
Ultimate Spidershim!

Jun 10th, 2016
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  1. >Be Lucky Star.
  2. >Or as you are more known to your friends, Anon.
  3. >Not that it matters, Lucky Star is the name given to all orphans who lose their family before being named.
  4. >You actually made yourself 'special' by taking a nickname that means 'Nameless'.
  5. >That's kind of sad actually.
  6. >At the orphanage you got bullied for going against the caretakers.
  7. >Being a mutant didn't help that issue either.
  8. >No one knows, and you hope no one will, but you can literally feel what the people around you feel. It made you a quiet boy, why talk when you already know what they are feeling?
  9. >It made the bullying worse.
  10. >It's one thing to wonder why is someone trying it's best to break you, but actually feeling the pure unadulterated rage being shot at you?
  11. >Worse. The worst feeling ever.
  12. >The orphanage did one good for you though.
  13. >It got you moving.
  14. >You were getting a time of 11.7 seconds on 100 meters sprint at age 14.
  15. >That's what got you everything you have...
  16. >And got you where you are now. The same arena of last year's Friendship Games, or so are you told.
  17. >There are suspiciously little pictures of the event.
  18. >You can feel a wave of confidence washing over you.
  19. >It feels intoxicating.
  20. >You look up to the source of the feeling.
  21. >Standing over you is the only friend you have made in Canterlot High. You have only been here for a week after all.
  22. >Captain Rainbow Dash, watching you get set with an electronic starter gun on her hand.
  23. "Eyes on the track, champ!"
  24. >You do as she says, she is the Track & Field team captain after all.
  25. >Actually, she is the captain of EVERY team. How does that work?.
  27. "GO!"
  29. >The instant you hear the gun you spring forward.
  30. >You
  31. >Before you know it you are beyond the finish line, jogging in place.
  33. >"So, Cap, how's my time?"
  35. >She looks at an old cube like T.V.
  36. >Uh, you were wondering what was that thing for.
  38. "I told you, the name's Rainbow Dash, keep the title to club meetings. And you did pretty well! 10.6 seconds. I wouldn't worry about that scholarship if I were you"
  40. >Confidence, pride and friendship.
  41. >One of the reasons you made friends with her within the first week after your transfer, just being around her makes you feel great.
  43. >"Thanks Dash. Will I see you tomorrow?"
  45. >Smiles at you
  46. "Of course you will, doofus. You are probably the first guy in this school who can put a leg in front of the other! I gotta be there for the first male gold for the school's trophy case, maybe I can even get Pinkie to throw a party tomorrow at Sugarcube Corner..."
  48. >Being a sophomore you don't exactly know all of the seniors, but you assume that 'Pinkie' must be the pink girl in Rainbow's band.
  50. >She suddenly looks at her watch.
  51. >Is it buzzing?
  53. "Uhm, I gotta go now. I have... detention?"
  55. >"Why though? I have a permit to train with you today at school hours!"
  57. >Shame and regret. Yuck.
  59. >She scratches her head.
  61. "I... have classes today, as in all the morning"
  63. >More shame and regret? Is she lying about lying or something?
  65. "I had to make sure you were up to snuff for tomorrow's race. And... I gotta go! Bye!"
  67. >She takes her gym bag and runs back to the school.
  68. >You sigh. So much for friendship.
  69. >As an empath you hate being alone.
  70. >You feel incomplete.
  71. >Still, you pull up your watch and set the alarm for an hour.
  72. >Let's see how long you can keep a speed of 18 mph.
  73. >You will call your father when you finish training.
  75. ---
  76. >Be Rainbow Dash.
  77. >Or as you are known to SHIELD and soon the world:
  78. >Nova, The Human Rocket!
  80. >And right now, you are rightly pissed off.
  81. >You have known the boy for a week, but he clearly is a pink wig away from being the worst doormat you have even seen.
  82. >A potential pro athlete is attending your school and you go and blow him off the day before his first big race.
  83. >How loyal Rainbow, Princess Twilight would be proud.
  84. >You arrive at the detention room in a huff, and practically kick the door down.
  85. >You stomp in and take a seat.
  86. >All occupants of the room look at you startled.
  87. >Waiting inside are principal Celestia, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.
  88. >Or Corona, Spider-Woman, Powergal, White Tiger and Iron Fist.
  89. >Before any of them can say anything you give them a piece of your mind.
  91. >"Okay, what's today's deal? The Juggernaut robbing a whole bank? Hulk flattening the fairgrounds? An alien invasion? Because I remember telling Spitfire that I only needed two days! Just today and tomorrow!"
  93. >While principal Celestia looks rather surprised at your outburst, your friends just look bored.
  94. >Sunset is the first to break the silence, having the decency to look sympathetic.
  96. "Are you done now, Rainbow? I was lucky I was able to convince Twilight to throw a party tomorrow, she accepted when I told her that she needs to get to know more people than us, that got Pinkie babbling and let me slip"
  98. >At least you are not the only one that had to ditch someone to get here.
  99. >Now principal Celestia is talking.
  101. "Actually, Director Spitfire wanted to see you all for a short teambuilding exercise"
  103. >This time is Applejack who answers.
  105. "She's comin' here?"
  107. >You don't like the smirk on Celestia's face.
  109. "Not really.”
  111. >You see her press a button on her desk.
  113. “Bye!"
  115. >Oh, how would you have liked to have a witty comeback for that.
  116. >You fall haphazardly through the tunnel under the school.
  117. >You barely manage to put your helmet on before landing in a human pile on the helicarrier's floor.
  118. >Scratch that, you landed first.
  119. >It was when Sunset's spandex-clad ass fell on your head that it became a human pile.
  120. ---
  121. >Be Anon.
  122. >You are chillin' at home with your adoptive father.
  123. >You are both sitting side-by-side on the sofa, watching the local soccer league on the living room's TV and chatting.
  125. "10.6 seconds?! That's olympics material right there kid!"
  127. >He gives you a rather strong back pat.
  128. >The 'You almost choke on your soda' kind of strong.
  129. >Still, you don't grimace.
  130. >Even if he took you in only a year ago you have come to love Iron Will as a parent figure.
  131. >Like Rainbow Dash, to you he feels like pure confidence and pride, not just the boasting kind of pride, but the pride for job well done.
  132. >It's effect on you is strong enough that you even started helping at his seminars.
  134. >"Yeah, the track team captain is sure I'll get a first division scholarship"
  136. >You hope she is there tomorrow.
  137. >You are surprised when you feel a rush of happiness and a big blue hand on your head, ruffling your hair.
  139. "What are you worrying about?! You are fifteen kid, you have years to train before applying and you are already giving the jocks at Canterlot U a 'run' for their money"
  141. >Pity? Why is he feeling pity?
  143. "And even if you weren't, you ought to relax kid, you have a home now, and I'll look out for you."
  145. >Even if you saw it coming, you are surprised when he pulls you closer and into a shoulder hug.
  147. "You should enjoy high school, get a girlfriend, get in trouble for something that was stupid in hindsight and not regret doing it anyway! You are not alone anymore, you don't have to deny yourself your childhood.
  149. >If you were asked right now why are you crying, you would answer that the pity and sadness he felt with those words was literally contagious to you.
  150. >But while that's not really a lie, per se, the truth is that Iron Will is a damn good speaker and he played your heartstrings like a damned fiddle.
  152. >"Thanks... Dad."
  154. >For a fraction of a second you regret saying that, but the wave of joy that hit you in the face almost made you throw up.
  155. >You make it a note to never go to a wedding, if paternal joy can do this to you, then romantic love of that caliber might literally kill you.
  156. >You wonder why teenagers rebel, can't they see how nice is to have someone to watch over you?
  157. >You stay with him the rest of the afternoon.
  158. >It was a comfy experience.
  159. >You check your phone before going to bed and find a message waiting.
  160. >She is coming, after all.
  161. ---
  162. >Be Spider-Woman
  163. >When Director Spitfire offered to train you with SHIELD you were not expecting to be part of a team.
  164. >You certainly weren't expecting to be the experienced one. You have been doing this for a year at most!
  165. >When you had to meet the team you weren't expecting teenagers.
  166. >And you most certainly weren't expecting to see your friends in spandex.
  167. >Yet here you are, enjoying a Spitfire professional tirade after doing something completly stupid. No regrets though.
  168. >Sombra Van Doom, king, millionaire, wizard, SHIELD's number one most wanted, the man with a suit of armor that makes Iron Man look like an amateur tailor.
  169. >And in a mix of teenage idiocy, hurry, frustration and a desire to prove yourselves you tried to capture him in his own kingdom.
  171. "...Blah blah responsibility blah blah international incident blah..."
  173. >She is still going.
  174. >Even worse than thinking that five undertrained teenagers could beat him was not suspecting anything of your success.
  175. >DOOM, the man hated by every hero because whenever he is to be beaten it's ALWAYS A DOOMBOT.
  176. >And you, ALL of you, thought you had caught him and didn't even suspect of a duplicate.
  177. >You were all right though.
  178. >It was SIX Doombots, not one.
  179. >Six Doombots in a matryoshka of blades, lasers and nuclear power.
  180. >And you brought him straight into the helicarrier.
  181. >Oh, you managed to destroy them all, but you had to smash through four decks of the helicarrier...
  182. >And let Nova get zapped like a bug with fission blast.
  183. >She absorbed it, but she threw herself at the blast without knowing it would NOT kill her.
  184. >She was lucky you were all too relieved to be mad at her.
  186. "Now, I know you are kids, so I'll let this one slide on account of you actually managing to destroy all the doombots and me breaking my word and taking your personal time out."
  188. >She walks up to the door.
  190. "Good job team, take off tomorrow. You are dismissed."
  192. >As you and your team take your leave you can hear the start of a new tirade.
  196. >Yikes.
  197. ---
  198. >Be Sunset Shimmer.
  199. >You and the girls are back on firm ground.
  200. >More specifically, unwinding on the corner most table on Sugarcube corner.
  202. >You and Applejack have a glass of milk each and are sharing an apple pie, Rarity is having a cup of tea with a plate of 'biscuits', Fluttershy is drinking a juice box, and Rainbow has let her coffee get cold by staring at her phone.
  204. >"What's the matter Dash, expecting a call?"
  206. "Kinda, remember the kid that got transferred a week ago?"
  208. >Rarity taps her chin and decides to chime in.
  210. "The sophomore living with Iron Will?"
  212. "Yeah that's the one. He has potential, hell, he beat ME on a race! But has more confidence issues than Fluttershy had up to last year. No offence"
  214. >At that Fluttershy leaves her juicebox alone.
  216. "Oh my, that's awful, he must feel so terrified and lonely... Oh, and none taken."
  218. "That's the problem, he needs a little encouraging to be at his best, but when this happened I left and ditched him on the field, and this after telling him I had the day free. I even got a permit to skip classes today to train him!"
  220. >Applejack decides to join the conversation
  222. "Well, I reckon 'Shy got better for this year..."
  224. >She looks at Fluttershy.
  226. "Maybe he can do what you did?"
  228. >Fluttershy lowers her head to the table before answering.
  230. "I don't think he could."
  232. >You all stare at her.
  233. >That's strange, you never thought that Fluttershy of all people would discourage anyone.
  234. >She takes note of your stares, takes a deep breath and steels herself.
  236. "I punched an immortal dragon to death and ran his heart thorough with my bare hands."
  238. >You don't turn your head, but you are pretty sure everyone else is staring openmouthed at her.
  240. "Yeah, your right, I don't think he could do that. Do you think Princess Twilight has a spare giant dragon she can send us?"
  242. >Ok, Rainbow is not impressed.
  244. >"Unless you want to fight Clifford, I don't think so. And how are you taking that in stride?"
  246. "Please, you are a shapeshifted unicorn from another dimension who got superpowers out of a radiactive spider-bite, I got a space police helmet that gives me superpowers, Rarity got a magical tiger-ninja amulet from her dad, Applejack got experimented on as a baby and got dropped from a plane only to shrug it off, and Flutters trained since she was nine in a kung-fu dimension until she was ready to kill a fire breathing snake. And today we all stole a military jet, invaded a sovereign nation with the intent to capture it's king, discovered it was really a robot full of smaller robots, destroyed them with massive collateral damage, and were let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. And after all this, we went for a snack."
  248. >Rainbow motions at you with her free hand.
  250. "Face it Sunny, our lives are weird."
  252. >You look at the girls one by one.
  254. "As blunt as Rainbow said it, it's certainly true."
  256. "I reckon' that's right"
  258. "I only got to the dragon punching part three months ago."
  260. >You sigh.
  262. >"And I've spent the last year taking care of dorks like Gustaff the leaper, and the Fearsome Four."
  264. >You finish your milk and set the glass down with a 'thump'.
  266. >"You are right. I'm starting to miss having trouble that can be taken down with a rainbow to the face."
  268. "Ah'm sure I saw a Doombot go down by takin' Rainbow to the face"
  270. >Applejack comments with a snicker.
  271. >You all share a small laugh at that, and you feel like you needed it.
  272. >You decide to say something to end the theme before your spirits were brought down again.
  274. >"Whatever pops up tomorrow or any other day we'll beat together!"
  276. >You hope that's not too mushy.
  277. >They all smile and nod.
  278. >Good.
  280. "Now Rainbow, darling, about this boy you are so interested in?"
  282. >To Rainbows credit, she didn't even blush or stutter.
  284. "Not interested that way Rarity, he is fifteen for goodness sake! He just needs a friend. I'm going to text him to assure him I'm going to see him run tomorrow. Winning that should give him the confidence he needs"
  286. >Her phone 'pings' signaling a sent text.
  287. >"That's real mature of you, Dash."
  289. >You really think that, this is the same girl who proposed today's escapade and challenged you to see who could smash the training court first.
  291. "From an athlete to another, the most important things are confidence, training, and confidence. I'll just be where he can see me tomorrow and when he wins, I'll take him to Twilight's penthouse party"
  293. >She looks at you.
  295. "I can do that, right?"
  297. >You shiver, no spidey-sense this time, just your memory jogging back into place.
  299. >"You see, about that, I had to tell Twilight we'd help her clean up after the party to get her to go along with it. So you all have to come."
  301. "You owe us one Shimmer."
  303. >It didn't matter who said that, all of them nodded in agreement.
  304. >You groan.
  305. ---
  306. >You are still Sunset Shimmer.
  307. >Or rather Spider-Woman, considering you are in costume and riding the spider-cycle in the subway tunnels.
  308. >Today is Twilight's party.
  309. >Rainbow's friend race too.
  310. >And you are late for school.
  311. >At least Celestia will make an exception for you and won't leave you out, right?
  312. >She knows you are a hero and she now doubt would be informed of the car sized robot chasing you.
  313. >You tap the screen behind the spider-cycle's windshield and call your friends.
  314. >Almost instantly, the screen divides it'self in four squares, each showing the unmasked face of one of your friends.
  315. >You decide to give them the cliff notes version of your morning.
  317. >"I went for a ride on the spider-cycle and happened upon a robot trashing a used car store. Good news, is no longer on the streets!"
  319. >You switch the vid-com to your ride's backside camera, showing them a bulbous robot floating behind you, trying to hit you with any of the four clawed tentacles it launches against you.
  320. >You continue to dodge them.
  322. >"But it's now chasing me down the subway tunnels, and I'm almost at Horseshoe crossing!"
  324. >You switch back the vid-com to the frontal cammera.
  325. >With Horseshoe crossing being the closest station to your school, it was your last chance for a timely entry. The next station in the line after that was Faroe Falls, and reaching it AND doubling back would take you at least another five minutes.
  327. "Sunny, darling, calm down."
  329. "Wait, you said that you are almost at Horshoe's?"
  331. >"Yes Dash, is anyone comming to help?"
  333. "Ah don't think we can, we all got in homeroom already"
  335. >Great, classes already started.
  337. "Hear me out Sunset, if you are near Horseshoe's then you are in the path of the 8:50 Redliner! Just tie it up and let it be squashed!"
  339. "And I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you are the only one who Dr. Turner has given upgraded gear yet.
  341. >Thats right, you didn't think about that...
  343. ---
  345. >Be the Sunset Shimmer of three days ago, more known as Spider-Woman when wearing your cowl.
  346. >Not that it matters here, while pretty much all of SHIELD knows who you are, you feel practically at home in Doctor Turner's factory of wonders. Dr. Turner himself being a rather friendly man only makes your gear upgrades even better.
  348. "This is the lastest upgrade to webshooter tech we have produced! All the functions you have grown accostumed to plus a new Faraday-cage casing and a new copper compound in the web mixture to so it can handle the actual upgrade" The labcoated Doctor said with a manic grin.
  350. >At the oposite side of the small shooting range within the workshop sat a balistic gel model of a human torso.
  351. >Dr. Turner extended his arm and shot a rather orange-ish strand of webbing at the dummy, leaving a melted hole in the middle of the torso which promply collapsed under it's own weight
  353. "Up to Ten thousand million watts!"
  355. >He shows you a tiny dial on the webshooter
  357. "That was a shot at 25% power, so I hope you dont try to capture a normal thug with these. It will flash red when you go above 75% though."
  359. >"What about using it's full power?"
  361. >You don't need to see what that would do to a human body, but you never understood devises having unusable functions.
  363. >He places his right hand on his chin and looks at the web shooter on his left wrist.
  365. "It will fry the battery, kill all unprotected fusibles on the block, boil every liquid on a three meter radius of the target, cause an arc discharge between the webshooter and every metal object close by, including the webshooter on your other wrist, and probably burn your wrists."
  367. >He stops talking for a second.
  369. "And may very well stop your heart, too."
  371. >"Why is that even a setting then?"
  373. >Why would you use tech that may kill you and everyone nearby?!
  375. He shrugs "You superheroes have an obnoxious tendency to override our tech's safety measures whenever you are desperate, and as much as I loath to admit it, it has proven a life saving tactic. So I went ahead and changed the restriction for a warning, if I'm right you will be here for a new pair of batteries within the week"
  377. ---
  379. >Fluttershy's voice snaps you back to the present.
  381. "Umh... girls, sorry for butting in, but Ms. Harshwhinny is starting to stare. I don't think she allows watch-talking in class."
  383. >"See you soon then, don't get caught."
  385. >Well, so much for calling reinforcements.
  386. >The tin can is to fast to catch it with web this far and is closing in.
  387. >Escaping would mean leaving this thing roaming the city, and that's a no g...
  388. >OUCH!
  389. >WHAT WAS THA...
  391. >Looking back you can see one of the tentacles firmly grasping your ass.
  392. >And you are at your station too.
  393. >With at least twenty persons watching you, mostly guys if the flashes are anything to go by.
  394. >You quickly rip the tentacle off you, but hold onto it with one hand.
  395. >With your other hand you tap the screen and set the bike to wait for you on the station's ceiling and jump off, holding onto the tentacle...
  396. >And set the both electrowebs' dials to 50% power, but keep them off.
  397. >It's Showtime.
  399. >"Wanna be like that, bad boy?!"
  401. >You pull on the tentacle, and the robot follows, eager to meet you head on.
  403. "The first guy who tried to get grabby with me got tased and a knee to the crotch!"
  405. >Hollow spikes protude from each of the tentacles, trying to stab you as the robot gets closer to you.
  406. >You crouch low, turning your back to the station. You want them to watch this.
  407. >The robot's stabs are fast and don't offer respite, were it not for your spidey-sense you would have more holes than your excuses.
  408. >But the banter must go on!
  410. >"But you don't have a crotch and I don't have a taser, so we'll have to make do!"
  412. >The robot is so close now that there is virtually no time between stabs, if it gets any closer it will overwhelm you.
  413. >So you tie it's tentacles together, two with each webshooter.
  414. >The robot inmediatly starts thrashing to rip the webbing, and you have no doubts that it could with enough time.
  415. >But without its tentacles to pull itself out of the way it's slow enough for what you are planning.
  416. >Unable to dodge at this range, you turn on the electrowebs and shoot both of them.
  418. >"Here's our taser!"
  420. >The robot stops trying to tear it's webbing and starts thrashign wildly, bipping and bopping in a tone not unlike a wounded animal
  421. >Were it not for the ass grab earlier you would pity it, maybe even pull it off the rails.
  422. >But not after a metro station saw you being groped.
  423. >Your spidey-sense rings.
  425. >"And here comes the kick!"
  427. >'The kick' being the 8:50's train, punctual as always.
  428. >You leave the fried robot on the tracks and leap at the station's platform.
  429. >The train (or the driver maybe) 'honks' angrily at the obstacle, but rams it anyway.
  430. >In less than 80 meters the robot was obliterated, with only small chunks of metal lying by the rails.
  431. >You stop to feel the breeze when the whistling hits you.
  432. >Not the awe or laughter you were expecting, but luscious whistling and the sound of cameras snapping.
  433. >It takes you at least five seconds to conect the dots, but you are not happy with the drawing they reveal.
  435. >"OH, GIVE ME A BREAK!"
  437. >You quickly 'thwip' a patch on your costume's ripped backside, and leap over the crowd.
  438. >You rush over to the parked spider-cycle and send it back to SHIELD.
  439. >You don't actually know how it goes back to the helicarrier.
  441. >As you watch your ride go alone, you feel like you are forgetting something.
  443. >You swing towards the school.
  444. >It takes you less than a minute to get to an alleyway near the school to change back to Sunset Shimmer, Canterlot High Student.
  445. >You and Princess Twilight are both lucky that principal Celestia never closes the doors.
  447. >You walk up to Homeroom and check your watch.
  448. >It ends in fifteen minutes.
  449. >You could skip it and be chalked as absent.
  450. >Or you could always knock and hope Ms. Harshwhinny lets you pass...
  451. >Nah.
  452. ---
  453. >Be, as per your birth certificate, Lucky Star.
  454. >Or if you are going by the race's paperwork of Canterlot's Runners' Asociation: ID 4-
  455. >Or if you go by your slightly vandalized piece of paper taped to your shirt, 'Amon'
  456. >You really need to work on your handwritting.
  458. >You are currently on Canterlot's Outdoor Coliseum, finishing warming-up after a last minute questions and answers with Captain Dash (This time she insisted on the title).
  459. >The Canterlot's Track&Field Interscholastic Championships starts today and last two days, with the unwritten tradition of becoming a brutal match between Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts and Canterlot High's Wondercolts.
  460. >Earlier today Rainbow told you not to worry about that. That after the last Friendship Games they should have... 'pulled the flagpole out of their colective asses'.
  461. >She also told you that she talked to Indigo Zap, the captain of the Shadowbolts' team to make sure no one ends wrapped in speedtape on the Fryburger's dumpster this year.
  462. >'This year'.
  463. >You filed away any questions not related to the race, but you are certainly going to ask later.
  464. >Today are the Junior races, for boys and girls on the 15-16 age bracket.
  465. >Of course, you'll be representing CHS at the boys 100m sprint.
  466. >It was also a chance to see who was Captain Rainbow Dash training for the girls' division.
  467. >She is next to you, so you watch her do her own warm-ups.
  468. >A slightly tanned girl with purple-reddish hair, with a 'serious bussines' no-mask on.
  469. >You know because she is in your class, the loudest of the troublemaking Crusaders if you are not mistaken.
  470. >What's a no-mask? A feeling you have learned to recognize with your empathy.
  471. >It's the glue that connects 'what you feel' and 'what you want to feel'.
  472. >Is not a mask. You have seen people mask their emotions and look happy while they break down inside.
  473. >The no-masks are when they try to force themselves to feel otherwise, like... ok, you don't have many examples for this, if you did, you would have come up with a better name.
  474. >And right now Scootaloo feels both determined and euphoric, but is trying (very hard) to be serious and force her happiness down.
  475. >She finnishes her warm-ups and looks at you.
  476. >Why is she suppresing her own joy?
  477. >Does she know not how precious happy moments are?
  478. >And running is fun by itself?
  479. >Why is she running if she doesn't want to have fun?
  481. "I know I'm the second coolest thing you ever saw and all that, but your staring is starting to get creepy"
  483. >Oh right.
  484. >She's been looking at you looking at her for like two minutes straight.
  485. >Fug.
  486. >You decide to tell the truth. You tend to fumble your lies.
  488. >"Sorry, just thinking about how serious you are about this."
  489. >"Wait, second coolest?"
  491. >Her no-mask cracks.
  493. "I've got to win this. I have to show her that I can handle all of this."
  495. >She strikes a pose, with one hand on her hip and the other one fully stretched out, giving you thumbs up.
  497. "And I saw you go training with Rainbow Dash yesterday, and you were not here last year. So unless you have seen a superhero in person... Second coolest."
  499. >You decide to see if you can completely destroy that no-mask.
  501. >"And what is 'all this' you can handle?"
  503. >She looks at you like you had sprouted a second head.
  505. "The teams, you dingus! Rainbow Dash graduates this year!"
  507. >"So you plan to be the new captain? Of everything?"
  509. >You admire the enthusiasm, but is hard to believe that a sophomore would be alowed to do so.
  511. "Nope, that would be impossible, the captains are chosen by vote each year. It took Rainbow three years to be the captain of them all"
  513. >That makes sense. You have to wonder how does Rainbow find time for her studies though.
  515. "But when Rainbow graduates all of Cantelot High sports' performance will go down the drain! I heard her talking about it with Applejack last week."
  517. >Broken! She stoped trying to be serious, in fact, she is giving you a broad grin.
  518. >She is now sizing you up. It's actually a bit scary.
  520. "But if I... No, if WE can win this, we can get her to stop worrying and to trust the rest of her team...s! Whaddaya say Lucky? Think you can keep up?"
  522. >See?! This is why you consider only Rainbow Dash as a friend.
  523. >A week.
  524. >You have been a week in the same class as her and she still can't tell that you hate that name.
  525. >Hell, you prefer Star if they aren't going to call you Anon.
  526. >A fact you have been telling everyone pretty much every time they talk to you!
  527. >And she isn't even doing it on purpose!
  528. >She is just a ball of happiness and determination in the shape of a cute girl.
  529. >...
  530. >You bite your lip.
  531. >Good, inner monologue is still on the inside.
  532. >You didn't blush.
  533. >At all.
  534. >You turn around and look at your running shoes.
  535. >Still, her determination and happiness are contagious.
  536. >For you at least.
  537. >So you focus on the determination, if you are not allowed to be angry, at least you'll be annoying!
  539. >"No can do."
  541. "What...?"
  543. >Wait for it.
  544. >Anger, and a little of betrayal.
  545. >Now.
  546. >You look at her in the eyes and imitate her earlier pose, smile, thumbs up and all.
  548. >"I won't 'keep up', I'll make you all eat my dust!"
  550. >YEAH!
  551. >Ouch.
  552. >She punched you in the shoulder.
  553. >Why does everyone think that smashing other people is fun?
  555. "That's the spirit!"
  557. >The last minute siren rings.
  559. >"You gotta go, and call me Anon, by the way"
  561. "See you at the finish line?"
  563. "Sure thing!"
  565. >You go find Captain Rainbow 'Professional' Dash on the staff area by the end of the straight, and stand by her.
  566. >There are another five girls standing infront of the blocks, and you don't know nor care about any of them.
  567. >Unlike longer races, the 100m sprint is run only on the straighaway so all the runners start side by side.
  568. >All of them have dropped their sweaters and warming shorts and are sporting tight elastic tank tops emblazoned with the logos of their schools, along with tiny tight shorts.
  569. >You'd comment on that, but you are wearing practically the same thing underneath your sweater and shorts.
  570. >In Scootaloo's case, a cyan tank top with the Wondercolts' bronco inside a sideways horseshoe mimicking a 'C', all this in gold.
  571. >The girl next to her was the Shadowbolts' runner was a pale girl with orange hair and a pink bow on it.
  572. >Purple Tanktop with the Shadowbolts' 'S' in violet, rimmed with yellow.
  573. >You don't care about the rest, the race is between the Shadowbolts and the Wondercolts.
  574. >If the previous years' records are to be believed, the other schools don't even stand a chance.
  576. >A white man with striped blue hair stands between the galeries and the track with the starting gun in his hand.
  577. >Holy hell he is white.
  578. >White as in 'I got sunburnt by moonshadow once' white.
  580. "READY!"
  582. >The girls move to stand in front of the blocks.
  584. "GET SET!"
  586. >Your valiant effort to not look at the line of raised asses is moot. Damned teenager-ness.
  587. >You note with a chuckle that is still a competition between Shadowbolts and Wondercolts.
  588. >You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder.
  590. "Eyes on the track champ. I wouldn't know, but I'm sure it would ruin your time to run with a stiffie."
  592. >You look at the captain and almost swallow your tongue.
  593. >She is crouching next to you in her running outfit with her face next to yours.
  595. >"Is-Isn't the 4x400m relay race tomorrow?"
  597. >She is enjoying this!
  598. >Eyes on her eyes, eyes on her eyes...
  599. >She winks at you.
  601. >Oh, come on! She is full of happiness and mischief!
  602. >...And a bit of something you really don't want to think about.
  604. "Yeah, I know I run tomorrow, but I decided to dress the part today. How can I expect anything from you lot of I don't even wear the team's uniform?"
  606. >After that commentary she stands straight up and looks back at the track.
  607. >You let your eyes wander for a bit on the captains body.
  608. >She fills the outfit perfectly, which is no surprise considering these things are custom made.
  609. >Her body is built for speed, full of toned muscles traced by the tight outfit, showing lightly marked abs on her bared midsection and a firm muscled ass on ther shorts.
  610. >Her hips or breasts aren't very big, but you can say without a doubt that that her slim waist and and round perkyness make up for it.
  612. "GO!"
  614. >Mr. 'I can blind my enemies with my face' pulls the trigger and all speakers on the coliseum simulate the gunshot, specially those behind every set of starting blocks.
  615. >Making you realice that you were eyeballing a girl at least three years older than you, who is also your captain and was also teasing you.
  616. >You focus on your sixth sense.
  617. >She knows. Mischief, happiness and a bit more of that third thing you won't think about.
  618. >You try to think of cold things.
  619. >Anyway, the race starts so you switch your focus again, this time to the track.
  620. >And you can see instantly why is always between Shadowbolts and Wondercolts.
  621. >Both the orange haired girl and Scootaloo start like pros, keeping their torsos low at the start and using the foward momentum from the starting blocks and their arm-swings to reach the 40m mark without tiring themselves.
  622. >The rabble behind stood straight just after leaving the blocks, wasting the momentum from the blocks and getting full wind resistance.
  623. >By the time Scootaloo and the Shadowbolt reach the 60m mark the rest of the runners are at least twenty meters behind.
  624. >You can feel the steely determination of the two runner-ups, the hope of the middlegrounders and the rage and hopelessness of the stragglers. Damn.
  625. >On the final 30m both the Shadowbolt and Scootaloo rev-up to the max.
  626. >What was a 20m distance with the rable becomes at least 25m when Scootaloo crosses the line, followed closely by the Shadowbolt.
  627. >The Jumbotron shows the times instantly, thanks to the pixelwide camera on the finish line.
  629. >1° CHS - Scootaloo: 12,49 S.
  630. >2° CPA - Amber Wave: 13,53 S.
  631. >3° CQC - Valiant Effort: 15,40 S.
  633. >As the informative triptic you were handled said, you all wait for the last runner to cross the finish line before rushing to meet the winner.
  634. >Captain Rainbow Dash beats you there.
  635. >At least the view is nice.
  636. >FOCUS, DAMN IT!
  638. "Hey squirt!"
  640. >Scootaloo walks up to the captain and.. Hugs her?
  642. "Hey Dash! Did you see me on the track! Stupid question, of course you did!"
  644. "That I did, well done squirt, you make the Wondercolts proud."
  646. >She crouches and stage-whispers.
  648. "And me too"
  650. >When they break the hug up, you decide to add your congratulations to the two girl party.
  652. >"Good going Scootaloo!"
  654. >Welp, that was lame.
  655. >You, Scootaloo and the Captain move back to the staff zone.
  656. >Scootaloo is the first to talk when you arrive from your terrible 15m walk.
  658. "What was that about 'leaving us all in the dust', Anon?"
  660. >Damn, the sheer cockiness rushing from her is intoxicating.
  661. >You are drunk on braggart-ness.
  662. >You smirk.
  664. >"The captain has seen me running, I WILL beat 'em all."
  666. >"Just watch and see, today is the day I break my record. I tell you, I can get lower than 10.5 seconds!"
  668. >The captain gives you 'that' smile.
  669. >The smile that usually acompanies 'yeah, sure' and 'cool story brah'.
  671. "You are fast champ, but that's not college scholarship time, that's straight up olympics qualifiers."
  673. >If you were anyone else and/or were anywhere else, you would have seen the truth of those words.
  675. >Here in the coliseum, with a good chunk of the school cheering for you and your team, plus the happiness and determination of Scootaloo and the Captain herself you feel better than ever.
  676. >You can take on the world head on with a hand beneath one of your feet.
  678. >"I know, and I'm too young for the olympics anyway."
  680. >You are not joking, you know you can.
  682. >"Really! I could bet you I can do it."
  684. "Champ, do you even know what you are doing right now?"
  686. >"Setting myself for a bet against nominally impossible odds?"
  688. "...Okay. Whatever, If you pull that stunt then my term at Canterlot High will end with a blast! We would get on the school's Wall of Honor!"
  690. >She does it again.
  691. >She crouched enought for her to look at your eyes and to give you an eyefull of her cleavage.
  692. >Then she whispers to your ear.
  694. >"I tell you what champ, anything if you cross that line."
  696. >She pulls back and gives you a wink.
  697. >You didn't think that far.
  698. >You are not thinking at all right now.
  699. >You answer.
  701. >"You said anything."
  703. >You blurted that out.
  704. >She pales.
  705. >Speechless.
  706. >She is full of embarrassment, a bit of shame and a bigger chunk of that third thing you didn't want to think about earlier!
  708. >IT'S LUST!
  710. >Calm down...
  711. >Breathe in, then out.
  712. >LEave that EMPowerINg FEel foR The rACE.
  713. >In and out.
  714. >Remember that while the 'war on mutants' is 'over' you really don´t want to be exposed.
  716. "Hey! Anon! what were you and Rainbow talking about?"
  718. >Oh right, Scootaloo is here.
  719. >Fug.
  721. >"We were... Uhm... Setting a bet."
  723. "You really think you can get under 10 secs, huh?"
  725. >Hurray for confidence!
  727. "I trust you. You were fast when you transfered to Canterlot High, and you trained with the Dash!"
  729. >Say what?
  730. >She raises her fist in front of you.
  731. >Yeah!
  732. >You don't doubt it.
  733. >You bump the friendship out of that fist!
  734. >A bit too hard. Ouchie.
  735. >The captain seems to recover from her small bout of catatonia.
  736. >She is red and blazing with rage.
  737. >Oh well, it was worth a shot.
  739. "Okay champ, I did say any one thing. Think about what's it."
  741. >Wha?!
  742. >She said yes?
  744. "Now excuse me, I really need to go throttle Rarity before your race starts."
  746. >What.
  747. >You look at Scootaloo, who looks and feels confused.
  749. "She is going to what?"
  751. >You were about to answer when a new voice does so for you
  753. "Strangle. She is going to strangle Rarity to death."
  755. >You turn back to see who the speaker is.
  756. >A fair skinned girl with stipped blue hair stands in front of you.
  757. >She is wearing a pair of orange googles and the same thight running uniform all runers wear, but hers is a bit... Overflowing.
  758. >While Dash's body is sleek and built for speed, lowering body fat to the minimum, this girl has built herself to compensate for her more abundant... Assets.
  759. >Chiseled muscle on forearms, arms, legs and tights, along with wide hips, a nice waistline and an ample and round bust pressed a bit too tightly by her tank top splaying quite a bit of her breast to the sides, giving you a nice sideboob view from your angle.
  760. >Unf.
  762. "Oh! You two haven't met yet! Anon, this is Indigo Zap, captain of the Shadowbolts' Track&Field and soccer teams, and awesome biker. Zap, this is Lucky Star, he prefers Anon though. He is really fast, but this is his first actual race. I think."
  764. >Scootaloo saves you from being caught staring with a great introduction.
  765. >You decide to buy her an ice cream later today.
  767. "Call me Zap, nice to meet the one running against Green Arrow."
  769. >She signals with a thumb above her shoulder.
  770. >You see who she is talking about. A gray boy of about your age and build, with gray skin and green, well combed hair.
  771. >He is evidently checking her ass.
  772. >Understandably.
  773. >You can't even find it in yourself to criticize him for it.
  774. >It wouldn't be fair, after all.
  775. >Zap turns her atention towards Scootaloo.
  777. "And nice race against Amber Wave Scoots. I guess she'll need harder training to beat you next year."
  779. >She then turns towards you again.
  781. "Even if you Wondercolts got the girls gold for the 100 meter sprint, you have always been way sloppier at the boys division and I don't think Dash would have a new student ready this fast.
  783. >"How is Green Arrow ready, then?"
  785. "The junior race is for both freshmen and sophomores, with Arrow being the later. He has been training two years, and won the race last year."
  787. >She leans forward and rests her arms on the barrier.
  788. >You bet Green Arrow is getting an eyefull.
  789. >Wait.
  790. >She is doing it on purpose!
  791. >The background happiness is messing with your sixth sense, so you actually have to focus on her.
  792. >You look wide eyed at Indigo Zap.
  794. "You figured out already? You really are fast, kid. I doubt he actually knows whats going on"
  796. >Scootaloo on the other hand looks like you would imagine a fish suddenly finding itself on the palomino desert looks like.
  797. >Except for the existencial dread you like to imagine causes the fishes' log faces.
  799. "What's going on?"
  801. "Not much, I was telling Anon that I promised a date to Green Arrow if he wins, as motivation. The uniform helps, too."
  803. >You easily push back the dread you feel.
  804. >You would like to say that the prospect of Rainbow just playing with you to boost your performance teared you apart from the inside.
  805. >But the 'downside' of your sixth sense is the fact that you can get overwhelmed by outside emotions.
  806. >And right now, you are happy. Happy because you KNOW you are going to shatter the ten seconds barrier, and going to take a senior to a date in a reckless display of misplaced bravado.
  807. >And you are enjoying every second of this.
  809. >"Yeah, it sure does."
  811. >...
  812. >Fug.
  814. "I know, I've got it, and I surely flaunt it."
  816. "I thought you were going to slap him."
  818. >"Gee, thanks Scootaloo. And here I was going to invite you an ice cream for winning."
  820. "Don't slap him too hard, I'd like that ice cream."
  822. >Et tu, Scootaloo?
  824. "Relax kids, I ain't gonna slap no one for looking at me. If I cared about that, I wouldn't be wearing last year's uniform."
  826. >Not only hot, but also really cool. Nice.
  827. >You avoid thinking of thermodynamics.
  829. "Hands off, though."
  831. >You have no doubt she would break you if you were to try anything. Not that you would.
  833. "I assume Dash did the same?"
  835. >"Kind of, I think, I was bragging I could get under 10 seconds and..."
  837. "Kid, that's straight up impossible, you should be hitting eleven at least, maybe ten dot nine. You can't get under ten."
  839. >After her interrumption is done you continue anyway.
  841. >"Well, she told me that I could ask for any one thing if I managed to do it."
  843. >Indigo Zap is staring at you with a face splitting grin.
  844. >Quite sharklike really, with your mind filling the gaps (with even more teeth).
  845. >You need an adult.
  847. "She really said anything?.."
  849. >"Yes..?"
  851. "Kid, I know Rainbow Dash, and while I don't know why she is suddenly trying the sexy way of motivation, she won't weasel out of her word."
  853. >Ok, you are quite confused right now.
  855. >"So..."
  857. "You may hold a blank check. Quite a lot of guys would kill to get that."
  859. "Shame on her for dragging you by your pants with something unreacheable though."
  861. "Rainbow wouldn't do that!"
  863. >Scootaloo: Ace Attorney: Devils Advocate.
  865. "Sorry Scoots, but she didn't just show him some booty, she put it withing reach. I wonder why though, this isn't her style. Though to be frank, I'm kind of wanting to see Anon break that mark now. Her face will be priceless."
  867. "Rarity."
  869. >"What?"
  871. "You haven't been here for long, but Rarity usually uses her cleavage to get boys to do her heavy lifting for free! You had to go to her workshop at school for the uniform fitting, so you probably saw those huge rolls of fabric she needs to get there.
  873. >Scootaloo might not have your ability to feel what the others do, but your confusion must have been written clearly on your face.
  874. >She pinches the bridge of her nose.
  876. "White, with purple wavy hair? Blue eyes? More make up than skin on her face? Rings any bells yet?"
  878. >"...No?"
  880. "Throws glitter at everything she gets her hands on? Gives every guy, no that's wrong, there was Spike too, every male a sultry half lidden stare?"
  882. >"Nothing yet."
  884. >Scootaloo gives you a tired stare.
  885. >She sighs and changes her face to a half lidden stare, fluttery eyelashes and all.
  887. >"Oh mah stars dahling! Whatevar happened to yar coffin'?! Let mua fix that fer you! There! Are you simply dahling! Oh, whatevar do yah mean, dahrlin'? No, that'd look ridiculous dahlin'. Dahlin Dahlin, Dahlin!"
  889. >"Oh! I get it now, the tailor!"
  891. >Both of you turn back to see Indigo Zap holding her sides trying not to laugh.
  893. "Oh my SIDES! That was GOLDEN! I wish I had my phone to record that. I think Rarity would have an aneurism at all that!
  895. "Pleasedon'ttellSweetieBelle!"
  897. "You sound like you hate her!"
  899. "I don't hate her, is just that she is soooo uptight!
  901. >"What were you saying about Rarity, Scootaloo?"
  903. "She said she was going to go choke Rarity right? And she was acting al girly and sexy! That isn't Rainbow's style, her stile is being cool! She was probably told by Rarity to do this!"
  905. "Nice theory kid, but Rainbow wouldn't do anything anyone says just like that, specially Rarity, I've never seen her in a dress outside formal parties. Ow, good thing I run tomorrow, my sides stil hurt."
  907. >Before you can think more about that, the siren calls for your presence on the track.
  909. >"It seems I gotta go!"
  911. "Remember, leave'em all in the dust!"
  913. "Give your best kid! I'll have a camera ready for Dash!"
  915. >As you leave the staff area you hear some last words.
  917. "And I really should have been talking to Green Arrow!"
  919. >You snicker a bit at that.
  920. >Just before you reach the blocks, Captain Rainbow Dash catches you.
  922. "Hey champ, sorry for being late, someone told Rarity and I had to chase her halfway back to her house. Luckily Sunset caught me and told me what I needed."
  924. >"That you needed to be present?"
  926. "That, and her schedule for the week. Including tonight's party."
  928. >"That's... great?"
  929. >You are no longer sure the Captain was exaggerating about the choking bussiness.
  931. "Anyway champ, go and beat your record, I want to see Zap's face when she sees you humiliating Green Bolt's brother!"
  933. >She turns and looks back at the staff area.
  935. "Where is she... Where did she got that polaroid from?"
  937. >"She said she wanted to get a snap of your face if I get less than ten seconds."
  939. >Captain Dash's face went pale at that. Oops?
  940. >You just managed to find what happens when you turn cyan's saturation to cero.
  942. "You told her?"
  944. >A Half truth is not a lie, right?
  946. >"She figured it out herself, I just specified the terms of the bet."
  948. "She 'figured it out'?
  950. >You point at her clothes.
  952. "Oh, right."
  954. >The last minute siren rings, telling you to get your ass in gear and to the blocks.
  956. "Remember! Less than ten seconds champ!"
  958. >You stand behind the blocks, waiting for Mr. "I lost a tan competition to Dracula" to call the start routine.
  959. >You take this moment to look at your momentary nemesis, Green Arrow.
  960. >He seems to be doing the same.
  961. >When your gazes cross, you can feel the determination radiating from him.
  962. >You answer to the best of your abilities, trying to show him that you won't back down either.
  963. >He nods at you and you return the gesture.
  964. >You assume that Indigo Zap told her of your bet with Captain Rainbow Dash, and that you know of his.
  965. >Your respect for him will be tested during and after the race, but you feel some understanding right now.
  967. "READY!"
  969. >You, Green Arrow and the rabble step in front of the blocks.
  971. "GET SET!"
  973. >You break all visuals with your opponents, and take position on the blocks.
  974. >Well placed and spaced feet, head low and arms ready to swing.
  976. "GO!"
  978. >You shoot foward as always.
  979. >The first leg is always determined by technique, and this week you have been doing nothing but training technique with Captain Rainbow Dash.
  980. >Body low, you keep the momentum of the block-kick the most efficient way your body allows you.
  981. >Long arm swings and long strides, body rising slowly, applying more and more strength to each stride.
  982. >Soon you are pumping with all you've got.
  983. >You think you are doing well.
  984. >You can't afford to look sideways, but you have yet to see anyone at neither your side or front.
  985. >You let go.
  986. >You can feel the wonder and exitement of the sizeable part of the student body of Canterlot High cheering for you.
  987. >You can pinpoint exactly which one of the bursts of emotion is your dad, which one is Fluttershy, the two side by side being Rainbow and Scootaloo, and on the other side a very surprised but cheering for you Indigo Zap.
  988. >If Zap is cheering for you, then you must be close!
  989. >YOu FEEl THe CheERs.
  990. >You TAKE THEM!
  994. >AND YOU RUN.
  1002. >yOU StARt jOGGing IN placE.
  1003. >You calm down.
  1004. >You passed the finish line five meters ago.
  1006. >You stop and stumble forward a bit, before grabbing your knees for support.
  1007. >The cheering has not stopped, but the world seems silent to you.
  1008. >You turn to the screen.
  1010. >1° CHS - Lucky Star: 9,59 S.
  1011. >2° --- - --- ---: -,-- S.
  1013. >You turn to the track.
  1014. >There, starting his last 10m, is Green Arrow.
  1015. >He is irradiating pure dispair.
  1016. >He must know he lost.
  1018. >The world suddenly goes back to normal, you can hear the cheering, and some chants mocking the losers and stragglers.
  1019. >You turn towards the bleachers and the people on them.
  1020. >You raise your right hand.
  1021. >And pump your fist.
  1023. >You bask on the wave of happiness that reaches you.
  1024. >You could live for this.
  1026. >You wait around five seconds for the last of the stragglers to leave the straightaway before leaving towards the staff zone.
  1028. >You don't manage to reach it.
  1029. >The colors rushing at your sight are the only indication that the tackle-hug was effectuated by Scootaloo and not a springtrap.
  1030. >Luckily for you is a short hug, so you don't need to catch your breath again.
  1032. "You actually did it!"
  1034. >"I told you I could."
  1036. "And you were worrying about a scholarship! Son, look at this!"
  1038. >Dad is a huge man.
  1039. >He often appears on the morning news.
  1040. >How did he manage to sneak on you?
  1041. >Still you look a what he is holding in his hand.
  1042. >At least seven differently colored sets of cards and panphlets.
  1044. "All universities in the area had a representative here and some of other cities too! This are only the ones that extended their invitations right now, the rest are going to keep an eye on you during highschool"
  1046. >You were just planning on having a nice sanctioned time table and applying after coursing twelfth grade...
  1047. >You look at your dad.
  1049. "I told you kid, you have someone looking over you. It was only a few calls, most of them were on the city already."
  1051. >It matters not who is watching, that calls for a hug.
  1052. >After a full minute of hug, you let go.
  1053. >He pulls another slightly smaller stack of cards and pamphlets.
  1055. "Girl! You are Scootaloo, right!?"
  1057. "Yessir!"
  1059. "They couldn't find your parents, so I thought I should make sure this reached you."
  1061. "They never come... Thanks sir!"
  1063. >He places a hand over his brow, sighing heavily and dramatically.
  1064. "Son, be honest, I'm not that old, am I?"
  1066. >"Dad! You aren't even forty."
  1067. >You try to answer seriously, feeling the resingnation now dripping from Scootaloo, but his brand of sillyness always gets a chuckle out of you.
  1069. "Hey! Anon!"
  1071. >You don't even have to turn to recognize the owner of the voice.
  1072. >Still, you turn to see her.
  1073. >Indigo Zap is jogging towards you.
  1074. >While the running uniforms are really revealing, they are made with the special purpose to avoid any kind of jiggling, so you can safely consentrate on what's important.
  1075. >The photo on her hand, and the fact that Captain Rainbow Dash is coming right behind her, hastily putting on a sweater.
  1077. "Look at it before she catches up!"
  1079. >You take the photo the moment it is within reach.
  1080. >Like Zap said, its the face of Captain Rainbow Dash when you crossed the line.
  1081. >Beyond being wearing still the running uniform, she managed to blush and pale at the same time, leaving her looking rather lavender, with her expression on the fence between pride and utter dispair...
  1082. >You only manage to get that info before Captain Rainbow Dash takes it from your hand.
  1084. "Got it!"
  1086. "What's this?"
  1088. >To your, and Zap's amusement, and Rainbow's embarrasement, your dad snatches the photo from her hand.
  1089. >You see him comparing the Captain Rainbow Dash on the photo with the sweater wearing Captain Rainbow Dash in front of him.
  1090. >Then to the shameless Zap next standing in front of you.
  1092. "Is this some track team captain stuff?"
  1094. >Captain Rainbow Dash jumps to the chance.
  1096. "Sure! lets go with that."
  1098. >On the other hand, Zap couldn't care less.
  1100. "Only the winning ones though, It does wonders for morale."
  1102. >You see her eyes widen.
  1104. "And I gotta go find Arrow before his brother flays him!"
  1106. >Yikes.
  1107. >You then feel a known hand on your shoulder.
  1109. "That was awesome champ! You actually made me Zap eat her words! You did great today."
  1111. >"Hey Captain, do we have to stay here?"
  1113. "Not really, you don't compite on the coming relays. But before you go anywhere..."
  1115. >You watch her struggle a bit with the sleeve of her sweater before pulling two purple cardboard cards.
  1117. "Here, invitations to Twilight's Penthouse Party tonight! You earned it. And don't worry about the medals, or trophy if we don't screw up the relays, me and the team can accept them and bring them to school."
  1119. >"Thanks Captain."
  1121. "Thanks Rainbow!"
  1123. >"Say dad, I owe Scootaloo an icecream so..."
  1125. "Say no more, I don't think I could deny you an ice cream now, and Scootaloo, we can drop you home if you want too."
  1127. >"We'll go get our things!"
  1129. >You run to the boy's locker room and change into a pair of loose jeans and a green hoodie, while stuffing everything else in your gym bag, even your spikey shoes.
  1130. >When you leave the locker room you find Captain Rainbow Dash waiting for you.
  1131. >"What's up, Cap"
  1133. "I just came to ask if you have thought about that anything I said I would do."
  1135. >"Can't I tell you at the party?"
  1137. "Okay, but please, think about it."
  1139. >After those so encouraging words, Captain Rainbow Dash retreats.
  1140. >You reunite with Scootaloo, now wearing green cargo pants and her own red hoodie before meeting with your dad at his truck.
  1142. >As you sit shotgun, you fill a black pit of ice on your guts.
  1143. >Your sixth sense was just assaulted by pure hate and agression.
  1144. >And it wasn't even aimed at you.
  1145. ---
  1146. >Even with the clatter of the lab equipment, it would not be hard to hear the voice, for it was not merely speaking, but shouting to the world about it's lastest creation.
  1147. >On a table, in a transparent container, a black mass boils and shakes, shriekes and strikes against the containers walls.
  1149. "The darkest atributes of Spider-woman, taken directly from her blood. Made into new life. A half-life."
  1151. "What are you, my little symbiote?"
  1153. "Were do come from, and where to go?"
  1156. ---
  1157. >You are Sunset Shimmer, and right now, your spidey-sense just decided to hit you like a sledgehammer.
  1159. Ok, I'm switching a few little things:
  1160. Black text is now the p.o.v character speaking and when more than one other character is part of a conversation I'll try to keep them 'tagged'.
  1161. ---
  1162. >You are Sunset Shimmer, and right now, your spidey-sense just decided to hit you like a sledgehammer.
  1163. >What the hell was that?
  1164. >The penthouse decorating for the party was going according to Twilight's checklist and the sky was clear.
  1165. >You and Pinkie were just riding your Rebel to the nearest convenience store from the Interscholastic race after stopping a rampaging Rainbow.
  1166. >The street was practically empty!
  1167. >What immediate danger could there be?
  1168. >As usual, it's Pinkie what derails your thoughts.
  1170. >"You okay there Sunny? You went all shaky-whammy, and your face was like 'Oh my gosh!' and then you kept staring at the sidewalk!"
  1172. >Considering you are both wearing helmets, and that you are sitting in front of her that's some impressive perception.
  1174. "I'm fine Pinkie, I just remembered that I left a faucet open but today Sunburst comes home early, so no biggie!
  1176. >You don't like lying to Pinkie, but part of being Spider-Woman is keeping your secret identity safe, even if that meant lying to your friends.
  1177. >Except those that Spitfire told already.
  1178. >And even if they were here you wouldn't have told them anyway, not without knowing what the danger was.
  1179. >Maybe you just caught some terrible fever that will kick in later or something like that.
  1180. >You decide to shift the topic away from you
  1182. "So what are we getting anyway?"
  1184. >"First disposable cups and tableware, then we call Vinyl and check with Flash through MyStable that we are getting only the good stuff. Twilight took care of everything else yesterday!"
  1186. "The cups and forks I get since we started planning for this yesterday, Vinyl for that matter too but what are we checking with Flash exactly?"
  1188. >"You know that Flash pulls all the strings of the school via MyStable! So I learned to use that!"
  1190. "You are using Flash to manipulate the school? Why? ...What does he ask for? And why do we need to do that for a party?
  1192. >"Sheesh Sunny, do you think I'm evil or something? We need someone to make sure the whole school knows. Also, booze"
  1194. "That makes sense. Wait, what about booze and Flash?"
  1196. >No kidding guys, Flash was one of the first persons you met on this world, you dated for half a year even, and he was one of the first to forgive you and make friends.
  1197. >And he is a goody-two-shoes.
  1198. >What does he have to do with alcohol?
  1200. >"After tenth grade, almost every party I throw has some dudes smuggling booze in, but for some reason they always ask on MyStable about what to bring, so I started asking Flash to tell them to bring 'the good stuff'. I don't know what it is but it gets the drunkies all doozy and sleepy instead of angry and puking everywhere."
  1202. "I thought you were against all that"
  1204. >"Meh. I was but some people think it makes parties better, and I couldn't stop the smugglers even when I tried."
  1206. "So you settled for damage control?"
  1208. >She answers with a defeated shrug and a smile.
  1210. >“Yeah, ‘bout that. Why was Dashie trying to throttle Rares?”
  1212. >You think for about a minute before answering.
  1214. “You have seen how poorly the boys perform at sports in Canterlot High, right?”
  1216. >Pinkie gives you a thumbs up, placing her hand in front of your visor.
  1218. “DON’T DO THAT!” You shout and she gets her hand off your vision, then you continue. “Rarity convinced her to do as Indigo Zap and go ‘Show some leg’ to motivate Anon and the other runners, and to promise any ‘prize’, but only for impossible results.”
  1220. >“What’s with Dashie and imitations anyway? And did it not work? Or it just backfired?”
  1222. “Worked too well, actually. The Wondercolts won every solo race, with the Shadowbolts winning at the relays, but Rainbow went over board flirting with Anon, and did what Rarity told her to way too literally. She promised literally anything if he got an olympic time...” You let the sentence hanging.
  1224. >“... And he got it, and now Dashie blames Rares?
  1226. “Bingo.”
  1228. >“Even I am starting to wonder how this million-to-one chances keep cropping up nine times out of ten.”
  1230. “I started wondering that the moment that a cancer-to-superpowers ratio for radiation became necessary.”
  1232. >You scan the horizon, and in a rare display of good look, actually find what you look for.
  1234. >“Say, do you think Anon will record it? I’ve always wondered if the carpet matches the rainbow drapes.”
  1236. "ANYWAYS!, I think I see a Barnyard Bargains Superstore over there." You say, using the roar of the engine to pretend you didn’t hear that.
  1237. ---
  1238. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  1239. >One of them, anyway.
  1240. >The one native to this world, at least.
  1241. >And with your parents out of town (As usual) and Shiny on his government job for the week, you have the penthouse for yourself.
  1242. >And as always, you have a thousand dollars in case you 'get hungry'.
  1243. >And up to yesterday you would have ordered an Azty-K delivery burrito with a soda and return the rest of the money to your parents when they came home.
  1244. >Not today though!
  1245. >After telling Sunset and Pinkie, they insisted on throwing a party.
  1246. >Mostly Pinkie, anyway.
  1247. >You finally relented when they promised to help setting up and cleaning.
  1248. >They are right anyways, you need to get to know more people.
  1249. >You have been on Canterlot High for a year and you only have seven friends, and barely any acquaintances.
  1250. >So you are waiting for Sunset and Pinkie to arrive with the last things to set some snack tables up.
  1251. >As Sunset said, you dressed casually, for it's just a party.
  1252. >After googling what defined a good casual ensemble you chose to wear a purple vest over a white shirt, along with a pair of jeans with your emblem on them and a pair of red sneakers.
  1253. >After a bit of fussing over your hair you decided to let it loose.
  1254. >You give are about to check if the amount of nachos bought was enough when you heard the doorbell ring.
  1255. >20:00.
  1256. >You can always count in Sunset to get Pinkie somewhere in time.
  1257. >You open the door to Sunset, Pinkie and a plastic bag about to burst.
  1258. >After a few greetings the three of you set up three snack tables and the sound system for when the DJ arrives.
  1259. >Vinyl, as always, had no trouble coming with little preparation time, apparently she keeps her 'gear' in her car, all the time.
  1260. >The four of you then manage to get not only the penthouse's sound system rigged to Vinyl's console, but the lights too.
  1261. >By the time you are done, it's already 21:00 and the first guests are arriving.
  1263. "Thank you girls! This party is going to be perfect! I can't believe nothing went wrong!"
  1265. >After saying that you go for a hug.
  1266. >You are not lying, you really are excited about this and you really thought the light's rig would have caught fire by now!
  1267. >Pinkie returns the hug eagerly, while Sunset hugs you with a single arm, the other keeping her hand on her face.
  1269. >"Why did you have to say it, Twi?"
  1270. ---
  1271. >You don't know what went wrong.
  1272. >You think you are… [pic relatd]
  1273. >Hard to know right now.
  1274. >You very well may be not.
  1275. >Your mouth tastes like velvet, and everything smells green.
  1276. >You don't exactly remember what happened.
  1277. >Last time you checked, you were on a nice party, talking with Anon on the bathroom giving, him some needed advice.
  1278. >Now you are on the trampled husk of a party, pinned down by a table and clutching something on your hand hard enough to hurt your hand.
  1279. >And you can see two of SHIELD’s Fledglings team battling a rather familiar black thing on the dance floor.
  1281. >Nova and Spider-Woman.
  1282. >If anything, you have a nice view of their spandex clad butts.
  1283. >Unf.
  1284. >They stand in some kind of formation, with Nova intercepting and cutting off the thing’s attacks and Spider-Woman sealing the exits and throwing things at it.
  1286. >“I don’t know what this thing is but we can’t let it out of the penthouse! Power Gal and White Tiger are still getting the students out of here. We need ” The spider themed hero says.
  1288. >The black thing is different.
  1289. >For one, whenever you saw it, if ever, it was different from what it is now.
  1290. >Second, it seems to have no plan of attack or tactics.
  1291. >You are no expert, but it’s just lashing with tentacles at Nova, who keeps cutting them with her glowing hands and batting Spidey’s furniture away.
  1293. >“Don’t worry, I can take it!” Said the helmet clad girl.
  1295. >The thing roars, a gaping maw full of inwards pointing fangs revealing a meter long crimson tongue and sprouting more tentacles from it’s back.
  1296. >Then it runs at Nova, swinging both arms and at least six tentacles at her center of mass.
  1297. >She again cuts everyone that gets too close, but this time the cut ones, instead of retreating, rapidly grow back and overwhelm her, covering her body in wriggling black tentacles and drawing her close.
  1299. >“I LIED! I CAN’T TAKE IT!” Nova screams and shuffles in panic, looking at the thing extend its’ tongue towards her. “ I DON’T WANNA TAKE IT! NEED SOME BACKUP OVER HERE!!”
  1301. >One of the tentacles produces a REALLY familiar blade and pricks her chin.
  1302. >It then gives the cut a long sloppy lick.
  1304. >Were it not for the fact that your ribs hurt like hell and that the thing is about to bite Nova’s head off, you would have drawn a comparison between the scene before you and neighponese erotica.
  1305. >Alas, girls in skintight suits being beheaded is not one of your fetishes.
  1306. >You are pretty sure.
  1307. >Then again, horses were not your thing either...
  1309. >Anyway, after licking Nova’s chin, the black thing pulls it’s head back and open its huge maw.
  1310. >Hey, you were right! It is about to kill Nova in a really messy way!
  1311. >Wait. That’s bad.
  1312. >You start shiming away from under the table, but you know that even if you can do something, you’ll be too late.
  1313. >Where is Spider-Woman?
  1315. >“Hey! Why don’t you eat this!” Spider-Woman quips as she falls from the high ceiling with a well placed kick to the things head.
  1317. >The black monster is sent flying into a table and buried in Chocolate Creme Twinkies.
  1318. >Luckily it was another table on the other side of the room, not the one you are trying to escape.
  1320. >Unluckily, on the other hand that meant that Nova was catapulted out of a window at high speed.
  1322. >“NOVA!!!” Yells Spider-Woman diving out of the same window, leaving the monster in it’s delicious prison.
  1324. >You finally get the table off you to see that you are now alone with a monster on a room with no exits but a window. On the top floor of a skyscraper.
  1326. >On the other hand you can finally see that the thing on your hand is your trusty shock baton.
  1328. >For all the good that is going to be.
  1330. >It worked pretty well last time, though...
  1331. >Fuck. You suddenly remember everything. The knife, the goop, the baton and how you got under that table.
  1333. ---
  1334. >You are Flash Sentry.
  1335. >Owner of the best pony car on the city, self taught mechanic, one of the team who built Vinyl’s and your own, great guitarist and sexually confused young man.
  1336. >Your last girlfriend turned to be a unicorn.
  1337. >Your last crush turned to be an alicorn.
  1338. >The singing girls that flirted with you? Horse Fish.
  1339. >That’s even without taking into account the whole dopplëganger business.
  1340. >You are taking a break from the dating world right now.
  1341. >Still, that is no reason to miss a good party.
  1342. >You were having a blast, the music was making both the crowd and the windows dance, the booze flowed in waves of red cups, and the flashing lights made the whole place a giant dance room.
  1343. >You barely drank a cup of beer for appearance's sake.
  1344. >And you were thankful for it, for while most juniors and seniors were either dancing, passed out and unresponsive (and making Indigo Zap and her speed-tape and markers selling business incredibly rich) or making out, you are sitting on a table with the Rainbooms, plus four sophomores, chatting, making fun of the rest of the party goers and having a good time.
  1345. >The only weird thing was that neither Rainbow, Rarity nor Anon were looking each other in the eyes.
  1346. >Just now you are reading a text you were expecting.
  1347. >You scan the party for the walking gunpowder keg that was a lovestruck teen about to do something that could backfire horribly.
  1348. >You spot Cloudy Kicks, leaning on a bookcase and speaking with Spitfire.
  1349. >After finding her, it was a matter of finding a broad guy walking that way.
  1350. >You quickly type ‘Imprtnt stuff, gt outa tere’ and send it to Spitfire.
  1351. >Now all that’s left is seeing if Teddy pulls this off or crashes and burns.
  1352. >A good show anyway.
  1354. “Look over there guys, this is going to be memorable.” You say, causing the whole table to look where you were pointing.
  1356. >“Looks like Teddy is finally making his move on Cloudy Kicks” Says Rarity.
  1358. >“Teddy is going for Cloudy Kicks of all people?” Interjects Rainbow Dash “She is one hell of a winger, but she cheats at everything else. EVERYTHING.”
  1360. “The dude has been lovestruck for the whole past year, but a source on MyStable slipped me that Neon Lights was going to ask her for dinner this weekend, so I forwarded it to him.” You clarify. “Without naming the source, of course.”
  1362. >“The Winger and the Quarterback of Canterlot High together? It’s almost poetic!” Says Twilight. This Twilight. The hornless one.
  1364. >No, wait, she had one too. The one who almost ripped reality apart.
  1366. >“She may say no.” Points out Sunset.
  1368. >“Whatever happens, my job gets harder anyway.” Replies Rainbow. “She says no and I may lose one of my best offensives on football for a week or more, she says yes and cheats on him, same result or worse. And she may leave the soccer team either way! She has said she only joined to meet hunks!”
  1370. >“Ah’d say she got it, look at him, he’s a beefcake!” Says Applejack, with a flushed face that makes it clear she has had the most drinks on the table and a smirk that couldn’t be described with anything less than ‘naughty’ “Ah’d bite it...”
  1372. >“APPLEJACK!” Her little sister shouts, now almost as red as her sister. “I’m telling Big Mac!”
  1374. >“We get enough crap thrown at us, and ye wanna feed the incest rumors?” The drunken girl says.
  1376. >“I can’t get them any worse th’n you crushing on cousin Jonathan!” Applebloom snaps.
  1378. >“Dang it Applebloom, he is adopted and you know it!” Applejack retorts.
  1380. >The whole table falls silent. Twilight and Sunset are looking nervously at each other, Rainbow Dash is still dripping soda from her spit take, Scootaloo looks like she is hoping for a brawl to start, and Anon looks like he’s ready to bolt out of here.
  1382. >“I know Jonathan. We both lived on the same orphanage, the Moose House for Wayward Children.” Anon quietly says, wiping his face with a napkin.
  1384. >“See Sweetie? This is why we are not supposed to drink.” Quips Rarity
  1386. >“Party pooper” murmured Scootaloo, pouting.
  1388. >“Isn’t it because it’s terrible idea to do anything drunk?” Asks Sweetie.
  1390. >“I think the idea is to get the other guy drunk first, so he can refuse your offers.” Says a thoughtful Scootaloo.
  1392. >Before any arguments could break you slam your hands on the table.
  1394. “I think it would be better to watch other people’s drunken mistakes, right?” you say, pointing at the stumbling football player about to reach his objective.
  1396. >That got them to calm down a bit.
  1398. >You all watch the unfolding scene with various degrees of interest, starting with Spitfire checking her phone, raising an eyebrow at you and leaving Cloudy alone, followed by Teddy tripping over an unconscious Micro Chips and falling over Cloudy.
  1400. “He dun goofed.” You say, and everyone you can see nods.
  1402. >“He has yet to tell her anything. It’s not over until everything has been said and done.” To the surprise of every... Apparently only you and Anon, it’s Fluttershy who jumps to Teddy’s defence. “Keep watching”
  1404. >You watch as both Teddy and Cloudy get tangled and roll a few meters together, then he says something, and she answers.
  1405. >Then he picks her up, hugs her, and they roll another few meters, crashing against a bookcase.
  1407. >“See?” Says a very smug Fluttershy. “It’s like you never watched a romantic comedy.”
  1409. >As the girls start a new, less serious bickering about movies, you watch as the unconscious Micro Chips, is being taped by Brawly Beats, Sandalwood, and Thunderbass to the ceiling.
  1411. “I need to get Micro Chips down from the ceiling. Sandalwood seems to be too drunk to remember that the poor guy has vertigo.”
  1413. >“I’ll help you.” Says Anon, springing suspiciously fast from his seat next to Scootaloo, and walking towards you.
  1415. “Fine by me, we are gonna have to lower him back to the ground.”
  1416. >The two of you leave the table and go for the corner of the room, where one of the picked clean snack tables was repurposed as a platform to reach a low part of the ceiling.
  1417. >By the time you arrive, Micro Chips looks like the victim of a giant airport spider, taped in a gray cocoon with his back on the ceiling.
  1419. >Both you and Anon climb up on the table, and start pulling at the tape to no avail.
  1421. “Well, it seems they dropped their wallets with Indigo Zap. This is Speedtape, we don’t have a chance to rip it. We’ll need to cut it.”
  1423. >Before you could look around for any particularly sharp fork Anon speaks.
  1425. >“Here.” Says Anon, handing you a fucking big knife.
  1427. >As in, ‘How did you carry that without anyone noticing’ big.’
  1429. “Why are you carrying something like this?” You ask, taking the knife anyway.
  1431. >It’s a solid piece of of reddish metal, with crossguard and a spiral hollow handle.
  1432. >All in all, it looked old.
  1433. >Still, it proves good enough to slice the tape, letting you and Anon lower the drunken techie to the table.
  1434. >As anyone who has ever seen him, he is very light, you could have done this alone.
  1435. >So you turn back to Anon.
  1437. >“Uh… Oh! That thing, I got it back at my old orphanage, a lanky man gave it to me, I use it to choose in hard decisions, but it’s more kind of... My lucky charm I guess?” Anon says, followed by “AndIneedadvice.”
  1439. >You slap Micro Chips awake and answer.
  1441. “What?” You actually understood, you have shared classes with Pinkie Pie for years, but you are not mocking him. If he isn’t just spilling spaghetti and actually wants your advice he needs to get his shit together.
  1443. >“So you’ve known the girls for longer than I have, right? Of course you have I have been here for barely a week...” Anon rambles. And while he does so you guide him to the penthouse’s main bathroom.
  1445. >So you left Micro Chips groaning on the table, but he’ll be fine… Sure.
  1447. >The bathroom it's huge. Bigger than some restaurant restrooms even, but you came here because you know it’s soundproof.
  1449. >“...And then I barely know Rainbow and the Crusaders, and you are the only guy I’ve talked with, so I wouldn’t like to bother you, but then Rarity did a thing, I think, I mean Scoots said she did, but Zap says she wouldn’t but I think she did, and then…” Anon spills before you stop him.
  1451. “Okay. In English and at human speed this time.”
  1453. >He turns on a faucet and splashes some cold water on his face.
  1454. >Had he been drinking?
  1456. “So… What did you wanted to speak about?”
  1458. > “Rainbow Dash promised anything if I got under ten seconds. I did.”
  1460. “That’s why the three of you wouldn’t look at each other, then.” You say as you piece it together. “Sweet, as long as you don’t walk up to her with a bottle of lube or anything like that. Any ideas?” You ask.
  1462. >You have now an idea of what and why he is asking you.
  1463. >On one hand he could get away with whatever he wants with a… girl.
  1464. >You are sure the moment you praise her looks or something, she will be working with aliens or something. Such is your life.
  1465. >Or he could fuck up this badly and end up as some kind of idiot.
  1466. >Or he could blow his chances with her.
  1467. >If he actually fancies her, anyway. You are as far from being a love guru as it’s possible.
  1469. >He splashes more water on his face.
  1470. >Wasn’t that faucet closed?
  1472. >“Not really. I think it’s kind of a genie problem, every idea I think of is then followed by each way I can imagine it backfiring.” Anon says, closing the tap again.
  1474. “Okay, first things first. What are you shooting for? Do you want a relationship or are you just chasing tail?”
  1476. >“That’s the problem! I barely know her! She is my friend for a week, cheering me up and helping me settle in and then she goes and starts flirting with me!” He says, once again closing the tap.
  1478. >That’s... weird. You are starting to think that tap may be mocking you
  1480. “That sounds like a crush to me.” You say “Rainbow’s last crush was Burns, and solely based on the fact that he can catch a fly ball without looking up.”
  1482. >“Burns? as in Heath Burns? The guy who carries a blowtorch in his fanny pack and can’t barely write in english? How?” Anon asks.
  1484. “He is strangely good at sciences and maths. His explanation was ‘trigonometry’, and that killed the crush.” You answer, then follow with a question of your own. “How do you know him, anyway?”
  1486. >”He was burning an english test on the school hall.” He answers with a shrug.
  1488. >That's Heath Burns all right.
  1490. “Dash has a thing for athletes, and you just proved yourself! You’ll be fine.”
  1492. “Just ask her out. Even if it doesn’t work you won’t lose anything, and if it does, you may find the answer to one Canterlot High’s greatest mysteries within the year.”
  1494. >“What?” He asks, closing again the shaking tap.
  1496. “You know, at least half the school wants to know if it’s rainbows all the way...”You cut your answer short. “GET DOWN! NOW!!”
  1498. >You get on the ground and cover your head.
  1499. >He looks confusedly at you for less than half a second before doing the same.
  1501. >The faucet is shaking. Not like a clogged one should, but more like the time Burns and Napalm tried to blow up a toilet and the pressure busted all the pipes on the bathroom.
  1503. >And just like that time, the whole sink shoots off the wall, sailing over both of you and shattering against the backwall, blowing a white cloud of dust and scattering porcelain shards everywhere.
  1504. >An instant later, there is water pouring from cracks on the wall, the pipe that was once connected to the faucet is pouring black sludge all over your back, and you have a terrible ringing on your ears.
  1506. >“Twilight’s dad is going to kill us...” You faintly hear Anon say from the ground.
  1508. “You are assuming Shining won’t get to us first.” You say as you stand up, trying to calm him down.
  1510. >Heck, to calm yourself down, that was dangerous, you could have been hurt.
  1511. >You look at your arm and wince, you are bleeding.
  1512. >You have been hit by a piece of porcelain shrapnel, luckily the fragment is lodged on your jacket.
  1513. >It’s just a flesh wound.
  1514. >You pull the bloody red bit and throw it to the ground.
  1516. “Let’s just get out of here and tell Twilight what happened.” You say as you try to leave, but Anon must be hugging your leg.
  1518. >You turn your head to face him.
  1519. >He is standing and pointing his orange-red knife at you, as if to attack.
  1520. >You immediately dig your shock baton out of your jacket with your right hand, turn it on, and point back.
  1521. >Did he do all this to kill you?
  1522. >Why?!
  1523. >You don’t have much, and you have always made an effort on not making enemies.
  1525. >“That wasn’t me! Look down!” Anon says, lowering his knife slightly, pointing now at your leg.
  1527. >You look instead at the broken mirror next to the burst pipe.
  1528. >The black goop is slowly climbing up your leg.
  1529. >You poke it with your left hand.
  1530. >It feels like warm rubber or a soft abused car tire.
  1531. >The goop shivers and trembles.
  1532. >Then it engulfs your hand and starts RACING up your body.
  1534. >You let out a roar, and stab it with your baton.
  1535. >The shrill and girly scream was from the goop, obviously.
  1536. >Not the other way around.
  1537. >If you leave this place alive, you are making sure Anon tells the truth.
  1539. >The goop retreats off you and pulls back into a pillar larger than you, with white eyes and a gaping maw full of jagged teeth.
  1541. >Right between Anon and you.
  1543. “RUN!!!” You shout as you bolt for the exits.
  1545. >”Angry, agonizing, cruel, bitter, furious, cheated, mean!” You hear Anon… Scream?.
  1547. >You look over your shoulder to see Anon kneeling on the wet ground, one hand clutching his head, the other trying to reach the knife laying on the ground besides him.
  1549. >”HURT! VIOLENT!! DIVIDED!!! SPITEFUL!!!! EMPTY!!!!! RAGING!!!!!!” Most definitely screaming, that is as clear as pain gets.
  1551. >The toothy pillar of doom looks at you and Anon and you freeze.
  1552. >It ignores the both of you to pick up the bloody piece of porcelain from the ground and eats it.
  1554. >You may very well die for doing this, but you run past the black pillar and check on Anon.
  1555. >He is pale, his pupils are shrunk, he is not blinking and is muttering to himself what appear to be emotions.
  1556. >This is bad.
  1557. >But hey, he managed to pick up his lucky charm.
  1558. >That has to count for something, right?!
  1559. >You quickly throw him over your shoulder on a very sloppy fireman’s carry and run for the door.
  1560. >When you are just about to open the door, the black thing lunges at you, throwing you like a ragdoll through the closed, solid wood door and into a table, ramming Micro Chips on the way.
  1561. >This time an entire party heard you scream, but you are more worried about the cracking on your ribs and back.
  1562. >The last thing you see before everything went black was Anon trying to crawl away from the black ooze slowly covering him.
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