
FoE PNP G-Platypus Session 58

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. [18:56] <Scrap> *****G-Platypus: The City of Broad Withers - Session 58*****
  2. [18:56] <Scrap> Standing in a house turned outpost for raiders in the area, the group is gathered to plan out their next course of action joined by a young stallion unsure of his place now and looking around nervously.
  3. [18:58] * Blackberry_Jam intends to the take the stallion and the two fillies in need of prothestics back to Railyard, before mounting an assault on the Raider fort. After announcing this plan to the others, she asks what they think.
  4. [18:59] * Thunder_Strike looks at Blackberry_Jam. I think that would be best.
  5. [19:00] <Scrap> "What about the poeple they took?"
  6. [19:00] * North_Star scratches his chin. "They might be at the biggest stronghold. They'd have space for prisoners there."
  7. [19:01] * Thunder_Strike if they're not dead yet. she says to north.
  8. [19:03] * North_Star was trying to at least be a little optimistic.
  9. [19:03] * Snack_Cake hesitates before saying, "Well... I think he needs a good place to stay, where he can work with good ponies, and prove himself." She gives the young stallion a warm smile.
  10. [19:04] <Thunder_Strike> /me looks at him for a moment then looks around. "not that I think they are that is.
  11. [19:05] <Scrap> The stallion smiles weakly back at Snack_Cake. "They'll be taken farther South. There's a place they all go until they figure out what to do with them."
  12. [19:06] * North_Star sighs quietly. "That gives us some time, then.."
  13. [19:09] * Thunder_Strike looks at the others then sits down. so what's the plan? take the colt and filly's or go after the ponies they took?
  14. [19:11] * Blackberry_Jam weighs her options. "I'd like to get those fillies care as soon as possible, before the wounds heal too much. But if these are Slavers we're talking here, there's no way they'll outright kill anyone they take."
  15. [19:11] * North_Star looks up at Blackberry_Jam, "Well.. Several young ponies need medical attention, and if we're attacking a stronghold, we'll need ammo, fresh armor, maybe something big and loud.
  16. [19:12] * Thunder_Strike glances at the young stallion then back to blackberry. I say we take the little ones and restock before heading out.
  17. [19:12] * Snack_Cake nods. "We need to make sure the ponies we do have here are safe enough first."
  18. [19:15] * Blackberry_Jam turns to Scrap, brow raised. "Any objections?"
  19. [19:16] <Scrap> "Well, Deadly said that she could take care of the foals."
  20. [19:17] * Blackberry_Jam shakes her head. "She can't give them the kind of care they need right now."
  21. [19:19] * Scrap 's ears flatten a little, but she knows more than him. He nods. "Ok. Slavers don't usually kill slaves, so they should be ok until we get back.
  22. [19:20] * North_Star shifts his satchel. "We take care of two birds with one stone, seems good to me."
  23. [19:20] * Blackberry_Jam starts trotting. "Ponies, let's roll out."
  24. [19:22] * Scrap falls in behind. The stallion watches. "Should- Should I come with?"
  25. [19:22] * Blackberry_Jam motions for him to join her in the front. "Up here with me, kid."
  26. [19:23] * North_Star takes up the rear of the group, lifting the brim of his hat out of the way of his eyes.
  27. [19:23] * Snack_Cake smiles at Blackberry_Jam, glad she's looking out for him.
  28. [19:23] <Scrap> He quickly does as he's told.
  29. [19:23] * Blackberry_Jam pats him on the back and sets the pace. "Got a name, kid?"
  30. [19:25] <Scrap> "Bucky."
  31. [19:27] <Scrap> The stallion says*
  32. [19:27] * Thunder_Strike follows along near scrap.
  33. [19:28] * Snack_Cake sticks with Thunder_Strike, casting occasional glances at the stallion, just to make sure he's doing okay.
  34. [19:30] <Scrap> The stallions seems alright. He still seems a little unsure about what he's going to do now, but he doesn't seem afraid of them at all. He's relaxed some while trotting next to Blackberry_Jam.
  35. [19:30] * Blackberry_Jam chuckles a little. "Well, Bucky, I'm Blackberry." She turns her head and introduces the rest of the party and... "...And Canary is... somewhere."
  36. [19:31] * Scrap scans the horizen, giving a glance of acknowedgement to Thunder_Strike and Snack_Cake as they walk next to him.
  37. [19:32] <Scrap> Canary waves from his position in front of North_Star. He goes back to staring off into space.
  38. [19:32] * Thunder_Strike looks at him a moment blushes then looks away. she looks back at Snack_Cake and smiles softly then opens her wings and starts flying.
  39. [19:33] <Scrap> Bucky nods. "How long have you been together?"
  40. [19:34] * Blackberry_Jam blinkies. "Erm... Wow... I'm honestly not sure. It's been... well, a long time."
  41. [19:35] * North_Star nods. "Sure has."
  42. [19:37] <Scrap> He looks curious. "Do you normally fight together?"
  43. [19:38] * Blackberry_Jam nods. "We do. Why do you ask?"
  44. [19:38] * North_Star looks over at Blackberry_Jam. "In more ways than one, yeah."
  45. [19:40] <Scrap> He glances back at North_Star, wondering what that means as he answers Blackberry_Jam. "Well, you all seem... different from the kind of armed ponies I'm used too."
  46. [19:40] * North_Star tilts his head. "How so?"
  47. [19:40] * Blackberry_Jam rolls her eyes at North_Star. "And you'd know better than anypony, huh, North_Star?"
  48. [19:41] * North_Star chuckles lowly. "Oh, yeah. Lessons learned, Doc."
  49. [19:41] <Scrap> "Well... why didn't you kill me? Why are you treating me so nice. Most would be happy to kill me."
  50. [19:44] * Blackberry_Jam shrugs a little. "You're young... Too young to be like them. I could tell that you weren't the same."
  51. [19:44] * Thunder_Strike flys up to blackberry then drifts back to Snack_Cake and scrap then lands on scrap deciding to be lazy.
  52. [19:45] * Snack_Cake frowns and speaks up. "We don't kill anypony unless we /have/ to. Everypony deserves a second chance."
  53. [19:45] <Scrap> The stallion looks down comtemplating. "What makes you think I'm different? Why should I get a second chance when the others didn't?"
  54. [19:46] * North_Star looks over towards the horizon. "Most don't see the window we saw. Berry here saw a chance to took you down, where most see a chance at an easy shot."
  55. [19:46] * Scrap blinks and looks back at Thunder_Strike. "Are you ok?"
  56. [19:48] * Blackberry_Jam gives a small smile.
  57. [19:48] * Thunder_Strike just tired. mind if I rest her for a few minutes? she asks
  58. [19:49] <Scrap> Bucky thinks again. "What do you think I can do? I don't know how to do a lot of stuff."
  59. [19:49] * North_Star looks down at Bucky. "You seem to handle that rifle well for your age."
  60. [19:49] * Scrap starts scanning the horizen again. "Sure I guess. I don't mind."
  61. [19:50] * Snack_Cake thinks for a moment. "Well... you could ask around... try lots of things. You never know what you might be good at."
  62. [19:50] * Thunder_Strike stretches and yawns taking a small nap.
  63. [19:53] * Blackberry_Jam smiles a little. "I know a buck who always seems to know where there's work."
  64. [19:53] <Scrap> "Yeah. We have to get good at shooting. They don't like the one's that don't." He looks at Snack_Cake. "Are there many things to choose from?"
  65. [19:54] * Scrap tries to keep the ride as smooth as possible to let Thunder_Strike rest.
  66. [19:56] * Thunder_Strike is snoozing softly, she's just barely sleeping incase she needs to be awake and alert quick.
  67. [19:57] * Snack_Cake nods. "There's all kinds of jobs you could do! All you have to do is ask anypony if they need help. Where we're heading, there's lots of ponies who'd be glad for any help you could offer."
  68. [19:58] <Scrap> He smiles. "I could help ponies..."
  69. [20:00] * Thunder_Strike snorts awake from snacky's excitement. huh? gah screw it ill rest when we get back. she says lifting of scrap and flying up to blackberry. if you like, I could fly ahead and get the fillies and colt from deadly a so we don't have to make the stop.
  70. [20:00] * North_Star smiles, "That's good thinkin'."
  71. [20:01] * Snack_Cake smiles right back. "Helping ponies is good!"
  72. [20:02] * Blackberry_Jam shrugs. "If you can gurantee a smooth ride, I don't see why not."
  73. [20:05] * Thunder_Strike nods. I'll be careful blackberry. she says then flys ahead to retrieve the foals.
  74. [20:06] <Scrap> Bucky looks at Blackberry_Jam. "So, will this buck be able to know what job I should do?"
  75. [20:07] * Blackberry_Jam shrugs, stealing a glimpse at Bucky's flank. "If you're willing to learn, absolutely."
  76. [20:17] <Scrap> Bucky walks on with a smile. His flank has a screwdriver and what looks like an oddly shaped landmine almost like a custom built one.
  77. [20:17] <Scrap> Thunder_Strike makes good time to the orphanage.
  78. [20:20] * Thunder_Strike lands at her door and knocks. it thunder strike.
  79. [20:22] <Scrap> The door opens with Linen standing there. "Did you deal with the raiders already?"
  80. [20:25] <Thunder_Strike> "kinda, we found an outpost. we gonna go to the stronghold, a little buck we found said they were taken there." she says
  81. [20:26] <Scrap> "Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be saving them?"
  82. [20:28] * Thunder_Strike ''relax, we are. but we need to stop by our town and resupply first. I'm here to pick up the fillies and colt that need medical attention.
  83. [20:30] * Blackberry_Jam frowns a little, sticking a cigarette in her mouth. "We're talking an organized Raider/Slaver operation, here. We'll definitely need to resupply first."
  84. [20:30] <Scrap> "Oh, Dealy already left with them. She wanted to get them back to Slash as soon as that stallion was ok to move."
  85. [20:31] * Blackberry_Jam blinks. "...She did."
  86. [20:31] * Thunder_Strike wonders when berry walked up.
  87. [20:33] <Scrap> Linen nods. "They left a little bit ago."
  88. [20:36] * Thunder_Strike ''well I guess we should go too.
  89. [20:38] * Blackberry_Jam gives a nod to Thunder_Strike. "Sweet Celestia... Why would she? Was she alone?"
  90. [20:41] <Scrap> She shakes her head. "Of course not. Muffle and the other guard were armed and she was able to get a hold of a gang close by to have a few ponies as escort. She knows better than to head out without protection."
  91. [20:43] * North_Star rubs the back of his neck, looking around
  92. [20:52] * Thunder_Strike ''well guess we go then. she says lifting off the ground again.
  93. [20:57] * Blackberry_Jam nods slowly, still a little troubled that Deadly would just up and leave. "Then we'll have to catch up with her... The others are already on their way back." She nods to Thunder_Strike and takes off after her!
  94. [20:58] * Thunder_Strike swoops under Blackberry_Jam and flys her
  95. [20:59] * Blackberry_Jam is still entirely unused to the feeling of flight. She clings for dear life.
  96. [21:00] <Scrap> The group heads back to Railyard to restock and chase down the foals in need of repairs.
  97. [21:00] <Scrap> *****End Session*****
  98. [21:00] <Scrap> 250 XP
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