
Zinc or Swim

May 5th, 2012
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  1. >Your bloodless extermination experiment failed, lamentably.
  2. >But the zinc-based 'Fluffy Stomach Pump' technique you submitted to YouTube got a lot of positive comments from pony owners in the month since.
  3. >Especially after you figured out how to do it by cutting a post-1982 penny in half and filing the cut side for zinc.
  4. >You still have your ponies in the backyard cages.
  5. >The dams foaled a week after your experiment, producing three living ponies between them.
  6. >You still have your chunk of zinc, currently holding down a job as a paperweight on your computer desk.
  7. >And next to it, you have the notes on zinc's effect on pony stomachs recorded in your handy, dandy notebook.
  8. >The chunk and notebook are better company than the ponies, but that's neither here nor there.
  9. >There's one hypothesis that's been begging for testing.
  10. >You formulated it roughly around the time you had to bathe the original four crap-smeared fluffies.
  11. >Fluffy ponies sink like rocks once their fluff gets waterlogged.
  12. >However, hydrogen gas floats.
  14. >It's a hot day today.
  15. >You decide to put your hypothesis to the test.
  16. >A sparing hand is needed on the zinc, of course.
  17. >Less than a gram of zinc was enough to bloat Buddy and Cannon so badly that it forced out the contents of their alimentary tract.
  18. >Violently, in Cannon's case; hence the moniker.
  19. >(It used to be Shitcannon until your parents announced a visit.)
  20. >You gently file your chunk until you have a small pile of zinc on a sheet of wax paper.
  21. >Then, using a paring knife, you separate out several grains.
  22. >Now you need something to put this zinc in.
  23. >Sticky would be best for taking the zinc off the knife, and sweet would be best for actually getting the pony to eat.
  24. >Fortunately, you thought ahead and laid in a stock of the best candy bar on the market: Caramello.
  25. >You open a bar and break off one of the squares.
  26. >Carefully balancing the grains on the tip of the knife, you slide it into the slit where the caramel peeks out of the square.
  27. >Then extract the knife, scraping the flat against the edge of the candy.
  28. >An inspection of the blade reveals no grains of zinc left on it.
  29. >You fuckin' MacGyver.
  31. >Time for the test!
  32. >You set your candy square down, lick the melted residue off your fingers, and head out to the yard.
  33. >After the experiment, you pulled up some of the dividing wire to make one larger cage and one 'time-out' cage.
  34. >You also replaced the wooden plank that was serving as the 'gate' with a sheet of plexiglass.
  35. >It lets you keep an eye on them from the backdoor.
  36. >All the ponies are in the large cage at present.
  37. >You take some chow out to them.
  38. >Then you head for the storage shed and pull out your old inflatable wading pool and your bike pump.
  39. >One of the new fluffy colts watches the pool over his food the entire time you're inflating and filling it.
  40. >It's a sea-green earth pony.
  41. >He's been trouble since he got big; he seems have a morbid fascination with water.
  42. >In defiance of millions of... hours... of fluffy evolution.
  43. >Lately you've been coming home to find six parched ponies gasping at you through the summer heat.
  44. >With a content Sea-green lying in the middle of the empty water trough, having long since splashed the water out or absorbed it into his fluff.
  45. >Annoying as it usually is, you decide to let it work for you today.
  47. >You fetch the candy from inside.
  48. >Meanwhile, Sea-green stares at the pool and scrapes his soft hooves on the plexiglass.
  49. >Returning to the yard, you pick him up.
  50. >"Have you been a good fluffy today, Sea-green?"
  51. >"Seagween good fwuffy, yup!" he squeaks.
  52. >"Have you been leaving the drinking trough alone?"
  53. >"Seagween no touch twof! Seagween good fwuffy! Pway wif Seagween?" he replies, still transfixed by the pool.
  54. >"Sure. But first, I got you a treat, since you've been so good."
  55. >Sea-green's eyes light up as you present the candy to him, and he gobbles it quickly.
  56. >"Fank 'oo!" he says, beaming you a chocolatey smile. "Pway now?"
  57. >You set him down and he quickly runs over to inspect the pool.
  58. >"Dis twof big!"
  59. >"That's not a trough, it's a pool," you correct.
  60. >"Puuw? Can pway in puuw?"
  61. >"Sure, buddy."
  62. >(Meters away, Buddy momentarily loses the train of his thoughts as he hears his name.)
  63. >"Pick Seagween up pwease? Want to pway in puuw!" chirps the aquatic-minded pony.
  64. >"Do you? Are you feeling all right? It's dangerous to get in the pool of you're tired or hurt anywhere."
  65. >"Seagween fine, siwwy! Poow!"
  66. >Apparently the meagre dose of zinc isn't hurting his stomach yet.
  68. >Obediently, you pick up your pony and set him in the pool.
  69. >You keep his back fluff in hand, to test the buoyancy.
  70. >He begins to panic and thrash water when he realizes his hooves can't touch the bottom.
  71. >"Hewp! Hewp! Wata too deep!"
  72. >However, the hydrogen in his stomach seems to do its job, and eventually he realizes he's not sinking.
  73. >Ecstatic, he begins to splash and maunder, meaningless syllables pouring out of his mouth.
  74. >You take the opportunity to soak his back fur with your free hand, to see if the hydrogen can buoy up a fully waterlogged pony.
  75. >"Seagween tummy feew funny..." he says, when you finish weighing him down.
  76. >"Ok? Funny how?" you reply.
  77. >"Tummy feew... pushy! Pushy tummy push Seagween!"
  78. >Then he hiccups.
  79. >You laugh as he goes back to splashing.
  81. >Time for the final test.
  82. >You let go of your pony's back fluff.
  83. >Sea-green panics again for a moment when he feels you release him.
  84. >But when no death is forthcoming, he starts to flap around in the water on his own.
  85. >You watch him carefully with your hands ready as he paddles across the pool, hiccuping occasionally.
  86. >"Ok Sea-green, you're doing great, try to come back to me now!" you cajole.
  87. >"Coming!" the pony answers.
  88. >But as he tries to angle around in the water, the gas in his stomach shifts it to the side.
  89. >You start as Sea-green heels completely over, turning bottom-up.
  91. >Luckily, his muzzle remains above water.
  92. >He waggles his hooves in the air to try to roll over.
  93. >But the gas trapped in his stomach resolutely refuses to go below the water level again.
  94. >"Sowwy daddy!" he calls. "Pushy tummy no wet come back! Pushy tummy puwwing Seagween now!"
  95. >You laugh at this and pull his rear hoof, skimming him through the water backwards.
  96. >He giggles and hiccups uncontrollably as you let go and he bumps into the side of the pool.
  97. >"You play as much as you like, ok?"
  98. >"Fank 'oo daddy! *hic*" he says, wiggling his legs again.
  99. >You step inside to get a drink and a kitchen towel, keeping an eye on him through the back door as he floats placidly and babbles.
  101. >You return with the towel, prepared to dry your pony once he gets tired of playing.
  102. >Sea-green is quiet as you sit down by the poolside again.
  103. >"You done playing?" you ask, tugging a hoof.
  104. >He looks at you and waves his other hooves, but gives no answer.
  105. >Curious and a little unnerved, you grab his belly fluff and haul the heavy, wet pony out of the pool, then set him down on the grass.
  106. >Holy crap, not breathing.
  107. >You roll him over, trying to make sense of this; his muzzle isn't even wet.
  108. >Picking him up by the tail, you hold him face-down and squeeze his chest.
  109. >Sea-green coughs and produces a slimy brown liquid from his mouth and nose.
  110. >Then starts rubbing it with his front hooves.
  111. >You squeeze again and again, and more flows out of the spluttering pony.
  112. >After the last squeeze, Sea-green gasps air and then retches out more brown goop onto the lawn.
  113. >"Nose buwning! Mean nose huwt fwuffy!" he complains, once he stops gulping air.
  114. >So the brown stuff is the contents of his stomach.
  115. >Looks like the gas pushed it back up his esophagus and it spilled into his lungs while he was upside-down.
  116. >Against all odds, fluffy pony nearly drowned on solid food and a hiccup.
  117. >Fluffy pony should have waited an hour before swimming after eating.
  118. >You sit perplexed for a minute, as Sea-green rubs at his nose and spits.
  120. >Coming to a decision, you tuck Sea-green under your arm and head for the storage shed again.
  121. >Breaking out your tackle box, you fetch out an old lead sinker.
  122. >You grab some of the wet fur on your pony's belly and thread it through the eyehole, then tie it.
  123. >Heading back to the pool, you set your fluffy in the water again.
  124. >Sea-green looks at you in quiet panic as you let go.
  125. >"Sorry buddy, but I have to see if this will work."
  126. >He doesn't seem inclined to move, so...
  127. >You tilt him to the side, then let go again.
  128. >The sinker pulls him upright.
  129. >YouTube ahoy!
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