
One shot stories based off images.

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. View the picture before reading :
  4. >"But... why dance with us?"
  5. >"Because Luna," He places her hand on his chest, staring deep into her eyes "I see something different in you... something... Chaotic..."
  6. >Gently caressing her face, he goes in for a kiss.
  7. >She blushes, an overwhelmingly warm feeling washing over her when their lips touch.
  8. >She feels refreshed, renewed, as if a massive weight was lifted from her shoulders. She feels like an entirely different person.
  9. >Discord lets out a small smile as he pulls away.
  10. >He parts from her, her hand slowly sliding off his chest and down his arm. She holds his hand for only a moment before he gently pulls away.
  11. >"I'll be seeing you in the sweetest of dreams," He says as he turns away, a malicious smile flashing over his face "My lovely Nightmare."
  14. I know, it's Twilight in the picture. But I wrote in Luna because that is who I thought it was at first, and it makes more sense in my head.
  16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. View the image before reading
  20. >Today is the day of you birthday party.
  21. >Pinkie throws the greatest of parties, especially for her close friends.
  22. >There is music being played by a professional DJ, the Cakes have made some absolutely scrumptious desserts, and you are in the presence of nearly the entire town.
  23. >Oh, there is also a mountain of presents by the front door.
  24. >Surely most of them will be gems and miscellaneous tailoring supplies you already own.
  25. >But seeing you are so generous, you usually end up donating most of the tailoring materials and gems to a local charity or orphanage.
  26. >Sometimes you make clothing for them too, if time and materials permit.
  27. >Perhaps this is why you are so well received.
  29. >You socialize, you dance, you drink some cider.
  30. >Not a lot of cider mind you, it isn't very ladylike to get drunk.
  31. >That doesn't seem to stop a certain cyan pegasus from getting intoxicated, though.
  32. >”HEEEY RARI*hic*TEEE” a bumbling blue pony approaches, dropping a box at your feet.
  33. >”I * hic* I gotchoo a prezunt” You can smell the whiskey in her breath.
  34. >”Well thank you Rainbow Dash, you can leave it with the others, if you would like.” You shoot a glance toward the pile of presents
  35. >” I wanted to * hic* deliver it myself, and see the look on your face. I'm sure youll love it!” She smiles, slightly swaying left and right.
  36. >”I'm quite sure my reaction will be one to remember.” You chuckle nervously.
  37. >She look at you, then at the present, then at you again.
  38. >”Well arenchu gonna open it? * hic*” she asks.
  39. >”Oh. Oh, of course darling. I'll open it right now!” you nervously smile at her
  40. >Taking the wrapping paper off, you see it is a box similar to that which fancy shirts come in.
  41. >She seriously bought you, the pioneer of Equestrian fashion, a shirt?
  42. >It's the thought that counts.
  44. >You remove the lid, and deadpan stare at the content
  45. >Socks
  46. >She bought you socks?
  47. >You look up, and see Rainbow smiling from ear to ear.
  48. >”Well, do ya like em?” She questions.
  49. >”I uhm.. yes! Yes I do! I simply must try them on!” You say nervously, as you retreat through a crowd of ponies into your creativity chambers.
  50. >Thank Celestia you weren't destined to be the Element of Honesty.
  51. >You get into the room, closing the door behind you.
  52. >You slip on the socks.
  53. >”Well, these are really rather comfortable. Are these silk?” you question no on in particular.
  54. >You look at the mirror.
  55. >”I look good in these! And the color! The color is simply [spoiler] Dashing! [/spoiler]
  56. [spoiler] You then throttle the life out of yourself with a sock for your terrible pun-manship [/spoiler]
  57. [spoiler] Bad end [/spoiler]
  59. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. View the image before reading
  63. >How?
  64. >How has my life come to this?
  65. >I am to Chaos what Celestia is to the sun.
  66. >I escaped from my stony confines twice!
  67. >But all those years trapped in stone, they made me weak. At the end of the day, I didn't have anybody to come home to. I didnt have someone to play pranks on, I didnt have someone to tell about my chaotic adventures. I didn't have someone to care for me when I was feeling sad.
  68. >I didnt have somebody..
  69. >That is when I saw the Element of Laughter.
  70. >Talk about one crazy mare!
  71. >I cant believe I fell for her so quickly.
  72. >Celestia could see it in my eyes. The way I looked longingly at her. How I so desired her company.
  73. >That's why she made the deal she did.
  74. >”Discord. I see the way you are looking at a particular party p0ny. And I know how alone you feel. I can... help you with that.”
  75. >Come into my lair, said the spider to the fly.
  77. >So here I am, being attacked by adorable-ness on a daily basis.
  78. >In one hand, I could not be happier. I get to be with a like minded individual, one who is completely crazy, someone who loves the crazy side of life as much as me, Someone who loves to laugh as much as me
  79. >I get to be with somep0ny who loves me.
  80. >But at what cost?
  81. >I am no longer a God of chaos. I was stripped of all but my most basic powers.
  82. >Not being a god means I am no longer eternal.
  83. >So here I lie, on my deathbed, reminiscing with one lovely pink mare, who is holding back tears as these infernal machines beep in a rhythmic fashion.
  84. >”Hey Discord, remember that time we were late to visit Canterlot, and you let me ride on your back? Oh boy, you were so miserable about having to go see the princesses.” she stifles a giggle.
  85. >”Hehe, yeah.” That was before I got this confounded sickness.
  86. >Well, Discord, you can cause chaos one more time...
  87. >How is that, Brain?
  88. >These orderly machines. They beep in a steady rhythm...
  89. >Oh.
  90. >”Pinkie... Have you noticed how orderly these machine are? How constant and rhythmic their beeps appear to be?”
  91. >”Well of course silly! They beep like that because your heart beats!” she says with a smile
  92. >”Well, Pinkie” I give her a small smile “What if I told you I can cause a little chaos one last time?"
  93. >I feel her hoof on my chest, and I look into her eyes
  94. >A single tear rolls down her cheek.
  95. >”Go for it” she whispers with a small smile.
  96. >And with my loves hoof in my hand, the machines stop their infernal beeping.
  97. >I, Discord, the last of the draconequus, released a bit of chaos for the very last time.
  98. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. View the image before reading
  102. >You are 3 drinks in, going into your fourth
  103. >And you are so upset, you could just scream
  104. >You were going to have the greatest night of your life.
  105. >You went to the spa to get yourself all prettied up
  106. >Rarity gave you a special dress for the occasion.
  107. >You even went to the mane salon, and got extensions.
  108. >And on this fantastic night, you decided to do something you truly enjoy.
  109. >Taking a walk through the garden, and admiring the birds and various woodland creatures that call this castle 'home'.
  111. >You devoted your entire life being the best animal caretaker you could be.
  112. >You spent all that time perfecting your art, honing your skill.
  113. >You like to think you are good with animals.
  114. >But tonight, you were proven completely wrong.
  115. >It was as if everything you have done to this point has been a wasted effort.
  116. >All those sacrifices, all those friends lost...
  117. >You sacrificed a life in the clouds with your own kind, where you still had a chance to be accepted.
  118. >You disappointed your parents when you told them you were going to live on the ground.
  119. >They shunned you, going as far as to claim they did not have a daughter.
  120. >What few pegasi friends you had abandoned you when you told them you were leaving Cloudsdale in order to live on the surface of the planet.
  121. >Well,except for Rainbow Dash. She earned her element that day, in your opinion.
  122. >Still...
  124. >Tonight, on what you considered the greatest night of you life, when you looked your most stunning, you were going to enact a very simple plan
  125. >You were going to ask the birds to sing a song in unison, to prove to all those p0nies who thought you wouldn’t amount to anything that you amounted to something.
  126. >You wanted to prove to them that you were worth their attention,
  127. >An undying urge to feel desired and loved kept you going, even when the animals started running away from you like you were a monster.
  128. >All of them feared for their life because of you.
  129. >Your lifes work was undone when their terrified eyes pierced into your very soul.
  130. >It made you feel... unwanted
  131. >Unloved.
  132. >Worthless.
  133. >A single tear rolling down your cheek, you take a drink.
  135. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. >Ever since the release of Discord, your sister has been been under a lot of stress.
  138. >Ruling a kingdom is hard enough without the constant threat of having all you know and love utterly destroyed on a daily basis
  139. >Most threats can be ignored or handled with swift efficiency.
  140. >This threat you 2 received however, was not like the others
  141. >Not necessarily for what the note said, but rather for who it was from.
  142. >The Changelings have been an enemy of the state since you were a little foal.
  143. >Even when you were at your most evil, you still despised the Changelings for what they did.
  144. >All those lives that were lost in the wars is enough to turn any p0ny mad.
  145. >Fortunately, Celestia is not your average p0ny.
  146. >It also helps that she avenged those lost by using [DATA EXPUNGED] to completely annihilate their disgusting race.
  147. >At least, that's what you thought until you received the formal declaration of war from a long dead species.
  149. >Your sister was on the balcony yet again, monitoring everything in the city.
  150. >Everything her sun touches can be seen by her, but she stands on the balcony yet another day and night, keeping a close eye on the city.
  151. >According to recent intelligence operations, the vile creatures dwell underground like the insects they are.
  152. >The sun does not reach underground
  153. >After raising the moon in your private quarters, you walk to the balcony to see Celestia staring at the castle grounds.
  154. >”Are you alright, Tia?” She is far from alright, but her composure doesn't reveal as much.
  155. >”I will be fine, dear sister,”She tries to stifle a yawn. “I will watch the grounds tonight.”
  156. >”Celestia, you have been up for 2 days. You need to rest and regain your strength.” The concern in your voice is evident.
  157. >”I will not rest until I ensure the safety of M Y subjects!” she snaps.
  158. >”If you insist.” you turn and exit the balcony.
  159. >The stress is clearly affecting her mind, or she would not have snapped in such a way.
  160. >She needs to relax, or she will lose her mind.
  161. >An idea pops into your head.
  162. >A certain pink pony always speaks highly of the powers of laughter.
  163. >Perhaps it is time to test it's true power.
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  167. View the picture before reading :
  170. >”Hello Twilight. Long time no see.” A soothing, yet familiar voice states.
  171. >Last she remembered, she was in her treehouse, getting ready for bed.
  172. >But now she's in a very grand, empty room with a table in the middle of it.
  173. >She recognized the figure sitting on the table, one leg on it the other swinging loosely off the edge.
  174. >The body may be different, but that mischievous smile is the same as it ever was.
  175. >”Discord! But... how is this...?” Twilight looks around the room shocked.
  176. >”Now now Twilight, lets not dwell in the details.”He says with a slight smile. “Let's just enjoy this time we have together.”
  177. >”How are you here?” There is anger in her voice, but her curiosity prevails.
  178. >He snaps his fingers, willing a phonograph into existence.
  179. >The record spins, and after a second of the initial fuzz of a vinyl spinning up, a jazzy tune is played.
  180. ( )
  181. >”It's quite simple Twilight. You thought of me, just as I have thought of you.”
  182. >”What are you doing here?” the anger is gone, replaced only by curiosity.
  184. >”I wanted to ask you something. Something very personal.” His voice wavers slightly as his eyes gaze through her.
  185. >He approaches her, and when he is within a few feet, he extends his hand out to her.
  186. >”May I have this dance?” His sad eyes betray his smile.
  187. >Twilight hesitates for a moment, thinking of what to do.
  188. >This guy is the reason Equestria was almost thrown into eternal chaos.
  189. >He caused her friends to turn against each other, almost making her lose them all.
  190. >But right now, the way he looks at her, the sadness in his smile, she know this is different.
  191. >She can't explain it, but she feels it.
  192. >Besides, what's the harm in one dance?
  193. >She places her hand in his, and as gently as he can, he pulls her in, and begins to dance with her.
  194. >And for a moment, the two begotten souls forget the trivialities of day to day life. They forget the sins of their past, and the instability of the future.
  195. >They are living in the moment, wanting nothing more than just to exist.
  196. >For a moment, they are truly at peace.
  198. >”Twi... you don't mind if I call you Twi, do you?”
  199. >She shakes her head slightly.
  200. >”Have you ever felt... alone?” Discord's eyes meet hers when he asks.
  201. >Still moving to the music, Twilight does not respond with words, but with her body.
  202. >She looks at the ground, and feebly pushes herself away from him.
  203. >He says nothing, opting instead to gently pull her closer as they move to the music.
  204. >For a moment, only the soft tapping of their dress shoes and the notes of the phonograph fill the air.
  205. >”I have felt alone. Not just recently either,” he shakes his head. “My entire long, chaotic life has been very... lonely.” he continues to dance, not looking at Twilight, but beyond her.
  206. >”I... I've been alone too. I mean, I have my friends, and I always have my number one assistant, but I feel like there's something...”
  207. >They both complete her sentence simultaneously.
  208. >“Missing.”
  209. >Twi blushes slightly as Discord smiles.
  210. >”Well then. Let's see if we can find what's missing.” he says with a trickster's smile.
  212. >The phonograph seems to be playing louder, time slowing down, yet speeding up around them.
  213. >No words are being spoken, but their bond is strengthening tenfold each moment they are together.
  214. >There is nothing else in the universe as far as they know. It is only them and the music, swinging gently to and fro.
  215. >All the pain, the heartbreak, the suffering that they have endured in their lifetime melt away as the music overtakes them and cleans their very soul.
  216. >He pulls her close, wrapping a leathery wing around her.
  217. >The room around them begins to fade into white, the music softening.
  218. >”The night is almost over, and I didn't even get to ask the question.” he says with a saddened chuckle
  219. >He pulls her in close, placing her hand on his rapid beating heart.
  220. >She blushes, as they stare into each other's eyes.
  221. >”Thank you” he softly whispers.
  222. >”For what?” her confused visage makes Discord smile slightly.
  223. >”For this.” He leans in to kiss her.
  224. >She moves forward slightly, and when their lips touch, the world around them explodes into white, the music fading away faster than before.
  225. >Pulling away, Discord holds her hips at arms distance, looking into her eyes.
  226. >”It has been an absolute dream to dance with you.” He smiles kindly and turns, her hand sliding down his arm as he exits into the white void.
  227. >”Sweet dreams, Twilight. We'll be seeing each other soon.” He says still turned away.
  228. >”When?” She calls out to him
  229. >”Not soon enough, Twi” She doesn't see the tear fall down his cheek
  230. >Not soon enough.
  232. >Twilight is sitting at the breakfast table, a cup of coffee in her hooves,
  233. >She stares into the black liquid for a moment before turning her gaze to the window.
  234. >A sad smile finds its way to her face as she stares at the overcast sky.
  235. >She can't remember much of the dream, only that there was music, and dancing, and she was a human like that Anon fellow.
  236. >Such a strange dream.
  237. >Her eyes reveal a sadness only she could know yet, she does not know why it is so.
  238. >She takes another sip before rising to turn on the phonograph.
  239. >As the record spins, a song comes to life.
  240. >The notes of a song heard only in a dream drift by her ears, her eyes begin to tear up.
  241. >Deep down, she knows exactly why she feels empty.
  242. >Alone.
  243. >But she doesn't want to acknowledge it.
  244. >How could she? He is a draconequus, and she a p0ny. Not to mention he is an enemy of Equestria.
  245. >It would never work.
  246. >She sits down in her chair, staring out the window as droplets of water accumulate.
  247. >Yeah. It would never work.
  248. [spoiler]>Except... maybe in a dream.[/spoiler]
  249. [spoiler]>Such a strange dream.[/spoiler]
  250. [spoiler]>One that she would not mind having again. [/spoiler]
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