
Anime Night Log 9/18/16

Sep 18th, 2016
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  1. StreamerDoggo: (( Cool! See you next time then! ))
  2. StreamerDoggo heads back upstairs with Viviia. Then things happened. The End.
  3. Sharkatak: //eeey
  4. Sharkatak: //making ramen with egg in it
  5. ValerieJumper: ((Im early for once ovo))
  6. StreamerDoggo: (( ))
  7. stillmeChara: (( I, the muse, am literally Madoka ))
  8. stillmeChara: (( I am therefore physically incapable of not voting for PMMM ))
  9. ValerieJumper: ((You see, the mun lives under a rock, I dont know any of these Animes ovo))
  10. Frisk: [[ discovery time BD
  11. ValerieJumper: ((I like know one or two Animes. But they arent on the list so ech.))
  12. ModAskDogi: //?????
  13. ModAskDogi: // also hello
  14. ValerieJumper: ((Hoi!))
  15. Frisk: [[ ayyyy
  16. StreamerDoggo: ((Sometimes I wonder if theres just people who come here who just like equalizing the votes rather than vote what they want ))
  17. Sharkatak: //it crobuddy
  18. StreamerDoggo: (( Cause that makes it way harder to do the run-off vote ))
  19. undauntedgunner: (( i am SO DOWN with .hack hell yeah
  20. Sharkatak: //Was rooting for my fave trigger animes
  21. Sharkatak: // 's not like i have TWO SWORDS AND A POSTER or anything
  22. ModAskDogi: // ayy
  23. Sharkatak: //I like 'em too much
  24. ModAskDogi: // tbh i like a lot of animes
  25. ValerieJumper: <----((Doesnt know any animes.))
  26. StreamerDoggo: (( Just pick what sounds cool ))
  27. undauntedgunner: (( aka .hack
  28. Sharkatak: //mm, or some klk
  29. Frisk: [[ same!!! theres this ongoing anime on watching bc its cute
  30. Frisk: [[ and its called bananya
  31. Frisk: [[ BANANA CATS
  32. undauntedgunner: (( klk and accel world are both good too
  33. Sharkatak: //omg bananya
  34. Sharkatak: //saw it
  35. Frisk: [[ yooo!!! the fuckin banana cats are the most beautiful things ive ever seeen
  36. Sharkatak: //lemme show you a lil something
  37. StreamerDoggo: (( Robyn can't make it right now and cant use the poll so theres an outside vote on Madoka ))
  38. ValerieJumper: ((brb))
  39. StreamerDoggo: (( Okay, quick, someone say Kill la Kill or Luluco, first one I see, thats number 3 on the run off vote ))
  40. ModMuffetbae: [[ i vote for luluco..
  41. Frisk: [[ luluco yes
  42. StreamerDoggo: Alright then
  43. Sharkatak: //it's grand.
  44. StreamerDoggo: (( ))
  45. StreamerDoggo: (( THE FINAL VOTE ))
  46. Viviia: (( [casually strolls in]
  47. StreamerDoggo: (( Again Robyn can't make it or use the poll so theres one outside vote on Madoka ))
  48. ModAskDogi: // hi vivi
  49. Viviia: ((ey
  50. askthecopycat: ((slinks on in
  51. ModAskDogi: // hi emi!
  52. askthecopycat: ((heya ))
  53. Sharkatak: //haaaai emi and vivi
  54. Viviia: ((yo
  55. ModAskDogi: // omg it's gonna be another tie isn't it
  56. undauntedgunner: (( howdy
  57. Frisk: [[ ayyy
  58. Viviia: ((hey scan
  59. ModAskDogi: //ok maybe not
  60. Sharkatak: //I'm just prayign for luluco, i still need to finish tht anime.
  61. Viviia: (( I haven't seen most of these so I have no idea what almost all of them are.
  62. Sharkatak: //oh look, a 3-way tie
  63. Lady_Divine: (Why)
  64. Viviia: (( [casually votes]
  65. Viviia: (( alright, back to trying to fix the computer's sound. might have to restart. =3=
  66. StreamerDoggo: ((If Luluco eps are as short as you say they are, they might be augmented to what we show instead of being by itself ))
  67. StreamerDoggo: (( Remember Robyn's vote on Madoka, so its at 6 instead of 5 technically ))
  68. sneakyfont: (ayyy.)
  69. Frisk: [[ yoooo
  70. Viviia: ((hey
  71. StreamerDoggo: ((Wow 3 way tie ))
  72. thebonezone66: ((Yeah, that's my bad.))
  73. sneakyfont: (and now my Kid muse is waking up again)
  74. StreamerDoggo: (( The kid falls his way down a hole, landing in a bed of golden flowers. Certainly a strange sight, ain't it? ))
  75. askthecopycat: ((meduuuka. meduuuuka~ ))
  76. Sharkatak: //two-way tie still, keeping robyn's vote in mind.
  77. sneakyfont: (Well, all he's got are the clothes on his back, a good ol' Cael Hammer, and a nice limp for his trouble.)
  78. thebonezone66: ((oop. I hear HS))
  79. StreamerDoggo: (( Now it gets even stranger when one pops up right in front of him and begins talking. The kid briefly wonders if he hit too much of the spirits at the distillery ))
  80. undauntedgunner: (( even if madoka is as 6 votes, .hack is still a bit ahead
  81. sneakyfont: (Kid keeps up his guard. He knows not to trust those old hallucinations, not after Jawson Bog.)
  82. ModAskDogi: // back momentarily had to do homework
  83. ModAskDogi: // 16/20 2 times in a row idc
  84. ModAskDogi: // moving onto the quiz
  85. StreamerDoggo: (( Also yeah I got some Hamsteaks in here ))
  86. StreamerDoggo: (( Not a lot but choice favs ))
  87. Coldsoul: (( this track is p good, yes ))
  88. sneakyfont: (good stuff! i used to listen to this at night when going to bed)
  89. StreamerDoggo: (( I unfortunately lost the entire Strife! album at some point though ))
  90. StreamerDoggo: (( Havent gotten to getting that one back ))
  91. Sharkatak: //i actually looked up that egg rice thing that i see a bunch in anime, to see if it was unhealthy or not
  92. Sharkatak: //apparently it's actually eaten often?
  93. thebonezone66: ((Want to keep the Wilds at bay? Pack yourself a musket and a pike. ))
  94. sneakyfont: (that was one of my favorite combos)
  95. sneakyfont: (though pike and genuine army carbine were good too.)
  96. thebonezone66: ((I should stream Bastion at some point.))
  97. ModAskDogi: (( can i request some good study music ))
  98. ModAskDogi: (( doesn't matter what it is ))
  99. sneakyfont: (when i'm focusing i tend to just listen to the hacknet soundtrack)
  100. StreamerDoggo: (( I was actually planning on doing a stream of Bastion and Transistor before Pyre comes out ))
  101. sneakyfont: (GOOD. god i can't wait to make a blog for one of them)
  102. sneakyfont: (i've been the kid, zulf, boxer/blue, and sybil. i Gotta continue writing supergiant muses)
  103. StreamerDoggo: (( Dibs on Rukey ))
  104. sneakyfont: (i don't think i could be as upbeat as Rukey tbh but i will probably be Jodariel)
  105. StreamerDoggo: (( Dibs on mustache dog ))
  106. thebonezone66: (( I was Rucks at one point.))
  107. sneakyfont: (WHAT RUCKS.)
  108. thebonezone66: ((Bastion. ))
  109. sneakyfont: (i mean url wise)
  110. thebonezone66: (( I didn't exist on tumblr back then. Another time, another website.))
  111. thebonezone66: (( It's all just a dream now. Gone the way of the Calamity. ))
  112. sneakyfont: (awww. i used to write with a stellar Rucks! don't know if whatsleftundone is still active.)
  113. StreamerDoggo: (( *Turns up volume for PROTOMEN* ))
  114. sneakyfont: (me: hey im having fun!
  115. sneakyfont: (computer: hello naughty user its window crash time)
  116. floweytheflower: * "UGH."
  117. floweytheflower: * "FINALLY. I'm here."
  118. Frisk: [[ theres like 25 bottles of apple juice in my fucking fridge its that time of the month already......... autumn
  119. soulswandering: (( halloween: appears [in stores only] ))
  120. sneakyfont: (hmm. i heard that one's confusing? but i don't know anything about it)
  121. Viviia: ((me: [stares at the halloween decorations in the isles soon as they're up] I want to take everything and spook the house up.))
  122. StreamerDoggo: (( I can't recall if the dub or sub was better ))
  123. StreamerDoggo: (( Jade? ))
  124. Viviia: (( I have a skeleton with a bowtie but that's all sadly. ))
  125. Frisk: [[ i aint sure, i like both the sub and dub which is rare ]]
  126. StreamerDoggo: ((Dub or sub then, guys ))
  127. Viviia: ((I'm too tired to keep up with reading both the chat and subs.))
  128. Coldsoul: (( dub bc background noise ))
  129. Lady_Divine: (I prefer subs myself.)
  130. sneakyfont: (dub is Fine)
  131. StreamerDoggo: (( Dub it is. You can start being IC then ))
  132. wanderandward: [[late dub vote
  133. Viviia strolls in, a warm drink in hand.
  134. thebonezone66 Here comes the Dragon. The air outside the cabin shifts and distorts, before Sans pushes through; like the surface of a film of plastic.
  135. floweytheflower: * "WH--"
  136. StreamerDoggo is in his comfy armchair. So soft.
  137. floweytheflower: *The flower's nearly squished as the dragon strides in. Of course he's going to bicker.
  138. Sharkatak: *Shana skitter on in, with a bunch of various foods.
  139. StreamerDoggo: * What the heck am I looking at on the screen.
  140. sneakyfont hesitantly follows, scarf pulled tightly around himself.
  141. floweytheflower: * "HEY! Watch where you're g--.. oh. It's y o u."
  142. Frisk crawls out from under the couch and makes their way onto it, sitting down comfortably. What a nice bird.
  143. Viviia is wearing too many layers. She was probably cold today. Or actually prepared for once.
  144. undauntedscan casually powerslides in.
  145. wanderandward: *The amalgam walks into the living room...from the kitchen. He nonchalantly strolls to his seat. Nothing wrong here.*
  146. StreamerDoggo: (( OH NO THE ANIME IS AWARE WE'RE RPING ))
  147. sneakyfont: (WELP THAT WAS META)
  148. floweytheflower: (shit guys DIP)
  149. Frisk: [[ were dead
  150. thebonezone66 glances down at Flowey, before his maw and eye sockets turn up in a bemused smirk. He gives them a healthy berth, before moving on towards the wall. --And then through that, as he had the air. He sits down inside against the wall.
  151. sneakyfont takes a seat, obviously nervous because new place.
  152. floweytheflower just glares at the dragon as he goes to sit down against the wall. Squinting intensifies.
  153. floweytheflower: * "God, can you take up ANY more space? Lose some weight."
  154. floweytheflower is clearly salty about almost being dunked on. By a leggy.
  155. StreamerDoggo: * Sup Dragon, Vivi, Papyrus, I think, the rest of you.
  156. sneakyfont FLINCH.
  157. soulswandering: * (Orange kid walks in with the fluffy red blanket from before tied around their neck. They quickly make their way over to the couch before... looking downwards at a piece of paper.)
  158. Viviia: Hey~!
  159. Coldsoul: * (Cold kid makes her way in and sits by Wander.)
  160. ValerieJumper walks in. She scans the room for any familiar faces and takes a seat in a bean bag.
  161. Viviia was a bit busy trying to shed a few layers. It was too hot indoors for all this.
  162. wanderandward: -Hey there slightly older baby. And hey to you too, Charles.-
  163. floweytheflower: * "Wow, these knights are pretty cliche. I bet they're gonna die."
  164. wanderandward: -Huh, this looks pretty cool already.-
  165. StreamerDoggo: * ...Who let the weed in?
  166. Viviia: Someone sounds like a basket full of sunshine.
  167. floweytheflower: * "Me."
  168. wanderandward: [[forgot how cool the ost was heh
  169. Coldsoul: * (She frowns, huffing and folding her arms.) Hmph!
  171. undauntedscan takes a seat on the ground, pulling out three jars of beef jerky. Seems he remembered to make what he was asked to last week.
  172. Frisk: * Cooooo, hadn't seen any talkin' flowers in forever.
  173. wanderandward: -Cool cat monster.-
  174. Sharkatak: *shana takes out a cup of noodles, quiet sniffling.
  175. Viviia immediately dived to sit next to the jerky- er.. Scan.
  176. StreamerDoggo: * Of course...Well don't try anything or i'll practice my gardening skills!
  177. soulswandering: * (Orange's eyes shift directly to the jerky. Food.)
  178. floweytheflower: * "Good god, he's blander than fresh oatmeal."
  179. floweytheflower: * "Now that I think about it, his hair is the color of fresh oatmeal."
  180. sneakyfont: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN OATMEAL.
  181. floweytheflower: * "Yes."
  182. wanderandward: -Hmm, got some peppered stuff in there, Scan?-
  183. sneakyfont has sweet popcorn.
  184. undauntedscan: * Help yourself to whatever, Vi. There's the regular sort, peppered, and... Uh... I forgot what the third was, but yeah.
  185. undauntedscan: * Same goes for you, Wander.
  186. StreamerDoggo: * ?????
  187. floweytheflower: * "....."
  188. StreamerDoggo: * What was that face
  189. floweytheflower: * "Did he just try to LOAD?"
  190. soulswandering: * ... then can I try the third?
  191. sneakyfont: PFFT
  192. sneakyfont: THAT'S ME
  193. floweytheflower: * "That was the weirdest face I've seen. And I've seen Frisk a lot."
  194. Viviia just grabs whichever she gets her hands on first. Seems like she's not all that picky.
  195. StreamerDoggo: * What.
  196. thebonezone66: * oh. well then.
  197. ModAskDogi: //pokemon
  198. ModAskDogi: //what
  199. floweytheflower: * ".... What?"
  200. sneakyfont: (meanwhile my brother burns popcorn in the microwave)
  201. StreamerDoggo: * I am so lost right now.
  202. undauntedscan: * Feel free to try whatever, anyone. Can't guarantee that you'll like it.
  203. Frisk spreads their wings out a bit, eating some fries.
  204. sneakyfont: (well i definitely heard that it's confusing, and i wasn't Wrong)
  205. floweytheflower: * "-- oh god that voice."
  206. sneakyfont: FLOWEY IS THAT YOU.
  207. Frisk: * Oh my gods.
  208. floweytheflower: * "I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT."
  209. sneakyfont: YES YOU DO.
  210. floweytheflower: * "That is clearly NOT a bear."
  211. Viviia: ((oh man. this reminds me of the mmo i play sometimes. always running into walls. =v=
  212. StreamerDoggo: * No the weed is right!
  213. StreamerDoggo: * His voice is higher than that water thing's.
  214. soulswandering: * (They shrug and inch their way over to Scan, snatching 7.8 pieces of beef jerky before returning to their spot.)
  215. floweytheflower: * "Yeah, idiot."
  216. floweytheflower: * ".... Wait."
  217. wanderandward: *The goopman slides over and grabs a few sticks of peppered and a single stick of normal jerky, and returns to Winter, holding out the unflavored jerky to her.* -Just try a single bite and I'll leave you alone kissan.-
  218. floweytheflower: * "It's not that high!!"
  219. sneakyfont: IT IS TOO.
  220. ModAskDogi: // got 2/3 on the quiz
  221. floweytheflower: * "Shut up, you sound like a broken accordion!"
  222. ModAskDogi: // ok.avi
  223. sneakyfont: Oh, that's okay, I can change my voice.
  224. ValerieJumper: "I am so very lost..."
  225. sneakyfont smug Papyrus.
  226. floweytheflower: * "Now you just sound like a dumber broken accordion."
  227. wanderandward: -Damn kid, rude.-
  228. Coldsoul: * (She repulses at the jerky being shoved in her face. She quickly shakes her head.)
  229. sneakyfont: Better than sounding like a kid mascot! Nyeheheh.
  230. Frisk: * Roasted.
  231. StreamerDoggo: * Nice one!
  232. floweytheflower: * "At least my voice is less 'forgettable' than yours, you worthless lanky sack of garbage!"
  233. wanderandward: [[*casually adds Bears VA to Wanders potential vc list*
  234. sneakyfont too busy eating popcorn to facilitate the argument.
  235. ValerieJumper sliently chants fight fight fight.
  236. wanderandward: -Kissan, just one bite, thats all i'm asking.-
  237. soulswandering: * (Charles quickly shoves the beef jerky in their mouth before returning to stare at the flower shit-talkin others.) Pretty sure you have a higher voice. Who can't tell with that?
  238. floweytheflower cues the childish tongue sticking out.
  239. floweytheflower: * "Mnyeh."
  240. sneakyfont mutters 'kid mascot'.
  241. Frisk: * There's one thing we all can agree on though.
  242. floweytheflower: * "I heard that!"
  243. Frisk whips their hair, doing some neat finger guns.
  244. floweytheflower: * "...."
  245. Frisk: * I have the best voice here.
  246. ValerieJumper: "Ehhhhhh..."
  247. floweytheflower: * "Sans' is better."
  248. sneakyfont: WHAT IS THIS DIALOGUE.
  249. floweytheflower: * "... What is even happening in this anime!?"
  250. StreamerDoggo: * I dont know????
  251. ModAskDogi *The Dogi walk in. Ressa looks.. tired. Amy looks worried.
  252. sneakyfont: WH. WHAT WAS THAT MOOD CHANGE.
  253. floweytheflower: * "All I'm getting is that this oatmeal-haired kid is getting some really random mood swings."
  254. ValerieJumper: "...?"
  255. StreamerDoggo: * Question marks?????
  256. ModAskDogi: Hey, Doggo!
  257. ModAskDogi: (hi, doggo.)
  258. floweytheflower: * "... that's not the kind of sound I expect from--"
  259. floweytheflower: * "Oh my god he's crying."
  260. ValerieJumper waves at the Dogi.
  261. floweytheflower: * "WOW."
  262. StreamerDoggo: * Hey Amy, Ress...a? Something wrong?
  263. Viviia: uhh..
  264. ModAskDogi *Ressa barely notices val but eventually waves back.
  265. wanderandward: -Hey there Ressa, Amy...-
  266. sneakyfont: WHY ME? WHY ME. I WONDER WHY ME.
  267. floweytheflower: * "Oh my god this Sasuke wannabe."
  268. soulswandering: * (They return to their paper once more, tapping their fingers on the paper. They grab the almost-broken pencil and start to doodle on the paper.)
  269. askthecopycat: ((returns from shower. .HACK//SIGN YESSSS
  270. ModAskDogi: (..been having nightmares the past few nights. Worse than usual.)
  271. Frisk: * Because you should stop runnin' away, nerd.
  272. Lady_Divine walks in and waves at everyone, before taking a seat on the couch.
  273. ModAskDogi: (I haven't been sleeping too well because of them.)
  274. StreamerDoggo: * Oh...
  275. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices Ressa talking and she stops, thinking for a moment. That was... true.)
  276. Sharkatak: *Shana's in the middle of a hard-boiled egg.
  277. ModAskDogi *The Dogi sit down on the couch, snuggling with each other, and Amy gestures for Doggo to come over.
  278. floweytheflower: * "Literally all these side-characters have more character than the main character."
  279. floweytheflower: * "What is this."
  280. askthecopycat: // The feline enters, raising a brow at the anime as she takes a seat.
  281. ModAskDogi *Amy's hugging Ressa but he'd probably back off so Doggo could go between them.
  282. floweytheflower: * "Oh god. Not HER."
  284. floweytheflower stares at the Bakeneko.
  285. undauntedscan: * IT'S A TACTIC
  286. Frisk: * I don't know.
  287. ModAskDogi: (..could talk about 'em here, but only if you want.)
  289. sneakyfont: (that face just makes me want to screencap it.)
  290. stillmeChara: is what I am assuming the premise here is
  291. askthecopycat: // stares at the flower
  292. sneakyfont: OOOOH IT WAS A TRAP CHEEEESTTT.
  293. Frisk: * Oh shit, boy.
  294. floweytheflower stares at the cat.
  295. floweytheflower means the cat in front of him, not the anime cat.
  296. StreamerDoggo gets up right away. Instead of getting between them though, he sits next to just Ressa. She needs more attention right now.
  297. Frisk: * THAT'S THE KITTY.
  298. ModAskDogi: (Just...)
  299. wanderandward: *The goop insistently holds out the jerky to his kid.* -Winter, a single bite. That is all.-
  300. askthecopycat: // continues to stare at the flower
  301. floweytheflower: * ".. Nerd."
  302. ModAskDogi *What Ressa says next, she says quietly.
  303. sneakyfont: I'M SURE NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN.
  304. ModAskDogi: (..If you know someone named Empress keep her the hell away from me.)
  305. askthecopycat: * Says the dande-lion.
  306. StreamerDoggo: * ...Empress?
  307. floweytheflower: * "What's that supposed to mean!?"
  308. wanderandward: -Wait are they supposed to be in a videogame?-
  309. ModAskDogi: (The dog in my nightmares.)
  310. sneakyfont: THAT'S NOT OMINOUS AT ALL.
  311. askthecopycat: * I don't know, what IS it supposed to mean?~ :3c
  312. Coldsoul: * (She shakes her head again after she snaps out of what is happening, sticking out her tongue as if she was disgusted.)
  313. sneakyfont fusses over the ambiguity because he's goddamn straightforward.
  314. ModAskDogi: (She does different things every time. Does unspeakable, horrible things to Amy, then me, then you. Taunts me about it. Picks apart everything I am.)
  315. ModAskDogi: (...Then I wake up. And it happens again the next night.)
  316. sneakyfont: PARRY PARRY PARRY
  317. ModAskDogi: Thrust..?
  318. StreamerDoggo shifts closer to Dogaressa, wrapping both his arms around her.
  319. floweytheflower .... throws a piece of catnip at Keno's face. He was holding onto it for a while now. Where did it even come from?
  321. sneakyfont: OR YOU KNOW, JUST LOSE. YOU CAN DO THAT.
  322. Frisk: * ... I want that helmet.
  323. ModAskDogi: (..Dunno why i'm havin' em's wearing me out..woof.)
  324. askthecopycat: // Is hit in the face by the piece of catnip. It falls away. And seems to have no effect
  325. askthecopycat: * No need to be rude.
  326. floweytheflower: * "Yes there is, when it comes to you."
  327. floweytheflower: * "Nerd."
  328. soulswandering: * (They pick their eyes up from their paper when a fight ensues. They then trail their eyes back down to the pap-- oH.)
  329. sneakyfont: O H.
  330. floweytheflower: * "Aaaaand he's dead."
  331. danceralexis: *(Arrival of Alexis.)
  332. Frisk: * Aw shit.
  333. floweytheflower: * "Neat!"
  334. soulswandering: * ...
  335. ModAskDogi: (Maybe it's just paranoia about a promise I made someone make.)
  336. soulswandering: * Brutal.
  337. Viviia stops snacking. Looks like she's decided to make something instead.
  338. floweytheflower: * "I should try that sometime. Oh wait. I already have."
  339. ModAskDogi: ...huff..
  340. ValerieJumper: "OH"
  341. stillmeChara: so they just S4 Leagued that chump
  342. askthecopycat: * Hmm. 'mew' seem to have some kind of 'purr-oblem' with me, Dande-lion.
  343. sneakyfont: WHAT
  344. undauntedscan: * Well, that sure is... Something.
  345. wanderandward: *Wander sighs at her stubborness and reaches beneath his scarf, prodding at his face. A moment later he lowers the scarf and crams a peppered stick into his unsealed maw.*
  346. floweytheflower: * "Maybe it's just that I don't like you, for stomping on my face TWICE with a NAT 20."
  348. StreamerDoggo: * It's okay, Ress...Things are fine here, at least. You aren't dreaming, we're here.
  349. floweytheflower: * "ON ACCIDENT. Oh wait. One of them was a crit fail."
  350. wanderandward: -See kissan, they taste just fine.-
  351. floweytheflower: * "STILL."
  352. askthecopycat: // raises a brow
  353. ModAskDogi: ('m sure I just need to.. need..)
  354. askthecopycat: // hesitates for a moment before laughing
  355. ModAskDogi *Ressa's drifting off...
  356. askthecopycat: * Ah.. That would make sense.
  357. thebonezone66 chucles, watching the flower and Bakeneko.
  358. ModAskDogi *She looks really tired.
  359. wanderandward: -that looked unpleasant.-
  360. sneakyfont: A BUG.
  361. floweytheflower leers at the darg.
  362. Coldsoul: * (She seems a little freaked out at what Wander did there; she had never seen him eat before. She shakes her head again.)
  363. ValerieJumper: "BUG"
  364. ModAskDogi: ....whine..
  365. floweytheflower: * "Did someone just die because he squished a bug."
  366. sneakyfont: NAH IT WAS A METAPHOR.
  367. StreamerDoggo: * If you want to sleep right here, go ahead
  368. Frisk: * ... Ooooh.
  369. ModAskDogi *Amy knows she needs to sleep but it might happen again.
  370. danceralexis: * this anime?
  371. Viviia glanced over towards Ressa, then back to the item in her hands.
  372. floweytheflower: * "I can't even read this show right now."
  373. askthecopycat: * Though, Dande-lion. 'Mew' seem to have the wrong feline. Honestly after that adventure you think that she'd show up at an 'anime night'?
  374. sneakyfont: I DON'T KNOW IF I LIKE IT.
  375. ModAskDogi: I might be able to induce dreamless sleep. Empathy an' Possession.
  376. wanderandward: -Hacksaw or something like that, kamu. And hey there.-
  377. ModAskDogi: It wouldn't be pretty on my health, though.
  378. floweytheflower: * "... probably not. But I have a pretty good memory, compared to you."
  379. danceralexis: * Heya Wander.
  380. undauntedscan: * Oh, Alexis! Think this is dot hack, maybe? Probably.
  381. askthecopycat: * Do you now?
  382. ModAskDogi: (...can't..can't sleep..g-gonna..)
  383. danceralexis: * Looks interesting.
  384. ModAskDogi *Ressa's asleep again.
  385. floweytheflower: * "That's right."
  386. StreamerDoggo: * Amy, no, not around me.
  387. sneakyfont just watches, vaguely terrified.
  388. wanderandward: -Alright kissan, now youre just being stubborn...-
  389. ModAskDogi: Right.
  390. Viviia: Maybe I can help? At least a little bit.. I don't like seeing Ressa like this..
  391. sneakyfont abruptly vanishes...
  392. floweytheflower squints at the feline.
  393. StreamerDoggo keeps holding Ressa as she sleeps, lightly petting wherever his hands may be.
  394. askthecopycat: // grins at the flower as she takes a seat next to the dragon
  395. floweytheflower: * "WHAT."
  396. StreamerDoggo: * What
  397. floweytheflower: * "WHAT IS HAPPENING."
  398. thebonezone66: * oh. well then.
  399. Sharkatak: "wh-wh..."
  400. askthecopycat: * There he goes.
  401. ModAskDogi *Ressa's expression is smiling at the pets, but the smile's slowly fading.
  402. sneakyfont returns after a bit.
  403. Frisk: * I'm still really confused.
  404. wanderandward: -Hey Alexis, mind taking a chomp out of that jerky, show the baby here that theres nothing wrong with it?-
  405. ModAskDogi: It's.. been like this for the past few days. No idea why, it just happened out of nowhere.
  406. sneakyfont: (apparently this is one of those anime where you have to play the game to understand?)
  407. ValerieJumper: "I an really confused as well."
  408. floweytheflower: * "Can someone???? Explain???? What this story even is???????"
  409. danceralexis: * This is a bit confusing.
  410. danceralexis: * It looks nice, but it's very confusing.
  411. ModAskDogi: I've been keeping extra close watch on her as she sleeps but it doesn't help, she usually wakes up crying and I have to calm her down.
  413. stillmeChara: Allow me to explain from what I've figured out of the story so far
  414. sneakyfont stuffs the music box in his inventory again.
  415. Viviia: I see..
  417. Coldsoul: * (Winter shakes her head again and again, refusing to eat it.)
  418. stillmeChara: * The white hair man has been sucked into the MMO
  419. danceralexis: * ...What kind of game makes you die for real if you play it?
  420. stillmeChara: and is now neglecting his real life
  421. sneakyfont: A LOT OF GAMES.
  422. soulswandering: * SAO.
  423. sneakyfont: EW DON'T MENTION THAT ONE
  424. StreamerDoggo: * Well, I ain't a therapist or dreamologist or nothing. I don't know how to help except just...Hold her.
  425. wanderandward: -Huh, laughing at a depressed pig...not cool kid.-
  426. stillmeChara: also there's a cat
  427. stillmeChara: that is it
  428. askthecopycat: * This is SAO if SAO wasn't terrible.
  429. soulswandering: * ... yeah. Don't ask me how I know that.
  430. floweytheflower: * "Sword Art Online is just a bad children's fanfiction."
  431. floweytheflower: * ".... according to the internet."
  432. sneakyfont: (still laughing over citta!alphys being given SAO as her trashy anime)
  433. ModAskDogi: Yeah.
  434. StreamerDoggo: * You know someone who would be able to help her, Amy?
  435. wanderandward: -Obstinate brat...really Winter?-
  436. undauntedscan: * Wonder if th' game's even legal.
  437. Coldsoul: * R-r-really!
  438. Viviia fiddles around more, criss-crossing her silk on the loop she made.
  439. ModAskDogi: ...maybe, one person, yeah. If I can't, anyway.
  440. sneakyfont: THIS ISN'T UNCOMFORTABLE.
  441. danceralexis: * ...
  442. floweytheflower: * "... Oh. Well. She's dead."
  443. floweytheflower: * "I think."
  444. ModAskDogi: The person she held to the promise she made just before this all started.
  445. danceralexis: * We're barely even started...and already someone is just...plain dead?
  446. sneakyfont: TWO OF THEM!
  447. soulswandering: * (They just stare at the dead person.)
  448. ValerieJumper: "W e l p"
  449. askthecopycat: * It's a video game. Of course people are going to die.
  450. danceralexis: * What the heck even is this anime?
  452. soulswandering: * (They look down at their paper and put down a tally mark.)
  453. soulswandering: * (Two tally marks.)
  454. ModAskDogi: Anyway, let's just... watch, for now, shall we?
  455. StreamerDoggo: * Well whoever that is, you better get in contact with them ASAP.
  456. StreamerDoggo: * Anyway, yeah.
  457. undauntedscan: * Woah. Does that, like... Hang on, if people die in real life if they die in game, does that make 'em murderers? Like... Can the cops do stuff?
  458. StreamerDoggo: * Even though I have no idea whats going on
  459. stillmeChara: I
  460. stillmeChara: I'm assuming*
  461. danceralexis: * ...
  462. Frisk: * M'lady.
  463. danceralexis: * I'm not sure what to make of this storyline.
  464. ModAskDogi: Will do, for sure.
  465. stillmeChara: that only the white hair guy is under YOU DIE IN THE GAME IF YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE
  466. danceralexis: * I have no idea what is going on.
  467. stillmeChara: and everyone else is just in a normal VR MMO
  468. stillmeChara: -IF :u
  469. stillmeChara: can't type today!
  470. Sharkatak: *Shana taps Amy's arm.
  471. sneakyfont: OH, HI.
  472. ModAskDogi *Ressa quietly starts whining in her sleep, expression shifting to a frown.
  473. undauntedscan: * Ah, nevermind, then. Alexis, y'see that white-haired kid with th' staff thingy?
  475. danceralexis: * Yeah.
  476. wanderandward: *Wander places the jerky stick on Winters head then scoots away from her, leaning into his seat with an annoyed huff.*
  477. ModAskDogi *Amy starts petting Ressa and hugging her more tightly, worried, but he keeps watching the anime nonetheless.
  478. Frisk hoots out of curiosity.
  479. undauntedscan: * 'Parrently he did some real bad shit to the, like, government people or somethin', but he can't remember, and they're all after him.
  480. undauntedscan: * Thing is, if he dies in game, he dies fo' real.
  481. undauntedscan: * Also can't log out.
  482. wanderandward: -I think these are all sentient people just controlling characters. Like that Smash game the Dogi had.-
  483. undauntedscan: * ... I think. Probably, at least. I dunno 100%.
  484. danceralexis: * Huh.
  485. ModAskDogi: hmm..
  486. ModAskDogi: Right, like that one, yeah.
  487. Coldsoul: * (Winter's frown turns into a sigh as she takes the beef jerky off of her head. She stares at it for a moment, looking disgusted, but she tries one little bit of it anyway. She swallows, but shakes her head.)
  488. Coldsoul: * (There's a look of disgust.)
  489. ModAskDogi: (...whine..)
  490. ModAskDogi: That's a cute cat.
  491. sneakyfont: WANTS TO BE ALONE. JOINS AN MMO.
  492. wanderandward: -...dont like it huh?-
  493. Sharkatak: "The cat looks friendly..."
  494. thebonezone66: * right? i mean, there's people like that all the time though.
  496. thebonezone66: * just play a console rpg or something.
  497. sneakyfont: YEAH, THAT.
  498. StreamerDoggo nuzzles Ressa a bit, though he focuses back on the anime.
  499. sneakyfont: WHAT VOICE WAS THAT
  500. wanderandward: *The goop swiftly scoots back over to the kid.*
  501. Coldsoul: * I t-told you I d-d-don't like it!
  502. ModAskDogi *Ressa nuzzles back in her sleep, but she's still whining, and her breaths are getting less even.
  503. thebonezone66: * attack bear.
  504. Viviia: ...there..
  505. StreamerDoggo: (( I think the anime is chronologically before the games actually? So we're not missing anything ))
  506. wanderandward: -Heh, you never told me you tied it before!-
  507. Viviia immediately climbs up the nearest wall. She crawls onto the ceiling.
  508. sneakyfont: (hmm. i'm looking some of it up rn)
  509. stillmeChara: I'm assuming that
  510. wanderandward: [[yep, the joe is correct
  511. ModAskDogi *She lets out a quiet, choked sob. It's quiet, but it's there.
  512. stillmeChara: we aren't supposed to know what any of this is about yet
  513. ModAskDogi: ...Ressa..
  514. stillmeChara: the only things we can conclusively figure out are that:
  515. stillmeChara: * Everyone is playing an MMO game, called 'The World'; this game has VR components
  516. stillmeChara: * All the characters we've been seeing so far are people in the real world playing a VR game
  517. Sharkatak: "..Za Warudo?"
  518. stillmeChara: * The main white-haired character person has been trapped in the game somehow, and cannot log out
  519. Viviia puts several sticky strands on the ceiling to secure her creation in place. A silk dreamcatcher.
  520. stillmeChara: (His real body is evidently comatose at his computer, as we saw at the end of the last episode)
  521. stillmeChara: * The Crimson Knights, the MMO's 'moderators', are after him because he associates with a hacker
  522. stillmeChara: * But he has short term amnesia and doesn't remember
  524. stillmeChara: does that help
  525. sneakyfont: RESETTING...
  526. sneakyfont: OH BOY.
  527. danceralexis: * ...
  528. soulswandering: * (Orange kid tugs on the ribbons to their gloves. They start to go into thought.)
  529. soulswandering: * ...
  530. wanderandward: *Wander snatches the stick out her hand and gently whaps the top of Winter's head with it. And immediately sweeps her up in a brief hug.* -Thanks for tryin' it kissan.-
  531. ModAskDogi *As soon as the dreamcatcher is in place.. Something shifts.
  532. ModAskDogi *Ressa's quiet sobs and trembling stops and her breathing starts to get more normal again, slowly.
  533. ModAskDogi: ..!?
  534. Frisk: * ... Eh?
  535. StreamerDoggo: * ...?
  536. sneakyfont: ???
  537. Viviia carefully climbs back down, sitting on the floor again.
  538. ModAskDogi: (hff...huff.)
  539. ModAskDogi: (...thank...)
  540. thebonezone66: * yeah, that thing. heh heh. it's... something alright.
  541. sneakyfont: ........
  542. sneakyfont has figured something out.
  543. ModAskDogi: Vivi, whatever you did... I think it helped. Thank you.
  544. ModAskDogi: Maybe Ressa can actually get some normal sleep, now.
  545. StreamerDoggo: * Hope so.
  546. Coldsoul: * (She flinches at the hit, falling backwards before being swooped up in the hug. She squeaks quietly.)
  547. ModAskDogi *Ressa's lips curl up in a quiet, tired smile again and she hugs Doggo and Amy a bit closer in her sleep.
  548. Viviia just quietly smiled.
  549. soulswandering: * (They notice the guard's condition and they look for just a moment before turning back. They watch before thinking some more.)
  550. askthecopycat: * Well this is definitely better than what we watched last time.... Though still questionable.
  551. ModAskDogi: ..whoof.. Alright.
  552. ModAskDogi: Now we can watch this without worrying, I think.. Thank you vivi, and thank you, Doggo.
  553. wanderandward: -Still a brat and baby though heheh-
  554. ModAskDogi *Amy nuzzles Doggo's cheek a bit from across Ressa.
  555. StreamerDoggo: * I didn't really do much, but thanks
  556. Coldsoul: * (That's when Wander gets an elbow directed to his stomach area.)
  557. ModAskDogi: You were there for Ressa, and you're helping her nightmares stay away along with that dreamcatcher.
  558. ModAskDogi: That's more than enough.
  559. ModAskDogi: ..Right, so what is this.
  560. StreamerDoggo: * ...Alright
  561. wanderandward: *A thought crosses the goopmans mind as he looks from the sleeping guard to Charles...briefly interrupted by a brat who promptly gets poked back of course.* -Oomph! Miscreant...Hey Charles, I was wondering, do you dream?-
  562. StreamerDoggo: * I was hoping you could tell me, actually.
  563. askthecopycat: * ... They have very small mouths.
  564. ModAskDogi: Uh. Some.. online game that you die in real life if you die in the game..?
  565. ModAskDogi: A classic plague of anime.
  566. ModAskDogi: Teeny Weeny Mouth Syndrome.
  567. wanderandward: -Nah, just Tsukasa, 'Amy.-
  568. askthecopycat: * I mean goodness. Look at the size of their chins compared to their mouths.
  569. Lady_Divine: So how is everyone, today?
  570. StreamerDoggo: * Their voices should be like
  571. ModAskDogi: Gesundheit.
  572. StreamerDoggo: * REALLY quiet
  573. StreamerDoggo: * With such tiny mouths
  574. floweytheflower: * "You can maybe fit a toothpick in their mouth?"
  575. Sharkatak: *sneeze!
  576. floweytheflower: * "MAYBE?"
  577. Frisk: * This thing sounds like a whale..???
  578. ModAskDogi: And what is that thing, eyes? Goo creature?
  579. Frisk tilts their head.
  580. StreamerDoggo: * Can they even EAT with those mouths???
  581. soulswandering: * (They flinch at their name being called, before nodding.) ... a lot, yeah.
  582. askthecopycat: * I believe that's called a... Guardian?
  583. ModAskDogi: They'd need like, super tiny food or something.
  584. StreamerDoggo: (( *opens mouth slightly, somehow yells* ))
  585. floweytheflower: * ".... that was the most unenthusiastic-looking scream I've ever seen."
  586. Coldsoul: * (Winter shakes her head before sticking her tongue out at the goop.)
  587. askthecopycat: //laughs
  588. thebonezone66: * the show is pretty old though.
  589. ModAskDogi: Yeah, i suppose.
  590. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, its from like 2002
  591. ModAskDogi: ...huh. That IS really old.
  592. StreamerDoggo: * Thats what it said on the box, I mean
  593. wanderandward: -Huh, so your mind doesnt just drift into the void, that kind of comforting I guess.- *Without even looking, the goopman shoots out his hand and easily pinches her tongue between his finger and thumb.*
  594. Sharkatak: //headed off, the stream's stopped working for me.
  595. askthecopycat: * It definitely is 'purr-etty' old. You can tell with the art style.
  596. ModAskDogi: Like, really, REALLY old.. woof. Still mostly good, though.
  597. wanderandward: [[aw, thats unfortunate sharky sorry to hear.
  598. askthecopycat: (( It's so surreal. the first rp group I used Keno's original design in was a .hack//sign group. //intensifying in the corner ))
  599. ModAskDogi: So, are they all sons of crim?
  600. ModAskDogi: The crim son knights?
  601. Viviia: Oh.
  602. askthecopycat: // snorts back a laugh
  603. wanderandward: [[hah, thats awesome. Hacker or something like macha?
  604. StreamerDoggo: (( *chin in hands* Really?))
  605. askthecopycat: (( She was just a normal player character. Got into a lot of shit though lmao ))
  606. ModAskDogi: Weird body markings..
  607. Coldsoul: * (Winter yelps, wincing. She tries to pull away, but owch that hurts.) Mhmhp... mmh!!!
  608. ModAskDogi: !!
  609. ModAskDogi: You okay, Winter!?
  610. StreamerDoggo: * No, Amy, crimson. One word. Like the color.
  611. StreamerDoggo: * Whozawha- Whats wrong with the kid?!
  612. askthecopycat: * If... I remember right. The markings on the players are elemental sigils of sorts.
  613. wanderandward: *He barks out a short laugh and quickly releases her.*
  614. Coldsoul: * (She's trying to push Wander away from grabbing her tongue.)
  615. ModAskDogi: A-alright, though. Weird that crim's the name of the leader, though.
  616. Coldsoul: * (And she falls backwards.) D... d-darnit Wander!!!
  617. Coldsoul: * That h-h-hurt!
  618. StreamerDoggo: * Wait really?
  619. ModAskDogi *Amy lets out a sigh. He was really worried that Winter was in danger for a sec.
  620. wanderandward: -Then keep it in your mouth next time heheh-
  621. ModAskDogi: where's his keyblade..?
  622. askthecopycat: * They don't really explain it in this show, but, it's why a lot of them have the markings on them
  623. Viviia: key... blade?
  624. Frisk: * The key of the what..?
  625. ModAskDogi: Oh, THAT'S what he's looking for. The keyblade of the twilight.
  626. floweytheflower: * "You can tell he's an evil dude because his eyes are sharper than the tongue he doesn't have."
  627. sneakyfont: (FINALLY BACK.)
  628. Frisk squints, flexing their talons.
  629. ModAskDogi: Something from a really old human videogame, Vivi, Kingdom Hearts.
  630. Coldsoul: * T-then you shouldn
  631. Coldsoul: shouldn't h-have grabbed m-m-my tounge*
  632. askthecopycat: * ... Bear has a HUGE nose... Goodness. Humans are weird.
  633. Coldsoul: (( god admnit neo ))
  634. Viviia: A kingdom of hearts? Sounds lovely.
  635. wanderandward: -Well you shouldnt have been a brat and stuck it out at me!-
  636. sneakyfont reappears after something.
  637. askthecopycat: * O-...oh.
  638. Viviia: Kitty!
  639. sneakyfont: ...........
  640. Viviia: ...Oh.
  641. askthecopycat: * .... What is with anime and abusing cats?!
  642. danceralexis: * ...
  643. Frisk: * This can't be good.
  644. Viviia whines.
  645. ModAskDogi: ....
  646. ModAskDogi: The guardian..
  647. sneakyfont: WAS THAT A WHALE NOISE
  648. StreamerDoggo: * Hey, you should see the animes where they kill dogs!
  649. soulswandering: * (Winter huffs angrily, and she resists sticking out her tongue again. She folds her arms and starts to pout.)
  650. StreamerDoggo: * /Regularly/
  651. Coldsoul: * (The Orange Soul may have drifted off. They are snoozing.)
  652. askthecopycat: * Doggo, this is the second anime we've watched where there's cat abuse. I'm beginning to think mew're trying to tell me something. //chuckles
  653. ModAskDogi: ...don't remind me.
  654. ModAskDogi: But yes..
  655. sneakyfont finishes his sweet popcorn.
  656. StreamerDoggo: * What?? I'm not??? I haven't even SEEN any of these!
  657. ModAskDogi: It is starting to become a /claws/ for alarm.
  658. Viviia: ...Pfft-
  659. sneakyfont: OH MY GOD.
  660. askthecopycat: // snickers into her paw
  661. StreamerDoggo: * I like cats! Like Vi over there!
  662. Frisk: * `Ammmmy!!
  663. Viviia waves.
  664. Lady_Divine: *Divine curls up comfortably on the couch and holds her stomach*
  665. wanderandward: -Oh c'mon now kissan, just screwing around.-
  666. ModAskDogi *Amy fingerguns at Keno, then Vivi, then Frisk.
  668. soulswandering: (( wrong accounts lmao ... just the wrong ones ))
  669. StreamerDoggo: * Well shes also like part spider BUT STILL
  670. soulswandering: (( theyre opposite messages. ))
  671. sneakyfont returns with a 'small' cat monster.
  672. wanderandward: [[heheh *pats the coldie*
  673. thebonezone66: * ..huh. there goes sn-
  674. thebonezone66: * and there's sneaky again. hey.
  675. ModAskDogi: Kitties AND spiders are cute... And a mix is double-cute.
  676. Viviia: I purr and I stick to things.
  677. Viviia: !!!
  678. askthecopycat: //ears perk up a tad
  679. ModAskDogi: I'm sure Ressa would agree if she was awake.
  680. Frisk: * Hmph!
  681. sneakyfont: I WAS JUST BRINGING MYAMSAR.
  682. wanderandward: -Quit poutin already! heh-
  683. Viviia blushes.
  684. soulswandering: * (Orange is totally snoring. Someone wake them up.)
  685. thebonezone66: * pffft.
  686. ModAskDogi *Amy bleps at Vivi.
  687. sneakyfont: [The cat monster runs about the room. There they go.]
  688. Viviia bleps in return. What a dork.
  689. Coldsoul: * (Winter scrunches up her nose and shakes her head.) Not u-until y-you apologize!
  690. askthecopycat: //watches the small cat monster, suddenly interested.
  691. ValerieJumper has fallen asleep at some point, curled up into a ball on the beanbag.
  692. ModAskDogi *Amy gets up, goes over to Vivi, and licks her tongue.
  693. StreamerDoggo: * Anyway Keno, I like you. If I didn't, you would know it, trust me.
  694. Viviia: !!!!!
  695. Viviia is a flustered mess. Good job.
  696. ModAskDogi *..Before just chuckling and returning to Ressa's side.
  697. askthecopycat: * I'm just messing with 'mew', Doggo~ Don't worry
  698. sneakyfont: [Myamsar pounces a few times on various pieces of furniture, tail visibly fluffed.]
  699. ModAskDogi: Wanna sit on Ressa's lap? Sure she could use some more comfort... Or you could sit on mine.
  700. ModAskDogi: (...hff..)
  701. wanderandward: *Wander screws his face up in thought, resting his chin in his hand and peering skywards, rather dramatically thinking about.* -Hmmm....apologize to the brat...-
  702. StreamerDoggo: (( "Even if the fact that you just hid in a dark corner until everybody left weirded me out a bit last time" ))
  703. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks strangely at Wander before looking back at the television. She can't help but loosen up her look.)
  704. StreamerDoggo: * Hrmmph...Alright.
  705. sneakyfont: HE KNOWS TOO MUCH.
  706. Viviia is a bit too flustered to respond. She just sits there a moment.. before crawling over and laying across both laps. Why choose one when you can choose both?
  707. ModAskDogi: Good, heheheh.. even better~
  708. undauntedscan: * I like that th' kid just... Casually teleports whenever he gets in a bad situation.
  709. ModAskDogi *Amy gently starts to pet Vivi on the head, hugging Ressa with his other arm.
  710. sneakyfont: [Meanwhile Myamsar settles down in their adoptive father's lap.]
  711. StreamerDoggo: * Hey, if you shift a bit you can lay on all three of our laps!
  712. wanderandward: *He starts leaning ever so slowly lower, towards her. Until, suddenly he's in range to headbump her, which he promptly does.* -Fine, I'm sorry for teasing you and pinching your tongue, kissan.-
  713. StreamerDoggo: * Even if I get your legs, mostly
  714. ModAskDogi *Ressa settles a bit more, feeling Vivi on her lap, and sighs happily. Hopefully she wouldn't have another lollipop dream.
  715. Viviia comfortably stretches, spreading out across all three laps. She softly purrs.
  716. StreamerDoggo pats the leg.
  717. Coldsoul: * (Winter sighs, scrunching her face up again when Wander headbumps her. Suddenly, she gets an idea. With a devious look on her face, she reaches over and gives Wander a friendly, quick peck on top of his head.)
  718. Coldsoul: (( I DID THAT THE OTHER DAY... w/ laying across 3 people ))
  719. StreamerDoggo: (( OH GOOD WE GET TO SEE IT AGAIN ))
  720. floweytheflower: (THIS AGAIN)
  721. sneakyfont: (lmao i missed it so......)
  722. ModAskDogi *Amy pats the head.
  723. soulswandering: * (Charles falls onto their side, snoozing. They're snoring kinda loudly.)
  724. sneakyfont has definitely realized something, but stays quiet as he pets Myamsar.
  725. StreamerDoggo: * How long has that guy been there???
  726. Viviia: Sneak attack!
  727. ModAskDogi: Too long?
  728. ModAskDogi: The Keyblade of the Twilight?
  729. askthecopycat: * Oh god these voices are really bad.
  730. ModAskDogi: And there's the dumbbell again.
  732. wanderandward: *And he freezes up of course. Unfortunately for Winter, he was leaning pretty far, so she got herself another headbump and Wander's dome lying against hers until he snaps out of it.*
  733. StreamerDoggo: * No, Amy. Not everything has to do with...Kingdom Hearts 2.47839 or whatever
  734. ModAskDogi *Amy shrugs.
  735. ModAskDogi: Alright, just sayin', guy named Sora, looking for a key..
  736. ModAskDogi: Rings a few bells is all!
  737. StreamerDoggo: (( Even in the far future that is the Dogi's timeline, they still haven't released KH3 ))
  738. Coldsoul: * (Winter is being pushed by Wander's weight again. She starts to tip over, wondering what she should do.)
  739. ModAskDogi: (( noope ))
  740. wanderandward: *Oh just push his head up and slip away,he'll land safely on the couch.*
  741. Coldsoul: * (She thinks for a moment, looking at him. She scoots away from him for just a moment before taking out a green marker.)
  742. wanderandward: *PLOPS!*
  743. Lady_Divine: Ahh... It's nice to be able to relax a bit...
  744. StreamerDoggo: (( But they somehow released KH4 ))
  745. sneakyfont: (im going to eat vaughn alive)
  746. StreamerDoggo: (( Just skip 3 ))
  747. Viviia: (([patpat]
  748. StreamerDoggo: (( Eat it and puke out a better streaming service. I would love that ))
  749. Viviia: Oh, are they fighting the freezer now?
  750. sneakyfont: (if i were a certain darg i could do that)
  751. ModAskDogi: I think so, yeah!
  752. danceralexis: * Well, at least this anime's a bit easier to understand.
  753. StreamerDoggo: * Right?!?
  754. danceralexis: * Some green people are trying to beat up a pink alien. Much easier.
  755. sneakyfont: WOWIE.
  756. thebonezone66: ((SNSLOGTMNT))
  757. sneakyfont: (YES.)
  758. undauntedscan: * I don't understand how they're shooting out of their hands...
  759. Viviia: ((If I happen to find a better place I'll let you know.
  760. undauntedscan: * And I want to be able to.
  761. StreamerDoggo: * I can understand punching! And energy beams! And stuff!
  762. soulswandering: * (They wake up immediately and perk up when punching is mentioned.)
  763. soulswandering: * Punching???
  764. ModAskDogi: Yeah!
  765. soulswandering: * (How.)
  766. Viviia: Scan, you should put a gun in your finger.
  767. sneakyfont: RIP. PROBABLY.
  768. StreamerDoggo: * Yes! Punching!
  769. danceralexis: * This...Freezy person seems mean.
  770. floweytheflower: * "I LOVE Frieza."
  771. sneakyfont: IS HE OKAY.
  772. Frisk: * I don't think so.
  773. Viviia: ((literal fingergunning.
  774. undauntedscan: * I already have flashlights in the tips of my fingers, I can't really put in guns-- Unless I... Hmm...
  775. soulswandering: * (They put their fists up, and give Doggo thumbs up.)
  776. ModAskDogi: Oh, yeah, and Vivi?
  777. Viviia: Hm?
  778. ModAskDogi: Remember what you said before?
  779. undauntedscan: [* He's lost in thought, now.]
  780. sneakyfont: [Myamsar hops out of Sneaky's lap and starts racing around the room again.]
  781. Viviia: Fighting freezer?
  782. StreamerDoggo: * No, Scan. Dont put in lasers.
  783. Coldsoul: * (She then picks Wander's face up with some hesitants and draws a 'c:' in the middle of Wander's face. She drops the marker before making her way close to the Dogi.)
  784. ModAskDogi: No...
  785. Coldsoul: * (There's a smug look on her face.)
  786. ModAskDogi *Amy suddenly leans down and gives Vivi a quick smooch on the lips.
  787. ModAskDogi: Sneak attack~
  788. Viviia: !!!
  789. wanderandward: *The goop is still stunned, vulnerable to the child's vile schemes.*
  790. undauntedscan: [* Upon hearing Doggo, he frowns.]
  791. undauntedscan: * But I want lasers.
  792. Viviia covered her face.
  793. ModAskDogi: Heheheh~!
  794. StreamerDoggo: * Finger lasers make you the bad guy!
  795. danceralexis: * ...
  796. soulswandering: * I can punch things!
  797. ModAskDogi *Amy pets Vivi's head as she covers her face.
  798. StreamerDoggo: * Literally everyone with finger lasers is a bad guy!
  799. wanderandward: *Such cruelty...his eyes flicker at her.*
  800. sneakyfont: (the lag is so terrible now im cry)
  801. undauntedscan: * But... But what about palm lasers?
  802. Viviia purrs, blushing yet again.
  803. ValerieJumper is still asleep. She would have chuckled from all this smooching.
  804. ModAskDogi *Amy smooches Doggo without warning, too, across Ressa.
  805. ModAskDogi: Sneak attack~!
  806. sneakyfont: GO GO GO GO
  807. StreamerDoggo: * Thats, like, 50/50- OH!
  808. danceralexis: * Palm lasers seem fine.
  809. Viviia: Pfft
  810. sneakyfont: NYEHEHEHEH.
  811. sneakyfont: (that legit sounded like richard horvitz for a second)
  812. soulswandering: * (They mock put their tightened, gloved fist on their face and push their head a little.)
  813. StreamerDoggo: (( Headcanon: Flowey tries as hard as he can to sound like Frieza ))
  814. floweytheflower: (accepted)
  815. danceralexis: * ...Shouldn't Krillin throw that disk thing at him at this point?
  816. wanderandward: *The prone goop twitches a bit and suddenly shakes his head, sitting up afterwards. He scans the room, looking a bit displeased...that scribble probably ruins the image though.*
  817. danceralexis: * Like, that's the thing he can do, right?
  818. undauntedscan: * Yeah, destructo disk.
  819. sneakyfont gathers up Myamsar in his arms. Stop being so energetic gdi.
  820. undauntedscan: * I wanna install something that makes destructo disks on my arm.
  821. Coldsoul: * (There's a scribbly drawn c: on Wander's face now. Probably ruins the image.)
  822. StreamerDoggo: * Think that has a charge time.
  823. ModAskDogi: Maybe it takes a lot of energy, yeah.
  824. StreamerDoggo: * Also it hasnt worked out so far
  825. danceralexis: * Well, they could have used a regular attack...
  826. danceralexis: * Blind em then blast em.
  827. wanderandward: *The cruelty of children. Poor goop.*
  829. Viviia: ((Scan's arm becomes disk o'inferno.
  830. soulswandering: * (Charles notices the state of Wander's face and starts to laugh. Loudly.)
  831. StreamerDoggo: * Like it scratched Nappa's face. Thats it.
  832. StreamerDoggo: * It missed the rest of the time/
  833. ModAskDogi: Law of drama, woof..
  835. sneakyfont: YES! NYEHEHEH.
  836. ModAskDogi: Yeah, hee!!
  837. undauntedscan: (( scan enters his arm as a battlebot
  838. sneakyfont: [Myamsar eyes the Dogi warily.]
  839. StreamerDoggo: (( Scan just punches the other robots. "Thats my bots special move" ))
  840. ModAskDogi: ..?
  841. Viviia: (( Viviia cheers wildly, wearing a team shirt. She goes all out, sneaking in nachos to watch the fight.
  842. sneakyfont: OH. UM. BY THE WAY. THIS IS MY ADOPTED KID.
  843. soulswandering: * Byahaha... haha!!! W... Wander!
  844. StreamerDoggo cocks an eyebrow.
  845. StreamerDoggo: * Really?
  846. ModAskDogi *Amy waves.
  847. ModAskDogi: Hello!
  848. wanderandward: *The amalgams shoots a glare at the orange soul. A look that promises lethal harm...except for y'know, the green marker.* -Apologize to a brat and get messed with, figures.-
  849. danceralexis: * Well. Here's Vegeta.
  850. StreamerDoggo: * Never thought i'd see you with a kid...
  852. undauntedscan: (( incredible
  853. sneakyfont: [Myamsar tenatively waves back.]
  854. Viviia: (( Scan's arm vs. The Blacksmith tho. Punch the hammer off the bot.
  855. ModAskDogi *Amy smiles and bleps at the kid before turning his attention to the anime again, still blepping.
  856. ModAskDogi *Dork.
  857. sneakyfont: [Myamsar bleps back, tenatively.]
  858. undauntedscan: (( tear the hammer off and use it as its own weapon
  859. wanderandward: -Swear I'm just going to stick her in a corner and forget I left her there.-
  860. soulswandering: * (Charles places a hand over their mouth and chuckles louder, but it is only muffled.)
  861. danceralexis: * ...
  862. danceralexis: * Wait.
  863. danceralexis: * Vegeta can sense people because he saw someone else do it?
  864. Viviia pokes Amy's tongue.
  865. sneakyfont: I DON'T KNOW?
  866. ModAskDogi: !
  867. Coldsoul: * (Winter sticks her tongue back out at Wander. She folds her arms against her chest again.)
  868. Viviia: hee~
  869. ModAskDogi *Amy licks the finger poking.
  870. wanderandward: -Yeah yeah, laugh it, you're just another brat.-
  871. ModAskDogi: Nyarm.
  872. Viviia giggles.
  873. StreamerDoggo: * He probably practiced while he was getting treated?
  874. undauntedscan: * Vegeta is incredible.
  875. sneakyfont: HE HAS A BIG FOREHEAD.
  876. ModAskDogi: Yeah, he's pretty cool!
  877. ModAskDogi: ...not gonna do anything.
  878. soulswandering: * Hahaha-- hey, not a brat! It's just... funny!
  879. Viviia: That's gotta hurt.
  881. wanderandward: *Wander glares at her then pointedly looks away, ignoring Winter completely.*
  882. danceralexis: * Sounds like it.
  883. StreamerDoggo: * Also what Vegeta means is that Saiyens literally get stronger whenever they almost lose
  884. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah
  885. sneakyfont: THAT'S AN ODD POWER.
  886. Viviia: Sounds incredibly useful.
  887. ModAskDogi: Kinda like training a muscle.
  888. ModAskDogi: Or something.
  889. ModAskDogi: Or training magic, i dunno.
  890. sneakyfont: ... HUH?
  891. StreamerDoggo: * Do you beat up your muscles to train them?!
  892. ModAskDogi: I think so..?
  893. sneakyfont: I DON'T KNOW??? MAYBE??? WHAT THE HECK.
  894. ModAskDogi: I've read that humans tear up their own muscles to make them stronger.
  895. Viviia: I heard it has something to do with small tears?
  896. Frisk: * ... We do????
  897. wanderandward: -So, Kamu, how are you doin' today.- *Nope, Winter does not exist to him.*
  898. sneakyfont: THAT SOUNDS TERRIFYING.
  899. danceralexis: * Pretty good.
  900. Frisk: * It sounds really dangerous? I mean, I wouldn't do that.
  901. sneakyfont: OH. WOWIE. THAT HAPPENED.
  902. danceralexis: *
  903. Coldsoul: * (She notices the glare from Wander, and her expression changes from something devious to something... sad. He's joking, right?)
  904. danceralexis: * Can't feel bad for the pink guy there.
  905. ValerieJumper AWAKES.
  906. ValerieJumper: "DID I HEAR DBZ?!"
  907. StreamerDoggo: * Huh. Humans are weird.
  908. ValerieJumper: "DAMN I JUST MISSED IT."
  909. sneakyfont: YOU'RE TELLING ME.
  910. thebonezone66: * those songs are stranger though.
  912. ValerieJumper is clearly a fan of DBZ.
  913. ValerieJumper: "AW YEAH!"
  914. wanderandward: -Nope, he was quite a jerk anyways.- *There's emphasis on 'jerk'...*
  915. ValerieJumper sings to the theme song.
  916. danceralexis: *(Alexis waves to Val.)
  918. ModAskDogi: ..yeah, they are.
  919. soulswandering: * (They just listen to the TV and what other people are saying.)
  920. undauntedscan: * What a way to wake up.
  921. ValerieJumper is a weeb. Shes dancing up and down. Some stop her.
  922. danceralexis: * Hmm.
  923. sneakyfont: [Myamsar decides it's time to start sniffing at everyone. There they go.]
  924. ValerieJumper: "Dont stop!"
  925. Coldsoul: * (Her expression turns into one of regret. She looks down, tugging on her scarf again. She's starting to tense.)
  926. ValerieJumper flops back onto her seat.
  927. StreamerDoggo: * I mean. We do physical exercises and get stronger but I don't think we're tearing muscles?
  928. ValerieJumper: "MAn I haven't seen this show in years!"
  929. Viviia lets one of her arms dangle freely off to the side.
  930. ModAskDogi: Do monsters even have muscles..?
  931. ValerieJumper: "Vegetable Hue"
  933. ValerieJumper finally notices Alexis and waves.
  934. wanderandward: -Its still conditioning your body against forces outside what it normally faces, Doggo.-
  935. ModAskDogi: ...verse?
  936. sneakyfont: ........ UM. NEVERMIND.
  937. ModAskDogi *Ressa quietly nods, still asleep.
  938. StreamerDoggo: * Hell if I know, I slept through biology!
  939. ModAskDogi: Oh, yeah, Ressa did that, too.
  940. StreamerDoggo: * ...I slept through every, class, really.
  941. Viviia: I wish I coulda slept through classes.
  942. ModAskDogi: You didn't miss much, it was Monster biology, mainly, and you kinda get rusty on it after not using it.
  943. Coldsoul: * (Winter starts to remember her dream from last night, and she gets even more tense. She's getting colder...)
  944. sneakyfont: WHAT CLASSES?
  945. ModAskDogi: ...Ressa skipped classes, a lot.
  946. sneakyfont never went to school!
  947. Frisk: * School's for dweebs, I can see why.
  948. soulswandering: * I... uh. Didn't do good in classes.
  949. ModAskDogi: I did her homework for her so she wouldn't fail out, woof.
  950. Viviia: Dad taught me, so I guess it wasn't exactly a class..
  951. sneakyfont: O O P S I E.
  952. ValerieJumper: "Man, this show taught me how to kick butt! And fly!! GRanted those were after going to the Underground but still."
  953. ModAskDogi: Ah, alright, homeschooling.
  954. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, im not surprised.
  955. Viviia: Is a class still a class if there's only one student?
  956. ModAskDogi: maybe not, but it's still an education.
  957. wanderandward: -Its just called homeschooling, Vi. Went through the same.-
  958. sneakyfont: OH
  959. StreamerDoggo: * I didn't really have anyone to help me with my school stuff
  960. ValerieJumper: "WAAAAALEEEE"
  961. Viviia: Ah.
  962. StreamerDoggo: * I mean I had GD but...
  963. Frisk: * Like, I was taught in a few things like writin' and chores. That's `bout it.
  965. thebonezone66: * that deus ex machina. whew.
  966. Coldsoul: * (She's starting to feel sick. A hand goes up to her head as she starts to remember stuff from her nightmare, and she bites her lip. Don't cry.)
  967. soulswandering: * I did just well enough to get into the next grade.
  968. ModAskDogi: ...wish I could've been there for you.
  969. wanderandward: *Wander has no clue what's going on with his kid. He still hasn't looked back at her.*
  970. StreamerDoggo: * You were for high school, thats enough for me.
  971. Viviia: If I knew ya back then I'd have been happy to help.
  972. soulswandering: * ... people didn't like me there.
  974. Viviia: I think so?
  975. ModAskDogi: I guess, yeah.
  976. ModAskDogi: I'm glad I was.
  977. ModAskDogi *Another nuzzle.
  978. Coldsoul: * (Winter has failed her own mission. She's starting to sob, hiccuping a little between tears.)
  979. sneakyfont: OH, OK.
  980. Viviia: Higher up in the education.
  981. wanderandward: -Huh, hard to believe Charles. You might be a bit surly but you seem alright.-
  982. soulswandering: * I ain't high!
  983. soulswandering: * ... what does that even mean???
  984. sneakyfont: TALL?
  985. soulswandering: * I dunno!
  986. Viviia: I don't think knowledge makes you taller..
  988. soulswandering: * Schools are not good.
  989. wanderandward: -Sure it does! It elevates your capabilities and all that.-
  990. Viviia: Amy, if I go to a school will I get taller?
  991. Frisk: * I couldn't even go to school, someone I knew told me I was too "divine" for that.
  992. ModAskDogi: Uh...?
  993. thebonezone66: * uh, it's.. more a symbol, when they say 'high.'
  994. ModAskDogi: I don't think that's what they meant..
  995. undauntedscan: * I'm tall, but I don't have much knowledge, so... Hmm.
  996. sneakyfont: OH. OK.
  997. sneakyfont: SO IT'S NOT ABOUT BEING TALL.
  998. thebonezone66: * it just means 'advanced' school, i guess.
  999. Viviia: buuu...
  1001. soulswandering: * (Charles looks at Frisk, with something incinuated in their expression.) Then punch them!
  1002. wanderandward: *He hears the hint of a sob and his head twitches almost by reflex, but decides he must've just been hearing things.*
  1003. StreamerDoggo: * OH!
  1004. ValerieJumper: "Bang"
  1005. ModAskDogi *Ressa snuggles into Doggo a bit more fully, in her sleep. Another happy sigh.
  1006. sneakyfont: A LITERAL FINGER GUN?! I HATE IT.
  1007. thebonezone66: * is vegeta seriously using a finger gun
  1008. thebonezone66: * right?? oh my god sneaky
  1009. sneakyfont: ... AYYY.
  1010. ValerieJumper: "I can do that too. Heehehe!"
  1011. Viviia: Scan should put a gun in his finger.
  1012. ModAskDogi *She hugs Amy a bit more closely, too. Her tail's wiggling beneath her.
  1013. ModAskDogi: We were already over this Vivi..!
  1014. ModAskDogi: Gun-finger people are evil!
  1016. ModAskDogi: I...think..?
  1017. StreamerDoggo: (( Okay now im fucking cracking up at the image of Vegeta continue to say "BANG" as he literally fingerguns people. ))
  1018. Coldsoul: * (The kid curls up, tugging more on her scarf. She doesn't seem very happy at all. Negative happy. She's still crying.)
  1019. Frisk: * I'd prolly go do that when I get back to the Surface.
  1020. ValerieJumper: "Amy! Are you calling me evil?"
  1021. sneakyfont: (he jams everyone's guns)
  1022. sneakyfont: (thanks vegeta)
  1023. undauntedscan: * I'm gonna take out one of the flashlights and put a gun in.
  1024. ModAskDogi: No!
  1025. StreamerDoggo: (( Like that one scene with Ocelot in MGS4 ))
  1026. ModAskDogi: Of course not, uh...!
  1027. sneakyfont: (EXACTLY)
  1028. Viviia: They're only evil if they do bad things.
  1029. ValerieJumper: "But I can do that too!"
  1030. ModAskDogi: ....hff..
  1031. soulswandering: * That's what I do when I'm mad at things!!!
  1032. soulswandering: * I punch things!!!
  1033. ModAskDogi: ....Man, I must sound like a hypocrite with dark magic.
  1034. StreamerDoggo: (( ESPECIALLY that one part everyone gifs ))
  1035. askthecopycat: * Wow this is ridiculous.
  1036. Viviia: YuYu Hakasho isn't evil, after all.
  1037. sneakyfont: (grandpa breaks it down)
  1038. ModAskDogi: People think that's evil too. It's not, it's just a tool, like any other magic.
  1039. ModAskDogi: ..albeit a self-sacrificial one.
  1040. ValerieJumper rubs a finger under her nose as she bleps at Amy.
  1041. sneakyfont: ONLY ONE PERSON?
  1042. Frisk: * I ain't really sure what I do when I'm mad. ... It's a habit for me to bottle it all up.
  1043. ValerieJumper: "Self defense ain't evil~"
  1044. ValerieJumper: "But, uh, I sorta lose myself when I get mad. Ehehe..."
  1045. StreamerDoggo: (( Imagine Vegeta doing this: ))
  1046. thebonezone66: * his eyes. were massive. woah.
  1047. ValerieJumper meant it figuratively and literally.
  1048. sneakyfont: [Immediately gathers up Myamsar at the mention of someone getting mad.]
  1049. Viviia: ((amazing
  1050. wanderandward: *His head twitches again, almost looking right at Winter.*
  1051. sneakyfont: (GRANPA BREAKS IT DOWN)
  1052. ValerieJumper: ((h ECK))
  1053. ModAskDogi: ...
  1054. Coldsoul: * (She's still sobbing. She's shivering, not knowing how to take this in.)
  1055. sneakyfont: Oh.
  1056. Viviia: ...oh.
  1057. ModAskDogi: ...oh...
  1058. undauntedscan: * Well then.
  1059. ModAskDogi: // it's magic
  1060. ValerieJumper: "Typical Vegeta."
  1061. sneakyfont: OH.
  1062. ModAskDogi: ...Super kami guru.
  1063. sneakyfont: AGAIN.
  1064. thebonezone66: *
  1065. sneakyfont: (SUPER KAMI GURU..........)
  1066. Viviia: That sounds... Tiring.
  1067. Frisk: * That's a lo... Oh.
  1068. StreamerDoggo: * What
  1069. thebonezone66: * ohhhhh.
  1070. sneakyfont: OH.
  1071. thebonezone66: * oh my godddd.
  1072. thebonezone66 is snerking.
  1073. floweytheflower: * "Oh my god."
  1074. askthecopycat: * ... Oh wow.
  1075. Frisk: * Bulma, they're alllliens.
  1076. sneakyfont giggling.
  1077. StreamerDoggo: * Please tell me you dont puke eggs
  1078. ModAskDogi: Kinda reminds me of human and monster cultural differences..
  1079. Frisk: * I don't.
  1080. sneakyfont: WOW OKAY.
  1081. askthecopycat: * ... How... 'boring' is that??
  1082. askthecopycat: * Human woman, what even
  1083. thebonezone66 is OUTRIGHT LAUGHING NOW. The house is shaking slightly.
  1084. Viviia: That would be gross.
  1085. sneakyfont: AAAAAA.
  1086. Frisk: * ... All of them, aw shiiiiit. SHIIIIT.
  1087. StreamerDoggo: * WOAH HEy! Dont collapse the house on us!
  1088. sneakyfont: I'M SURE THEY'LL MAGICALLY RETCON IT...!!!
  1089. ModAskDogi *Amy starts chuckling, too.
  1090. Viviia: I- ....
  1091. askthecopycat: * PFFF 'Sans' calm down.
  1092. Viviia looks shocked.
  1093. ModAskDogi *It's contagious.
  1094. askthecopycat: // trying reallyhard not to laugh
  1095. Viviia: Would I puke eggs..?
  1096. thebonezone66 stops laughing, and instead starts giggling. He's repeating something about eggs.
  1097. sneakyfont: [Myamsar is done a frightened by everyone laughing all of a sudden.]
  1098. sneakyfont: [They puff up.]
  1099. ModAskDogi: Nah, probably not.
  1100. askthecopycat: * ... Throw the shiny thing under water.
  1101. wanderandward: *He definitely hears a sob that time, snapping his head around to find its source. And yep, as he feared, there's a crying Winter. His neutral facade drops to one of confusion.* -H-hey, kissan? Are you alright?-
  1102. ModAskDogi: That is such a dumb idea, though.
  1103. askthecopycat: * Just throw it. That's fine
  1104. ModAskDogi: Best idea ever.
  1105. sneakyfont: [Myamsar is fully puffed.]
  1106. askthecopycat: * Oh wow. His hair is fantasic. +A+
  1107. Viviia sighs in relief. Puking eggs didn't sound fun.
  1108. Frisk: * Puking eggs could be nice? Yoshis do it, right?
  1109. ModAskDogi: We do a weird...soul...thing.
  1110. StreamerDoggo: * ENOUGH
  1111. sneakyfont: [Myamsar] You're not born from trees?
  1112. ModAskDogi: I could explain it but i don't want to.
  1113. thebonezone66: * oh snap, he's got telepathy.
  1114. sneakyfont: OH THAT'S FUN.
  1115. ModAskDogi: Blue magic?
  1116. floweytheflower: * ".... I wish I had telepathy."
  1117. Coldsoul: * (Winter doesn't respond for a while before shaking her head slowly, shaking rather badly.)
  1119. thebonezone66: * uh, not quite. telepathy? it's... like a psi thing.
  1120. ModAskDogi: Wait, that's telekinesis.
  1121. Viviia: Careful with that wish. Telepathy might not be all it's cracked up to be.
  1122. sneakyfont: TELEKINESIS! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!
  1123. Frisk: * Don't worry, Krillin. You'll get a girlfriend.
  1124. thebonezone66: * apparently humans can do it.
  1125. askthecopycat: * Yes, bald human. Just... Be upset about not having a girlfriend
  1126. sneakyfont: WHAT? WHEN.
  1127. askthecopycat: // cackling
  1128. Viviia: ...Reminds me of an anime I watched recently.
  1129. ModAskDogi: Hm? Which one?
  1130. thebonezone66: * hey, keno. it's a fair enough thing to be upset about.
  1131. askthecopycat: * Is it really?
  1132. sneakyfont: [Myamsar starts calming down and grooms themself.]
  1133. thebonezone66: * i mean, if you got nothing else going for you anyway.
  1134. askthecopycat: * I think risking an entire world is- PFFF
  1135. askthecopycat: * I mean, fair.
  1136. Viviia: Um- It's about this girl that has esp. I don't know the name but I found it in the dump a few weeks ago.
  1137. danceralexis: * The dump sure has some random stuff in it...
  1138. sneakyfont has remembered that anime is for babies. Oh no.
  1139. sneakyfont is having a crisis over being a baby.
  1140. danceralexis: * I found a Wii there once.
  1141. thebonezone66: * uh, you alright over there?
  1143. Viviia: That's probably why it's called a dump.
  1144. thebonezone66: * oh? and what's that, sneaky?
  1145. sneakyfont scoots over to the Dragon.
  1146. undauntedscan: * Why would someone dump a Wii out?
  1147. sneakyfont whispers, "i forgot anime is for babies."
  1148. askthecopycat: //blinks
  1149. thebonezone66: * ...welp, guess we're all giant babies then.
  1150. askthecopycat: *Anime is for babies??? Since when?
  1151. sneakyfont: AAAAAAAAAAA
  1152. thebonezone66 shrugs, nonchalantly.
  1153. Viviia: Eh?
  1155. soulswandering: * (Charles flinches at the yelling. They slowly place their hands on their ears, furrowing their brows.)
  1156. wanderandward: *Wander quickly gets up to dash over to Winter's side, confusion giving way to deep concern.* -Hey, hey I'm right here Winter. What's wrong? Is this because I was ignoring you?-
  1157. askthecopycat: * ... This god is amazing.
  1158. sneakyfont: [Myamsar seems fine with the screaming. When Sneaky is your dad, you get used to it.]
  1159. sneakyfont: (where's that pic of yamcha)
  1160. Viviia wanted to say something, but she felt like it would be a bad idea.
  1161. ValerieJumper: ((HECK I CRASHED,))
  1162. strxngfish91 runs in unfasionably late with her girlfriend in tow.
  1163. Coldsoul: * (She looks up to Wander, face red and stained with tears. A wobbly scowl is spread across her face. Her words are quiet, and she nods again.)
  1164. ModAskDogi: Oh, uh.
  1165. ModAskDogi: Oh, hey, it's chaotzu!
  1166. ValerieJumper: "Chaotzu!!!"
  1167. ModAskDogi: Hi, Undyne!
  1168. askthecopycat: * Wh.... 'I THOUGHT OUR FRIEND BLEW UP. LMAO' Wow. They're so good to their 'fur-ends'
  1169. sneakyfont: WOW. OKAY.
  1170. StreamerDoggo: * Well they kinda DID blow up
  1173. sneakyfont: YOUR GIRFRIEND?
  1174. thebonezone66: * i guess getting blown up is like, a normal occurrence for this friend group? i dunno.
  1175. strxngfish91: A: Uh..hi!
  1176. StreamerDoggo: * Also this is a world where you can gather a bunch of balls and bring people back to life
  1177. sneakyfont: OH! GREETINGS!
  1178. soulswandering: * (The orange SOUL visibly has their expression change when Undyne enters the room. Their hands clamp over their ears.)
  1179. askthecopycat: * Interesting.
  1180. ModAskDogi: They're really great balls!
  1181. sneakyfont: [Myamsar immediately jumps towards the newcomers and sniffs at them.]
  1182. ModAskDogi: They're big, too!
  1183. ValerieJumper: "Girlfriend?"
  1184. StreamerDoggo: * HUGE even
  1185. Coldsoul: * (She whispers something about the dream she had about everyone... hating her. She explains.)
  1186. ModAskDogi *Amy mutters to himself, but Doggo would be able to hear.
  1187. strxngfish91 is confused. Alphys chuckles.
  1188. ModAskDogi: Already did this pun once, but whatever...
  1189. ModAskDogi *Amy returns to full volume.
  1190. Viviia: Someone getting blown up is probably just another monday for these guys.
  1191. ModAskDogi: But not as big as MY balls~
  1192. Viviia sputters!!
  1193. ModAskDogi *Amy pulls out a pair of inflatable beach balls from his inventory.
  1194. ModAskDogi *They're huge, true to his word.
  1195. strxngfish91: U: NOT FRIEZA!!
  1196. ValerieJumper: "BEACH BALLS!"
  1197. ModAskDogi: Heheheheh!
  1198. StreamerDoggo: * Try not to knock anything over swinging those things around.
  1199. ValerieJumper loves to play with toys like balls. She is also incredible pure and dense.
  1200. thebonezone66: * oh my god he's so upset.
  1201. ModAskDogi: Uh.. right.
  1202. sneakyfont: HE SOUNDS LIKE ME WHEN I'M MAD!
  1203. ModAskDogi *Amy flushes a little.
  1204. soulswandering: * (Charles sputters when they hear about Amy's joke. They're now in a coughing fit.)
  1205. floweytheflower: * "His screaming makes me angry."
  1206. ValerieJumper: "Ehh?"
  1207. askthecopycat: * Wow. King Kai needs to just... relax.
  1208. ModAskDogi: Can't really.. swing..
  1209. ModAskDogi: ...beach balls..
  1210. ValerieJumper Amy blushings is confusing the smol.
  1211. strxngfish91: U: ????????
  1213. StreamerDoggo literally doesn't know the meaning of double entendre.
  1214. wanderandward: *Wander promptly sweeps the poor kid up and hold her close.* -Hey, thats not going to happen alright? I, I was a bit mad but I don't hate you okay? I'm here right now and I don't hate you. None of your friends do. We aren't going to leave you all alone.-
  1215. ModAskDogi *Amy's blushing badly. He just kind of.. Shuts up and watches the anime for now.
  1216. askthecopycat: * Piccolo crossed his fingers haha.
  1217. strxngfish91: A: So...uh...what did we miss?
  1218. Viviia covers her face.
  1219. StreamerDoggo: * I didn't mean literally swinging??
  1220. sneakyfont: NYEHEHEH.
  1221. ModAskDogi *He tosses a beachball to Val, though.
  1222. soulswandering: * (Their hands are off their ears and they are just... coughing. A lot. Embarrassing.)
  1223. thebonezone66: * piccolo is so old fashioned.
  1224. sneakyfont: UM, YOU MISSED A THING CALLED HACK.
  1225. ValerieJumper: "!!!"
  1226. ModAskDogi *Amy sighs heavily, but his blush is still there.
  1227. floweytheflower: * "IMPOSSIBLE!!!"
  1228. StreamerDoggo: * I mean, seriously. Don't knock anything over.
  1229. ModAskDogi: Oh, uh.. right.
  1230. ValerieJumper cops it with her head and catches it. She tussles with it like a cat.
  1231. strxngfish91: U: Hacking?! A: Oh, hack//. That one's pretty good.
  1232. sneakyfont: YEAH, THAT ONE! IT'S CONFUSING.
  1233. ValerieJumper: "BALL!!!"
  1234. ModAskDogi: Interpreted that wrong, uh, woof, especially considering..
  1235. ModAskDogi: ..yeah.
  1236. ValerieJumper: "?"
  1237. StreamerDoggo: * ??? Okay?
  1238. Viviia: Aaaamyyyy...
  1239. ValerieJumper: "What did ya think he meant Amy?"
  1240. ModAskDogi: Yeeessss?
  1241. ValerieJumper: "Sounded straight forward."
  1242. Viviia huffs.
  1243. ModAskDogi: Oh, uh, nothing important.
  1244. Coldsoul: * (Winter's sobbing doesn't stop. She's cold, and a bit of frost is starting to appear near her ear.)
  1245. sneakyfont: WOW, THIS IS A LOT LIKE BEING ON THE RUN!
  1246. Viviia: Don't say that when I'm laying in your lap..
  1248. ValerieJumper continues her assault on the beach ball though.
  1249. ModAskDogi: Just remembering the last time we hung out at our cabin. It was pretty fun, we watched some movies.
  1250. soulswandering: * (They are going to try and forget this. They are failing.)
  1251. StreamerDoggo: * Im just talking about your heaving, bouncing balls.
  1252. strxngfish91: A: Vegeta's so full of himself.
  1253. ValerieJumper: "Mkay! BALL RAWR"
  1255. ModAskDogi *Amy sPUTTERS
  1256. ModAskDogi *He would almost think Doggo was doing this on purpose if he wasn't so thick.
  1257. ValerieJumper: "!!!"
  1258. strxngfish91: U: I love Vegeta's Super Saiyan Swagger.
  1259. wanderandward: -Hey kissan. I'm here now aren't I? Even with a scribble on my face?-
  1260. StreamerDoggo has the straightest look on his face as he says that
  1261. ValerieJumper: "I WANT A BOUNCY BALL!"
  1262. danceralexis: *(Alexis notices Winter crying, and rushes on over to check on her.) * W..Winter...?
  1263. askthecopycat: * Oh, not the guy with the nice haaaair.
  1264. Viviia: hhhHHHHHHH
  1265. Frisk has fallen asleep on the couch, as in mun's gotta sleep because of school.
  1266. strxngfish91: U: !!!!
  1267. wanderandward: -Look. Kamu's here too.-
  1268. strxngfish91: U: OH MY GOD!
  1269. ModAskDogi: R-right, Vivi, but.. huff.
  1270. sneakyfont: OH MY GOD?
  1272. ModAskDogi *Amy whispers to Vivi.
  1273. ValerieJumper face lights up. THe mun needs to stop.
  1274. strxngfish91: U: VEGETA SWORE IN THIS VERSION!
  1275. soulswandering: * (Charles has died. Not really, but.)
  1276. askthecopycat: //distracted by loud talk of balls
  1277. soulswandering: * (Rip.)
  1278. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, I can barely hold them in my hands!
  1279. askthecopycat: * Goodness, what are 'mew' talking about over there
  1280. sneakyfont: [Myamsar creeps towards the balls.]
  1281. StreamerDoggo: * Amy's balls
  1282. sneakyfont: [Forks out for balls.]
  1283. ValerieJumper: "Amy's balls!"
  1284. Viviia: !!!!
  1285. Viviia: A-Amy!
  1286. ModAskDogi *Amy coughs a little.
  1287. ModAskDogi: Y-yeah. Who wants the other one?
  1288. sneakyfont: DEFLECT!!!!
  1289. thebonezone66: * oh man, he just swat it asid.
  1291. Viviia blushes deeply, covering her face with all four hands.
  1292. sneakyfont: WOWIE!!
  1293. ModAskDogi *He sticks his tongue out at Vivi, though.
  1294. sneakyfont: [Myamsar attempts to pounce on the other ball.]
  1295. soulswandering: * THROW IT TO ME SO I CAN PUNCH IT.
  1296. Viviia softly complains.
  1297. StreamerDoggo: * His balls are out in the open, dont know how you didnt notice
  1298. ValerieJumper: "Amy dont expect to get this beach ball back!"
  1299. soulswandering: * (They did not like that pun.)
  1300. ModAskDogi: Don't worry, I don't mind.
  1301. Coldsoul: * (She tries to hide herself when Alexis gets close, and she curls up a bit. She does not notice the conversation around her.)
  1302. ValerieJumper continues to pounce at the beach ball.
  1303. strxngfish91: A: Personally I liked some of the filler. At least the slice-of-life stuff. It really fleshed out the characters in ways fighting couldn't.
  1304. sneakyfont: OH.
  1305. ModAskDogi *Amy keeps petting Vivi, chuckling.
  1306. sneakyfont: WHAT A MOUTH.
  1307. Viviia is a flustered mess.
  1308. ModAskDogi *Whisperwhisper.
  1309. strxngfish91: U: Oh man this moment!
  1310. sneakyfont: [Myamsar successfully pounces on the other ball!]
  1311. Viviia somehow manages to become more flustered.
  1312. thebonezone66: * transformation! ... the gimmick never gets old.
  1313. soulswandering: * (They are agressively embarrassed. They want to punch a wall.)
  1314. ValerieJumper: "Prepare for the freak show."
  1315. strxngfish91: A: That's not how suns work!!
  1317. StreamerDoggo: * Trust me, transformations never stop being a thing.
  1318. strxngfish91: A: At least not in a way that could kill you!
  1319. floweytheflower: * "KILL IT."
  1320. sneakyfont: THAT MUST'VE EATEN A LOT OF ENERGY.
  1321. askthecopycat: //the feline snuggles up to the dragon for a quick nap as the mun goes to take a walk uvu b
  1322. ValerieJumper: "KILL IT WITH FIRE."
  1324. strxngfish91: U: No way! Zarbon looks way cooler like this!
  1325. StreamerDoggo: (( Have a nice walk ))
  1326. ModAskDogi *Amy just gently pets Vivi, feeling the warmth radiating off her face.
  1327. wanderandward: *Wander can only hold her and worry, looking apologetically towards Alexis.* -Sh-she had a nightmare. Everyone, all her friends had left when I was ignoring her because of the scribble, it just brought it all back.-
  1328. ModAskDogi: Dang, he doesn't know when to give up, huh!?
  1329. Viviia is nice and toasty. Maybe her face could fry an egg.
  1330. sneakyfont: DEFLECT!!!!
  1331. ValerieJumper: "Yeah Vegeta is a very stubborn character,"
  1332. ValerieJumper: "It's in his blood. Its full of Pride."
  1333. strxngfish91: U: It's called Super Saiyan Swagger!
  1334. StreamerDoggo: * Also helps that, again, Saiyans get stronger whenever they get their ass kicked.
  1335. ModAskDogi *Face so hot you fry an egg.
  1336. ValerieJumper: "Super Saiyan Swagger!"
  1337. sneakyfont: THAT'S A GOOD MOVE.
  1338. ValerieJumper: "He's just."
  1339. ValerieJumper: "Saiyan."
  1340. sneakyfont: OH MY GOD?!!!!
  1341. ModAskDogi: How the mighty fall..
  1342. danceralexis: *(Alexis does the only thing she could do, and gives Winter a hug, even though the ice. She lived in Snowdin, what was a bit of a cold friend in comparison?)
  1343. StreamerDoggo: * I hate you?!?
  1344. ValerieJumper finger guns
  1345. Viviia accidentally bites her own tongue. That's an interesting looking blep right there.
  1346. strxngfish91: U: OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!
  1347. sneakyfont: OHHHHHHHH.
  1348. ModAskDogi *Amy finger guns back.
  1349. undauntedscan: [* Scan finally notices the situation with Winter, and walks over with a worried look on his face.]
  1350. ModAskDogi: !!!
  1351. ModAskDogi: Y-you okay, Vivi??
  1352. sneakyfont: [There's a loud POP. Myamsar popped the ball...]
  1353. ValerieJumper: "Rest in pasta Vegeta."
  1354. Viviia: nn..
  1355. sneakyfont: ALWAYS CHECK FOR THE BODY??????
  1356. ValerieJumper: "W E L P"
  1357. ModAskDogi *Amy throws the other beach ball, to whoever would want it.
  1359. Coldsoul: * (Most of the voices around her start draining out, except the pop. She twitches, nearly falling out of the grasp. That only made her sob more.)
  1360. soulswandering: * (Charles runs RIGHT UP TO THE BALL AND KICKS IT.)
  1361. ValerieJumper cat like instinct would kick in as she prepared to pounce at the beach ball. Bur realizes she has her own.
  1362. Viviia: It's a good thing I'm not poisonous..
  1363. thebonezone66: * i mean, if they were as competent as they probably should be... there wouldn't be much of a show.
  1364. thebonezone66: * it's like what, stormtroopers?
  1365. Viviia grinned at her own joke.
  1366. ModAskDogi *Amy whispers to Doggo, as Ressa shifts. Seems she might wake up soon.
  1367. soulswandering: * (How high was that leg going??? A loud PANG is heard as the beach ball is hit with the leg.)
  1368. sneakyfont: I GUESS, BUT
  1369. sneakyfont: STILL.
  1370. sneakyfont: IT COMES OFF AS STUPIDITY...
  1371. thebonezone66: * they gotta hold the 'idiot ball' for the plot. unbelievable as it is.
  1372. ValerieJumper: "Its Anime, doesnt need logic."
  1373. ModAskDogi *He's still red.
  1374. sneakyfont: I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT, BROTHER...
  1375. strxngfish91: A: Anime is my life.
  1376. wanderandward: -Its alright kissan. Everythings going to be alright....I promise, alright? Never going to leave ya.-
  1377. Viviia pokes at her own tongue. Jokes aside, that kinda hurt.
  1378. danceralexis: * I'll never leave you either, Winter. We're friends!
  1379. ModAskDogi: Want me to kiss it better..? Ressa would help with green magic, but..
  1380. ModAskDogi: ...yeah, she's kinda out.
  1381. Viviia: .....yes.
  1382. ModAskDogi *Ressa groggily wakes up.
  1383. ModAskDogi: (mmh..?)
  1384. ModAskDogi: Alright, stick your tongue out, then..~
  1385. wanderandward: [[is moviemaster jade around?
  1386. Coldsoul: * N... not... (Winter's voice stutters between her sobs, and her voice's pitch is getting higher.)
  1387. StreamerDoggo blushes a bit, shaking his head a bit in shock!
  1388. Viviia sticks her tongue out at Amy.
  1389. StreamerDoggo: * Why would I be talking about those?!?!?
  1390. soulswandering: * (The ball hits the ceiling from the impact of LEG. Charles seems furious.)
  1391. sneakyfont: [Myamsar stabs the deflated ball a few times with their forks before racing back to Sneaky.]
  1392. thebonezone66: ((What Ghibli films haven't been seen yet I wonder?))
  1393. undauntedscan: * Yeah, I got no intention of leavin' ya either, Winter!
  1394. ModAskDogi: Uh, those're all.. pretty heavy euphemisms for what they do..
  1395. Viviia: Pfft-
  1396. StreamerDoggo: (( Uhhhh, think we've seen them all at this point
  1397. Viviia laughs, biting her tongue again in the process. Oops.
  1398. wanderandward: [[also, is that new Captain Harlock considered anime by your standards?
  1399. strxngfish91: ((Maybe the Bardock special or The Dead Zone?))
  1400. ModAskDogi *Amy just leans down and kisses Vivi's tongue and gently starts to lick it.
  1401. thebonezone66: (( oh my god Captain Harlock))
  1402. wanderandward: ((Harlock movie*
  1403. ModAskDogi: (Hey, rrfh.. what.. what'd I miss?)
  1404. StreamerDoggo: * No??? I wasn't even thinking about that?????
  1405. Viviia blushes.
  1406. ModAskDogi *Ressa just looks incredibly happy and relieved.
  1407. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, welcome back to the land of the awake, Ress
  1408. wanderandward: -Not what, Win?-
  1409. sneakyfont: (i'm not good at suggesting because all i will ever suggest is mst3k)
  1410. ModAskDogi: I, uh, don't know, then??
  1411. wanderandward: [[Wouldnt mind watching the Bardock movie, never seen it meself
  1412. Viviia: ((why does that sound familliar
  1413. ModAskDogi: Since when do beach balls heave?
  1415. wanderandward: [[Dead Zone would be cool too, both roughly where we're at in the show.
  1416. Viviia: Pffft-
  1417. Viviia: ((oh! mystery science theater 3000! I love that!
  1418. Coldsoul: * Y-you... d-don't like m-m-me, d-don't you! (Her voice is quiet, and her words are rushed and stopping between sobs. Hot tears run down her cheeks.)
  1419. ModAskDogi *Amy just kinda shuts up.
  1420. sneakyfont: (SHIT i love this version of ASGORE)
  1421. StreamerDoggo: ((Found the Harlock movie, looks like it would count, I guess))
  1422. ModAskDogi: (Hey, Doggo.. hee.)
  1423. ModAskDogi: (What's goin' on..?)
  1424. StreamerDoggo: (( But if we want more DBZ I guess we can do Dead Zone ))
  1425. ModAskDogi: Alright, alright, woof!! Sorry!
  1426. wanderandward: [[My vote is for dead zone then
  1427. soulswandering: * (Charles runs over to the ball and kicks it again. It hits the area right next to the window, if no one were to intercept it.)
  1428. StreamerDoggo: * Finding a movie, mostly. Also talking about balls. LIKE BEACH BALLS.
  1429. Viviia quietly snickers.
  1430. wanderandward: *Wander lightly squeezes the kid, and heaves her up so he can assault her with several headbumps.* -Don't be stupid kissanpentu. Of course I like you. You're my daughter ain't ya?-
  1431. ModAskDogi: mhm. They're bigger than anyone else's!
  1432. soulswandering: * (The ball compresses against the wall before popping loudly. Charles stomps back to their seat.)
  1433. sneakyfont: [Myamsar floofs up in alarm.]
  1434. danceralexis: * And I like you too, Winter!
  1435. ModAskDogi: More full and fun to play wit-!!
  1436. Viviia: !!!!
  1437. sneakyfont: OH.
  1438. ModAskDogi: Oh..
  1439. Viviia falls onto the floor.
  1440. ModAskDogi: Well, there go my balls..
  1441. ModAskDogi *Ressa snickers groggily.
  1442. soulswandering: * YEAH. Yeah. Yeah alright.
  1443. StreamerDoggo: * I can't believe Amy lost his balls
  1444. Viviia seems a bit frazzled. Welp, that was loud.
  1445. sneakyfont: [Myamsar gives Amy the deflated ball.]
  1446. ModAskDogi: I'll never be the same again..
  1447. ModAskDogi *Amy whines in mock-defeat.. before perking up.
  1448. sneakyfont: I THINK I'M GOING TO SIT THIS ONE OUT...
  1449. ModAskDogi: Luckily, Ressa has balls, too! Mind if I reach into your inventory?
  1450. Lady_Divine: (Captain Harlock)
  1451. Viviia just sits on the floor in shock.
  1452. ModAskDogi: (, nah.. Mine 'r bigger than yours, though..hee!)
  1453. thebonezone66: ((I'm feelin' Harlock))
  1454. Coldsoul: * (Winter nods, still sobbing. She sniffles, tear rate slowing down.)
  1455. sneakyfont gathers Myamsar in his arms.
  1456. ModAskDogi *Amy reaches into Ressa's INV.. and gets 2 more beach balls, bigger than the others.
  1457. ModAskDogi *He throws them both out, before gently moving to pick up Vivi.
  1458. thebonezone66: * that's a lot of balls in the air.
  1459. ModAskDogi: You alright, viv..?
  1460. strxngfish91: A: Why do you have so many balls?
  1461. sneakyfont: (swapping out characters!)
  1462. StreamerDoggo: * Why don't you?
  1463. Viviia continues to quietly look frazzled.
  1464. ValerieJumper: "!!!"
  1465. strxngfish91: A: I don't need any?!
  1466. soulswandering: * (CHARLES RUNS TO PUNCH BOTH OF THEM. If anyone cannot intercept them.)
  1467. ModAskDogi: Yeah, balls are fun to watch bounce around and play with!
  1468. ValerieJumper: "BIGGER BALLS!"
  1469. StreamerDoggo: * Are you sure?!
  1470. soulswandering: * (They proceed to yell.)
  1471. strxngfish91: A: What would I do with four balls? Besides be Part 8 Josuke?
  1472. StreamerDoggo: ((So thats 2 for Harlock, 2 for DBZ. Who else))
  1473. strxngfish91: U: We need to find the Dragonballs.
  1474. comicdings: (i personally... dunno. i'm not a decisive person)
  1475. ValerieJumper: ((Dbz plz. Thats like the one Anime i know =w=))
  1476. soulswandering: (( 1 for Harlock ))
  1477. Viviia: ((I never heard of Harlock but I'm gonna vote for it.
  1478. ModAskDogi: (( Harlock? ))
  1479. wanderandward: *The goop pulls her back down to continue hugging her, patting her back as he does so.*
  1480. ModAskDogi: Hey, Ress, help me with this, wouldja..?
  1481. undauntedscan: (( never heard of harlock, but its probably good to find out new stuff
  1482. ModAskDogi: (....mhm.)
  1483. StreamerDoggo: ((Well, looks like it's HArlock then ))
  1484. ModAskDogi *Both the Dogi lean over and just kinda... gently pick Vivi up, moving her onto their laps.
  1485. soulswandering: * (They stomp back to their seat again. Missed.)
  1486. wanderandward: [[Harlock is a sci-fi movie, space pirate, epic fight against authority etc
  1487. ValerieJumper: ((Dang. O well Time to see a new animu den.))
  1488. ModAskDogi: But, seriously, Doggo, you like my balls, right?
  1489. comicdings is there. Surprise.
  1490. ModAskDogi *Amy chuckles, recovering a bit.
  1491. wanderandward: [[its pretty cool actually
  1492. ModAskDogi: Every doggy loves balls!
  1493. comicdings: (that sounds p neat)
  1494. Coldsoul: * (Winter sniffles, letting Wander pat her back. She's recovering.)
  1495. ValerieJumper: "Im not a dog and I love playing with balls"
  1496. StreamerDoggo: * Of course I love balls!
  1497. ValerieJumper the denseness s over 9000
  1498. StreamerDoggo: * Especially putting them in my mouth!
  1499. ModAskDogi: Yeah, so do I, woof..
  1500. undauntedscan: (( anything involving space is A-okay in my book
  1501. ModAskDogi: Yeah, sometimes they even taste good! They make flavored ones, you know that, right?
  1502. StreamerDoggo: * THEY DO?!
  1503. ValerieJumper: "Groooss you'd get slobber all over them tho!"
  1504. ModAskDogi *Ressa is trying and failing to not quietly laugh her ass off.
  1505. askthecopycat: // wakes up to talk of flavored balls. regrets waking up
  1506. ModAskDogi: They do, yeah!! Some taste like beef, and others taste like bacon.. The taste's mostly gone when they fall down into Waterfall but sometimes it's still there!
  1507. thebonezone66 is holding the Bakeneko apparently. She had been shifted into one of his claws while she had been sleeping again.
  1508. StreamerDoggo: * Holy crap I gotta get me some!
  1509. ValerieJumper: "Ressa's got the giggles!"
  1510. ModAskDogi: Jeez, my mouth's watering a little at thinking of tasting balls like that again..
  1511. wanderandward: -Its okay Winter. Always going to love ya. Even when you're being a brat whm I'll be sticking in a corner the moment we get back home heheh-
  1512. Viviia: ...I ate a ball once.
  1513. ModAskDogi: Yeah, they're super good, you totally should.
  1514. ModAskDogi: (Little..heehee..little bit, yeah..
  1515. comicdings: (oh godddd. g_ld l__f still messes me up.)
  1516. Lady_Divine: My stars, this is quite the conversation, here... O-Ooof... *Holds her stomach*
  1517. Viviia: Dad was gonna make a scarf with it, so he was pretty mad.
  1518. comicdings: (but in a good way.)
  1519. ModAskDogi: ..aww..
  1520. ValerieJumper: "Whats so funny Ressa? I wanna get the giggles too!"
  1521. askthecopycat: // stretches and lets out a yawn before snuggling her face into the dragon's claws
  1522. strxngfish91 Undyne just doesn't get the ball jokes.
  1523. askthecopycat: * Glad I didn't miss too much
  1524. strxngfish91: U: You people are weird.
  1525. ModAskDogi: Yeah, just a lot of talk about my big, heaving balls.
  1526. StreamerDoggo isn't joking. He's 101% serious.
  1527. ValerieJumper doesn't get the ball jokes either. Then again she is really dense.
  1528. comicdings: well i came in at an interesting time.
  1529. soulswandering: * (They tap their feet on the ground angrily before huffing again. Impatient.)
  1530. ModAskDogi: Dunno who has them, now, mine broke so I brought out Ressa's.
  1531. comicdings: kinda. regretting it.
  1532. thebonezone66: (( Tabbed back in to Koopa Road. Yes, good.))
  1533. soulswandering: * I hate this.
  1534. ModAskDogi: (Maybe....hff.. Maybe we could go to waterfall and find some.)
  1535. thebonezone66: * enjoy your nap, at least..? heh.
  1536. wanderandward: [[brb
  1537. Viviia: If you find a bacon ball, I'll eat it.
  1538. ValerieJumper: "Bacon ball?"
  1539. Coldsoul: * (She nods, her crying stopping. She's still shivering.)
  1540. ValerieJumper: "..."
  1541. askthecopycat: * Well of course I did. You're a rather comfy place to nap~
  1542. soulswandering: * (They let out an impatient, angered groan. They furrow their eyebrows and mumble angrily to themselves.)
  1543. ValerieJumper is complicating whether or not shed eat a ball. Even if it was a bacon ball...
  1544. comicdings carefully maneuvers so he's sitting on the wall - why does he always do this
  1545. ValerieJumper: "Hmmm..."
  1546. wanderandward: -Heh, hm, do you know how long you'll be in the corner for?-
  1547. ValerieJumper uses the beach ball from before a pillow as she waited for the movie to start.
  1548. StreamerDoggo: * ...I'm not gonna question how you're sitting like that.
  1549. comicdings: it's a thing i do.
  1550. StreamerDoggo: * Clearly
  1551. Coldsoul: * U-until I d-d-die, I t-t-think.
  1552. thebonezone66: * pfft, show off.
  1553. comicdings: hey, i'm not crowding half the room.
  1554. StreamerDoggo: * They've got you there
  1555. thebonezone66 looks down, then around. He can't do anything other than shrug in quiet defeat.
  1556. thebonezone66: * i'm a couch.
  1557. askthecopycat: * A comfy one at that
  1558. comicdings: gheh heh heh.
  1559. soulswandering: * How big is this dam-- darn room anyway?
  1560. soulswandering: * (They are Not Very Happy.)
  1561. wanderandward: -Hah, nope. As long as it take for your scribble to wash off my face. That wasn't a permanent marker was it?-
  1562. comicdings: anyway i'm not comfortable sitting on or near a stranger.
  1563. StreamerDoggo: * For some reason I get a lot more room in my house whenever I invite you people over
  1564. ModAskDogi: (Hey, Doggo..?)
  1565. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah?
  1566. ModAskDogi: (Didn't have a nightmare, this nap.. little surprised.)
  1567. Lady_Divine: "Oof, would anyone happen to have any hot cocoa?"
  1568. ModAskDogi: (Well, I did, at first, but it just kinda.. stopped.)
  1569. ModAskDogi: (And then I had a really nice dream..heehee.)
  1570. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, I noticed you stopped tossing and turning...
  1571. wanderandward: -Huh, that would be an odd thing to have in this house I think, miss.-
  1572. StreamerDoggo: * What'd you dream about?
  1573. Coldsoul: * (Metaphorically sweats.)
  1574. wanderandward: -Unless, hey Doggo, is your sister unable to have chocolate as well?-
  1575. Coldsoul: * (Doesn't really, just. Yeah that was a permanent marker. She looks away from Wander.)
  1576. soulswandering: * Chocolate is disgusting.
  1577. ValerieJumper: "W H O D A R E S."
  1578. Viviia: ((brb
  1579. ValerieJumper: "Chocolate is GREAT."
  1580. StreamerDoggo: * Huh? Oh, no, she can't have chocolate either. Unless its the dog-safe kind.
  1581. Lady_Divine: "Ah, of course... Forgive me, I forgot..."
  1582. soulswandering: * Chocolate is too gross!
  1583. comicdings: not everyone likes chocolate. i'm partial to licorice.
  1584. Lady_Divine: "I prefer bitter chocolate myself."
  1585. soulswandering: * And it would probably kill me! I'm allergic to it!
  1586. ValerieJumper >:U
  1587. ValerieJumper: "Oh"
  1588. ValerieJumper: "Well if your allergic then fine."
  1589. wanderandward: *Wander quirks an eye at the lack of a response...* -It was one huh? Mhm, yeah thats going to take a while to wash out. Guess I'll have to bring you a pillow and blanket to, you might be there for some time.-
  1590. ValerieJumper: "But dont diss choclate./"
  1591. soulswandering: * But it was still gross before I was allergic. (They stick out their tongue.)
  1592. comicdings: it ain't all it's cracked up to be.
  1593. ValerieJumper bleps back.
  1594. Lady_Divine: "The twins are just kicking at my stomach now, that's all. They want something to drink."
  1595. Coldsoul: * (Winter feels really dumb right now. She looks down in dissappointment.)
  1596. Lady_Divine: (Of all the songs to play.)
  1597. Viviia: ((back
  1598. thebonezone66: (( And now I am making food!))
  1599. comicdings: (time for the nugger......)
  1600. StreamerDoggo: ((Also the resolution on this movie is smaller than usual and I don't know why??? ))
  1601. soulswandering: * (And they bite their tongue. Ow.)
  1602. Lady_Divine: "Oh, would there happen to be water I could get?"
  1603. danceralexis: (( Probably just whoever uploaded it uploaded it that way. ))
  1604. thebonezone66: * that is a lot of spacecraft.
  1605. strxngfish91: U: I can't read this/
  1606. comicdings: that is a lot of space derbis.
  1607. StreamerDoggo: (( Also apparently the dub didn't bother to voiceover or replace the Japanese subtitles here???))
  1608. danceralexis: * ...We're 60 seconds into this movie and we already got a epic battle going?
  1609. soulswandering: * ... Ooh.
  1610. comicdings: oh.
  1611. StreamerDoggo leans in towards the TV in interest.
  1612. ValerieJumper looks drowsy might fall asleep.
  1613. soulswandering: * (They take their red blanket and pull it tighter around them. Comfortable.)
  1614. ModAskDogi *Both the dogi stop spacing out.
  1615. ModAskDogi: (Oh..! Uh..)
  1616. ValerieJumper and she does! A convient portal sweeps her from her feet with the beach bal. A hooded figure catches her as the portal closes.
  1617. wanderandward: -Ah why are you looking so glum kissan? Could be worse heheh!- *One hand snakes around to tick her side a bit.*
  1618. ModAskDogi: (..I dreamed of you and Amy, actually.)
  1619. strxngfish91: Huh, I remember hearing stories about one of the humans coming to the underground to steal treasure.
  1620. ValerieJumper: ((To bed I go =w=))
  1621. ModAskDogi: (We were eating food at a fancy restaurant in the capital and we were all happy.)
  1622. wanderandward: [[gnight valmun!
  1623. undauntedscan: ((gnight yo
  1624. comicdings: there's a lot of those stories.
  1625. comicdings: (gnight!)
  1626. ModAskDogi: This movie's pretty good..
  1627. ValerieJumper: ((noite))
  1628. StreamerDoggo: (( See ya ))
  1629. ModAskDogi: (( later! ))
  1630. StreamerDoggo: ((Also holy shit this CGI is PHENOMINAL ))
  1631. wanderandward: -Well, theres random chest out and about down here, can't blame them.-
  1632. undauntedscan: * Epic battles early in a story is always a good sign.
  1633. danceralexis: * Yeah...
  1634. strxngfish91: A: Rough interview process.
  1635. strxngfish91: U: HELL YEAH!!
  1636. comicdings: yikes.
  1637. ModAskDogi: This CG is REALLY good, woof..
  1638. strxngfish91: U: FOR GLORY!
  1639. wanderandward: -Brutal recruiting method here.-
  1640. ModAskDogi: (For fun?)
  1641. StreamerDoggo: (( Have to ignore the weird lip syncing though ))
  1642. comicdings: that took care of itself.
  1643. danceralexis: * ...
  1644. Lady_Divine: *Divine has tensed up from the heights*
  1645. ModAskDogi: Woah..
  1646. StreamerDoggo: * REally? Did anything else happen or...?
  1647. ModAskDogi: Human warmachines..?
  1648. strxngfish91: U: That's a good reason!
  1649. wanderandward: -Freedom usually is.-
  1650. Coldsoul: * (She lets out an unwanted snicker as she curls up around her side. She whispers a question to Wander, though.) ... w-w-wanted to a-ask something.
  1651. ModAskDogi: (...Hmm.. Well, there were two of you and two of Amy..)
  1652. ModAskDogi: (And, uh.. you were all pretty happy? It's kinda foggy..sorry.)
  1653. ModAskDogi *Ressa yawns.
  1654. wanderandward: *He unnecessarily leans close to whisper back.* -What is it kissan? Ask away.-
  1655. StreamerDoggo: * Can't get enough of us, huh?
  1656. comicdings: watch out for the arcadia.
  1657. strxngfish91 Alphys and Undyne are engaging in mild cuddling.
  1658. comicdings: huh. not sure how threatening that is without history behind it.
  1659. ModAskDogi: (It wasn't too interesting a dream, really.. Except papyrus was the cook and his spaghetti was amazing.)
  1660. thebonezone66: ((Harlock's another character I wound up roleplaying.))
  1661. comicdings: (nice.)
  1662. ModAskDogi: (But yeah.. I can't, woof..)
  1663. ModAskDogi: Hee, knew it..~!
  1664. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah that was definitely a dream
  1665. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems tired after her bout of crying. And she falls asleep in Wander's arms before she can say anything.)
  1666. wanderandward: *Only mild?! those prudes.*
  1667. strxngfish91: A: This is pretty 40k for an anime.
  1668. strxngfish91: U: Maybe we'll see a chainsword!
  1669. comicdings: now this is something i can get behind.
  1670. StreamerDoggo: * WOAH
  1671. soulswandering: * (Charles falls asleep and flops over. Soon, a hole opens beneath them and a small, green SOUL peeks out before grabbing their hand and dragging them into the void hole.)
  1672. soulswandering: * (What.)
  1673. strxngfish91: A: Giant skull, definitely 40k.
  1674. soulswandering: * (Void hole disappears.)
  1675. ModAskDogi: (For the emperor?)
  1676. wanderandward: [[Goodnight coldie heh
  1677. ModAskDogi: Woah..! Lasers!
  1678. undauntedscan: * ... I want those guns...
  1679. comicdings: gheh heh. what a lightshow.
  1680. strxngfish91: U: FULL RAMMING SPEED!
  1681. wanderandward: *Wander leans back to look at the suddenly sleeping child and chuckles. Oh well. He wraps the kid up and holds her close, settling into his seat.*
  1682. StreamerDoggo: * HELL YES!!!
  1683. comicdings: gotta watch out for all that scrap floating around.
  1684. strxngfish91: U: Alphys, you've got to make me some power armor like that!
  1685. strxngfish91: A: I'll...think about it.
  1686. ModAskDogi: wh..what..?
  1687. ModAskDogi: Huh.
  1688. comicdings: hmmm.
  1689. ModAskDogi: Pretty cool.
  1690. Viviia: .....
  1691. strxngfish91: U: He's a traitor!
  1692. ModAskDogi: (.....sacrifice..)
  1693. Viviia covers her eyes. That looked unpleasant.
  1694. ModAskDogi *Amy starts gently petting Vivi's head again.
  1695. ModAskDogi *Meanwhile, Ressa starts to administer tum rubs.
  1696. Viviia softly purrs, giggling a little.
  1697. StreamerDoggo just sort of...Rubs the leg?
  1698. ModAskDogi *Rub the leggy.
  1699. strxngfish91 Undyne gives Alphys a thank-you smooch. Alphys bushes, surprised.
  1700. Viviia: Pfft-! That tickles!
  1701. comicdings: gheh heh. he gets caught, he gets killed.
  1702. ModAskDogi: And now that reminds me of gallifrey..
  1703. ModAskDogi: (Or frozen.)
  1704. comicdings hums a snatch of the imperial march.
  1705. ModAskDogi: Man, that's all kinda crazy human tech!
  1706. ModAskDogi: (Think they have stuff like that now..? Probably do, woof..)
  1707. StreamerDoggo: * Pretty...
  1708. strxngfish91: A: Not really. Couple things in develpment, however.
  1709. ModAskDogi: (mmhm..)
  1710. wanderandward: -Wait, the spy is a politicians brother? and the bastard put him in such a risky place?!-
  1711. comicdings: hey, hey volunteered.
  1712. thebonezone66: * maybe he had something he wanted to prove.
  1713. comicdings: *he. whoops.
  1714. strxngfish91: A: For instance, there are people right now working on neural interfaces for computers. So far results have proven it really only useful for people without hands.
  1715. comicdings: he looks like a member of team aqua.
  1716. wanderandward: -Yeah, 'volunteered' by his brother im sure.-
  1717. undauntedscan: * That tech looks kinda sorta similar t' some o' th' stuff in my timeline. Ain't visited in a while, so it's probably way more advanced by now.
  1718. ModAskDogi: Is that a.. a neefa..?
  1719. wanderandward: *Wander flashes a quick glance at Alphys, and promptly pulls his hood lower.*
  1720. ModAskDogi: What're they called..?
  1721. danceralexis: * Your timeline is advanced like this, Scan...?
  1722. strxngfish91: U: Ugh, elves.
  1723. comicdings: all aliens are elves.
  1724. wanderandward: -space elf?-
  1725. StreamerDoggo: * Uh
  1726. comicdings: oh.
  1727. ModAskDogi: (Um.)
  1728. strxngfish91: A: Oh my.
  1729. StreamerDoggo: * OKay???????
  1730. comicdings just starts snickering.
  1731. strxngfish91: U: Well that was pointless.
  1732. undauntedscan: * Where d'ya think I got this arm from?
  1733. thebonezone66: * zero gravity showers. neat.
  1734. danceralexis: * ...
  1735. ModAskDogi: .me *...Ressa's a lot more awake all of a sudden. No idea why.
  1736. Viviia: Woah.
  1737. ModAskDogi *...Ressa's a lot more awake all of a sudden. No idea why.
  1738. comicdings: zero gravity showers just means the water gets everywhere.
  1739. ModAskDogi: (Pretty, though!)
  1740. danceralexis: * That makes sense, Scan...I...I dunno how advanced my timeline is. Feels like I've been underground so long...
  1741. comicdings: oh.
  1742. wanderandward: [[i did not recall that...
  1743. ModAskDogi: We... we know what year we won the Nose Nuzzle Championships.
  1744. danceralexis: * I dunno if my family's still around, or...
  1745. ModAskDogi: // ayy it me
  1746. danceralexis: *(Alexis goes silent for a bit.)
  1747. Viviia: ((it you~!
  1748. undauntedscan: * Well, time flows differently between each timeline. I 'unno either.
  1749. wanderandward: -Well, did you have a good family, kamu?-
  1750. ModAskDogi: Might shock you, but I can say it if anyone wants to hear it..
  1751. strxngfish91: U: Oh sweet, you guys won that?
  1752. danceralexis: * ...Not my mom, that's for sure.
  1753. ModAskDogi: Well, wishful thinking.
  1754. strxngfish91: A: Hopefully we can attend NNC '17
  1755. danceralexis: * My sister, though...she was pretty great, and super smart too.
  1756. ModAskDogi: (We got second place.)
  1757. undauntedscan: [* Scan tries to give a reassuring pat on the shoulder to Alexis.]
  1758. ModAskDogi: (It was fun, though, and that's the real victory!)
  1759. wanderandward: -so, wouldnt be a great loss then would it?-
  1760. ModAskDogi: (So.. Wanna hear the year we won it?)
  1761. strxngfish91: U: Sure.
  1762. danceralexis: * Wonder what became of my sister, though.
  1763. ModAskDogi: ...2098.
  1764. ModAskDogi: As far as I can gather.
  1765. undauntedscan: * 'M sure erryone nice is probably still aight.
  1766. danceralexis: * Probably never will find out...
  1767. wanderandward: -oh, your sister though hmm. Well, maybe it hasnt been too long.-
  1768. comicdings: nice scar.
  1769. undauntedscan: * Hey, I'm sure you'll be able t' get outta th' underground eventually!
  1770. ModAskDogi: Dunno, time gets forgotten down here.
  1771. strxngfish91: U: Whoah! You guys are gonna be alive in 82 years?
  1772. danceralexis: * ...Yeah. Dunno how, though.
  1773. wanderandward: -Hey now 'Lexis, dont think like that. You'll get outta here. We all will.-
  1774. ModAskDogi: (Uh, what year is it here..?)
  1775. StreamerDoggo: * I dunno, im not a calendar!
  1776. undauntedscan: * Hol' up, how fast does time even flow 'round these parts?
  1777. ModAskDogi: (That championship happened for us over 6 years ago.)
  1778. danceralexis: * Time is...strange.
  1779. strxngfish91: U: It's 2016 over here.
  1780. ModAskDogi: ....what the hell.
  1781. danceralexis: * I don't know when I fell, and I don't know what year it is now.
  1782. Lady_Divine: *Divine tenses up a bit*
  1783. ModAskDogi: That means we're over 90 years.. in the past..?
  1784. ModAskDogi: (..Whatever, not gonna worry about it.)
  1785. danceralexis: * Could be a couple years, could be a couple hundred. Wish there was a way to find out...
  1786. strxngfish91: A: Or we're 90 years in the future.
  1787. Viviia: Suddenly I want to go find myself..
  1788. Viviia: I want to kick my own ass.
  1789. undauntedscan: * I've completely fergotten when I came an' when I left th' underground... I thiiink by now it's... Hmm.
  1790. ModAskDogi: !!!
  1791. strxngfish91: A: Time is a fickle thing, I remember reading essay by one Dr-
  1792. strxngfish91: A: ...I don't remember...
  1793. ModAskDogi: ...bomb time.
  1794. comicdings: gheh heh heh.
  1795. comicdings: ah, i'm sure it doesn't matter too much.
  1796. undauntedscan: * Given th' flow o' time, it's probably 'round new years o' 21XX in my original timeline? Somethin' like that, I 'unno.
  1797. comicdings: is. is that sound what i think it is.
  1798. danceralexis: * Why does time have to be so complex?
  1799. wanderandward: -Alexis. When we get out, first thing we'll do is find you a calendar or somethin.-
  1800. StreamerDoggo: * Time sucks!
  1801. undauntedscan: * Yeah, screw time. We don't need it!
  1802. danceralexis: * Thanks Wander...
  1803. StreamerDoggo: * Why dont we just say that a thing happened at some point years ago??
  1804. danceralexis: * I have a feeling our timelines are kinda...close? It's hard to explain.
  1805. ModAskDogi: (On the topic of time..)
  1806. ModAskDogi: (...tra..vel.)
  1807. ModAskDogi *Ressa's just watching the movie.
  1808. danceralexis: * Gives me a headache but I kinda understand how timelines work.
  1809. ModAskDogi: It's more time travel.
  1810. strxngfish91: A: In any case, where exactly we are doesn't matter on the grand scale of the universe. You see...
  1811. wanderandward: -Eh, I just dont think about it. If I'm there, I'm there, otherwise I'm not. Simple enough!-
  1812. Viviia: ((is anyone else reminded of those weird noise cans that sound silly when you shake them?
  1813. comicdings: (YES.)
  1814. strxngfish91: A: If you were to condense the entirety of time up to this poin on a calender, the history of monsterkind exists in the last few hours of the last day.
  1815. ModAskDogi: // ye
  1816. wanderandward: [[dammit, i am now lol
  1817. comicdings: ohhh, that hurt.
  1818. ModAskDogi: // i'm imagining that vine where some is making a squeaky toy walk
  1819. ModAskDogi: // and then the squeaky toy explodes
  1820. ModAskDogi: Wait, did he just betray her?
  1821. danceralexis: * No, looks like he saved her...?
  1822. undauntedscan: * Nah, he kicked 'er t' safety.
  1823. danceralexis: * Looks like he's in a real bit of trouble, though.
  1824. Viviia: ((I haven't seen that vine. .w.
  1825. thebonezone66: (( Here comes Harlock))
  1826. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  1827. comicdings: well,
  1828. Lady_Divine: *Divine has tensed up again*
  1829. ModAskDogi: // warning kinda loud at the end
  1830. ModAskDogi: //
  1831. wanderandward: -...I want Harlock's cape.-
  1832. wanderandward: -Actually, I'll take his whole uniform. Its kind of classy.-
  1833. Viviia: ((amazing!
  1834. thebonezone66: ((Harlock is a classy motherfucker.))
  1835. comicdings: nice landing.
  1836. ModAskDogi: (That guy..)
  1837. danceralexis: * the one guy needs a spacesuit, but the guy with the cape is...heat proof I guess?
  1838. StreamerDoggo: * I want to be Harlock! Holy crap!
  1839. strxngfish91: A: Maybe he's not human?
  1840. wanderandward: -I think he's everything proof. He's apparently a badass.-
  1841. undauntedscan: * That guy's too cool t' be affected by simple stuff like heat.
  1842. ModAskDogi: Yeah, I know, right?
  1843. strxngfish91: U: DAAAAAMN!
  1844. ModAskDogi: ...reminds me of someone else. Some guy named Genesis.
  1845. ModAskDogi: (He was a badass, too!)
  1846. strxngfish91: U: Never heard of him!
  1847. undauntedscan: * Genesis is pretty cool, too.
  1848. ModAskDogi: He was a guy with a big red flaming sword and one black wing. He made clones of himself and almost took over the world.
  1849. ModAskDogi: or something.
  1850. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah but like 80% of what he says is some poetry or play quotes
  1851. ModAskDogi: (Well, hey, that can be deep!)
  1852. undauntedscan: * His sword was cool.
  1853. ModAskDogi: (..He must've really liked plays.)
  1854. comicdings: (vaughn: hi remember when you were having fun? nah time for that to stop)
  1855. ModAskDogi: He's a double traitor, now...?
  1856. comicdings: quadruple reverse cover agent
  1857. StreamerDoggo: ((Guess what, all that was only 1/3 of the movie))
  1858. wanderandward: -Kind of by necessity i think.-
  1859. undauntedscan: (( incredible
  1860. danceralexis: (( Holy shit. ))
  1861. strxngfish91: ((Holy shit)))
  1862. wanderandward: [[crap how long was this movie? not too long is it?
  1863. danceralexis: * This movie's pretty good...
  1864. undauntedscan: * A new start...
  1865. ModAskDogi: // ;v;
  1866. ModAskDogi: (...a new start.)
  1867. comicdings: a new start, huh.
  1868. StreamerDoggo: (( 1:55:06 ))
  1869. strxngfish91: U: A new start!
  1870. StreamerDoggo: * Yes, a new start
  1871. strxngfish91: A: A new start?
  1872. danceralexis: (( Do we even have time for the whole thing? ))
  1873. ModAskDogi: // could you DM me the name of the movie, Joe so i can watch it all the way through later
  1874. ModAskDogi: // prolly gonna go to sleep very soon
  1875. comicdings: could use a new start myself.
  1876. ModAskDogi: Another human weapon?
  1877. wanderandward: [['Space Pirate Captain Harlock' 2013 film
  1878. comicdings: (reminds me of the quarians)
  1879. undauntedscan: * . . . What happens if somethin' gets in th' way o' that fancy teleportin' stuff?
  1880. comicdings: telefrag.
  1881. wanderandward: -Something explodes?-
  1882. comicdings: what, does the telefrag do that?
  1883. StreamerDoggo: * HOLY
  1884. undauntedscan: * NICE
  1885. danceralexis: * ...Wow!
  1886. comicdings: hoooooly shit.
  1887. ModAskDogi: HELL.. YEAH.
  1888. ModAskDogi *Amy moves to rip his cloak open, but.. nah. Too sleepy.
  1889. StreamerDoggo: * Oh! I thought they reflected it!
  1890. ModAskDogi *He just gently unzips it and lowers it to his waist instead.
  1891. ModAskDogi: (Me too, at first..)
  1892. Viviia uses it as a blanket. Sort of.
  1893. strxngfish91: Alphys, Oh yes, telefrag.
  1894. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  1895. comicdings: yep. telefrag isn't a good thing. i've seen it happen.
  1896. StreamerDoggo: * IS
  1897. ModAskDogi *Ressa gives Vivi a kiss on the tum.
  1898. StreamerDoggo: * THAT
  1899. undauntedscan: * A BIG GUN
  1900. strxngfish91: ((Fuck miswrote that.))
  1901. comicdings: that's straight up replekia.
  1902. ModAskDogi: ??????
  1903. ModAskDogi: Whoa...
  1904. Viviia giggles.
  1905. ModAskDogi: Hey, Doggo, mind if I just kinda.. drift off against you along with Ressa?
  1906. ModAskDogi: ....Long shift, and kinda sleepy too from comforting Ressa from her nightmares all the time..
  1907. StreamerDoggo: * Go ahead
  1908. ModAskDogi: ...pretty..
  1909. undauntedscan: * That was a pretty explosion. I wonder if I can get bullets that do that.
  1910. comicdings: gheh heh heh.
  1911. danceralexis: * You don't need bullets that can do that.
  1912. ModAskDogi *Amy leans his head against Ressa's shoulder and closes his eyes, while Ressa does the same for Doggo's shoulder.
  1913. strxngfish91: A: Unless it's a railgun, no.
  1914. undauntedscan: * . . . On a smaller scale.
  1915. danceralexis: * If I understood it right, that pretty explosion used the power of STARS.
  1916. ModAskDogi: (Battle testing.. smart.)
  1917. comicdings: it collapsed a star, yeah.
  1918. strxngfish91: U: Guns have no honor! You should throw spears instead!
  1919. undauntedscan: * I'll just have to put a star in my dimensional box, then--
  1920. danceralexis: * I ain't the smartest one here, but stars are big. And powerful.
  1921. undauntedscan: * What did you just say about guns.
  1922. comicdings: gheh. i'm partial to javelins, myself.
  1923. StreamerDoggo leans his head against Ressas, focused on the show
  1924. wanderandward: -Yeah. Scan you dont need bullets like that. please. no.-
  1925. Viviia: Shoot spears from the guns.
  1926. comicdings: that's a speargun.
  1927. undauntedscan: * I... That's actually not a bad idea, Vi.
  1928. comicdings: it exists already and it's a pain to reload.
  1929. strxngfish91: U: The honorable projectiles are magic blasts and thrown weapons!
  1930. wanderandward: -See? Now vi has a great idea there.-
  1931. ModAskDogi *Slowly, the Dogi start drifing off to sleep, epic battle or no. They were Very Sleepy.
  1932. danceralexis: * I...I...don't like spears...
  1933. comicdings: they're mostly used in fishing.
  1934. danceralexis: *(Alexis shudders a bit.)
  1935. ModAskDogi: (Night, Doggo... Love you.)
  1936. wanderandward: -Scratch alright, kamu?-
  1937. undauntedscan: * Oh, right, uh... Yeah, no spears around here, actually.
  1938. strxngfish91: A: uh-uhm, yes harpoon guns are very much a thing.
  1939. ModAskDogi: Love you~
  1940. StreamerDoggo: * Love you too
  1941. comicdings: speargun, harpoon gun, same diff.
  1942. undauntedscan: * No spears or harpoons.
  1943. danceralexis: * I...just...not good memories involving spears...
  1944. wanderandward: -Yeah, think you mentioned that before, sorry.-
  1945. comicdings: this feels more and more like a cult.
  1946. StreamerDoggo: * ...
  1947. Viviia: ...oh
  1948. StreamerDoggo: * What the...
  1949. wanderandward: [[sequel, Samus vs Harlock
  1950. danceralexis: * ...
  1951. comicdings: (and THIS feels like mass effect)
  1952. undauntedscan: * You, uh... You gon' be aight, Alexis? We're here if y' need anythin'. Sorry 'bout bringin' that up.
  1953. wanderandward: -Hmm...Hey, 'Lexis, want to sit over here for awhile?- *Can't exactly come over to offer comfort himself after all, slightly pinned by a sleeping child.*
  1954. ModAskDogi *Ressa's sound asleep again, gently squeezing Doggo.
  1955. ModAskDogi *Amy kisses Vivi on the face again and lazily lays back, asleep himself a few minutes later.
  1956. danceralexis: *(Alexis's breathing is a fair bit sharper, but she does move over to Wander. She looks a bit pale, but seems to be...better then she used to be.)
  1957. Viviia softly purrs, snuggling in.
  1958. ModAskDogi: // goin tf to sleep
  1959. comicdings: (gnight!)
  1960. undauntedscan: (( gnight yo
  1961. ModAskDogi: // nini all! Sorry i can't stay for the rest of it lmao
  1962. strxngfish91: U: Hell yeah, go Harlock!
  1963. Viviia: (( nighty night
  1964. strxngfish91: U: Wait what?
  1965. strxngfish91: U: That's kinda bullshit.
  1966. wanderandward: *The goop tries his best to ignore the sight of Earth as he shifts Winter to one arm, freeing up the other to pat Alexis reassuringly.* -Hey, you're safe here, alriht?-
  1967. comicdings: he detonated it.
  1968. thebonezone66: * basically, he created the void. right on top of earth.
  1969. danceralexis: * I's just...hard.
  1970. strxngfish91: U: Like, if for some reason there were corrupt politicians passing out of the underground, I would freakin destroy the surface.
  1971. comicdings: gheh heh. i knew he wasn't 'just human'.
  1972. undauntedscan: [* Scan moves to sit next to Alexis, still worried.]
  1973. ModAskDogi: // basically treat the dogi as objects from now on
  1974. comicdings: (aaand now he's count bleck.)
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