
jdrew girl advice

Feb 25th, 2015
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  1. [19:36] <@StackOverflow> Jdrew, I need girl advice
  2. [19:37] <@StackOverflow> how do I get the girls?
  3. [19:37] <Jdrew> I got you fam
  4. [19:37] <Jdrew>
  5. [19:37] <DerpyBot> "How to Get Girls: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow" at
  6. [19:37] <@StackOverflow> I don't trust the internet
  7. [19:37] <@StackOverflow> it was made by men
  8. [19:37] <Jdrew>
  9. [19:37] <DerpyBot> "3 Ways to Get a Girl to Like You - wikiHow" at
  10. [19:38] <@StackOverflow> I need advice from soembody with experience being a pimp
  11. [19:38] <Jdrew> also watch these videos, they will motivate you to become a pimp
  12. [19:39] <Jdrew>
  13. [19:39] <DerpyBot> [YouTube Channel] RSD Motivation (45856 subscribers, 28 videos with 4114874 total views) - "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathin..."
  14. [19:39] <@StackOverflow> what's your personal secret
  15. [19:39] <Jdrew> Once you read those articles and watch some theory you will be ready to pick up some girls
  16. [19:39] <@StackOverflow> how do I watch theory
  17. [19:39] <@StackOverflow> where can I download theory
  18. [19:40] <Jdrew> Personaly I like to make sure I dress good, I also thow a bit of calone on before I leave
  19. [19:40] <Jdrew> dress good, look good, feel good
  20. [19:40] <@StackOverflow> colon*
  21. [19:40] <Jdrew> its all good
  22. [19:40] <@StackOverflow> just remember, it's colon
  23. [19:40] <@StackOverflow> as in, "girls like to smell my colon"
  24. [19:41] <@StackOverflow> how do I dress good
  25. [19:41] <@StackOverflow> I have jeans
  26. [19:41] <Jdrew> The theory and psychologicy of women is something you might want to just read up on but don't get too hung up if its rough the first time around ;)
  27. [19:41] <@StackOverflow> and a hoodie
  28. [19:41] <@StackOverflow> is that a good start?
  29. [19:41] <Jdrew> You don't need a suit to feel like james bond stack
  30. [19:41] <@StackOverflow> I need gadgets?
  31. [19:42] <@StackOverflow> I don't have a suit or gadgets
  32. [19:42] <Jdrew> Your galaxy s3 will do
  33. [19:42] <@StackOverflow> ok
  34. [19:42] <@StackOverflow> so what kind of colon do you suggest
  35. [19:42] <@StackOverflow> where did you find your colon
  36. [19:42] <Jdrew> I used addidas: "moves him"
  37. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> umm
  38. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> is that umm
  39. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> okay let me rephrase
  40. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> I want to pick up girls
  41. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> not men
  42. [19:43] <EldredChandler> lol
  43. [19:43] <Jdrew> I got all my colon from relatives so I don't know where you would find it
  44. [19:43] <EldredChandler> I have some bad news for toy then
  45. [19:43] <EldredChandler> you
  46. [19:43] <@StackOverflow> you and your relatives use each other's colon?
  47. [19:43] <Jdrew> Maybe
  48. [19:44] <NDRoser> true luv!
  49. [19:44] <Jdrew> I am getting a psycial tomorrow stack any tips?
  50. [19:44] <@StackOverflow> don't forget your colon
  51. [19:44] <Jdrew> I don't want my ding a ling touched :(
  52. [19:44] <@StackOverflow> uhh
  53. [19:44] <@StackOverflow> don't get examed behind the school then?
  54. [19:44] <Jdrew> rdrf.g;r.g';g.';.g
  55. [19:44] <Jdrew> ;d.
  56. [19:45] <@StackOverflow> ask the doctor if he likes your colon
  57. [19:45] <@StackOverflow> he/she
  58. [19:45] <Jdrew> oh woops sorry about that
  59. [19:45] <NDRoser> stackoverflow?
  60. [19:45] <@StackOverflow> NDRoser?
  61. [19:45] <NDRoser> u got some stacks of sheets for me?
  62. [19:45] <Jdrew> Yea I am doing track so I have to get all the paperwork and some new shoes
  63. [19:45] <@StackOverflow> well when you're getting a physical, you need to assert dominance
  64. [19:46] <Jdrew> how do you assert dominance?
  65. [19:46] <NDRoser> wow #tips4life!
  66. [19:46] <Jdrew> Last time I tried that dan called it "rape"
  67. [19:46] <@StackOverflow> tell him to smell your colon
  68. [19:46] <NDRoser> :D
  69. [19:46] <NDRoser> hahahaha
  70. [19:46] <Jdrew> she told me it smelled gud
  71. [19:46] <@StackOverflow> that's a good sign
  72. [19:46] <Jdrew> I was like bby i know
  73. [19:47] <@StackOverflow> girls love colon
  74. [19:47] <Jdrew> I bet they do >:P
  75. [19:47] <@StackOverflow> I don't have a girl doctor
  76. [19:47] <Jdrew> that must be awkward
  77. [19:47] <NDRoser> are admins supposed to help out in every categorie? wow ur doin ur job pretty good !
  78. [19:47] <EldredChandler> its only awkward if it turns you on
  79. [19:48] <@StackOverflow> eh, having to go to exams 3 times a week was awkward at first
  80. [19:48] <@StackOverflow> but he insiste
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