
The Phenomenal Freedom Eagle

May 27th, 2016
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  1. Jack O’Connor aka
  4. Strength: 8
  5. Stamina: 4
  6. Agility: 5
  7. Dexterity: 5
  8. Fighting: 12
  9. Intellect: 5
  10. Awareness: 3
  11. Presence: 4
  13. Dodge: +12
  14. Parry: +12
  15. Toughness: +8 (+6 without Armor)
  16. Fortitude: +9
  17. Will: +8
  19. Initiative: +9
  20. Attack: +12 (Unarmed), +12 (Quills)
  21. Damage: +8 (Unarmed, Bludgeoning), +8 (Quills, Piercing)
  23. Advantages:
  24. Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Assessment, Attractive 2, Benefit 4 (Multi-Millionaire), Connected, Contacts, Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Diehard, Evasion, Favored Environment (Flying), Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Improved Smash, Improved Trip, Intercept, Instant Up, Inventor, Move-by Attack, Power Attack, Precise Attack 2 (Ranged, Cover, Concealment), Redirect, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge, Well-Informed
  26. Skills:
  27. Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics 6 (+14), Deception 4 (+8, +13 w/Attractive), Expertise: Business 8 (+13), Expertise: Science 8 (+13), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 4 (+8), Investigation 6 (+11), Perception 6 (+9), Persuasion 6 (+10, +15 w/Attractive), Ranged Combat: Throwing 7 (+12), Ranged Combat: Guns 7 (+12), Sleight of Hand 4 (+9), Stealth 6 (+11), Technology 8 (+13), Treatment 4 (+9), Vehicles 4 (+9)
  29. Powers:
  30. Anti-Gravity Harness and Pseudometal Wings (Flight 8 [500mph], Unbreakable, Quirk: Maneuverability Limited if Wings Bound, Removable [-2])
  32. Gravity Gauntlets (Enhanced Strength 4, Removable [-2])
  33. Armorweave Bodysuit (Protection 2, Immunity 4 [Cold, Heat, Underwater, Vacuum], Removable [-2])
  35. Utility Launchers
  36. -Throwing Quills (Strength-based Ranged Damage 1, Removable [-2])
  37. -AE: Talon Grapnel (Ranged Affliction 5 [Hindered and Vulnerable, Immobile and Defenseless], Extra Condition, Limited Degree)
  38. -AE: Smoke Bomb (Ranged Visual Area Concealment 4 [All Visual, Cloud Area])
  40. Flight Mask (Senses 8 [Analytical Vision, Direction, Distance, Extended, Infravision, Radio, Visual Tracking, Ultraviolet Vision], Removable [-2])
  42. Polyglot (Comprehend 2 [Languages, Understand and Be Understood], Quirk: Major Languages Only, Innate)
  44. Complications:
  45. Motivation - Doing Good: With a strong moral upbringing and a sense of civic responsibility driven into him at a young age, Jack helps people as a superhero because he genuinely believes it is the right thing to do. Even as an Agent of AEGIS he often wrestled with the morally ambiguous nature of his espionage work and attempted repeatedly to stay focused on doing the right thing.
  47. Fame: Much to his private annoyance Jack has become famous due to his “Renaissance Man” status as the son of the Mayor of the USA’s most famous city, an inventor, philanthropist, and a patriot who despite his privilege joined AEGIS to serve his country. He handles his celebrity status as politely as he can, knowing that ignoring it could come with the press making up it’s own mind about him regardless of facts.
  49. Secret Identity: Jack keeps his identity as Freedom Eagle as secret from everyone except close friends and family.
  51. Enemies: Jack is the inheritor of the legacy of one of the world’s first superheroes, but with it he has inherited enemies that his illustrious grandfather made as well, including Nazi sympathizers (and Nazi wannabes), supervillains of the Golden Age that are still active, and the nefarious forces of SHADOW.
  53. Bio:
  54. Jack O’Connor was born the son of David O’Connor (the younger sibling of future Mayor of Freedom City Michael O’Connor Jr) and his wife Linda, and unbeknownst to him the grandson of the legendary Golden Age superhero known as FREEDOM EAGLE.
  55. Until age 6 Jack’s life was fairly normal even when his uncle began campaigning for position of mayor, until 1993 when the Terminus Invasion struck Earth-Prime. As the world’s many superheroes fight to protect their homeworld and the legendary hero known as the Centurion died fighting the Terminus leader Omega, a fly-by strafing of Omegadrones hit the freeway where David and his family were trying to get to safety. While Jack survived through help of paramedics and the nearby aid of a superhero, his parents did not and Jack was forced to live with his uncle.
  56. Feeling intensely guilty for his younger brother’s death, the mayor tried to ensure that Jack had the best of everything and campaigned even harder to remove the harsh restrictions put upon superheroes during the Moore years, eventually succeeding at removing the Moore Act and returning superheroes to legal status.
  57. Jack grew up fairly stable despite his only father figure being single and the mayor of America’s most famous metropolitan city, his strong morals reinforced by his crusading father complimented a sense of civic responsibility drilled into him as well.
  58. Already displaying the inventive genius his father had inherited from his grandfather, by age 10 he was taking apart phones and putting them back together, and by age 12 he was doing it and adding improvements after he was done.
  59. While he was sixteen and in the attic researching his family history for a high school project, he stumbled across the Golden Age Freedom Eagle costume, as well as the Gravity Gauntlets and Anti-Gravity Harness that granted the legendary hero flight as well as several memorabilia from his grandfather’s life.
  60. Beginning to repair the harness and the gauntlets (as well as making some improvements along the way), Jack’s entire life gained new and laser-like focus as he began to study martial arts, gymnastics, and other physical training activites he had no interest in before as he suddenly gained a clear goal in life; to honor his grandfather’s legacy as his uncle had done and become a superhero.
  61. After saving his uncle’s life from a terrorist attack on his first outing as the new (and teenaged) Freedom Eagle he had a heated argument with the Mayor (who immediately realized who the new hero was) who didn’t want to risk losing his nephew like he did his younger brother and sister-in-law.
  62. Jack was adamant about his decision and remain committed to his course of action, pointing out that one more hero in the world might have saved his parents.
  63. Realizing his nephew’s determination would not be swayed, Michael enrolled Jack in the new Claremont Academy (secretly a training ground for a new generation of heroes), deciding that if his young nephew could not be deterred he would at least have the best education possible in both life and superheroic matters.
  64. Jack was an excellent student, excelling at both his studies his “extracurriculars” as the teenaged Freedom Eagle alongside the young team known as the NextGen where he would meet many of the individuals he would consider his friends for life while serving as field leader for the team, including his best friend Fletcher Beaumont III (who also was a legacy hero for the Bowman), and he saved not only the city but even the world several times with his classmates and friends.
  65. After graduating from high school he surprised most of his peers when instead of going to college that he could easily afford on scholarships alone, but by joining the American Elite Government Intervention Service (AEGIS) as part of its “American Shield” cadet program out of a desire to serve his country more directly as his father did.
  66. Jack’s career as a Contraterror Cowboy was a meteoric one as his three prior years of teenaged superheroics gave him a grasp of tactics and combat even many adult agents couldn’t match. Though he had difficulty working within the strict boundaries of the law at first he still was an exceptional field agent who was personally responsible for stopping many terrorist threats and solving abnormal cases and often worked abroad with other agencies to stop overseas terror threats, all the while completing several college degrees in engineering, computer sciences, and even getting an MBA. His highly public career (aided no doubt by his clean good looks and his relation to the US’s most beloved mayor of it’s most famous city) actually helped him achieve limited celebrity status.
  67. He struggled internally with the occasional moral ambiguity of espionage work (especially in the post 9/11 climate) however, and after five years as an agent with AEGIS at the age of 25 he opted to leave out of the espionage industry and make a life for himself outside the service.
  68. Using several patented designs he’d made himself while at AEGIS (including a next-generation gaming console able to play nearly any type of game due to it’s complex software program) he started an engineering company and leveraged his business studies over the next three years to build himself a small fortune with a new diverse technologies and holding company dubbed Freedom Enterprises (named publicly for his beloved home city and secretly his secret identity as Freedom Eagle), becoming a self-made millionaire with a long history of heroic government service in just two years while simultaneously resuming his career as Freedom Eagle.
  69. Currently he is in the process of overseeing a new major office for his company in the high-technology West Coast metropolis of Emerald City, where his life is about to get even more complex than before…
  71. Powers, Abilities, and Equipment:
  72. Jack has no in-born powers but is extensively physically trained and has advanced technological equipment of his own design and invention.
  74. Olympic-level Physique: Through extensive training and exercise Jack has honed her body to nearly the peak of human perfection.
  75. -Olympic-level Strength: Through intensive weight-lifting and exercise programs Jack’s strength even without his strength-enhancing gravity gauntlets approaches human perfection. When straining his muscles to their absolute limit he can lift 800lbs above his head unaided, though this requires incredible effort and is exhausting once he does so.
  76. -Peak Human Agility and Dexterity: Jack’s agility and hand-eye coordination are as advanced as an unpowered human’s can possibly be, exceeding that of Olympic-level athletes. His ability to perform high-end gymnastics seems impossible to most people, and his accuracy with thrown objects and ranged weapons is uncanny.
  77. -Olympic-level Stamina: While no more durable than any other human being, Jack is still quite hardy and is capable of exerting herself for extended periods without getting tired, especially when it comes to simple endurance and fatigue. He can exert herself at peak levels for up to two hours before he begins to tire.
  79. Genius-level Intelligence: By far Jack’s most useful asset is his brilliant mind. His IQ is around 160. Most intellectual tasks and skills come very easily to him and though his memory is not truly perfect it is still very sharp compared to most.
  81. Brilliant Inventor: Jack’s grasp of computers, technology, and engineering exceeds that of even dedicated super-scientists at ASTRO Labs. While his ability to build super-science gadgets is limited by funding and resources, he has still managed to create extremely impressive devices using simple tools and basic resources given enough time, most notably his Freedom Eagle gear.
  83. Expert Detective: Utilizing his ability to recall facts and his analytical mind, Jack is a highly skilled investigator both as a superhero and a former AEGIS agent. His extensive global contacts also help him gather information much faster than a less-connected individual might achieve. In addition he is very good at cold-reading a person and judging their intentions. He has been personally tutored by Maurice Beloch of Montenegro, the world’s most brilliant deductive mind and trainer of both the second and third Ravens.
  85. Master Martial Artist: Highly trained in multiple fighting disciplines, Jack is most highly proficient in unarmed combat on par with most lifelong experts. His mastery-level disciplines include Boxing (equivalent to that of a champion-level contender), Jiujitsu, Akijitsu, Hapkido, Krav Maga, and some styles of Kung Fu. It is his exceptional martial arts training combined with his strength-increasing gear and equipment that allows him to fight far more powerful or durable opponents, and is one of the major reasons for his success as an agent and as a superhero.
  87. Expert Marksman: Using his favored throwing “quills” Jack has uncanny accuracy and skill and is quite capable of non-lethally disabling enemies with them. Though he prefers his throwing weapons, his training as an AEGIS agent also makes him a highly skilled firearms marksman with an accuracy level surpassing that of most special forces soldiers.
  89. Polyglot: Her global education and well-traveled life had given Grace a working command of most of the world’s most widespread and widely-spoken languages.
  91. Freedom Eagle Suit: Not relying solely on his physical training, Jack augments his natural skills with an advanced enhancement suit and his flight harnass. Though conceivably Jack could make a fully-powered suit of exo-armor, his personal preferences and the realistic downsides of funding such an expensive project mean he generally only uses strength-augmenting technology rather than full combat exoskeletons.
  92. -Armorweave Body Armor: The surface layer appears to be a synthetic latex or leather outfit, but upon close inspection a very faint honeycomb-like pattern can be seen beneath the material, revealing its construction as a layered gel suit utilizing both MR Fluid and Shear-Thickening Fluid properties, with the torso covered by an only slightly heavier micromail titanium nitride. While the material itself is only mildly more protective than layered aramid fibers and a it is far lighter and much more flexible, allowing Jack to move as if he was wearing no armor at all. A simpler version of this suit is used as the standard open combat uniform of AEGIS, and for good reason; Jack himself designed the current armor they use.
  93. -Gravity Gauntlets: Through precise manipulation of gravity and mass fields, Jack’s strength is increased many times over while equipped with these. The surface of the gauntlets is covered in an advanced “pseudometal” material that changes its surface toughness in response to cybernetic commands from his mask from anywhere to between very flexible rubber gloves to an effectively unbreakable surface, allowing him to choose how much damage his fists do to a foe. His blows have increased impact force as well as the gauntlets cause his blows to strike with far greater “mass” than someone of his size would. When equipped with his gauntlets Jack can lift 6 tons above his head.
  94. -Freedom Eagle Flight Harness: Powered by a single daka-crystal battery and utilizing advanced gravity manipulation technology designed by Daedalus himself, the re-designed flight harness allows Jack the flight that marked his iconic grandfather’s rise as a superhero. Improvements upon the anti-gravity flight engine allows Jack to fly up to 500mph through the air at top speed, around five times as fast as the Golden Age Freedom Eagle.
  95. -Pseudometal Wings: Though the harness and gravity engine is responsible for his weightless flight and propulsion, precise maneuvering his actually achieved through his wings. Jack’s redesigned wings are made out of the same golden pseudometal as his gauntlets. They can compact and fold upon themselves like cloth, and when “at rest” the wings form a pair of golden short capes that drape from his shoulders. At will they can harden to flexible but unbreakable surfaces, becoming incredibly effective combat shields as well as useful maneuvering tools for precision flight. By altering gravity fields in the same way as he does with the gauntlets, Jack’s wings can absorb incredible impact forces as if they were much more massive objects without breaking or buckling due to their effective indestructible nature when hardened.
  96. -Talon Grapnel: Arguably the least sophisticated device in his gear, his talon grapnel is a compressed liquid cable launcher positioned underneath the wrists of his gauntlets that he can use to restrain captured individuals as well as capture suspects from range by firing the cable-launcher around them.
  97. -IR Smoke Pellets: Small pellet launchers in the bottom wrist of the gauntlets dispense smoke pellets that use IR smoke and chaff to blind any visual or radar attempts to find Jack when he needs to make a quick escape or blind his foes temporarily.
  98. -Throwing Quills: Small golden feather-shaped throwing blades dispenses by his gauntlets are made out of a shape-memory allows them shift their shape in-flight to become lethal or nonlethal weapons and maximize imparted from his superhuman strength. By mentally triggering their shape to be “soft” he can turn them into nonlethal impact weapons, and by willing them to have a blade he can give them a remarkably keen edge.
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