

Dec 14th, 2015
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  1. [05:32 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is over by the window in Simon's hospital room, having a smoke. The window's open, and he's leaning on the sill, head out, so none of the smoke makes it into the room. He hasn't had a smoke in days and it was driving him up the wall. Fuck, he needed this.
  2. [05:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill doesn't mind, in all honesty. His chest is mostly doing him fine, at least from where he is. There's enough distance. He's just now coming up on the end of his book... what timing.
  3. [05:37 PM] Liquid Snake knocks on the door to the hospital room whether it's open or not, but stays at the doorway, in case anything's going on he shouldn't be walking in on. How considerate. "Anyone home?" he calls.
  4. [05:38 PM] Simon-Blackquill doesn't say anything for a good minute or so. He's trying to finish, just a little more... there we go. He's done now. "......No, but you may come in."
  5. [05:39 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin snorts and Simon's 'joke', and then looks over his shoulder at Liquid. "Hey."
  6. [05:41 PM] Liquid Snake strides in once invited, hands in his coat pockets, looking from his brother to Simon and back. "Lot of nobodies in here, then, hm? Hello, you two. Thought I'd drop by."
  7. [05:42 PM] Simon-Blackquill laughs and looks at Snake. "Nobody indeed."
  8. [05:42 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Excuse you.
  9. [05:42 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Sarcasm, Pliskin-dono.
  10. [05:42 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Uh huh.
  11. [05:44 PM] Liquid Snake: Fighting already? And I just got here.
  12. [05:44 PM] Liquid Snake laughs.
  15. [05:44 PM] Bobby-Fulbright gave Blackquill a warning when he visited the guy's hospital room a few days ago; people would find out Simon was there and he'd be put back in Bobby Fulbright's custody. There was no way it couldn't happen, because Bobby had already submitted an official 'missing persons' report of sorts (along with a request for some time off work) just after his cover had been blown. He'd admitted, as a handler, that he'd lost track of his convict. Cue Blackquill being admitted into Hickfield a while later, cue the clinic staff finally doing their job even later and checking their patient's records to find out that he's a missing convict. Which, of course, resulted in Bobby being dragged out of his vacation. Funny, how slow the system works.
  17. So here he is, accompanied by a small horde of police officers in case Blackquill (and possible associates) starts a ruckus. Ten officers in total. Honestly, he's not sure whether he wants to be here. He's not sure whether any of this is [b]wise[/b]. However, it's Bobby's job and maybe Simon will actually be safer in solitary confinement. No more fetish sex to get out of hand. He knocks, but doesn't want for a reply. Instead, the door is opened immediately after that.
  20. [05:48 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin lifts his head at the knock, only for the door to be opened and- Snake straightens up immediately, hand moving to his hip, where his gun is hiding just under his shirt in a hidden holster. His face goes severe, eyes alert and body rigid. That's... a lot of officers. He can only hope they're poorly trained or out-of-shape.
  23. [05:50 PM] Simon-Blackquill's neck cracks as he snaps up to look when the door is opened so suddenly, and the first thing he sees...
  25. Is the one thing he didn't want to see.
  27. His heart sinks, his body freezes. Not that he can move very far regardless. He's feeling a mixture of unimaginable terror and unshakable anger.
  30. [05:52 PM] Liquid Snake glances towards the door upon hearing the knock, eyebrow raised. He notices Snake's change in demeanor in his peripheral vision, and immediately after he sees the collection of cops gathering at the door. What in the world? His stance is less casual now, legs apart, teeth gritted. This can't be good. He doesn't have any firearms at the moment, but he's always got at least one knife on him, and he's good with his fists.
  33. [05:53 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is silent for a few seconds. That sure is a whole lot of tension in this room- even HE can surmise as much. He fiddles with his aviators and then it's Bobby Fulbright time. "Prosecutor Blackquill! There you are! You had me worried sick when you disappeared, you know!" Pout pout pout.
  36. [05:55 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: ... You're not fooling us, 'Detective'. I'm not letting you take him.
  37. [05:55 PM] Liquid Snake: This seems a bit excessive for someone who's in hospital.
  38. [05:56 PM] Simon-Blackquill can't say anything. When he opens his mouth to, all that comes out are choking noises.
  40. He took Kujaku and now he's coming for him and he can't even speak!
  42. [05:56 PM] Simon-Blackquill may or may not be having trouble breathing, now.
  44. [05:57 PM] Bobby-Fulbright: Ah, well... The Chief wasn't really happy when he heard I lost Prosecutor Blackquill... He's the one who insisted I should bring some back-up...
  45. [05:58 PM] Bobby-Fulbright isn't even lying about that. The chief was maaaaaaaaad....!
  46. [05:59 PM] Simon-Blackquill: FOOL BRIGHT!
  47. [05:59 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: Look, you're gonna give him an asthma attack. Obviously you're bad for his health. Back off-
  48. [05:59 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin or you can yell, simon,
  49. [05:59 PM] Liquid Snake: ...There's backup, and there's...
  50. [06:00 PM] Liquid Snake gestures at the people in the doorway.
  51. [06:00 PM] Simon-Blackquill clutches his chest, leaning forward. Yep, that shout took the breath out of him. Good show.
  52. [06:01 PM] Bobby-Fulbright: Ah, well... The clinic staff confirmed it's safe to move him to the prison now, so... Don't you worry, he'll get all the peace and quiet he needs in solitary confinement.
  53. [06:01 PM] Liquid Snake is a very theatrical person, and even he thinks all that's unnecessary.
  54. [06:02 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Re...
  55. [06:02 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Remove your mask!
  56. [06:03 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin stays still, but scans the room with his eyes- is there a table near him that he could use for cover?
  57. [06:04 PM] Bobby-Fulbright: Hah? Mask? What mask would that be?
  58. [06:04 PM] Bobby-Fulbright idly fiddles with his aviators again.
  59. [06:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill cough cough wheeze hack choke
  60. [06:04 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  61. [06:05 PM] Liquid Snake turns to look at Simon, but he doesn't stop staying alert. "You alright?" Clearly he's not, Liquid, come on.
  62. [06:05 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin finds that the nearest table is a bit far- maybe too far to move to. He clenches his teeth, hand still hovering near his hip, and turns his eyes towards Simon.
  63. [06:05 PM] Simon-Blackquill is trying to breathe ;n;
  64. [06:06 PM] Simon-Blackquill's nurse call button is nearby, as is his inhaler, but he can't even think about either one right now.
  67. [06:08 PM] Bobby-Fulbright shuffles his feet. Well, this is going to turn nasty, isn't it? A moment's pause, then he steps towards the bed to take the inhaler and press it into Simon's hand. Big difference from the Phantom [b]tossing[/b] it at him, isn't it? He fully expects there to be consequences to this, either from Blackquill himself or from Pliskin, but he's doing it anyway.
  70. [06:11 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin steps towards the bed the moment he sees 'Bobby' heading there, and now there's Bobby on one side, Snake on the other. And this time, in a swift motion, he has his gun drawn and aimed at the detective. "Back away."
  73. [06:12 PM] Bobby-Fulbright's eyes widen and he ducks for cover on the other side of the bed while the ten officers spring into action, all drawing their own weapons with the proclamations of "FREEZE" and "DROP IT".
  76. [06:12 PM] Simon-Blackquill trembles as the bootleg Bobby Fulbright approaches, looking up through his hair to give him the most menacing scowl he can manage... wheezing as the inhaler is placed into his hand. He doesn't do anything with it... except grip it tightly while he tries and fails to bring his lungs back from the near-dead.
  79. [06:12 PM] Liquid Snake's trying to decide between paying attention to Simon and paying attention to all the cops at the door, and that guy who isn't actually the guy he's dressed up as that he completely failed to catch that one time. After a good amount of time being dead, this is all surprisingly distracting. But then Bobby starts heading towards the bed, and he glares. But Snake's got that covered, so Liquid's attention returns to the cops, and this time he's got his hand on one of the knives he's got concealed in his coat. Good thing, too, because now all the cops are ready.
  82. [06:14 PM] Bobby-Fulbright will hide by the bed and let the cops handle it for now. Heroes of justice don't go around toting guns, after all!
  85. [06:17 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls, and boy does he think the Phantom is a damn coward. Too chicken to just come on his own and try to take Simon himself, he had to bring his small army of cops, and he ducks as soon as action comes. Coward.
  87. No stranger to having a shitload of guns pointed at him, Snake's resolve doesn't waver, his eyes trained on the guns of the officers and the grips holding them, the fingers on the triggers, watching and waiting for the telltale signs that someone is going to fire. "No." He says, "Not until all of you clear out, and leave this man alone."
  90. [06:19 PM] Simon-Blackquill slowly snaps out of it, bringing his inhaler to his mouth and using it, still managing to give the stink-eye -- though now his target is the army of cops.
  93. [06:20 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is still hiding even as the officers tense up a little more, some of them taking a cautious step further into the room. These cops are clearly not backing down. "Sir, lower your weapon!" one of them barks again.
  96. [06:21 PM] Liquid Snake's still got his hand on his knife, although he hasn't drawn it yet. There's always the old adage about bringing a knife to a gunfight, but that's for people who aren't Liquid Snake, Enfant Terrible. He doesn't have a helicopter to bring to the fight anyway. He stays to the side. If they're focusing all their attention on Snake... it can give him an in to kick some asses while they're distracted. And he knows Snake can hold his own until then. He's fought the man.
  99. [06:25 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's gunpoint is now aiming at the crowd of cops, the focus switching between the ones that dared to move in closer. He doesn't respond vocally to their demand this time, instead considering his options. He could fire off a couple shots, try to at least take a couple out and serve as a distraction, and then make a move for that table and hope it's not too far. He takes a breath...
  100. [06:25 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  101. [06:25 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  102. [06:25 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  103. [06:27 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  104. [06:29 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin fires twice in swift succession- each shot aimed at a different officer. It's his modified M9, at least, loaded with non-lethal tranquilizer darts instead of bullets. His aim was poor on the first shot, and the dart sailed right past the officer, but the second was a direct hit- right to the neck. That'd knock that poor officer out within moments.
  106. Shots fired, he wastes no time in moving, not ready to be turned into swiss cheese, and he dives for the table. He reaches it with little trouble, kicking it over and swiftly hiding behind it for cover as he takes a few seconds to contemplate his next move. He's sure, at least, that Liquid can be handling himself out there as well.
  109. [06:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill reaches for his cane as soon as he can breathe. Luckily, 'Fool Bright' is on the other side of his bed, and after he gets the cane into his hand, he reaches to try and attack the impostor from the other side.
  110. [06:31 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]1[/b]
  111. [06:31 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( oh simon... ))
  112. [06:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill: [[YOU TRIED.PNG]]
  113. [06:32 PM] Cress Alvein: (( i never laughed so hard before in my life ))
  114. [06:33 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  115. [06:36 PM] Bobby-Fulbright sees that cane coming a mile away and catches it with one hand with the result of a 3 roll. Wow... Gold star for trying, Blackquill, but that wasn't even close. He tries to pull it out of the guy's hand, which will require an upcoming new roll versus Simon.
  117. Meanwhile, as one officer hits the deck, the other nine shout in alarm. Six of them advance on the table, three of them stay behind with their guns directed at Liquid to make sure this other suspicious dude doesn't try anything funny.
  118. [06:37 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  119. [06:38 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]4[/b]
  120. [06:38 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( im picturing all nine officers with the mgs exclamation marks popping up over their heads in succession as the 10th goes down ))
  121. [06:38 PM] Cress Alvein: (( same ))
  123. [06:39 PM] Simon-Blackquill manages to keep his hold on his cane! Haha, villain! Not that it matters because he's bringing it back down on 'Bobby'. He means business!
  124. [06:39 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]2[/b]
  125. [06:39 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( SIMON... ))
  126. [06:39 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  127. [06:39 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  128. [06:40 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  129. [06:40 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  130. [06:40 PM] Bobby-Fulbright: ((THAT ONE WAS FOR THE CANE THING, HANG ON))
  131. [06:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( see if one of em gets shot from a 2 roll ))
  132. [06:40 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  133. [06:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( lmao nope ))
  135. [06:42 PM] Bobby-Fulbright manages to avoid getting stomped by the cane and once again gives it a good tug.
  137. [06:42 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin pops out from behind the table to fire two shots- but with the swift action, he hardly had time to aim beyond in the general direction of the advancing officers. He cusses under his breath, and hesitates for a second, before trying to duck back down.
  139. Does any officer try to take advantage of that moment of hesitation?
  142. [06:42 PM] Liquid Snake is completely unsuspicious, what are they thinking. His glance darts from officer to officer, an amused smirk coming to his face. "Really, now, three against one? That's not even close to being fair." Well, considering they're not going to be leaving anytime soon, he pulls the knife out completely, flipping it around a few times in his fingers before pointing it at the middle of the three. "Suppose I've got no choice." Other hand balling into a fist, he practically jumps on the middle officer, ready to kick his ass either way. Hopefully his audacity'll distract them enough.
  144. [06:42 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  145. [06:43 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  146. [06:43 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]1[/b]
  147. [06:44 PM] Simon-Blackquill can say goodbye to that cane... and his balance, making him nearly fall off the bed.
  150. [06:47 PM] Bobby-Fulbright successfully swipes the cane!!! Hurray! And whoah, hi there Blackquill just above him. Please don't fall on him, that would hurt.
  152. Meanwhile, three officers take advantage of Snake's hesitation to jump him, while three others stay behind. One of those remaining three is reaching for pepper spray with his free hand.
  154. Meanwhile meanwhile, with the 3 versus 5 roll, the middle officer roars in dismay as he's jumped by Liquid and hits the floor with a crash. The other two immediately jump in, one of them trying to pull Liquid off while the other is totally prepared to shoot him. Cries of "CEASE AND DESIST" are basically echoing across the room.
  157. [06:48 PM] Simon-Blackquill decides to use his loss of balance to his advantage... and he uses his good leg to kick off the bed and try to tackle the Phantom.
  158. [06:48 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]4[/b]
  159. [06:48 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  162. [06:50 PM] Liquid Snake isn't exactly in the best shape lately. He's out of practice, not used to breathing, not used to having physical form, and most certainly not used to fighting people like he used to. Even if he was designed precisely for fighting... well, sometimes people mess up! Sure, he hits the officer, but he didn't calculate too well, and although he knocked him down, the other officers are definitely trying to kick his ass instead. Embarrassing. Still, he's always been a fast and wiggly little shit, and he tries to kick free from the officer pulling at him so he can go after the one preparing to shoot.
  163. [06:50 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  164. [06:50 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  165. [06:51 PM] Liquid Snake: ((one for gettin away and one for attacking, which are a lil ouch))
  166. [06:51 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: (("a lil"))
  167. [06:51 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  168. [06:51 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  170. [06:53 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin snarls when the officers jump him, and he fires off a single shot at one of them, before aiming a high, sweeping kick at the officers.
  171. [06:53 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  172. [06:53 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  173. [06:53 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( aim sucks, kick ok ))
  174. [06:55 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  175. [06:55 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  177. [06:57 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is being flattened by Blackquill, oh SHIT. He couldn't get out of the way in time and now here he is, suffering the consequences. It's a good thing Simon isn't too heavy, but even so, he's paranoid enough to assume the guy will go straight for his mask. His first course of action is to cry out in alarm, his second is to roll the man off him with sheer force. Dice roll incoming for that one.
  179. Meanwhile, Liquid succeeds in freeing himself of the one dude's grip and the one who was preparing to shoot falters something fierce. Well, at least the third one who was on the ground can get up now. He teams up with the one whose grip failed, both of them attempting to tackle Liquid before he can go after their gun-wielding companion.
  181. MEANWHILE, Snake's shot misses spectacularly and the kick's results are even worse. The three cops succeed in jumping him and the one who was preparing pepper spray is moving in for the kill. Pepper spray roll will happen after the Simon roll roll.
  183. [06:57 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  184. [06:57 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  185. [06:57 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]1[/b]
  186. [06:59 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  188. [07:00 PM] Simon-Blackquill falls onto the ground on his back and cries out in intense pain -- oh no, he landed on his bad leg, oh no!!! His hands instinctively move down to clutch his lower leg in agony, causing him to cry out further. Haha, you've fucked him up, Fool Bright.
  191. [07:01 PM] Liquid Snake always knew thrashing around and causing a commotion would come in handy. He's good at that sort of thing, after all. But it doesn't matter so much when the other guy's back up and now they're clearly getting ready to tackle him. He does his best to both dodge and counterattack on the closest one, knife at the ready so he'll get out of their way. He's going in for the stab.
  192. [07:01 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  193. [07:01 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  195. [07:02 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is thoroughly jumped by three cops! His one shot missed and the kick was a failure, and that's just fucking pathetic. But then he spots the pepper spray, and instead of going to the officer, he goes for that, bending out of the way and grabbing it, turning it away from his face. Fuck you! He also aims to pistol-whip the nearest officer.
  196. [07:02 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  197. [07:02 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( nice pistol-whip ))
  199. [07:03 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  200. [07:03 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  201. [07:03 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  202. [07:05 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( btw dont bother rolling for the taser. just let it happen lmao ))
  205. [07:08 PM] Bobby-Fulbright sees a very good opportunity the moment Simon lands on his back. He brought some more precautions, after all. He takes out a nice, shiny new pair of manacles (with jolts of justice of course) and attempts to slap them on Blackquill's wrists, first chance he gets. Roll is incoming.
  207. Meanwhile, Liquid succeeds in dodging the attacks from the two dudes who were jumping him. The stab attempt misses due to the 2 versus 5 roll, though, and one of the officers attempts to make a grab for the wrist of Liquid's knife-wielding hand. This will be the second roll.
  209. Meanwhile meanwhile, a 6 versus 5 roll has thoroughly owned Solid Snake. The pistol-whip misses and one of the six officers has procured a taser. No more Mr. Nice Guys (and possibly a few chicks). The taser-wielding one is moving in for the kill and there will be no rolls for it.
  211. [07:08 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  212. [07:08 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  213. [07:09 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]4[/b]
  214. [07:09 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  216. [07:11 PM] Simon-Blackquill shouts in pain but forces himself to roll back onto his stomach, further hurting his bad leg in the process -- but it got him out of the steel teeth that are the manacles. Next, he moves to crawl under the bed.
  219. [07:12 PM] Liquid Snake is good at dodging, and this is no different when he manages to jump aside from his attackers, Unfortunately, though, he messes up big time on the stab attempt when his arm just doesn't want to work the way it's supposed to, and to make things worse, the officer manages to grab his wrist. "Oh, fuck you," he mutters, trying to pull his wrist away, still keeping a tight grip on the knife. He moves to punch the officer holding him in an attempt at getting away. (first is for pulling away, second is for punch)
  220. [07:12 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]4[/b]
  221. [07:12 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  224. [07:13 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is all sorts of ready to keep fighting, he really is, even one against six. He still has his gun, and he hasn't even drawn the knife from his boot yet- in fact, he goes for that now! But as he does, out of the corner of his eye, he sees one of the officers coming at him with a taser. He moves, to try and knock it out of their hand or SOMETHING but the angle isn't ideal and he was already in a motion and-
  226. Snake gives a strangled cry of shock and pain and panic when the jolts of the taser course through his body, sending him rigid and twitching for as long as the current runs through him- and for probably a minute after it stops, too, partially from the electricity itself, and partly just from his own mind.
  229. [07:14 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  230. [07:14 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  232. [07:20 PM] Bobby-Fulbright missed so badly with those cuffs, he might as well have shackled himself. Good lord that was a bad attempt, right there. And now Simon's crawling under the bed. .....Well, that's fine. Bobby will let him. It's not like there's any escape route under there. He moves himself away from the bed, making sure to keep the cane out of Simon's reach while he's at it.
  234. Meeeanwhile, Liquid fails at pulling himself free from the officer's grip. Nice try, buddy. That same officer will now try and pull his hand behind his back, squeezing Liquid's wrist in an attempt to disarm him while he's at it. The punch connects with the other officer's face, but isn't enough to really damage the guy, who is apparently as tough as a cement wall or something. Now that Solid Snake is down, some of the officers who were attempting to corner him turn their attention to Liquid. Now it's not three versus one anymore, it's seven versus one. Roll for the disarm is still incoming.
  236. [07:20 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  237. [07:21 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( pathetic grip, officer ))
  238. [07:21 PM] Bobby-Fulbright: ((sad, seeing as he managed to hold on before))
  239. [07:22 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( he used up all his grip rip ))
  242. [07:23 PM] Simon-Blackquill slowly gets himself under the bed and stays there, beginning to regret that little decision as it's a tight fit for the skinny-as-a-rail Simon. His chest is once again feeling crushed, but this time in a more literal sense. He whines in pain, but he's got nothing left now. He can't do anything else, he's totally trapped.
  245. [07:26 PM] Liquid Snake's body isn't helping him much lately, and while some of his attacks are deliberate, some are more just the result of him flailing around trying to get the body to cooperate with him. The officer's still holding on to him, but at least he hit the other one. Not that it did much to begin with, because that guy's still standing. Still, it's a small concession that he manages to keep hold of his knife. While he's trying to escape, he notices his brother... getting tasered. Oh shit. He wants to help, really he does. But he can't focus on that, because holy shit now there's seven of these guys, and here he is with no firearms, no vehicles, none of his old teammates, and a body that's only minimally cooperating. Grunting, he thrashes in a second attempt to get away from the guy, and then he's just going to go for stabbing the nearest guy, because if he's going down, he's going down in a fit of rage with as much damage caused as possible.
  247. [07:26 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]2[/b]
  248. [07:26 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  249. [07:26 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]5[/b]
  250. [07:27 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  251. [07:27 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( SOMEONE GOT FUCKING STABBED ))
  254. [07:31 PM] Bobby-Fulbright is still leaving Blackquill where he is for now and watches his henchmen take out Liquid. Tough titty, Mr. Prosecutor.
  256. The guy who's holding onto Liquid's keeps a firm grip, despite being totally useless when it comes to taking actual action. He also happens to be the 'nearest guy' and his failure to disarm comes back with a vengeance, because now the poor fellow is getting stabbed. In the gut. ......Yup. The other six officers cry out in rage, as do the two who were still sticking with Snake. Now three of them are going to move in with pepper spray, two more are moving in with tasers and by god, I could roll for this but at least one of these mooks should be successful
  259. [07:32 PM] Simon-Blackquill is going to stay trapped and hardly able to breathe, then.
  261. [07:36 PM] Liquid Snake is a known terrorist, a murderer of many, a man created solely to be a soldier, and he can't even win in a fight now. His body's locking up and he can't escape the man who's holding him, but at least he wiggles the one working arm away enough to stab the guy. Someone's getting hurt, even if he loses this whole thing. Of course this alerts all the other officers, and he can only watch and struggle as the others come closing in with their weapons of choice. Well, it's been real, and he's going down defending the people he's slowly been considering something resembling friends. "Well, what are you bloody waiting for?" he taunts, glaring at the officers. He's ready to take what's coming to him, and the roll's just going to be about what he gets hit with.
  264. [07:37 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is still struggling with existing, vision white and body still rigid, muscles spasming under his skin. But with the officers that were still on him gone, he starts to recover, struggling to push memories and images from his mind, to force his body to remember reality even if it doesn't want to. It's slow going, though, and when he manages to make a noise, it's a groan of pain from clenched teeth.
  266. [07:37 PM] Liquid Snake: ((1-3 is pepper spray, 4-5 is taser, 6 is FUCKIN BOTH))
  267. [07:37 PM] [user]Liquid Snake[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  270. [07:40 PM] Bobby-Fulbright watches as his subordinates pepper spray the everliving shit out of Liquid. Meanwhile, the guy who got stabbed is on the floor and another officer is cradling his bleeding body, screaming the words: "NICK, WHYYYY?!"
  272. [07:44 PM] Liquid Snake can't fucking see. Also he's in some serious pain, because he's not just pepper sprayed by one thing of the stuff, but multiple. He's thrashing the best he can, but his body's barely even listening to him, even less so now that it's got this pain to contend with. He's fucked this one up hardcore, just like the last time he tried to help. Maybe he's just destined to be a bad guy. He keeps his teeth clenched to keep from screaming, half in pain and half in pure fury, but it just muffles the noise. He's as good as useless, now.
  275. [07:49 PM] Bobby-Fulbright rushes over to Nick and the guy crying over his bleeding body so they can try and get this poor fellow out of the room and find him the medical attention he deserves, because NICK IS A VERY NICE GUY WHO NEEDS TO LIVE or his wife and kids will have a lousy Christmas this year. Meanwhile, the remaining officers attempt to tackle Liquid so they can slam the cuffs on him. Run, Liquid, run! Unless you wanna go to jail!
  278. [07:50 PM] Simon-Blackquill starts crawling back out from under the bed, toward the door so he can try to get away... and in the process, is moving further away from Snake and Liquid.
  281. [07:51 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is finally able to move, though his vision is blurred and his muscles still spasm and twitch. He scoots backwards until he meets a wall, which he uses to slowly gather himself to his feet. But he can't fight like this. What should he do?? He can't save Simon like this. Can he even save himself like this?? But in his blurry vision he sees the blond head of his twin, beset by like six fucking dudes, some of them trying to cuff him after pepper spraying him.
  283. "Liquid!" He shouts, trying to get the other snake's attention. The window is close by- and it's still open.
  286. [07:54 PM] Liquid Snake sure as hell doesn't want to go to jail! He's also fucking blind and useless and his body doesn't want to work, but god dammit he's worked too hard for this to give it up now. He can't even tell where Simon's gone, but he hears Snake call out for him, and he blindly glances in that direction. Using all of his strength, he wills his body to start working, and he starts scrambling towards his brother's voice, ignoring the pain and the stiffness of his limbs. He's going to make it. He has to.
  289. [07:59 PM] Bobby-Fulbright's henchpersons are freakin' idiots and in a state of panic, so Liquid can definitely make it to that window. God speed if you attempt to escape, Snake brothers. Have a great trip. I hear it's gonna be a beautiful fall next year.
  291. Meanwhile, Bobby notices that Simon's attempting to get out from under the bed and darts forward again, making a second valiant attempt to slam the shackles on him. CUFFING POWERS, ACTIVATE.
  293. [07:59 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  294. [07:59 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]3[/b]
  296. [08:00 PM] Simon-Blackquill's hands happen to be. Right in front of his chin. When those hands slam the shackles on his wrists. It makes him hiss and wince, trying to struggle away, but it's absolutely no use.
  299. [08:05 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin tries to make sense of the situation and sort it out logically. There's still at least half a dozen officers in the room, if not more, and they'll be rounding on the brothers any second now. Simon is stuck under the bed, and out of the corner of his eye, Snake can see Bobby cuffing him. Liquid's blinded and in pain. Snake's in pain and can barely focus and his muscles are only barely listening to his commands. He... can't save Simon. He can't. Not here or now. If he tried, it'd just get him killed or arrested, and Liquid too.
  301. He quickly turns to look out the window, and though he has to squint, eyes still struggling to focus, he can see grass and bushes down below, and a line of windows directly underneath. They could make this. He's made worse jumps before, especially at Shadow Moses.
  303. He shoves the window open wider, and then grabs Liquid around the middle to keep a hold of him. "Hold on." He hisses, ignoring a slight rattle of his teeth. "And get ready to grab windowsills."
  305. Hope that was enough warning for you, Liquid, because Snake's trying to pitch the both of you out the window now! Pssh, you'll both be fine.
  308. [08:09 PM] Bobby-Fulbright straightens up again once those cuffs are on. Honestly, he doesn't care what the Snake bros do from here on out. He accomplished what he came here to do. "Aahh, there we go. We'll have you back in prison where you belong soon enough, Prosecutor Blackquill! Once you're there, you can think long and hard about what an insult to justice you've been."
  310. Meanwhile, the cops are all trying to gather their bearings and peer out the window to see where those two maniacs have gone.
  313. [08:12 PM] Liquid Snake might be having a terrible night, but at least the officers coming after him are incompetent enough to not be able to catch him as he makes his way towards Snake. As far as he knows, Simon's a lost cause, and he feels terrible about not being able to help like he wanted. And he hates that kind of feeling. It's the same sort of feeling he got on Shadow Moses when his men fell one by one and he had to cover it up with bravado and harsh words.
  315. Anything that's going on at the moment, he only knows through what he's hearing. He can work his way through the pain, but that doesn't help any when he can't see. All he's got is the sound of his brother's voice being close by and the sensation of arms around him to know that he's made it to him, he's actually managed to force this godforsaken body to function enough to get himself to someone that can help. And then his brother's holding him, and he's moving, and it slowly dawns on him exactly what he said, and that they're going out the window.
  317. But he's fallen from heights that should have killed him before. He'll be fine. Blindly hurtling to the ground below with his brother, but fine.
  320. [08:12 PM] Simon-Blackquill growls lowly at the Phantom -- that is [b]not[/b] Bobby Fulbright and Simon will not refer to him as such. "Unhand me at ONCE!" He snaps, but there's absolutely nothing he can do to fight the restraints even if he wasn't exhausted. "And take off that bloody mask! You ought to be the one in cuffs, you murderous swine!"
  323. [08:17 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is sure this is no worse than the fall from the Hind D or the fall from REX. Liquid's even better at surviving falls than Snake is, and he's kinda counting on that. Heh, that's funny. That was the bane of his existence back on Shadow Moses. And here he is hoping for it.
  325. As they fall, Snake gropes for the sill of the first window they pass, but he only manages to snag it before his fingers slip, but at least it slowed their decent. There's still more windows to grab at, and they're only a few stories up, right?
  328. [08:17 PM] Bobby-Fulbright tisks loudly, shaking his head. "The poor man... He must still be delusional from all the medication. We'd better get him to bed in solitary confinement, pronto."
  330. Errrr.... Once they've gotten Nick some medical attention.
  333. [08:18 PM] Simon-Blackquill glares at the officers -- or at least, the ones still standing, I don't know how many there are -- "If I'm full of rubbish, you lot should try to pry the mask from his face! If there's not one there, fine, I'll come quietly, but I guarantee you there is one."
  336. [08:22 PM] Bobby-Fulbright has eight conscious officers left, even if one of them is still cradling Nick's bleeding body. None of them seem particularly willing to listen to Simon. "Come now, Prosecutor Blackquill... Up you get. You'll feel better once you've had a good night's sleep." He reaches down to lift Simon up from the ground, with two additional officers moving in to help out.
  339. [08:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill screams and starts lashing out at 'Bobby' and the two officers. Rolls incoming for each -- he is not going down without a fight!
  341. [08:24 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]3[/b]
  342. [08:24 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]4[/b]
  343. [08:24 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]4[/b]
  346. [08:25 PM] Liquid Snake is definitely hardy, and who knows, maybe he's immortal when FOXDIE isn't giving him a heart attack. Right, that's likely. At any rate, he can't spend a ton of time thingking about all that. can't see where they're going, but he tries his best to reach out for things anyway. He can't tell which way is which, but he's determined not to die (again), and he grabs for... something. Not that it helps, because he doesn't find any sort of purchase.
  349. [08:25 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  350. [08:25 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]1[/b]
  352. [08:26 PM] Bobby-Fulbright's henchmen are worthless pieces of shit who take the brunt of the damage when Simon lashes out. Meanwhile, Bobby himself struggles to hold on with one hand while the other reaches into his pocket. Give him a second.... Ah, there it is. Just like that, he releases Simon again and presses the button of a certain remote. Jolts of Justice incoming!
  355. [08:30 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( evens for bushes, odds for grass ))
  356. [08:30 PM] [user]Iroquois-Pliskin[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  357. [08:30 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( bushes it is ))
  359. [08:31 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin falls with Liquid a few more windowsills, even managing to actually grab onto one. but he can't support both their weight for long, so after a few seconds, he lets go again. But thanks to that, their velocity is pretty low when they finally reach the ground, landing in some shrubbery.
  362. [08:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill is caught completely offguard by the device, and he's screaming and shouting in pain that burns his entire body and instantly gives him a massive headache. He tries to lift a hand up so he can strike the Phantom in the face with the thick cuff on his wrist...
  364. [08:31 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]2[/b]
  365. [08:32 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( CRITICAL JOLTS OF JUSTICE ))
  366. [08:33 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]3[/b]
  368. [08:34 PM] Bobby-Fulbright dodges that wrist and thankfully isn't stupid enough to try and catch it. That would end badly. He'll just........ wait for Simon to go down.
  371. [08:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill clutches his chest in his awkward position on the ground and huffs, trying with all his might to keep consciousness, and once again, he attempts another strike with his free hand...
  373. [08:35 PM] [user]Simon-Blackquill[/user] rolls 1d4: [b]2[/b]
  374. [08:36 PM] [user]Bobby-Fulbright[/user] rolls 1d6: [b]6[/b]
  377. [08:37 PM] Liquid Snake lands with a quite audible "OOF." He gets a little scratched up by twigs and branches and whatnot, but the shrubbery landing is probably about as soft of a landing as they could hope for. His vision's sort of coming back to him, but it's too blurry for him to make out much, and it still hurts too much for him to keep his eyes open for long anyway. He's been trained to resist a lot of things, sure, but after so long without feeling anything... any sensation beyond just regular things is kind of overwhelming. "Ugh. You alright?" he asks, finally, after a bit.
  380. [08:38 PM] Bobby-Fulbright isn't sure what Blackquill was even trying to do, there. The guy's on the floor and getting tasered, while Bobby is standing upright and....... NOT being tasered. So nice try, but no. Bobby isn't the kind of person to knock someone out cold- he doesn't even have a nightstick or anything like that. Another officer does, though, so they'll be the one to whack Simon upside the head. With that, the Jolts of Justice halt too, because what even is the point.
  383. [08:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin didn't even have the bonus of having a jacket soak up the brunt of the shrub's branches, so his back's pretty scraped up as well. Well, that scarf and coat he left upstairs is probably a loss- his motorcycle helmet, too. Oh well, at least the only thing important he left up there was his cigarettes an lighter. With a grunt, Snake drags himself to his feet, his muscles making his balance a bit questionable.
  385. "Mngh... I'm fine." He says, bending to grab Liquid by the arm and try to drag him to his feet. "C'mon. My bikes not too far. We need to get outta here before those officers realize they should storm down and arrest us."
  388. [08:40 PM] Simon-Blackquill is still screaming and fighting through the pain when suddenly, his already unbearable headache is made worse when he feels something... that makes him think his head's been split open. And perhaps he is bleeding a little, underneath his long mess of hair, but that isn't going to be seen... or felt, since it knocks Simon right out. This is the first bit of sleep he's had in [b]DAYS.[/b]
  391. [08:46 PM] Liquid Snake just goes along with it, hoping his body's going to listen to him. And while his muscles feel rather stiff, and his vision's still having problems, he manages to put one foot in front of the other and go along with Snake towards his bike. God, he's so relieved he can actually walk right now, even if Snake's still pretty much dragging him along. "Right. Good plan." His coat's a little beat up, but still intact, which is good because where's he going to find another one of those things? "...Is it going to be too late for Simon?" He still feels bad about the whole ordeal. Ugh. Worst feeling.
  394. [08:51 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin leads his blinded brother to his motorcycle, and directs him to the sidecar. "... Yeah. We f-fucked up." The important word being 'we'. He's still pretty twitchy as he climbs onto his bike and revs the engine, but when they take off, he's at least steady enough to drive, though it takes all his concentration.
  396. Thankfully, they don't get pulled over for either resembling suspects (if a call already went out) nor for riding without helmets, and they show up at... the Jebri house, of all places. It was closest, and they should probably wash out Liquid's eyes sooner, rather than later. So soon enough, they've pulled up front, and Snake's clambering off his bike, his body still twitchy and shaky, and he goes to help Liquid out of the sidecar.
  399. [08:54 PM] Jeb Parmalee is inside having some hot cocoa! He's finally managed to relax a little, now that Tori's returned. That's obviously not going to last.
  401. [08:54 PM] Tori Marie Nygma has only returned to this world. She's still out shopping. For things. Important things.
  404. [08:57 PM] Liquid Snake grits his teeth as he carefully climbs into the sidecar. He knows Snake said 'we,' but he feels more responsible than anything at the moment. He sits back, trying to ignore the still-burning pain. "Goddammit. If I'd just been able to-- If my body didn't-- If I'd had anything else--" But ultimately, there was nothing he could have done, and he sits in silence as Snake drives off.
  406. His vision's improved a bit when Snake helps him out, but he still appreciates having the assistance. And, honestly, there's something nice about the familiarity of the Jebri house, rather than being led somewhere else. They're going to have to figure out what the hell they can do eventually.
  409. [09:00 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's hands are trembling and twitching horribly, as Liquid might notice as he hauls his brother from the sidecar and leads him to the front door. He knocks twice, before opening the door anyways, leading the both of them inside. "Jeb? We need to use your sink."
  412. [09:02 PM] Jeb Parmalee stands, putting his mug down on the coffee table. "Please, go right ahead! Do you need help?" It doesn't even occur to ask what happened--that can come later.
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