
France, a messed up place

May 18th, 2015
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  1. 23:00 Rhoms The sun shone down brightly upon the coastal village of Wake Seigneur, an ancient town along the French coastline and very popular tourist destination. The quaint cottages and beautiful waters of the shores offset the intimidating, archaic look of the grand church set in the center of the town that overlooked all of the land like a watchful warden.
  2. 23:00 Rhoms Hundreds of people flowed through the area each year for when the weathers cleared enough to attract tourists to the iconic shore and welcoming scents of fresh air. Of course, others tend to come to the town for their own purposes. Perhaps today some more... uncommon visiters will arrive.
  3. 23:01 Flarburst is already on the beach, literally soaking up sun
  4. 23:01 Scottie was walking through the town, spring in his step, this was his final destination on his trip, and he found a lovely little town perfect, he also found a cool necklace, might give him some money online
  5. 23:04 Fiachra For some reason, Fiacha was allowed to bring his sword with him the whole trip. He had been keeping it closely, the security were very grabby about it. Around his neck is a translator rune, which allows him to speak English. "Where is the nearest Buffet? My stomach growls for the fresh touch of steak." Growls, getting annoyed with the sand on his feet.
  6. 23:04 Meridian relaxed at the beach, laying upon a chair wearing nothing but a pair of shorts on his massive, intensely muscular body. When he had time on break he put that teleporting ability to good use, and today Wake Seigneur was his choice of a 'lunch break'. With the alien arm fully integrated it meshed with his skin color and he showed no signs of being inhuman
  7. 23:05 Tectonic -- Walking along the beach, Stephanie is enjoying the warm rays of the sun and the breeze in her hair. She know taking a few days off from training is bad, but she stubbornly decided to go anyway. She have some relatives not so far from here and a short detour isn't going to hurt.
  8. 23:06 Wells a walked along the small town, with a modest amount of luggage over his shoulder, reading a brochure, looking less antsy than usual, "This place looks comfy....I guess. Not much to do here. I'll enjoy that, I suppose..."
  9. 23:07 Scottie looked to the beach seeing Flare, the colorful costume, the glowing. Meta. Scott, wasn't fawned of them, he didn't hate them, but from the new of a strange town called, Neo? Nexix? Neon, thats it, he knew to be worried, if there a Meta, chances are trouble is near
  10. 23:07 McGoFuckYourself The bus pulled up, opening the front doors and letting out a group of tourists. Most of them oooh'ing and aaah'ing at the sights as they filed out, except for one. A young man, wearing golden silk robes with a small silver crown atop his head. The golden-haired youth had a loop on his side carrying a battered, ancient scepter on his side and sewn into the...
  11. 23:07 McGoFuckYourself ...breast of his robes. More importantly, though, were the brilliant, snow white wings poking out of the back of his robes that drew more than a few stares towards him as he stepped off.
  12. 23:07 McGoFuckYourself He looked up from the handheld game system, before blinking several times and looking around. W-what. Beach. Cottages. What the hell was going on here? Fifteen minutes ago he stepped on a bus back at Neon, and now he was in who the fuck knows where. The angel looked around, sighing to himself as he walked along with the crowd. This was just gonna be one of those days.
  13. 23:07 McGoFuckYourself "Oh hell." The angel sighed. This was gonna be one of those days.
  14. 23:08 AnnaClaskovic was ironically sitting under the shade of an umbrella and had looked around for a while. She doesn't know any one here except Wells, but she isn't shy to talk, she gets the need to go to the beach and socialize, but she was sure. A lot of the people there... looked funny.
  15. 23:10 *** Tectonic quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  16. 23:10 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  17. 23:11 Meridian wore a pair of sunglasses as he bathed in the sun, almost ironically over his eyepatch, not paying much mind to anything around him. Further down the beach one would find a large trench that had been dug out for seemingly no real reason.
  18. 23:12 AnnaClaskovic suddenly notices Wells carrying his luggage around. She wasn't very hesitant to try and grab his attention. She started quickly shaking her palm in the air waving at him to see if he would notice her, She wanted to shout but she didn't want to catch the other's attention.
  19. 23:13 Scottie after noticing the glowing Meta, now saw the heat girl, and the man to old to be that big. "M-Maybe I should get going" He looked for the bus and saw an angel "Aw come on...Blasted Metas, chances are next thing I know some super villain will try to kill me"
  20. 23:14 Wells looked up from his interesting read. "Churches....cottages....more churches..." He then noticed Anna. He was pretty dumbfounded. "They sent someone after me....Can they really not survive without me....M-Maybe I should go home..." He approaches her, "Uh....fancy meeting you here....friend...."
  21. 23:16 Tectonic , quietly tries to move some sand with her powers. She grabs a handful of it and begin to concentrate on the sand. Slowly but surely, the grains start to levitate and in a few minutes she can create a small tornado of sand. However it quickly vanish into the thin air, due to her concentration distracted by something else.
  22. 23:17 AnnaClaskovic "You could sit down, here, look!" She pulled back a chair hiding under the table, seems as if it had been there for a while. "You did a good job with that Aegis conference, I was impressed." She compliments Wells. "Is there anything else to do in Aegis other than fighting crime?" She questioned, it had seemed she was wondering about this for a while.
  23. 23:18 Tectonic "Is that.. A red skinned glowing girl?" She thought to herself. Her uncle said he saw a lot of crazy metahumans in Neon but nothing like that one.
  24. 23:18 McGoFuckYourself The angel kept walking. Ah shit, doesn't sound like many people here are speaking English, either. Spa-French? Was that French? Was he in fucking France? Lot of, uh. churches around here. Old as hell town, from the looks of it. Just follow the crowd, man, keep walking with them, no matter how many people are staring at the wings. Okay, okay, you gotta be here for a reason, right? Divine...
  25. 23:18 McGoFuckYourself ...providence and all that shit, right? Not the first time weird shit's happened around you, that's for fucking sure. He walked towards the beach, looking at the open ocean. Even if Neon was also at the Gulf, this place just seemed...quiet. Almost tranquil, compared to the hustle and bustle of the big city.
  26. 23:20 Wells stifles his coughing as he took a seat. "Well....Uh....I do have some other stuff planned....for us. Aeigis. And stuff....liiiiike.....public projects. A museum there. A school here. You know. The stuff to stop the masses from hating you for being a rich superhuman."
  27. 23:20 Wells coughs
  28. 23:20 Fiachra impolitely starts scratching his nuts in the reaction to the heat. "Bloody Hell, I'm sweating like a Pig over the Bonfire, here." He sees where both Wells and Anna are. It takes him a while to comprehend the idea that the umbrella is blocking the sunlight. He has a brilliant idea. He walks over to the two, still kicking the sand from his feet in anger.
  29. 23:21 Wells looks up to the intimidating man, "And are you this fine day..."
  30. 23:21 AnnaClaskovic "Well, I can imagine you're very busy. What do you think of France?" She asks. "I've read so much about it in books..." She notices Fiachra standing over her table.
  31. 23:22 Scottie was very scared now, so many freak-METAS...around, why? The angel, the sand girl, that guy sitting to the flame girl, hes probably one, controls something lame like, coins
  32. 23:23 Fiachra "This thing, can I have it?" He starts shaking the umbrella in the middle of the table, "I have gold coins for it, how much is it? Can't be worth much." He starts to exchange looks between Wells and Anna.
  33. 23:24 Wells tries to process..."Gold coins....?"
  34. 23:24 Flarburst , now a walking tanning bed, hops up and heads for town. time for food
  35. 23:24 Rhoms The sun was quite welcoming to those on the beach, the people however casted suspicious glances to a few of the more notably odd visitors, some attempted to speak to the young, robed Angel, albeit in their native tongues. A child had also decided to stare at Meridian. An officer had already begun watching Fiachra closely.
  36. 23:24 Rhoms Further in town bells began to strike, sounding off the coming of noon.
  37. 23:25 Fiachra smacks a sack of what seems to be clinging metal on the table. He takes the small string holding the sack together and gold coins fell out. "Pure gold, From the Mines of Ballinamore. My father had his minions mine this gold out himself." He begs. "How much for the blocker of Sun?"
  38. 23:27 Scottie ducks down after the bell, took him a sec to realize it was just a bell and not a giant freak trying to kill him
  39. 23:28 Meridian lowered down his glasses and looked his single eye upon the kid, far too relaxed to bother moving or questioning. Locals were strange.
  40. 23:28 Wells swipes a gold coin and examines it, "This guys isn't fucking around...." He looks to Anna, "It's your decision...." He flicked it back into it's sack as the noon bell rang.
  41. 23:28 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhh, uhh. Parlay? Parlay vu On-glais?" He cannot speak French
  42. 23:28 Tectonic "Noon already? .... My God, uncle's gonna be mad at me for not informing him this long." She said in a pretty worried tone, hands starting to look for her dead phone in her small travelling backpack. After watching the sunrise she just walks along the beach and occassionally trains her power over sand. She's still shit.
  43. 23:30 AnnaClaskovic starts to feel a bit shy, this sudden encounter with someone so strange kind of scares her. "Can, c-can you please leave? I'm sorry, you can't buy public property..." She says to Fiachra. She slowly looks to Wells, shakes his hand and nods towards the crazy Irish man.
  44. 23:34 Scottie a bit scared sat down on the beach, looking a bit at the necklace he found, it was, weird to say the least. A red jewel, with what looks like an orange flame deep inside it, always feeling like it was staring at him. "You better get me some cash"
  45. 23:35 Wells shrugs at Fiachra, "No deal it seems. But I tell you what. I'd like one of those coins you have. Rare as all hell. "What would you like for one?"
  46. 23:37 McGoFuckYourself The angel kept walking around town, admiring the ancient architecture. He tapped the bluetooth headpiece in his ear. Nope. Nothing, no goddamn reception. Of-fucking-course not.
  47. 23:39 Fiachra "Either the Public Property, whatever that is, or no deal." He stares at Wells. It seems that he's determined to have the Umbrella. He crosses his arms in impatience and looks at Anna. "Unless, you're willing to sell this fine one." He smiles.
  48. 23:41 AnnaClaskovic suddenly takes notice of Fiachra talking about her. "Excuse me?" She responds surprised to the Irishman suddenly talking about her as if she's someone's property. "I'm not going to stand here and have you talk about me like I'm owned." She looks at Wells. "Wells, come on. We're only gonna get angry with this man, can we please leave?"
  49. 23:41 Rhoms The child merely laughs before running off and away from Meridian, kicking up sand as he goes. Villagers continued to try and speak with the Angel, obviously undeterred by a language barrier. A few other townsman and tourists started taking notice of Wells and Anna as they spoke with the obviously out of place swordsman.
  50. 23:41 Rhoms Along the main road could be heard the roar of a rather large vehicle.
  51. 23:42 Scottie "Man, god damn Metas, chances are this place will be a pile of dust by nightfall." Scott may of been talking a bit to loud
  52. 23:43 Wells got out of his seat, a bit miffed at the knight, "We should indeed go. Not much to do here anyway." He uses his powers to dump Fiachra's horde of gold, making it seem like an accident.
  53. 23:44 Flarburst , hotdog in hand, notices Wells and begins waling over to the little group
  54. 23:45 Flarburst "Heya, Wells!"
  55. 23:46 AnnaClaskovic gets out of her seat and takes her luggage. She sees Flare shouting in the distance and waves over. "Someone else you know?" She giggles. "You seem to be well known."
  56. 23:46 Wells turns a wide eye to his second associate. "D-Did everyone come on this vacation?"
  57. 23:47 Tectonic looks at the small forming group not too far from her, and decided to see what happened. She's also lonely as hell.
  58. 23:47 Fiachra bends over to grab his fallen coins. "What in Berenus's name happened...?" He says under his breath, he suddenly notices the two left. "HAH!" He shouts in what seems to be victory. He sits where Anna sat and props his feet upon the table. "Still Hungry..." He claims.
  59. 23:48 McGoFuckYourself The young man desperately tries to at least /talk/ with them. Maybe with a combination of hand signs, basic English, and talking real slow-like, they'll at least direct him to someone who knows how to speak his language. Yes, yes, he's an angel. Principality, whatever. Goddammit, this is some unwanted attention here.
  60. 23:51 Scottie looks around once more, seeing the angel again, he seems to be having problems, and in most likely a mistak , walk towards him "Excuse me, you alright?"
  61. 23:51 Wells looks at the incoming crowd, some of them with.....wings!? Others in.....full suits of armor!? "I....I didn't sign up for this." He whispers to himself.
  62. 23:52 Flarburst walks up to Wells, oblivious to the other unusuals around him "Fancy seing you here, eh?"
  63. 23:52 Wells "Extremely"
  64. 23:54 Flarburst "w-what?"
  65. 23:55 Flarburst finally notices the menagerie of metas gathered
  66. 23:55 Tectonic walks even closer, to the point she can be classified as a stalker. Oh, she is wearing the normal human clothes. A tanktop and shortpants with thin cardigan.
  67. 23:55 Meridian began to take notice of the others, gritting his teeth. Hopefully this wouldn't interrupt his relaxation time.
  68. 23:56 AnnaClaskovic turns around and notes the other meta's presence. She turns to Wells. "W-will we go, now?" She asks. "If you want to stay, you can, if you want.
  69. 23:56 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  70. 23:56 *** Tectonic quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  71. 23:56 *** F021_ is now known as Tectonic
  72. 23:57 Wells shakes his head 'no' furiously. "Oh god no. Please. I'm not fond of this scene either."
  73. 23:57 Rhoms Dark clouds began forming on the horizons despite the day's perfect weather. Villagers began to back off of tourists upon seeing it, some returning to their cottages in silence. Some forming small groups to speak among themselves. A very large, black truck now pulled into the village center and halted. The church bells rang out once more.
  74. 23:58 McGoFuckYourself "I dunno man, I was in Neon like, ten minutes ago, now I'm all the way in France or somewhere. Just gotta get my bearings and figure out what the he-" Probably not the best term to toss aroun.d "What the /fuck/ is going on." He looks up. "Okay. That works. I guess that's a reason or something." He sighed. "What a drag."
  75. 23:59 Fiachra looks up in the sky. "HAH! Just like home." He gets up, walks out of the umbrella's shade and walks over to the crowd of people. "Right. Who has food, because my stomach can't take anymore of this."
  76. 23:59 Tectonic looks on the horizon now, storm's coming. "Urrgh. Way to go to ruin my day. Why can't I have just /one/ perfect day without any sort of disturbance."
  77. 00:01 AnnaClaskovic looks up in the sky. "Oh. We better go quick, I'm not very comfortable in cold places..." She quickly takes up all her baggage and looks to Wells. "Where are we staying?" She asks.
  78. 00:01 Flarburst [how stormy looking is it? like cloudy or like blacked out sun?]
  79. 00:02 Meridian looked pretty displeased with the sudden weather change. Cursing under his hoarse, gruff breath he moved up from his chair and pulled on a shirt, putting aside the glasses
  80. 00:02 Rhoms [They've formed a ways off yet grow closer steadily. Dark as the night yet not enough to darken the village yet.]
  81. 00:02 Flarburst [leme know when that happens]
  82. 00:03 Scottie Neon, Scott wanted to run, and from the storm rolling in, he knew something bad was going to happen. "N-Neon huh? Well thats...ohlookatthatstormgottarun" He bolted away, he wanted to get out of this town /now/ something bad was happening and it was probably all those freaks fault
  83. 00:03 McGoFuckYourself "Welp. Against my better judgment." Sighed again. "Better go check that out."
  84. 00:03 Wells thinks to himself, 'WE!?,' He looks around panicked. "I'm sure there's an Inn or something nearby.....Does it get this dark in France?"
  85. 00:06 AnnaClaskovic keeps aiming her eyes to the clouds. "The conditions aren't this bad, usually a few clouds, not as much as this, though... this is strange..." She almost feels necessary to get under some kind of roof. Rain isn't her favorite type of weather, it wears her down to the point where she's weak. Although it seems that she's just scared of Rain.
  86. 00:08 Meridian had on him what would be an embarrassing hawaiian shirt, that of a blatant tourist and old man, if it wasn't for the mammoth of a person that wore it. Looking out he focused his eye on the truck in the center of town. Intuition told him the sudden chance had something to do with it
  87. 00:09 Scottie was speed walking to the bus, but stopped, he didn't stop cause he wanted to, but he couldn't move his legs, or arms, its as if his entire body shut down, he couldn't even move his eyes, until something else did, something else made him turn around and walk away from the bus, gripping the stone. and Sat down near Fiachra
  88. 00:09 Flarburst munched the hot dog, eyeing the skies
  89. 00:11 Wells pulled out a huge umbrella. "Wish I had my suit right now. Rain is a bitch. But I'm ready for it." He eyes the truck, "Awful spooky stuff is going down...We might have to be wary..."
  90. 00:11 Fiachra is stuffing his face with all kinds of meats, to top it off, he pops open a wine bottle and chugs it down to help push the food down. He cools off, looking at Scottie. "What's wrong wit'you?" He struggles to say trying to pick out some food out of his mouth.
  91. 00:13 Flarburst looks to Wells. "I'm sure it'l be fine. We've had worse back home, eh?"
  92. 00:13 Wells "That's exactly the point of me going on vacation..."
  93. 00:14 Scottie "You are not of this time warrior" Someone else was using his voice, it was deeper, regal, the voice of a knight, didn't match the weak nimble boy at all Scott didn't care, he was to busy freaking out. "Tell me, Celtic correct? be ready soon, something is going to happen"
  94. 00:14 McGoFuckYourself The angel pulled the scepter off of his robes, holding it with both hands as he leaned against the side of the bus, watching the clouds grow and the sky darken. Best wait, he thought to himself, as he firmly planted the scepter into the ground.
  95. 00:14 AnnaClaskovic stands close to Wells trying to get under the umbrella. "So, about Aegis?" She asks, she seems to have interest in Wells with his business with Aegis as boss.
  96. 00:16 Fiachra "Ha?" He mumbles. "Well, no, I'm not. Sent to the future, something like 2000, 3000 years..." He grabs a Giant Drumstick out of the bag of butcheries. He chomps down on the meat trying to tear off the skin. "What about it?"
  97. 00:17 Rhoms The door to the back of the truck popped open and slammed to the ground as a group of armed, armored and gasmasked men ran out in an orderly detachment. "Raus, Raus! Schnell!" a man called out from inside the truck. The men began running down the villagers, pointing fingers at cottages and shouting out "Cacher et ne pas attaquer! Aller!"
  98. 00:17 Rhoms A few more men made to run inside the church while the clouds now arrived upon the village with alarming speed, blocking out almost all of the sun's glorious rays.
  99. 00:18 Wells "Aegis? Oh well.....I have plans I suppose. Big plans. I guess this vacation is to clear my head of worries before going through with the big stuff, but as long as this sky isn't clear, my mind may as well be the same. Haha." He looks at the scene from the truck, "Now it seems I have to get involved in this." "
  100. 00:18 Scottie fell to the ground, what ever happened stopped suddenly, he was free to use his arms. But it happened at the worst time, with what was happening. "god damn freaks, I knew something was going to happen"
  101. 00:19 Meridian began to make his way towards the town as men started to go out through the town, his bag held over his shoulder, utterly fearless as he picked up on the words of the gas masked men.
  102. 00:20 McGoFuckYourself The angel follows the tall angry armored man. Aww fuck, here it goes. "Hey, you're that Meridian dude, ain'tcha?"
  103. 00:20 AnnaClaskovic suddenly looks back at the armed men jumping out of the truck. "What is going on?" She seems startled, but she doesn't want to show her fear. She tries to hide her reaction and put on a serious face.
  104. 00:20 Tectonic "Damnit!" Stephanie sighed, realizing she's neck deep in some weird shit from the darkening sky and the group of men in gas masks.
  105. 00:22 Meridian looked back down at the angel, raising one of his eyebrows. Normally he was armored, but for now the Commander of Chimera was in... well, a hawaiian vacation shirt and shorts. And sandals. Off-time was important. "Yes. I am. I'm off the job for the day. And, who are you?"
  106. 00:22 Wells drops his luggage and pulls out his gauntlets. "Join the fight or stay back Anna." He runs off into the fray. "Were those guys speaking German...?"
  107. 00:22 Flarburst , unsure of what to do, jumps into the action
  108. 00:23 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhh, Prince." Poked at the Evolutionary emblem on his chest. "Yeah, I have no clue why I'm here, either. Figure I might as well go with it."
  109. 00:23 Scottie got up, he wanted to run so bad, but something was keeping him, he looked to the masked men, and not by his own will, got up and walked towards them and the rest
  110. 00:24 Tectonic picks up some rocks and carry them inside a separate compartement on her bag, while two is levitating a few inches away from her hand.
  111. 00:24 AnnaClaskovic lights up suddenly and adjusts in the air floating above the soldiers. Her hands burst in flames as she readied some sort of an attack, she's not sure what type of attack, but she's sure as all hell staying back.
  112. 00:25 Tectonic "My first solo fight is in France, with a bunch of strangers, versus a bunch of German guys. How cool."
  113. 00:25 Meridian "Prince..." Internally he logged that, batting away thoughts of the singer that immediately came to his aging mind, then looking ahead to the men. "Well, most vacations don't have this happening. You fresh to the force or no?"
  114. 00:25 Scottie ends up near wells and flare, his bosy was up tall, standing straight and ready to fight, gripping the stone so tight the sharp edges cut into him. His face how ever was one of a child seeing war for the first time, terrified and wanting to ru
  115. 00:27 Fiachra readies his sword between his hand. The glowing aura starts to slowly fade into the blade guiding down into Fiachra's hand, the aura starts to surround him. It wraps around his skin, as it makes contact with it, A pattern emerges. The aura solidifies, creating solid light around Fiachra as if it was armor.
  116. 00:27 McGoFuckYourself Prince shook his head. "Bout two and a half years now? I dunno, something like that." He tightened his grip on the scepter as the group moved on the church. "Whatever's going on here, though, is /probably/ why I ended up getting shunted all the way across the Atlantic for. I dunno. Everything has a purpose or something, right? Mysterious ways and all that."
  117. 00:31 Tectonic "Jesus, if this is the death of me, let me die in silence. Forgive me of my sins. Earth, lend me your strength, make me stronger, as I am only puppet of your power." She's now freaking out, the ground below her starting to crack though it doesn't expand to others place.
  118. 00:32 Wells gathers a torrent of coins, he may or may not have stolen from a nearby knight, and begins surfing on them as he approaches the assailants.
  119. 00:32 Scottie face slowly harden, shutting his eyes and opening them again, changing from a normal faint brown to the deepest of blues you can imagine, he slowly and calmly walked towards the men in suits
  120. 00:32 Meridian "Well, we're going to figure it out either way I suppose" Bringing a hand to his beard for a moment he scowled. The others prepared attacks and charges and all of the like. The grand old man gave about zero signs of caring and instead kept on walking towards the men like the tank man he was.
  121. 00:33 Rhoms The men that finished with routing villagers into their homes now turned towards the party of metahumans coming their way. A squad of six formed a line with weapons at the ready, one of them holding their hand out along with a G36K. "Arrêtez! Rentrer à la maison ne pas continuer!" his words sounded off due to a very thick German accent.
  122. 00:34 Meridian spat harshly. "Sag mir, was hier vor sich geht. Ich bin im Urlaub"
  123. 00:39 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhh, Ich bin en Berliner." Prince laughed as he walked forward, straight towards the armed men, using the three-foot scepter as a walking staff.
  124. 00:41 Rhoms The lead man kept his hand and weapon readied as he stared at Meridian from behind the mask. "Bitte , aus diesem Betrieb zu bleiben , oder wir werden Gewalt. Diese Mission ist nicht zur Diskussion.". The rest of the lined men showed no fear against the assembled metas in front of them, one of them training his weapon on Prince.
  125. 00:41 Rhoms Further back could be seen a soldier saluting a much larger man in a beret and mask as the clouds only darkened and a light rain began falling.
  126. 00:43 AnnaClaskovic lands onto her feet and tries to find shelter from the rain. She stares at the men in anger, grasping a fireball in her hand ready to shoot at any form of retaliation or aggression.
  127. 00:43 Tectonic -- As she walk foward the ground she laid foot on cracks, with a rather audible sound to company it. She is called Tectonic for a reason, and trust me she is a lot weaker than her uncle.
  128. 00:43 Wells makes to the gang of men, a bit frustrated at the weather,"Drop my umbrella for a second, and this happens." He puts a shield up for whatever incoming fire awaits him.
  129. 00:45 Meridian narrowed his eye. Was that a challenge...? Cracking his neck, he looked down at them with menace in his stature. Then, after a moment of staring, the giant of a man just seemed to shrug.
  130. 00:45 Meridian "Verletzt keine Unschuldigen. Sie meinen Urlaub nicht unterbrechen." With that, he just turned around, likely to the surprise of all.
  131. 00:46 McGoFuckYourself "uhhh? What's the word?"
  132. 00:47 Tectonic "... What now?"
  133. 00:47 Meridian "They don't want us involved" There was a simple, soft huff
  134. 00:47 McGoFuckYourself "In what?"
  135. 00:48 Meridian "Their 'operation'. I told them they will not harm an innocent. If they are smart they'll listen. Not much of my issue yet" Goddamn it, Meri
  136. 00:48 Tectonic ".... As expected." With that the hurling stones around her falls.
  137. 00:48 Fiachra "Of course they don't. Those black things aren't gonna harm a thing." Fiachra cackles, laughing at their guns. "There's no blade, no bow, they're out-matched."
  138. 00:50 Scottie "...To Bad" Scott immediately punched the nearest armed man, you could swear you can see scales growing on his hand, the man flies up and lands a few feet away
  139. 00:52 Tectonic "You haven't see the power of that thing yet." She looks at Fiachra, nervously smiling from the previous heat.
  140. 00:53 Wells backs off to Meridian as he overhears the news, scared and relieved of his presence, "Who the hell else is here...? France isn't that popular is it...."
  141. 00:57 Rhoms "Kontakt!" The lead man shouted out. The men on the line erupted into gunfire in unison, aiming for the nearest persons, yet ignoring Meridian. Two men on the rooftops tossed down canisters that erupted into thin smoke screens that already began getting disturbed as the storm now hit hard. Whipping wind and freezing rain poured at once.
  142. 00:57 Rhoms The man punched seemed to be out cold. Should anybody be hit, they might notice the bullets are not breaking skin but leaving a hell of an impact.
  143. 00:58 Flarburst plops a dome around the soldiers, trapping them and their bullets
  144. 00:58 Wells puts back up his guard and returns fire, "And here I was, hoping to make peace..."
  145. 00:58 AnnaClaskovic shoots out bursts of fireballs in the directions of which the canisters have been thrown, The smoke completely enveloping her vision, she doesn't know whether or not she's hitting anything. She's careful about it, though. She doesn't want to step out in the rain.
  146. 00:59 Tectonic "REALLY?!" Stephanie growled as she stomps deep into earth and sends a wave of spikes up to a feet tall to the group of men ahead.
  147. 00:59 Scottie gains control again, and panics, getting on the ground crawling away
  148. 01:00 Meridian stops as the gunfire starts and people seem to start freaking out, letting off a long sigh. It could never be that easy to just... have a day off? Now it was starting to piss him off.
  149. 01:01 Fiachra charges at the men with his sword. The light is visible through the smoke but only at close range, but as soon as he's noticeable he jumps out of the smoke in absolute fury, He starts to shout something but it's completely muffled by the sound of guns going off in unison.
  150. 01:02 Scottie was close to crying "Whats happening to me? why did I punch him? how did he go flying? I wanna go home"
  151. 01:03 McGoFuckYourself Prince ducked, bullets whizzing over his head and just missing him by inches. Aww shit, things never go right for him, do they? He curled up in a tight ball, counting his blessings as he managed to avoid getting pinged by the bullets. Dude was an angel, a goddamn support unit rather than a frontline fighter and here he was, caught in the middle of a fucking firefight
  152. 01:06 Wells mourns the loss of the historic artifacts he's using as ammo as he sends rounds after the enemy. "Wait, just why the fuck am I fighting these guys anyway. Who are these assholes?"
  153. 01:06 Meridian brought over a hand. As if pulled by an invisible force Prince soon found that he was in front of the old man that had turned his back on the fight. Any bullets that would have gone by simply moved out of the way as soon as they would hit their mark, displaced by his psychic ability. "Keep yourself down. You aren't going to be getting far in the open"
  154. 01:07 Tectonic "Hey, you, get up and run!" She screamed at Scottie, hoping she is heard from there while continuosly trying to do more of the tricks shr learned.
  155. 01:08 Scottie with a few tears in his eyes tied to run, once again stopping "God damn I-"
  156. 01:11 Wells looks at Scottie, he seemed so helpless, pathetic. He could see a lot of himself in that guy. A strange bond or kinship. He looked deep down inside himself and yelled at Scottie, "Stop being a little bitch!"
  157. 01:11 Rhoms These soldiers seemed more than ready for the unusuals being tossed at them. Three of them already moved for cover, the other two trapped inside of Flareburst's dome, slamming rifles against it in vain. Several along rooftops started firing down into the smoke cloud. The few that made it to cover peaked out to relay positions to eachother before firing.
  158. 01:11 Rhoms Those that didn't lay upon the ground from Tectonic's spikes cutting into their feet and legs, or from Fiachra bringing about a blade to them. Lightning struck down into one of the homes violently.
  159. 01:13 Scottie looks around, once again intense blue eyes. the arm holding the gem begins to change, growing larger and fiery red scales sprout out covering it, its soon looks more fitting on a drgonborn meri then his weak body
  160. 01:14 Tectonic "My uncle said to me to keep calm and collected... Fuck that old man." Once again she stomped into the ground and voila, three medium sized boulders rised from the ground. "Take this!" And all of them flies toward the rooftop, unfocused.
  161. 01:16 Scottie stood up straight, the scaley knuckles scrapping the ground as he runs towards the men
  162. 01:16 Wells "Jesus, what are these soldiers?" He went head in towards the enemies, assaulting a couple of them physically, planning on putting them down with his fists.
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