

Jun 24th, 2012
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  1. >Be space engineer.
  2. >You lost your job at NASA and had to find work.
  3. >Some delusional old fat cat decided he wanted to send fluffies to space.
  4. >It's either genius or stupid.
  5. >You can't tell.
  6. >Either way, you became the head of the project, reporting directly to Mr. Moneybags.
  7. >Gonna show those Space-X goons a thing or two with this project!
  9. >Today's the big day!
  10. >The launch of Fluff One!
  11. >You've been through months of grueling work, ensuring that enough food & water is on-board, the fluffies can get enough play-time, and that every surface is water-proof.
  12. >Heck, the flufftronauts (Mr. Moneybags wants everyone to call them that) are put on long-lasting but non-dangerous sleeping pills for the initial journey up.
  13. >The 4 flufftronauts are strapped in.
  14. >All cameras on the rocket.
  15. >10, 9, 8!
  16. >Oh god the tension always gets you.
  17. >7, 6, 5!
  18. >Double-check that the flufftronauts' vitals are all okay.
  19. >They're definitely alive.
  20. >4, 3!
  21. >You wipe the gratuitous amounts of sweat off of your forehead.
  22. >2!
  23. >That thing better not blow up!
  24. >1!
  25. >*BOOM*
  26. >All the cameras have just short-circuited.
  27. >A small shaking rocks the command center.
  28. >"Jenkins, status report!"
  29. >"Vitals are non-responsive! Not that the fluffies are dead, moreso that the tools themselves are not responding."
  30. >"What the hell happened?! Thompson, main screen turn on!"
  31. >A slew of asthmatic giggles break out.
  32. >Thompson rewinds the feed back to before the static.
  33. >The last thing on-screen was a brilliant white light.
  34. >God damn it.
  36. >Today's the day that Fluff Two launches!
  37. >Turns out last time that Harrison had failed to double-check the O-ring seal in the booster.
  38. >Not wanting to remake the same mistake for a third time, the seal's been personally inspected by you.
  39. >To be honest, you're surprised that Mr. Moneybags even let you guys continue with Fluff Two.
  40. >Once again, 4 flufftronauts have been placed on sleeping pills for the launch.
  41. >No thoughts during this one, you're going to meditate for this one.
  42. >Absolutely no jinxing this!
  43. >10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
  44. >Lift-off!
  45. >This is so exciting!
  46. >Everyone in the command center is hooping and hollering.
  47. >All 4 of you!
  48. >You even hug Thompson!
  49. >He considers Axe bodyspray to be a substitute for showering.
  50. >Speaking of, thanks to said bodyspray, you're gonna shower after they stabilize in orbit.
  51. >The shuttle's specs are reading that it's steadily climbing into orbit.
  52. >"Sir, one's dead!"
  53. >What.
  54. >Check the flufftronauts' vitals.
  55. >Shit.
  56. >One's dead, the others aren't breathing.
  57. >They quickly die as well.
  58. >God damn it.
  59. >Fluff Two's just a piece of space junk at this point with 4 dead fluffies in it.
  60. >Mr. Moneybags has a fluffy veternarian on call for this sort of stuff.
  61. >He checks the flufftronauts via the installed cameras onboard, as well as all the vitals recorded during the launch.
  62. >The diagnosis was the same for each one.
  63. >Saliva flooded the lungs due to high gravitational forces, leading to asphyxiation and death by hypoxiation.
  64. >In layman's terms, their spit was rocketed down their throats and they all drowned.
  65. >The flufftronauts drowned going away from all the water on Earth, fer chrissakes!
  66. >You were not expecting fluffy ponies to be anywhere near this fragile!
  67. >Gonna need more changes for Fluff Three.
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