

Oct 16th, 2014
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  1. Chris Jericho (c) vs. Roddy Piper, No DQ
  3. After both men were introduced, they stand off in the middle of the ring, almost daring each other to strike first. Harsh words are exchanged, and as they insult each other they inch closer and closer to each other, until they are screaming at each other with their foreheads pressed together. Piper strikes first with a headbutt, rattling Jericho. Piper then starts raining in strikes, driving Jericho to the ropes, all the while screaming "YOU LITTLE WHELP, THE DAY I LOSE TO A PUNK LIKE YOU IS THE DAY I BURN MY TARTAN AND RENOUNCE MY NAME!" Piper goes on like that, until the ref has to pry him off Jericho, who then slides under the ropes to the outside. Jericho shuffles about under the ring, before pulling out a guitar case marked PROPERTY OF FOZZY. He smirks a bit, before setting it aside to play to the crowd, flipping his hair around and taking a bow. This is met with boos, of course. Jericho is so busy gadabouting that he doesn't notice Piper bringing a chair around, leaving him wide open for a chairshot to the back(met with a pop, of course) before Piper rolls him into the ring and covers.
  5. 1...2, Jericho kicks out. Jericho gets up and starts laying in with strikes to Piper, who responds with a few punches of his own, and some fancy footwork. He learned something from those bouts with Mr. T. Eventually, Piper has Jericho on the ropes, hits a few lefts, and hits a BIG right haymaker, knocking Jericho over the ropes! Jericho staggers on the outside, and Piper shoots a look at the crowd while tapping the side of his head. Piper goes through the ropes, and goes after Jericho, who has surreptitiously opened the one closed latch on the guitar case. As Piper comes around the corner, Jericho swings open the case, grabs the neck of the guitar, and EL KABONG! The guitar shatters on Piper's skull! Jericho plays to the crowd a bit more, before rolling Piper into the ring and pinning.
  7. 1...2...2.9, Piper gets his foot on the rope. Jericho pulls Piper to his feet, and lays in a flurry of strikes. Piper fights through just to stand up, and eventually tries for a big right hand! Jericho ducks this and hits a low blow! Jericho knocks the staggering Piper into the corner, and goes to the opposite turnbuckle. He gets the collapsed Piper in his sights, and barrels into the corner with a dropkick straight to Piper's head, clattering Piper's skull against the post. As Jericho gloats to the crowd, medical staff check on an unmoving Piper before the ref declares him unable to continue.
  9. Jericho wins.
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