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a guest
Sep 10th, 2016
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text 3.09 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ------------- pos = -402649135 -------------
  2. - MapBlock (24426 bytes)
  3. - Version: 25
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  9. - Static objects count: 3
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  13. - Timestamp: 10458796
  14. - Node/ID mapping version: 0
  15. - Node/ID mapping count: 67
  16. - 0x0000 / 'default:stone'
  17. - 0x0001 / 'default:dirt'
  18. - 0x0002 / 'default:pine_wood'
  19. - 0x0003 / 'air'
  20. - 0x0004 / 'lrfurn:armchair_white'
  21. - 0x0005 / 'homedecor:utility_table_legs'
  22. - 0x0006 / 'homedecor:utility_table_top'
  23. - 0x0007 / 'chains:chandelier_brass'
  24. - 0x0008 / 'chains:chain_top_brass'
  25. - 0x0009 / 'homedecor:rug_large'
  26. - 0x000a / 'homedecor:sportbench'
  27. - 0x000b / 'moreblocks:stair_pine_wood_alt_2'
  28. - 0x000c / 'default:aspen_wood'
  29. - 0x000d / 'lightsplus:gold_flat_light'
  30. - 0x000e / 'homedecor:power_outlet'
  31. - 0x000f / 'homedecor:trash_can'
  32. - 0x0010 / 'homedecor:painting_5'
  33. - 0x0011 / 'lrfurn:armchair_blue'
  34. - 0x0012 / 'lightsplus:gold_flat_light_on'
  35. - 0x0013 / 'doors:door_wood_b'
  36. - 0x0014 / 'doors:door_wood_a'
  37. - 0x0015 / 'doors:hidden'
  38. - 0x0016 / 'lrfurn:endtable'
  39. - 0x0017 / 'homedecor:trophy'
  40. - 0x0018 / 'chains:chandelier'
  41. - 0x0019 / 'default:chest_locked'
  42. - 0x001a / 'default:torch'
  43. - 0x001b / 'craft_guide:sign_wall'
  44. - 0x001c / 'homedecor:doorbell'
  45. - 0x001d / 'lightsplus:light_on'
  46. - 0x001e / 'homedecor:piano'
  47. - 0x001f / 'homedecor:expansion_placeholder'
  48. - 0x0020 / 'moreblocks:stair_pine_wood_alt_1'
  49. - 0x0021 / 'lightsplus:flat_light_on'
  50. - 0x0022 / 'lightsplus:flat_light'
  51. - 0x0023 / 'xpanes:pane_3'
  52. - 0x0024 / 'xpanes:pane_7'
  53. - 0x0025 / 'xpanes:pane_6'
  54. - 0x0026 / 'building_blocks:smoothglass'
  55. - 0x0027 / 'itemframes:pedestal'
  56. - 0x0028 / 'default:acacia_wood'
  57. - 0x0029 / 'default:meselamp'
  58. - 0x002a / 'moreblocks:glow_glass'
  59. - 0x002b / 'doors:door_obsidian_glass_a'
  60. - 0x002c / 'doors:door_obsidian_glass_b'
  61. - 0x002d / 'chains:chain_brass'
  62. - 0x002e / 'homedecor:table'
  63. - 0x002f / 'moreblocks:slope_pine_wood_outer'
  64. - 0x0030 / 'default:junglewood'
  65. - 0x0031 / 'default:stone_with_coal'
  66. - 0x0032 / 'default:glass'
  67. - 0x0033 / 'fake_fire:fake_fire'
  68. - 0x0034 / 'default:chest'
  69. - 0x0035 / 'default:bookshelf'
  70. - 0x0036 / 'lrfurn:longsofa_white'
  71. - 0x0037 / 'beds:bed_bottom'
  72. - 0x0038 / 'flowers:rose'
  73. - 0x0039 / 'homedecor:potted_bonsai'
  74. - 0x003a / 'homedecor:openframe_bookshelf'
  75. - 0x003b / 'computer:piepad'
  76. - 0x003c / 'craft_guide:sign_wall_locked'
  77. - 0x003d / 'default:gravel'
  78. - 0x003e / 'homedecor:sink'
  79. - 0x003f / 'homedecor:toilet'
  80. - 0x0040 / 'homedecor:paper_towel'
  81. - 0x0041 / 'homedecor:taps_brass'
  82. - 0x0042 / 'smartshop:shop'
  83. - Node timers version: 10
  84. - Node timers data (0 bytes)
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