys: also bibs why this
- [05:00:53] IntSys: WHY THIS
- [05:00:56] Intssys: cause bibs
- [05:00:56] IntSys: NOT YOU TOO
- [05:00:57] YntSis: intsys how old are you again
- [05:00:57] MintSys: Why not?
- [05:01:00] YntSis: ey chim
- [05:01:05] IntSys: I'm 16.
- [05:01:07] Chimchain: hey
- [05:01:12] MintSys: Hi chim
- [05:01:13] IntSys: you people
- [05:01:15] Intssys: hi chim
- [05:01:16] IncSys: :]]
- [05:01:17] IntSees: hihi o/
- [05:01:22] Chimchain: holy shit
- [05:01:22] Intssys: p
- [05:01:24] YntSis: [11:02:46] IntSys: >Implying I'll get laid
- [05:01:28] IntSys: okay at least I can tell that IntSees is colin
- [05:01:31] IncSys: I'm
- [05:01:31] IntList: this is a nice blue
- [05:01:33] Caradius: but int
- [05:01:34] Caradius: im here
- [05:01:35] IncSys: QBing this
- [05:01:35] Meteor Admin ZEL: Oh, are we all Int now?
- [05:01:37] Caradius: WTF
- [05:01:38] IncSys: yes
- [05:01:41] IncSys: @MAma
- [05:01:42] IntSees: not even close bb
- [05:01:45] YntSis: plenty of time to change that then
- [05:01:48] IntList: actually I should probably be
- [05:01:48] YntSis: intsys
- [05:01:52] IntSys: .
- [05:01:59] MintSys: I don't even know who is who anymore
- [05:02:01] Caradius: hi chim?
- [05:02:04] IntList: nah I'll stay like this, the other sounds like a ship name :>
- [05:02:05] Caradius: ama help
- [05:02:09] Caradius: im scared
- [05:02:10] Chimchain: Yntsis is Bibs?
- [05:02:11] Caradius: whats going on
- [05:02:16] IntCSW: I'm in Intsys Cream Sand Witch
- [05:02:19] YntSis: ey chim
- [05:02:20] MintSys: Nobody knows tbh
- [05:02:21] YntSis: :]
- [05:02:23] IntList: I'm Lost
- [05:02:25] IntList: one letter off
- [05:02:27] IntList: :>
- [05:02:28] MintSys: I'm Viri
- [05:02:28] IntSyss: I need to come up with a fun name
- [05:02:30] YntSis: LOL ICSW
- [05:02:31] IncSys: >IntSys Cream Sand Witch
- [05:02:36] IntSys: YOU PEOPLE
- [05:02:37] Intssys: im itekku
- [05:02:37] IncSys: >Intsys Cream
- [05:02:41] IntList: oh my
- [05:02:41] YntSis: no
- [05:02:42] IntSys: NO
- [05:02:47] YntSis: DONT
- [05:02:51] IntSys: IT'S NOT LEGAL
- [05:02:52] IntList: oh my
- [05:02:54] IntSees: you must feel so special that everyone wants to be you <3
- [05:03:00] MintSys: Incest Cream
- [05:03:02] MintSys: Oh no
- [05:03:03] IntList: .
- [05:03:03] IncSys: Incesyst tbh
- [05:03:06] Intssys: the troll is real
- [05:03:06] IntSys: IT'S GETTING WORSE
- [05:03:09] YntSis: oh no
- [05:03:14] IntList: do you mean better
- [05:03:16] IncSys: ^
- [05:03:22] YntSis: its ok intsys
- [05:03:27] MintSys: Somebody screenshot this
- [05:03:28] IncSys: IntSys's Incest Cream
- [05:03:32] MintSys: And QB it
- [05:03:33] YntSis: youre getting accepted as a reborn regular rn
- [05:03:35] IncSys: I'm QBing Viri
- [05:03:36] Intssys:
- [05:03:38] YntSis: this is the ceremony
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