
Adventures in Reality Warping (Pirates)

Jan 24th, 2014
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  1. [Editors Note: Various drinking and "Bet you haven't" questions proceeded this. Rigel comes in rather drunk.]
  2. .....
  3. [04:33] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Bet you havennnnnnnn't...
  4. [04:34] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Goddamnit all the ones I'm thinking of are bluh.
  5. [04:34] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Uh, uhh...
  6. [04:34] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Bet you haven't... given someone a tattoo?
  7. 06[04:34] * bobbedNonsense drinks
  8. [04:34] <bobbedNonsense> been idly considering getting one
  9. 04[04:34] <comicInstability> i ave!
  10. 06[04:34] * tenaciousTheseus drinks
  11. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> skin ain't the best for gettin one tho
  12. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Haven't done anything with tattoos
  13. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Well
  14. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Beyond other people who have them
  15. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> aha
  16. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> yess
  17. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> o/
  18. [04:35] <bobbedNonsense> pff
  19. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Ehe
  20. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> \o
  21. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> o/&\o
  22. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> wait shit
  23. 04[04:35] <comicInstability> o/*\o
  24. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Something got between our hands
  25. [04:35] <tenaciousTheseus> Are we doing synchronized baby slapping?
  26. [04:36] <bobbedNonsense> oh my god
  27. 04[04:36] <comicInstability> pff
  28. 04[04:36] <comicInstability> ahahaha
  29. 03[04:36] * itsAlana ( has joined #ultimatereward
  30. [04:36] <tenaciousTheseus> Kinda looks like one
  31. [04:36] <bobbedNonsense> it kinda does
  32. [04:37] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Would o<&>o be a midget jumping through the loop of your arms?
  33. [04:37] <bobbedNonsense> pfff
  34. [04:37] <tenaciousTheseus> Yes
  35. 04[04:37] <comicInstability> ehe
  36. 04[04:38] <comicInstability> just
  37. 04[04:38] <comicInstability> need a midjet
  38. 02[04:39] * OJ ( Quit (Broken pipe)
  39. [04:39] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Have your Space player [Eat Me, Drink Me] you one.
  40. 04[04:40] <comicInstability> nneda volunetr then
  41. [04:40] <tenaciousTheseus> We're ahead of the curve, then
  42. [04:40] <tenaciousTheseus> Since he is the Space player
  43. 04[04:40] <comicInstability> or
  44. 04[04:40] <comicInstability> oh
  45. 04[04:40] <comicInstability> oh
  46. 04[04:40] <comicInstability> i could be big
  47. [04:40] <bobbedNonsense> oh dear
  48. [04:40] <tenaciousTheseus> You need someone else to be big, too
  49. 04[04:41] <comicInstability> yesss
  50. 04[04:41] <comicInstability> gonna strat
  51. [04:41] <bobbedNonsense> you're floating in a rubber tube on the ocean
  52. [04:41] <bobbedNonsense> don't make yourself big now
  53. [04:41] <tenaciousTheseus> Boy, I bet that's unique
  54. [04:42] <tenaciousTheseus> Go out drinking, wake up fifteen feet tall
  55. [04:42] <bobbedNonsense> here, be distracted by realising it's your turn in the game
  56. [04:42] <bobbedNonsense> haha
  57. 04[04:42] <comicInstability> but
  58. 04[04:42] <comicInstability> what fi i make the tube big too
  59. [04:42] <bobbedNonsense> can you do both at the same time?
  60. [04:42] <bobbedNonsense> because either way you're falling in at some point
  61. 04[04:43] <comicInstability> gon
  62. [04:43] <bobbedNonsense> and i don't wanna find out how well you can swim in rum tonight
  63. 04[04:43] <comicInstability> gonna find out
  64. [04:43] <bobbedNonsense> rigel no
  65. [04:43] <tenaciousTheseus> Rigel, no
  66. 04[04:43] <comicInstability> rigel yes?
  67. [04:43] <bobbedNonsense> no
  68. [04:43] <bobbedNonsense> bad rigel
  69. [04:43] <tenaciousTheseus> That is the opposite of what we are saying
  70. 04[04:44] <comicInstability> awww
  71. 04[04:44] <comicInstability> [You pout. They can't see it, but you do it anyways.]
  72. [04:44] <tenaciousTheseus> It's your turn
  73. 04[04:44] <comicInstability> please/
  74. [04:44] <bobbedNonsense> you can try it when you're sober
  75. [04:45] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Hey, Rigel, do you have any pictures of yourself?
  76. 04[04:45] <comicInstability> yus
  77. 04[04:45] <comicInstability> one s
  78. 04[04:47] * comicInstability has linked an image from Prototype Towers (( ))
  79. 04[04:47] <comicInstability> wiat
  80. 04[04:47] <comicInstability> wron
  81. 06[04:47] * bobbedNonsense has downloaded the file
  82. [04:47] <bobbedNonsense> that's a picture of everything on fire
  83. 04[04:48] * comicInstability has linked an image from Prototype Towers (( ))
  84. 04[04:48] <comicInstability> thre
  85. 06[04:48] * bobbedNonsense has downloaded the file
  86. [04:48] <tenaciousTheseus> To be fair
  87. [04:49] <tenaciousTheseus> A picture of everything on fire is a pretty good one when you ask for a picture of Rigel
  88. [04:49] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Daaaammmmn, boy.
  89. [04:49] <bobbedNonsense> haha
  90. 04[04:49] <comicInstability> ehe
  91. 04[04:49] <comicInstability> ...wonder what hapns if i drop a match in the ocean
  92. [04:49] <bobbedNonsense> no
  93. [04:49] <tenaciousTheseus> Oh my fuck
  94. [04:49] <tenaciousTheseus> No
  95. [04:49] <bobbedNonsense> do not
  96. [04:49] <bobbedNonsense> don't make me make june come get you
  97. [04:49] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Write a note to yourself to do it once you're sober.
  98. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> i swear i will and she'll be mad because she hates me asking her to do favours
  99. 04[04:50] <comicInstability> cn't do anythin
  100. [04:50] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Why?
  101. [04:50] <tenaciousTheseus> Everything you want to do will get you killed
  102. 04[04:50] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  103. [04:50] <tenaciousTheseus> Which, admittedly, isn't an entirely new thing, but you're also drunk
  104. [04:50] <bobbedNonsense> if you drop a match in the /rum/ ocean then everything will be on fire, including /you/
  105. [04:51] <bobbedNonsense> and you don't get to make yourself big and keep hitting on people if you die
  106. 04[04:51] <comicInstability> so i can mke myself big
  107. 04[04:51] <comicInstability> yesss
  108. 04[04:51] <comicInstability> brb
  109. [04:51] <tenaciousTheseus> Fucking
  110. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> no
  111. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> i'm messaging June
  112. [04:52] <tenaciousTheseus> ...Wait
  113. [04:52] <tenaciousTheseus> He's not gonna die
  114. [04:52] <tenaciousTheseus> That's for certain
  115. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> ...oh yeah
  116. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> rania
  117. [04:52] <bobbedNonsense> should i still call june?
  118. [04:52] <tenaciousTheseus> Yes
  119. [04:52] <tenaciousTheseus> It could be that June saving him is what keeps him from dying
  120. 06[04:53] * bobbedNonsense PMs bourbonKiss : ( Rigel might be able to drown himself please go rescue )
  121. 04[04:53] <comicInstability> so
  122. 04[04:53] <comicInstability> so
  123. [04:53] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( oh ffs what )
  124. 04[04:53] <comicInstability> cn't do both
  125. 04[04:53] <comicInstability> god news
  126. 04[04:53] <comicInstability> tubes are fmr when big
  127. [04:54] <tenaciousTheseus> Are what?
  128. [04:54] <bobbedNonsense> oh thank goodness
  129. 03[04:54] * OJ ( has joined #ultimatereward
  130. [04:54] <bobbedNonsense> now don't fall off it
  131. 04[04:54] <comicInstability> comfy
  132. [04:54] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( what the fuck are you doing and where are you? )
  133. 04[04:54] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (stf n'placs)
  134. [04:55] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( not acceptable answers )
  135. 04[04:55] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (...places n'stuff?)
  136. [04:56] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Firmer? Far More Reliable???
  137. 02[04:57] * OJphone ( Quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
  138. [04:57] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( hey you know what how about you play homefree right now before you drown or whatever the fuck has hall in a tizzy )
  139. 04[04:57] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nuhhh)
  140. 04[04:57] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (m'fine)
  141. [04:57] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( also why are you drinking, thought miss life had you off that wagon )
  142. 04[04:57] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (games n'stuff)
  143. 04[04:58] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nly a little)
  144. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( great. play homefree and stay there, and i'll leave you alone to play your games and stuff )
  145. 04[04:58] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nuh uh)
  146. 04[04:58] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (mmm comfy)
  147. [04:58] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( or else i will find you and i will make you have a cold shower and set miss life on you while you're hungover )
  148. 04[04:59] <comicInstability> nuhhh
  149. [04:59] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( do you want that? )
  150. 04[04:59] <comicInstability> [wait shit this isn't the pm window]
  151. 04[04:59] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nuh uh)
  152. [04:59] <bobbedNonsense> you right there?
  153. [04:59] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( i didn't think so. now just play homefree )
  154. 04[04:59] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nuh uh)
  155. 04[04:59] <comicInstability> august is bein bitchy
  156. [04:59] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( bitch i'm coming for you now )
  157. [04:59] <bobbedNonsense> [>Sally: Bite back a giggle.]
  158. 04[04:59] <comicInstability> your fault
  159. 04[05:00] <comicInstability> gonna
  160. [05:00] <bobbedNonsense> she does that, yes, but maybe you should do as she says
  161. 04[05:00] <comicInstability> gonna try n'kill you with my mnd
  162. [05:00] <bobbedNonsense> why would you do that rigel
  163. 04[05:00] <comicInstability> shes gonna sick fumi n me
  164. [05:00] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Would it be all right if it was just a little death?
  165. 04[05:00] <comicInstability> nhhh
  166. [05:01] <bobbedNonsense> i'm not interested in him that way, and even then i don't think it's within his ability to do that
  167. 04[05:01] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (gonna hide)
  168. 02[05:01] * Suplex ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  169. [05:01] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( you better hide )
  170. [05:01] <tenaciousTheseus> Ehehe
  171. [05:01] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Shame. It'd be plenty of fun to have a boyfriend who could get you off with his mind.
  172. [05:01] <tenaciousTheseus> He's hammered to the moon and back
  173. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> [just gotta]
  174. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> probably, yes
  175. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> [make yourself smaller]
  176. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> [yes, good]
  177. [05:02] <tenaciousTheseus> I think it might be best for someone who can to not do that
  178. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> [good plan]
  179. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> ah yes, having someone psionically throw up on your lap and pass out
  180. [05:02] <bobbedNonsense> how romantic
  181. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  182. 04[05:02] <comicInstability> can old my rink
  183. [05:03] <bobbedNonsense> i'm sure
  184. 04[05:03] <comicInstability> [wait shit, you just made the tube small again.]
  185. 04[05:03] <comicInstability> [meh]
  186. 04[05:04] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (hidin, never gonna find me)
  187. 04[05:04] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (made myself tny ha)
  188. [05:04] <caffeinatedCapacitor> How would psionically throwing up in someone's lap even work?
  189. [05:04] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( ....yes you did )
  190. [05:04] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( so tiny )
  191. [05:04] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( love the tube, by the way )
  192. 03[05:05] * Suplex ( has joined #ultimatereward
  193. [05:05] <tenaciousTheseus> Psionically simulate the sensations?
  194. [05:05] <bobbedNonsense> i've no clue but i'm sure it's possible
  195. 04[05:05] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (thnks)
  196. [05:05] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( he's twenty feet tall and floating in a tube in the middle of the ocean )
  197. [05:05] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( wtf )
  198. [05:06] <bobbedNonsense> rigel did you make yourself big
  199. 04[05:06] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  200. [05:06] <bobbedNonsense> june is telling me otherwise
  201. [05:06] <tenaciousTheseus> Oh boy
  202. 04[05:06] <comicInstability> ...shit
  203. 04[05:06] <comicInstability> did
  204. 04[05:06] <comicInstability> did i make my land tiny
  205. [05:07] <bobbedNonsense> [>June: Lean on a spire balcony and scratch your head, wondering what the hell you're meant to be doing about your now-giant drunken coplayer.]
  206. [05:07] <tenaciousTheseus> Jesus christ
  207. [05:07] <bobbedNonsense> no it sounds like you made yourself big
  208. [05:07] <tenaciousTheseus> How much did you have to drink
  209. 04[05:07] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  210. 04[05:07] <comicInstability> tiny lnd
  211. [05:07] <bobbedNonsense> [>June: Tugboat. You'll alchemise a tugboat.]
  212. 04[05:07] <comicInstability> m th'best space payer
  213. [05:08] <tenaciousTheseus> Clearly
  214. [05:08] <tenaciousTheseus> With the World's eyes, nothing escapes you
  215. [05:08] <tenaciousTheseus> Frogs run in your vein
  216. [05:08] <tenaciousTheseus> Or hop
  217. 04[05:08] <comicInstability> yup\
  218. 04[05:10] <comicInstability> [You idly wonder where your glass went.]
  219. [05:10] <bobbedNonsense> [Tugboat made and dropped into the drink, you're now puttering along towards Rigel.]
  220. 04[05:11] <comicInstability> nuhh
  221. 04[05:11] <comicInstability> made feb tiny too
  222. [05:11] <tenaciousTheseus> What?
  223. [05:12] <bobbedNonsense> i
  224. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> ses got a tency lfboat
  225. [05:12] <bobbedNonsense> oh god i hope you didn't and that's just your denial that you made yourself big talking
  226. [05:12] <bobbedNonsense> [You can't help but laugh
  227. [05:12] <bobbedNonsense> *.]
  228. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> wait
  229. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> wait
  230. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> gonna
  231. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> make her big
  232. 04[05:12] <comicInstability> gin
  233. [05:13] <bobbedNonsense> no
  234. [05:13] <bobbedNonsense> no don't you dare
  235. [05:13] <bobbedNonsense> [The tugboat starts getting closer.]
  236. [05:13] <caffeinatedCapacitor> You don't make people big without their consent, Rigel.
  237. [05:13] <caffeinatedCapacitor> That's not a nice thing to do.
  238. [05:13] <caffeinatedCapacitor> What if she wants to go sleep in her bed later?
  239. 04[05:13] <comicInstability> shh
  240. 04[05:13] <comicInstability> cn make bed big
  241. [05:14] <bobbedNonsense> rigel do not make june grow trust me you are going to regret it
  242. 04[05:14] <comicInstability> [You focus, and try and make her the right size.]
  243. 04[05:14] <comicInstability> [...where'd she go?]
  244. [05:14] <tenaciousTheseus> This is going to end well
  245. [05:14] <bobbedNonsense> [>June: Shriek as the boat seems to grow all around you.]
  246. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO )
  247. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( HE FUCKING SHRUNK ME I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM )
  248. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> oh god he shrunk her
  249. 04[05:15] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (trd to make ya th'right size)
  250. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( UNDO IT )
  251. 04[05:15] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  252. [05:15] <tenaciousTheseus> Welp
  253. 04[05:15] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (cn't see you)
  254. [05:15] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( UNDO IT NOW YOU MORONIC LUSH )
  255. [05:16] <bobbedNonsense> [>June: Be screeching and waving and jumping up and down on the deck of the tugboat.]
  256. [05:16] <caffeinatedCapacitor> bobbedNonsense, who's their time player?
  257. [05:16] <bobbedNonsense> i- i have no idea let me check
  258. 04[05:17] <comicInstability> leaf!
  259. [05:17] <bobbedNonsense> leaf?
  260. [05:17] <bobbedNonsense> oh jeez okay
  261. 04[05:17] <comicInstability> un huh
  262. [05:17] <bobbedNonsense> antediluvianCommodore
  263. 04[05:18] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (old on, i ear you)
  264. 04[05:18] <comicInstability> [You focus again, but its all kinda....wobbly.]
  265. [05:18] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( you better get this right shitlamp )
  266. 04[05:18] <comicInstability> [There, the boats the right size!]
  267. [05:18] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( congratulations you colossal fuckup )
  268. 04[05:19] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (yaaaay)
  269. [05:19] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( the boat is big and i am tiny and NONE OF THIS IS RIGHT )
  270. [05:19] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( THAT WAS SARCASM WHEN I CONGRATULATED YOU ASSHOLE )
  271. 04[05:19] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : ( :c )
  272. 04[05:20] * comicInstability PESTERS bourbonKiss : (nuh don't wanna talk t'yelly mcangry)
  273. 04[05:20] * comicInstability has blocked bourbonKiss
  274. [05:20] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PESTERS comicInstability : ( don't you use stupid little emotes at m- BITCH UNBLOCK ME THIS INSTANT )
  275. [05:21] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( congratulations he made me tiny, the boat big, and now has blocked me )
  276. [05:21] <bobbedNonsense> bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( i'm so glad you got me out of my kitchen for THIS )
  277. [05:21] <bobbedNonsense> ....i think she might murder me
  278. [05:21] <bobbedNonsense> and rigel
  279. 04[05:21] <comicInstability> nuh uh
  280. [05:21] <tenaciousTheseus> What happened?
  281. 04[05:21] <comicInstability> cn't die
  282. [05:21] <tenaciousTheseus> Wellllll
  283. 04[05:21] <comicInstability> sutff
  284. [05:21] <tenaciousTheseus> You can die
  285. [05:22] <bobbedNonsense> " bourbonKiss PMs bobbedNonsense : ( congratulations he made me tiny, the boat big, and now has blocked me ) "
  286. [05:22] <tenaciousTheseus> As long as you come back
  287. [05:22] <tenaciousTheseus> ...
  288. [05:22] <tenaciousTheseus> Wow
  289. [05:22] <bobbedNonsense> please unblock her
  290. 04[05:22] <comicInstability> nuhhh
  291. [05:22] <tenaciousTheseus> I am just
  292. [05:22] <caffeinatedCapacitor> Okay, so... Leaf and Fumi, next?
  293. 04[05:22] <comicInstability> shes bein yelly mcangry
  294. [05:22] <tenaciousTheseus> Laughing forever
  295. [05:22] <bobbedNonsense> yes she does that it's her thing
  296. [05:22] <bobbedNonsense> i'm not sure who else uh
  297. [05:22] <bobbedNonsense> kilika?
  298. 04[05:22] <comicInstability> [You start paddling away from the boat.]
  299. [05:23] <bobbedNonsense> dutiful Overseer, June's mentioned her
  300. [05:23] <tenaciousTheseus> F^inteye, too, but uh
  301. [05:23] <tenaciousTheseus> He's
  302. [05:23] <tenaciousTheseus> Not really in the place to help
  303. [05:23] <bobbedNonsense> [>June: Be unable to see anything over the sides of the tugboat.]
  304. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> [Your paddling eventually beaches you on an island. You promptly roll over on to the sand.]
  305. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> yayyyy
  306. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> lnd
  307. [05:27] <bobbedNonsense> lnd?
  308. [05:27] <caffeinatedCapacitor> I'm just going to...
  309. [05:27] <bobbedNonsense> land?
  310. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> yus
  311. [05:27] <caffeinatedCapacitor> on finishing this garden.
  312. [05:27] <bobbedNonsense> ....and what happened to june?
  313. 06[05:27] * caffeinatedCapacitor has disconnected from the servers
  314. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> i unno
  315. 03[05:27] * caffeinatedCapacitor is now known as Ishtadaal
  316. 04[05:27] <comicInstability> byeeeeee
  317. 04[05:28] <comicInstability> muh
  318. 04[05:28] <comicInstability> sleepy
  319. [05:29] <bobbedNonsense> go to sleep, rigel
  320. [05:29] <tenaciousTheseus> Um
  321. [05:29] <tenaciousTheseus> Should he
  322. [05:29] <tenaciousTheseus> Try to undo stuff first, or
  323. [05:29] <bobbedNonsense> i don't think he's gonna make it any better
  324. [05:29] <bobbedNonsense> not in this state, and given his progress so far
  325. [05:30] <tenaciousTheseus> Good point
  326. 04[05:30] <comicInstability> dunno
  327. 04[05:30] <comicInstability> what yer talkin bout
  328. 04[05:30] <comicInstability> been flawless
  329. [05:30] <bobbedNonsense> uh huh
  330. [05:30] <bobbedNonsense> enjoy your hangover
  331. 04[05:30] <comicInstability> yup
  332. 04[05:30] <comicInstability> eheheeeeee
  333. 04[05:30] * comicInstability has fallen asleep
  334. 04[05:30] * comicInstability has left the memo
  335. [05:30] <bobbedNonsense> bloody hell
  336. [05:31] <tenaciousTheseus> Well
  337. [05:31] <tenaciousTheseus> That was fun
  338. [05:31] <tenaciousTheseus> Remember, kids
  339. [05:31] <tenaciousTheseus> Don't drink and fuck with reality
  340. [05:31] <bobbedNonsense> mhmm
  341. [05:31] <bobbedNonsense> [Sigh, shaking your head, and start messaging June. The replies are furious and caustic, and you're aware you've lost any chance of her sharing any of her cooking with you for the next few server-months. Or at least any of her cooking that you'll trust.]
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