
FN@F - The Bite of '87 - Chapt. 8 "Divine Intervention"

Aug 31st, 2014
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  1. >The door creaked open slowly at first, letting out a low groan as it parted for the animatronic patrolling outside.
  2. >Turning around, it approached through the opening of the door to apprehend the quarantined Foxy, only to meet face first with the ground.
  3. >Bonnie, bless her child prisoner’s soul, landed with a bit of a crunch and a dented nose.
  4. >You weren’t sure if she really intended to help you but you couldn’t take chances.
  6. “Mi-i-ikey? Is that y-ou-ou?”
  7. >You mutter a swift apology and close the door behind her and return to your office with a little package.
  8. >Ol’ Foxy died today, a veteran of the Seven Ball Pits, but he did not die in vain.
  9. >Nay, he died a martyr, presenting you with a gift to bring to light the events of this Pizzeria, and by god you were going to make sure it was heard.
  10. >Checking your watch you noted that you had close to 30 minutes left of your shift, the rest of the members shutting down as soon as it hit 6.
  11. >You kept your little gift tucked away for safe keeping and whipped out one of the screw drivers you looted from the box of tools you brought for Foxy.
  12. *Clang clang clang clang*
  13. >You’re passing the hall way directly before your office ahead and catch a flash of the absolutely manic expression of the fat yellow fuck known as Chica.
  15. >Shit shit shit shit
  16. >This was now a mad dash to the security booth.
  17. >Just kidding, it that tub of metal didn’t stand a chance and you slammed the door in her beak.
  19. >In the next moment you got the benefit of seeing her pressed against the glass, bill distended to part completely against the glass in a hideous shriek as she pounded against it.
  20. >Working quickly you pulled up your tablet and quickly scrolled through the list of cameras, stopping once you’d found Freddy.
  21. >At first he didn’t seem to notice your searching but his jolly laugh and Golden suit in paw being drug on the way towards you spoke plenty on his behalf.
  22. >Time; 5:40 AM.
  23. >Power supply: 78%
  24. >Looks like you’re going to have to drag this out a bit longer.
  25. >You waited patiently for him to get near your door before slamming it right in his ugly mug.
  26. >He stepped toward the door in the same fashion as the still enraged Chica, and held up the suit to the class pointing to it.
  27. “It didn’t have to end this way, Mike. You were doing just fine as a human, but with so many rules broken, I’m starting to think maybe I was wrong..”
  28. >His speech was low and rumbling through the glass, but you could hear him clearly.
  29. “No human I’ve met could be so unreasonable. Why, if I didn’t know any better.. You had to be “faulty”.”
  33. “There you go, breaking codes of conduct again. You know Freddy’s doesn’t condone the use of fooouuuul language. So open up. Let’s see you pay the price for your rule-breaking.”
  35. “You’re not getting in here, you fat furry bastard. The moment it hits 6, I’m walking out of here, evidence and tapes in hand.”
  37. “Typical Mike. Never thinking ahead of what is in front of his eyes. Maybe you aren’t a faulty endoskeleton, but then that’d just make you a faulty exoskeleton of meat with a defective endoskeleton inside you.” He mused in his usual robust tone.
  39. >Where was he going with this?
  40. “Where are you going with this? Wasting my time til the power runs out? Well it ain’t going to happen. Those doors should hold for a while and you’ll still have to return at 6.”
  42. That’s when the fucker pressed his nose to the glass and his eyes began to glow noticeably brighter, “Do I, Mikey? Do I?” he teased. It was enough to make you flinch and sprout a little doubt.
  43. >What would you do if he didn’t..?
  44. >Did you even have a backup plan?
  45. >No, he had to be bluffing.
  47. “I can assure you, Mikey. I am programmed veeEeeeEeeery differently than the others as you may have guessed. A band has to have a leader doesn’t it?” He tested again, “You misunderstand, Mikey, so I’ll explain it t’ya! For no extra charge, hwuhah!”
  49. >You didn’t move, simply keeping one eye on him, and another on the power gauge.
  51. “We don’t run on the limited power you have. We operate on batteries, and thanks to not having to chase you so much, we’ve got.. well, just about as much juice as you do.. or did, considering the doors you’ve got shut.”
  53. >40%
  54. >5:47 AM.
  55. >Shit.
  57. “..and if I’m not mistaken either Mikey- and believe me, I don’t make mistakes very easily- your power will have drained far beyond ours will have come close to half of our current juice.” He punctuated the ‘half’ with another shove of the suit against the glass, it’s hollowed eyes staring hungering to be filled.
  59. “So come out now. We’ll go easy on ya.” He pounded the glass, “It’ll be over in only a few minutes!” He pounds at it again, “Or we can make it drag on through the night. For precision.”
  61. >Neither option seemed genuinely pleasing, and opening either door meant certain death.
  62. >Why did you have to get stuck between the fat ones capable of blocking both halls with ease?
  64. “No, you’re bluffing. I’m holding out here and that’s final. Besides, you don’t know anything about what I’ve gotten hidden under my sleeve.” You taunt with a wave and a pat on your pants.
  66. >He feigns a gasp and steps back with exaggeration.
  67. “Why, you’re right! I have no idea what you could possibly have in that their office, Mike!”
  68. >Chica’s pounding was becoming much louder now.
  70. “In fact, I think you’ve outsmarted us again! Bravo!!” he admits with a few claps of mock sportsmanship
  74. “… but... then again..”
  76. *POUND Pound pound*
  78. “… do you know what is in that office?”
  80. >What?
  81. >It was in that moment that you stopped living in reality and started living in your nightmares
  82. >A looming shadow was cast over you, and you felt the presence of another lifeform in the same room as you.
  83. >You’d have turned around, but it had made it abundantly clear that you were to stay facing Freddy for the time being by holding you in place with a vice-like grip.
  84. >You’d be pissing your pants right now, but it seems it had the courtesy to help you with that too.
  85. >What was it exactly?
  87. >Well, it was most certainly thin.
  88. >It was most certainly made of metal.
  89. >and it most certainly was screaming bloody soon-to-be-murder in your face.
  91. “Remember Mikey? When I told you that you were an endoskeleton? How we.. Chased you all those times thinking you were one? Well as it turns out, we abandoned that idea! You weren’t just an endoskeleton after all!”
  93. >The metallic-being clenched your neck in one hand and placed the other on the hem of your shirt’s neck, violently ripping it off.
  94. >Thankfully it’s cheap ass material didn’t make for a choking hazard.
  96. “You had to be like us! Only a skeleton on the inside of a very complicated suit!”
  98. >It reached down and tore down your pants and boxors alike in a swift motion, still holding you aloft by the nape of your neck.
  99. >You’d scream, and believe yourself, you would scream until your lungs deflated, but at the moment, they were preoccupied trying to receive the oxygen to do so.
  101. “However it is now abundantly clear, Mike.. that your endoskeleton’s thinking.. is flawed! Ha ha! Imagine that! A malfunctioning endoskeleton!”
  103. >The humanoid had planted you down now, forcing you to stay put arms resting on your shoulder heavily, waiting now.
  105. “We can’t have that here at Freeeeeeeeeeddy Fazbears! It could be harmful to the children!”
  107. >The arms gripped two folds in your back with the strength of an Olympian as you struggled to get away. It’s hands now pulling the two in different directions; the strain you felt shooting a white hot pain up your back
  108. >It was tearing you open, it was ripping you apart, and you could do nothing to stop it
  110. “So we have to make sure we have a fully functioning, prime and effective, working machine to keep all the little kiddies happy!” He gave a cheery smile, “To further bring about the JOYYY-OYY-OY OF CREAAT-TIO-TION. HA HA HA HAAAAaa~!”
  112. >A crash of glass and the swift knockback of your captor sent the both of you reeling into the wall behind you
  113. >You were squinting through the teary eyes to see who it was that could possibly be saving you, only catching a glimpse of purple wrestling a Terminator-esque endoskeleton before having the wind kicked out of you by Freddy who had gotten up and set upon you immediately as a priority.
  115. >Adrenaline rushed through you, your veins coursing with new life, but still short of breath, you got up shakily to face the owner of this pizzeria.
  116. >He was already walking up to you and within a foot or two as you fixed each other with determined stares.
  117. >This time, you rolled to the side and split, making for the left door
  118. >Endo-Skelly took notice and attempted to block you but was quickly apprehended and beat the fuck out by clean piston-launched fist.
  119. >You silently thanked her as you punched the door control and made an Indie slide underneath, but unlike Indie, you weren’t getting that hat back.
  120. >Cutting your losses, and hearing that satisfying *BANG* from Freddy colliding with the door before it was opened, you made straight for the Exit
  122. >You’re passing the first hall when you’re suddenly pinned against the wall by Big Bird him—herself.
  123. “MOIIIIKEEYYYYYY” she screeched with a maw wide open ready to clamp on your head like a chew toy.
  124. >You heard the screaming words of “NO CHANCE IN HELL, NO CHANCE AT ALL.” going through you mind as the earthquake signaling Freddy’s careening through towards you marked your fate;
  125. >Once again, the gods intervened.
  127. >Her wing loosens on you and her once hateful gawking is replaced by a vacant stare, dropping you to the ground with only moments to spare.
  128. >Fr-freedom!
  129. >Freedom rings, motherfucker!
  131. >You’d celebrate but a roaring bear tearing down the hall toward you forces you to save it.
  132. >Chica in her end state is turning to walk away but you slip in front of her, placing her between you and Freddy.
  133. >With a quick shove, she topples over in the middle of the narrow hallway giving Freddy no time to stop, tripping over the hunk of steel and circuitry and flying face forward into the ground.
  134. >Precious seconds earned by your quick wit were not about to be wasted, but before you could take off down the hall once more.. you decided this was the perfect time to bring Foxy some justice.
  135. >Your first move was to leap atop of the hunk of fur and hatred, whipping out your special little prize saved from Pirate Cove.
  136. >A monument to the innocent sailor himself, and the metaphorical hammer of retribution; you raised your tool into the air high above your head for the coup de grace
  137. >His head whirred as it turned around 360* to face you with a fearsome and shattered glower, mouth opened ready to screech but was swiftly interrupted, as you brought down Foxy’s hook straight between his robotic eyes.
  139. >The monster thrashed, throwing you off and sparked, limbs flailing in all directions as it struggled to correct itself and smite you, but to no effect.
  140. >The most Freddy Fazbear could do was crawl, dragging his whole body and snapping jaws towards you slowly; the fire in its eyes flickering in and out of life.
  141. >It about reached you, and was about to grasp your leg before it sputtered and collapsed with final sparks collectively flying every which way, leaving the deactivated husk of a mascot face down ground into the flat surface of his own Pizzeria
  143. ‘A fitting end’, you’d thought to yourself, stepping over the animatronic carcass and walking out.
  144. >It’d been too long that you’d stayed here, and you’d cheated death far too many times than you’d liked to admit, but this was the final straw.
  145. >No amount of lawsuits could keep you from exposing the leaders behind all this to the public eye.
  146. >Even if you failed, you’d still have ridden the place of its biggest dangers.
  147. >You take a last look back, the corpse laying unceremoniously on the tile and you close the door behind you.
  149. FIN.
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