
[rough draft] a comparison in /jp/ and /r/touhou shitposting

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. The original proposition, essentially, is that /jp/ and /r/touhou are essentially the same. While a cursory glance at the first few threads on each might lead one to believe this is true, I believe the proposition misses some key differences which make it clear that the two are absolutely nothing alike.
  3. Given /jp/ screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/i3ysrUk.png
  4. Given /r/touhou screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/i3ysrUk.png
  5. Although I believe the captured threads do not capture the full essence of /jp/, I will address the given evidence rather than gathering a broader selection for the sake of addressing what I am presented with.
  7. I will address the /jp/ threads first.
  8. The Touhou threads in the screenshot each follow a similar voice and structure. An image and a short line about the image or the character pictured within. Simple, right? Not exactly. If you become familiar with these threads, you will find they do much more than simply serve as a place to post images of or discuss the character. Each response follows as if spoken from a singular mind. /jp/ has mastered the hivemind approach to posting. Even the occasional disruptive post, such as one mentioning how much the poster dislikes the character and wishes ill on her and her fans, it is structured and worded in a way that flows with the rest of the thread. When a non-/jp/sie tries posting on /jp/, you can always tell it. /jp/'s posting style is unique and shared between all its regulars.
  9. Essentially, the content of a /jp/ thread's opening post is not simply a thing someone is saying on the board--it is an engineered signal to other /jp/sies to fall into rhythm.
  10. The other threads usually follow somewhat similarly, aside from the mahjong thread and the ``3hu'' thread. The mahjong thread is quite straightforward, but the 3hu thread is more interesting because it is important to recognize the truest form of /jp/ shitposting. This form pushes the boundary of /jp/'s unity of mind and transcends it. While being completely disruptive, everyone knows exactly how to respond, not because it is signaling but rather because it plays off of the /jp/ mindset.
  12. The first thread is the most /jp/-like in immediate appearance. It follows a similar voice and structure in its title to some of the /jp/ Touhou threads. However, when we look at the content of the thread, we notice a marked difference. There is no real flow to the responses. They do not read with a singular voice and mind, even when they seem to be using a similar voice, it doesn't have the unity of mind that /jp/ has.
  13. The rest isn't really worth noting much. It's a collection of threads which describe their content alone. A couple of them kind of try to add a bit of flair by treating the thread title as a caption rather than an opening to the thread or a real descriptor of their content. And, again, if you take a look at the responses, it's just simply completely unlike /jp/--and in this case, threads like this wouldn't really happen on /jp/ in the first place.
  14. There are some similarities, on the surface, between some things said on the two communities, but it seems more like some people on /r/touhou are almost trying to act like what they think /jp/ is like rather than there actually being any real significant sameness of the two.
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