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  1. <style>.lastlogin {visibility:hidden;}</style><div style=font-size:9px;position:fixed;right:0px;top:0px><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="MySpace Codes"></a></div>
  4. ☢*ELDWK* Lady Crossheart</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div> <style type="text/css"> body {background-color:000000; background-image:url(" themes/df2_zpsf053602a.jpg"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center center;} td, .text, div, input {color:FFFFFF !important;} a {color:FFFFFF !important;} img {border:0px;} table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} img, .contactTable { display:none; } .cmlContainer img, .comt img { display:inline; } table div, td td td, table div div { visibility:hidden; } font, a, .cmlsc a { visibility:hidden; } .hidenav {display:none} div.profileWidth {margin-top: -30px !important;} div.profileWidth div {filter:alpha(opacity=0); opacity:0.0001} div.profileWidth div.clearfix, hidenav hidenav hidenav, div.profileWidth div div {filter:none; opacity:0.9999} div.profileWidth div.clearfix {position:relative; top:30px} .cmlComment { This is where you control the position of the player. } table table embed {display:block; width:202px; height:35px; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; visibility:visible;} table table table embed, .cmlContainer div embed {position:static !important; width:auto; height:auto; } .text, table table table table a, table table table table div,table table table table div a {visibility:visible;} .cmlComment { You selected to hide comments. } .cmlsc { display:none; } .text, td.text td.text table, .contactTable, .lightbluetext8 {display:none;} table table, table table td {padding:0px; height:0px;} .div3 { background-color:000000;background-image:url(" themes/gothgirl_zps1b6b4981.gif"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center center; color:FFFFFF; border:1px solid; border-color:FF0000; width:250px; height:285px; overflow:auto; position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:-125px; margin-top:160px; text-align:center; visibility:visible;} .div0 { background-color:000000;background-image:url(" themes/gothgirl_zps1b6b4981.gif"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center center; color:FFFFFF; border:1px solid; border-color:FF0000; width:250px; height:285px; overflow:auto; position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:-125px; margin-top:470px; text-align:center; visibility:visible;} .div1 { background-color:000000;background-image:url(" themes/gothgirl_zps1b6b4981.gif"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center center; color:FFFFFF; border:1px solid; border-color:FF0000; width:250px; height:600px; overflow:auto; position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:-400px; margin-top:160px; text-align:center; visibility:visible;} .div2 { background-color:000000;background-image:url(" themes/gothgirl_zps1b6b4981.gif"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center center; color:FFFFFF; border:1px solid; border-color:FF0000; width:250px; height:600px; overflow:auto; position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:150px; margin-top:160px; text-align:center; visibility:visible;}marquee { z-index:8; } table div, span, td td td, table div div { visibility:hidden !important; } .cmlContainer div, .cmlContainer div font, .cmlContainer div a, .cmlContainer div div, .cmlContainer font a, .cmlContainer span, .cmlContainer div table a, .cmlContainer div table img, .cmlContainer div table font, .cmlContainer div table, .cmlContainer div table td, .comt, .comt td, .comt span, .comt a, .comt div {visibility:visible !important;} .cmlDiv {content:"FreeCodeSourcecom Div Overlay Generator";} </style> <div style="display:none;"><table><tr><td><table><tr><td><table><tr><td> MUSIC SECTION: </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></div> <a href="http://www.freecodesource[dot]com is blocked due to malware on their website" target="_blank"><img src="" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top: 0px; visibility:visible; display:inline;" border="0"></a> <div class="cmlContainer"> <div class="div3"> <font size=5></font> <a href="/home.php" class="first">home</a> <a href="" class="second">add</a> <a href="" class="first">message</a> <a href="" class="first">comment</a> <a href="" class="first">gallery</a> <a href=""class="first">blog</a> </div> <div class="div1"> <start editing below this line> <font size=5>
  6. *The female spoke*
  7. "You've heard of it, haven't you? The Legend of Sparda? When I was young, my father would tell me stories about it. Long ago, in ancient times, a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. With his sword, he shut the portal to the demonic realm, and sealed the evil entities off our world for the sake of the human world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side. I've never believed it. I always thought it was just a child's fairy tale. But I discovered that this so-called legend wasn't a myth at all. Sparda existed. How do I know? Well... I met the sons of Sparda... Both of them. Although the same blood of their father flowed through their veins, the two battled each other fiercely like arch-enemies. It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting. But in the end... only one was left standing."
  9. The Character of Lady Crossheart was created in MySpace in 2002. As Well as the Crossheart Family.
  11. Lady Is Based only her Looks from the Character Of DMC3 any other Charcteristics to the Anime or game are only a casualty.
  13. Lady Crossheart (Real Name of Lady is Mary)
  14. Lady the Daughter to a Demon God and A Goddess
  15. Her Parents were:
  16. Mother Goddess:Isis
  17. Father: Demon God Abaddom
  18. Both of her parents were powerful gods. Now read it carefully for I dont want to be asked again what I am telling you Already. I am Mary , When i was a Young Child, I witness how my father Raped and Murder my mother, My mother had Bright Green Eyes My Father Had Dark like blood eyes, No one ever at the time Believe i was there child until the Day i opened my eyes I have a Bright green eye and a Dark red like blood eye, The moment My father Killed my mother I promised my self i would Kill him at the time I did not know they were gods or That I was A Demon Goddess, and live only to kill HIM, Once I faced him he was in the ground he called my name but I was hurt i decided that Day Mary Died and Lady Crossheart was born and at times I become Lady Crossheartless my Demon Side.
  20. **This was the last time Lady saw her father**
  22. Arkham: "Ugh... how could I...? I am God! No one here can stop me!"
  24. Lady: "What a surprise... here I was, looking for you, and lo and behold, you come to me."
  26. Arkham: "Mary...."
  28. Lady: "Don't ever call me that again. Only my mother could ever say my name!"
  30. Arkham: "Mary... please... Wait, do you really want to shoot me? Can you shoot me? Your own father!
  32. Arkham: "What have I done wrong!? Even the heroic Sparda sacrificed a woman so that he could become a legend! Wished to be a GOD! And I sacrificed one miserable being for that reason, that is all... Is that really so awful? I have some unfinished business to take care of... Help me, Mary.
  34. Lady: "Mary died a long time ago. My name is Lady. Goodbye, father."
  36. Arkham: "NO-!"(bang bang bang bang)
  38. Lady: "Here I thought I wasn't gonna cry..."
  40. After I killed my Father I had nothing else to live for, I had just found out I was a Demon Goddess and that only a God can Kill another god if they have the right weapon.
  41. </font> <br><br>
  42. </div> <div class="div2"> <start editing below this line> <font size=5>☢*ELDWK* Lady Crossheart</font> <br> I walked among humans and demons, I started to hunt my own kind the demons to make them pay for the pain, i will always carry of how i could have saved my mother and i dint. I walk along the humans making them Think i am just like ther rest of the people a human an insult but I have to kill the pain. I kill the demon kind as you know most Demons are evil but then again there are the those Demons and Me.
  44. After a great battle with one of the toughest Demons Alucrad the Vampire lord, I was injured i only know i woke up by the side of a man, his name is Vergil Sparda, he healed my flesh wounds, and slowly i fell for him, with out knowing, and he felt the same, but we knew that we could not be together for his life was in danger for I would one day have to kill him. If i staid by his side his life was indanger with me as my life was in Danger with him for at some point he would try and kill me., i never told him that the night we spent together gave me a gift i carried his child Caela Until one day he saw my daughter, He knew it was his For she Has his same Character and his attitude. since that Day on he has been in and out of our lives. As i went along life i started to adopt children as i had always wanted a large family.
  46. One day i had a surprise visitor, life changed a bit from there on, since then, I have become to every one The Infamous Lady Crossheart i have decide to Kill every Demon that stands in my way, at times i can be a monster, Killing due to the pain of my past losses but then again, I hunt and kill Demons 1. For the pay and 2. For the joy of it.
  48. Since then i have hunted and killed my Share of Demons a long side my best friends (Sensai)Kyo C. |Dhampir|™ , Dante Sparda and othere I find in the way, they are what i call heroes to Humanity, we kill we hunt only Demons, but if i ever go back to being Lady Crossheartless I might even forget the #1 rule to never kill Humans. Humans are weak up to a point there also very interesting Creatures of there nature.
  50. Lady can be a very loving person but she can all so be a Bitch and make any one fell less than trash.
  52. (The way to know if Crossheartless is out is to look at lady's eyes if both of them are red Run as fast as you can)
  54. Lady Crossheart:
  55. Lady Crossheart Is A Very Peculiar Person To some she might seem like a Bitch but she is not Dont be fooled. Lady Loves a Good Battle Hasent Been able to find that Perfect Battle or some one to beat her yet. All that she knows It is Thanks to her Teacher and Friend Kyo Sparda A.K.A. Le Septieme Roi (the seventh King) He took his time to teach her all that she knows in Battle Skills. One Day she will find her Sensei again since he left on a mission. Lady Is Fond Of Man she rather Have guy friends than Female friends. Along the Way She Met her Best Friends many of them. If you see some one with there Last name Make sure you dont mess with them Lady has a small temper she will warn you and once you have been warned 3 times she will automatically kill your character (I DONT GIVE A F*** IF YOU GET F***EN HURT OVER IT YOU PISS ME OFF YOU PAY WITH THE LIFE OF YORU CHARACTER!)
  57. Lady enjoys a good Para Rp Battle any thing that keeps her mind out of the Clouds or Planing a war. All the Family that Lady has Cousins brothers sisters there all adopted but as her family she will defend them. Lady has her kids whom some are adopted and others are Blood but to her there all the same. Lady Has met a handsom devil he drives her crazy and wild. Lady likes to play by her rules and only she is allowed to break her own rules once in a while. Lady is a Total Flirt when She wants to or She could be the most hated person she also enjoys a good laughter. Lady might look weak to you but she is only studing you making sure what is all that you can do. Lady has many abilities but her greates one Is a seacret weapon her knight Zaster Made for her.
  58. knight: If in Battle Lady beat her Oponent he will become her knight.
  60. other than that Lady is pretty cool. just dont bring her drama or anything and Everything Will Be fine.
  61. Now you know a little more of Lady Crossheart.
  62. NO DRAMA!!! (THIS IS THE INFO ON THE ORIGINAL CHARACTER I JUST GAVE IT A TOTAL SWITCH DONT LIKE IT WELL YOU HAVE A DELETE BUTTON MAKE USE OF IT!) Lady’s Profile Mary, or “Lady” as she likes to be called, plays the lead female role in Devil May Cry 3. She is also one of the only pure human characters featured in this game, along with her father, Arkham. When she is first introduced her motives for wanting to enter the tower are clouded in mystery, but she more then proves that she is capable of looking after herself amongst the legions of demons roaming around the areas. Lady shows incredible athletic abilities and demonstrates her skills with her multiple firearms; pistols, machine guns, grenades and of course, her massive Rocket Launcher which she likes to call “Kalinna Ann”. She uses a jet powered motor bike to help her navigate the tower, which is capable of scaling vertical walls easily. She also shares her fathers red and blue eyes trait.
  64. <object width="250" height="250" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="gsPlaylist8833447982" name="gsPlaylist8833447982"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="wmode" value="window" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="" /><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="250" height="250"><param name="wmode" value="window" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="" /><span><a
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