
BOA local install FATAL ERROR:: DNS looks broken for server

Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. Using username "root".
  2. Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-08122015"
  4. The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
  5. the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
  6. individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
  8. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
  9. permitted by applicable law.
  10. Last login: Sun Jul 17 09:24:44 2016
  11. root@debian8-170716:~# date
  12. Sun 17 Jul 09:55:22 BST 2016
  13. root@debian8-170716:~# ifconfig
  14. eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:7c:65:e5
  15. inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
  16. inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe7c:65e5/64 Scope:Link
  18. RX packets:417 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  19. TX packets:82 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  20. collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  21. RX bytes:37371 (36.4 KiB) TX bytes:13432 (13.1 KiB)
  23. lo Link encap:Local Loopback
  24. inet addr: Mask:
  25. inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  26. UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1
  27. RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  28. TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  29. collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  30. RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  32. root@debian8-170716:~# cd;wget -q -U iCab;bash
  34. BOA Meta Installer setup completed
  35. Please check INSTALL.txt and UPGRADE.txt at
  36. Bye
  38. The system is ready for BOA installation!
  40. We will start screen session for you in 15 seconds
  41. to avoid problems with dropped SSH connections
  42. during BOA stack installation, which may take up to
  43. 30-60 minutes, depending on your server speed.
  45. If your connection will drop, simply log in again
  46. and re-attach your session with 'screen -R' command.
  48. Please wait a moment until this message disappears.
  50. Enjoy!
  52. BOA [10:07:26] ==> BYE!
  53. root@debian170716:~# boa in-stable local
  55. BOA [10:16:18] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-3.1.1 welcomes you aboard!
  57. BOA [10:16:21] ==> INFO: NORMAL INIT
  58. BOA [10:16:21] ==> INFO: Localhost Setup Mode Active
  59. BOA [10:16:21] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.barracuda.cnf config file
  60. BOA [10:16:30] ==> VIRT: This system is supported: VMware ESXi guest
  62. BOA [10:16:30] ==> Aegir on debian170716 Debian/jessie x86_64 PHP 5.6
  64. BOA [10:16:30] ==> INFO: Installing some basic tools now, please wait...
  65. BOA [10:17:08] ==> INFO: Installing sysvinit on Debian jessie...
  67. BOA [10:17:11] ==> NOTE: Please reboot and run barracuda upgrade
  68. BOA [10:17:11] ==> NOTE: when boa will complete initial installation
  69. BOA [10:17:11] ==> NOTE: to cleanly remove not used systemd packages!
  71. BOA [10:17:34] ==> INFO: Installing more basic tools now, please wait...
  72. BOA [10:18:04] ==> INFO: DNS test: OK
  74. BOA [10:18:04] ==> INSTALL START -> checkpoint:
  76. * Your email address is
  77. * Your IP address is
  78. * Your hostname is aegir.local
  80. BOA [10:18:04] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions...
  81. BOA [10:18:10] ==> INFO: Running system packages update...
  82. BOA [10:19:31] ==> INFO: Installing required libraries and tools, please wait...
  83. BOA [10:23:59] ==> INFO: Installed OpenSSH version 6.7p1, upgrade required
  84. BOA [10:23:59] ==> INFO: Building OpenSSH 7.2p2 from sources, please wait...
  85. BOA [10:25:37] ==> INFO: Installed cURL version 7.38.0, upgrade required
  86. BOA [10:25:42] ==> INFO: Building cURL 7.49.0 from sources, please wait...
  87. BOA [10:27:29] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB...
  88. BOA [10:27:46] ==> INFO: Forced MariaDB 10.0.25 in Debian/jessie
  89. BOA [10:29:12] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade...
  90. BOA [10:30:04] ==> INFO: Building Git 2.7.0 from sources, please wait...
  91. BOA [10:34:15] ==> INFO: Installed Nginx version nginx/1.6.2, upgrade required
  92. BOA [10:34:15] ==> INFO: Installing Nginx...
  93. BOA [10:39:52] ==> INFO: Installing MySecureShell master-20-03-2015...
  94. BOA [10:40:22] ==> INFO: Installing wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage x86_64...
  95. BOA [10:40:33] ==> INFO: Fix #1 for libs in Debian jessie
  96. BOA [10:40:34] ==> INFO: Fix #2 for libs in Debian jessie
  97. BOA [10:40:34] ==> INFO: Installing VnStat monitor...
  98. BOA [10:40:46] ==> INFO: Installing a few more tools...
  99. BOA [10:40:46] ==> INFO: PHP 5.6.23 will be installed now
  100. BOA [10:40:46] ==> INFO: Building PHP 5.6.23 from sources, please wait...
  101. BOA [10:41:00] ==> INFO: Building PHP 5.6.23 part 1/3
  102. BOA [10:41:02] ==> INFO: Building PHP 5.6.23 part 2/3
  103. BOA [10:42:21] ==> INFO: Building PHP 5.6.23 part 3/3
  104. BOA [11:04:13] ==> INFO: Installing PhpRedis for PHP 5.6.23...
  105. BOA [11:04:35] ==> INFO: Installing UploadProgress for PHP 5.6.23...
  106. BOA [11:04:44] ==> INFO: Installing JSMin for PHP 5.6.23...
  107. BOA [11:04:53] ==> INFO: Installing Twig C for PHP 5.6.23...
  108. BOA [11:05:04] ==> INFO: Installing Imagick for PHP 5.6.23...
  109. BOA [11:05:30] ==> INFO: Installing MailParse for PHP 5.6.23...
  110. BOA [11:05:41] ==> INFO: Installing LibYAML for PHP...
  111. BOA [11:06:13] ==> INFO: Installing YAML for PHP 5.6.23...
  112. BOA [11:06:30] ==> INFO: Installing Limited Shell
  113. BOA [11:06:43] ==> INFO: Installing Redis update for Debian/jessie...
  114. BOA [11:07:56] ==> INFO: Generating random password for MariaDB
  115. BOA [11:07:57] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB and PHP configuration
  116. BOA [11:07:59] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server...
  117. BOA [11:08:04] ==> INFO: OS and services installed
  118. BOA [11:08:04] ==> INFO: Installing Aegir Master Instance, please wait...
  119. BOA [11:08:04] ==> INFO: MariaDB is listening on
  120. BOA [11:09:45] ==> INFO: Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit, please wait...
  121. BOA [11:10:06] ==> INFO: Aegir Master Instance installed
  122. BOA [11:10:06] ==> INFO: Installing default SSL Wildcard Nginx Proxy...
  123. BOA [11:10:08] ==> INFO: Installing Chive Manager...
  124. BOA [11:10:09] ==> INFO: Chive Manager installed
  125. BOA [11:10:12] ==> INFO: Updating init scripts
  126. BOA [11:10:14] ==> INFO: Starting Redis, PHP-FPM and Nginx
  127. BOA [11:10:23] ==> INFO: MariaDB final setup
  128. BOA [11:10:29] ==> INFO: MariaDB setup completed
  129. BOA [11:10:29] ==> INFO: You can now log in as root by typing just 'mysql'
  130. BOA [11:10:29] ==> INFO: Cleaning up system swap, it may take a moment...
  132. BOA [11:10:32] ==> INFO: Congratulations, Aegir have been installed successfully!
  133. BOA [11:10:32] ==> NOTE! Please wait 2 min before visiting Aegir at:
  135. BOA [11:10:32] ==> LINK: http://aegir.local/user/reset/1/1468663706/WqYT8mkmKDIbpeEC-8CqG9EPWa0_25YK8qXDURLfqgM/login
  136. BOA [11:10:44] ==> INFO: Installing DNS cache pdnsd server...
  137. BOA [11:12:06] ==> CARD: Now charging your credit card for this magic show...
  138. BOA [11:12:09] ==> CARD: It will take a moment to process your payment...
  139. BOA [11:12:15] ==> JOKE: Just kidding !!! Enjoy your Aegir Hosting System :)
  141. BOA [11:12:19] ==> Final post-install cleaning, one moment...
  142. BOA [11:12:24] ==> BYE!
  144. BOA [11:12:51] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-3.1.1 welcomes you aboard!
  146. BOA [11:12:54] ==> _LOCAL_NETWORK_IP is
  147. BOA [11:12:54] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.o1.octopus.cnf config file
  148. BOA [11:12:55] ==> New Octopus Setup on aegir.local in progress...
  150. * Your email address is
  151. * Your client email address is
  152. * Your Aegir control panel for this instance will be available at:
  153. https://o1.sub.aegir.local
  154. * Your Aegir system user for this instance will be o1
  155. * This Octopus will use PHP-CLI 5.6 for all sites
  156. * This Octopus will use PHP-FPM 5.6 for all sites
  157. * This Octopus includes platforms: ALL
  158. * This Octopus options are listed as SSD / Y / 8 C
  160. BOA [11:13:04] ==> INIT A: Shared platforms code v.001 (new) will be created
  161. BOA [11:13:04] ==> INIT A: Adding user...
  162. BOA [11:13:06] ==> INIT B: Downloading drush micro-8-15-06-2016...
  163. BOA [11:13:15] ==> INIT B: Installing Aegir Provision backend...
  164. BOA [11:13:15] ==> INIT B: Downloading Drush and Provision extensions...
  165. BOA [11:13:18] ==> INIT B: Running hostmaster-install, please wait...
  166. BOA [11:14:32] ==> INIT B: Aegir install test result: OK
  168. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: Letsencrypt SSL initial mode: DEMO
  169. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- No real SSL certs will be generated
  170. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- To enable live SSL mode, please delete file:
  171. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- /data/disk/o1/tools/le/.ctrl/
  172. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- Then run octopus forced upgrade
  174. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- !!! WARNING
  175. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- Don't enable SSL option for the Hostmaster site in Aegir
  176. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- SSL for Aegir control panel is handled outside of it
  177. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: LE -- !!! WARNING
  179. BOA [11:14:38] ==> INIT B: Enhancing Aegir UI, please wait...
  180. BOA [11:15:55] ==> INIT A: Aegir Satellite Instance installed
  181. BOA [11:16:17] ==> INIT C: Shared platforms code v.001 (new) will be created
  182. Drupal 6.38.2 [001] - [Y/n]
  183. BOA [12:19:08] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 6.38.2 D.001 installed
  184. BOA [12:19:08] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 6.38.2 S.001 installed
  185. BOA [12:19:08] ==> DISTRO: Drupal 6.38.2 P.001 installed
  186. Drupal 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  187. aGov 3.2 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] y
  188. BOA [12:19:32] ==> DISTRO: aGov 3.2 7.44.1 [001] installed
  189. Commerce 1.42 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  190. Commerce 2.38 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  191. Commons 2.27 6.38.2 [001] - [Y/n] n
  192. Commons 3.38 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  193. Guardr 2.30 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  194. OpenAid 2.8 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  195. OpenAtrium 2.64 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  196. OpenChurch 2.2 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] y
  197. BOA [12:20:10] ==> DISTRO: OpenChurch 2.2 7.44.1 [001] installed
  198. OpenOutreach 1.30 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  199. OpenPublic 1.8 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  200. Panopoly 1.37 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] y
  201. BOA [12:20:21] ==> DISTRO: Panopoly 1.37 7.44.1 [001] installed
  202. Restaurant 1.13 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  203. Ubercart 2.15 6.38.2 [001] - [Y/n] n
  204. Ubercart 3.9 [aq3] 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  205. Ubercart 3.9 [ud2] 7.44.1 [001] - [Y/n] n
  206. BOA [12:20:24] ==> INIT C: Running Platforms Verify tasks, please wait...
  207. nBOA [12:20:30] ==> INIT A: Platforms installed
  208. BOA [12:20:30] ==> INIT A: Cleaning up various dot files, please wait...
  209. BOA [12:20:30] ==> INIT A: Adding ftps/lshell user
  210. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the sites backups
  211. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the system registry_rebuild
  212. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the system clean_missing_modules
  213. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the system drupalgeddon
  214. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the system drush_ecl
  215. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the system safe_cache_form_clear
  216. BOA [12:20:31] ==> INIT A: Adding symlink to the clients directory
  217. BOA [12:20:53] ==> Final post-install cleaning, one moment...
  219. BOA [12:21:01] ==> INFO: Congratulations, Aegir have been installed successfully!
  220. BOA [12:21:01] ==> NOTE! Please wait 2 min before visiting Aegir at:
  222. BOA [12:21:01] ==> LINK: http://o1.sub.aegir.local/user/reset/1/1468664005/JWrsbmlDm2yJVMOsXYgcPH9axgcvLufS9ok8huqVX8I/login
  224. BOA [12:21:02] ==> BYE!
  225. chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat /home/o1.web
  226. chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat /home/o1.web/.drush
  227. chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat /home/o1.web/.drush
  229. BOA in-stable completed
  230. Bye
  231. root@debian8-170716:~# barracuda up-stable
  233. BOA [13:08:09] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-3.1.1 welcomes you aboard!
  235. BOA [13:08:12] ==> INFO: UPGRADE
  237. Do you want to proceed with the upgrade? [Y/n] y
  238. BOA [13:08:48] ==> VIRT: This system is supported: VMware ESXi guest
  240. BOA [13:08:48] ==> Aegir on aegir.local Debian/jessie x86_64 PHP 5.6
  242. BOA [13:08:48] ==> INFO: Removing systemd on Debian jessie...
  243. BOA [13:09:07] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions...
  244. BOA [13:09:13] ==> INFO: Running system packages update...
  245. BOA [13:10:15] ==> INFO: Upgrading required libraries and tools...
  246. BOA [13:11:14] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade...
  247. chattr: No such file or directory while trying to stat /usr/sbin/nginx
  248. BOA [13:11:59] ==> INFO: Upgrading Nginx...
  249. BOA [13:16:05] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB and PHP configuration
  250. BOA [13:16:07] ==> INFO: OS and services upgrade completed
  252. BOA [13:16:07] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server...
  253. BOA [13:16:23] ==> INFO: Upgrading MariaDB tables if necessary...
  255. Do you want to upgrade Aegir Master Instance? [Y/n] y
  256. BOA [13:20:37] ==> INFO: Running Aegir Master Instance upgrade
  257. BOA [13:20:41] ==> FATAL ERROR:: DNS looks broken for server aegir.local
  258. BOA [13:20:41] ==> FATAL ERROR:: Aborting Barracuda installer NOW!
  260. BARRACUDA upgrade completed
  261. Bye
  263. You have new mail in /var/mail/root
  264. root@debian8-170716:~#
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