
On Fighting Game Skill Floors

Feb 6th, 2017
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  1. Me:
  2. Friend: In all fairness, using obscure inputs for various attacks is a terrible control design
  3. Me: in all fairness, you really can't do it any other way
  4. Friend: smash managed it
  5. Me: smash has less moves
  6. Friend: It's almost like that's a good idea or something
  7. Me: and a totally different movement and fighting system
  8. Friend: directional ABXY would work pretty well I think for a lot of players who aren't already into fighting games
  9. Me: Directionals are used for command normals
  10. Friend: A large part of the learning curve for new players to that kind of game is even being able to do the standard attacks on command
  11. Me: Have you played Pocket Rumble and Rising Thunder?
  12. Friend: The difference between winning and losing should be decisions the player makes, not an input too hard for incoming players to even do
  13. Me: or Fantasy Strike?
  14. Friend: Also no, but you mentioned the latter like 20 times
  15. Me: there's 3 of these games with easy special moves now, and none of them work nearly as well as regular fighting games
  16. Me: though rising thunder doesn't exist anymore
  17. Friend: And Street Fighter had how many years to get the formula down right? Rising Thunder had what fraction of the budget and how much less time/iterations?
  18. Me: Street Fighter 2 got it right
  19. Friend: And how big was the team/budget compared to Rising Thunder?
  20. Me: and the problem isn't the team or budget
  21. Me: the problem is the method of approach
  22. Friend: If you had only played Street Fighter 1, you would be saying the same thing
  23. Me: No. I certainly would not
  24. Friend: k
  25. Me: the problem isn't budget, team, time, etc
  26. Friend: I'll make this conversation a lot shorter for both of us - fuck fighting games! >:3
  27. Friend: Fighting games are terrible
  28. Friend: There, already escalated as far as it can go
  29. Friend: If Rising Thunder didn't succeed, then fighting games are fundamentally flawed
  30. Me: fighting games are fine as what they are
  31. Me: That's my whole point
  32. Me: It's not a bad design
  33. Me: it's a design that works for those games
  34. Friend: For the people who already know them, they're fine
  35. Friend: And that's the problem. They only work if you already know what to do.
  36. Me: It makes them harder to learn
  37. Friend: For new players, it's terrible
  38. Me: and that's the price they pay
  39. Friend: Right. Which isn't good design. A game being won or lost should not come down to the input being too hard to do what you know you need to do
  40. Friend: In no other game genre on earth will someone flub an input 20 times in a row and lose the game
  41. Friend: When they know what they need to do
  42. Me: I don't agree with the idea that it's all about the decisionmaking in the first place. I don't believe that good game design is purely about decisionmaking
  43. Me: I think that including things that are low affordance or require execution skill can be a boon to particular games
  44. Friend: I didn't say it should be all about decision making.
  45. Me: Because it allows players to diversify themselves in terms of what skills they master
  46. Friend: All I said is that the game should not come down to the input being too difficult. That's not mastery of anything, that's not a skill of any sort.
  47. Me: yes, it is
  48. Me: it literally is a skill
  49. Me: the ability to perform an action consistently is a skill
  50. Me: these inputs are not too difficult
  51. Me: no game uses pretzel inputs anymore
  52. Me: the input read algorithms across the board are very well developed by this point
  53. Friend: On a controller? Where people actually play these games?
  54. Me: Yes
  55. Me: I play on a controller
  56. Me: I play better on a controller
  57. Me: people win evo on controllers
  58. Friend: And again, your perspective is skewed. You already know how to do it. I'm not arguing that it doesn't work for advanced players, but that it doesn't work for any newcommers.
  59. Friend: Fuck evo, it's irrelivent, and the complete opposite of the point I'm trying to make
  60. Me: I am aware this makes it harder for newcomers
  61. Me: I am very aware, however that's the price you pay for the depth you gain
  62. Me: it's possible to strike a balance like smash bros
  63. Friend: There is no depth to be had in artifically making controller inputs more difficult
  64. Me: but that requires investment in other areas
  65. Me: They're difficult for a reason
  66. Friend: If I can reduce the skill ceiling of your game by using a keyboard with a fuckton of macro keys, that wasn't skill
  67. Me: If Zangief's command throw was 1 button, what do you think that would change?
  68. Friend: The skill floor!
  69. Friend: It would change exactly that
  70. Me: his command throw by the way is a huge amount of unblockable damage with a reasonably large range
  71. Me: and the input is a 360 spin then punch
  72. Me: if you change that, then it actually changes the tactics during the match
  73. Me: it makes that move WAY more powerful
  74. Me: because the amount of time it takes to input that, is a factor in the tactics of the match
  75. Friend: Cool. Do it. Don't balance your game around raising the skill floor as high as possible
  76. Friend: That's idiotic if you do
  77. Me: There's easier characters than Zangief in the game
  78. Me: he is a hard character to play
  79. Friend: This is the exact stuff that stops fighting games from being as popular as any other game genre
  80. Me: and he is in the game because people like playing hard characters
  81. Me: sure
  82. Me: I agree with you
  83. Friend: The skill floor is too high and the game is balanced around that
  84. Me: but if you got rid of it, then they would be worse games
  85. Friend: People literally cannot play it
  86. Friend: They try, they fail, and they move on
  87. Me: and I'd place the blame there on the tutorials
  88. Friend: It's a disservice to the game by denying new blood to the community
  89. Me: It's a bigger disservice to the game to neuter it in favor of attracting a larger audience
  90. Friend: Not if you find a way to have both
  91. Friend: Smash showed it's possible
  92. Me: Yes, it did
  93. Me: but it also did a lot of stuff differently
  94. Me: and it has the same difficult inputs fighting games do
  95. Me: but you don't need to know them until you're a tournament player
  96. Friend: Smash's inputs are simple enough that I can teach it to a 4 year old in a minute or two
  97. Me: teach him to wavedash
  98. Friend: If I try to show an adult the street fighter controls, I need a chart
  99. Friend: Wavedashing isn't the skill floor, I got pretty damn good without learning it
  100. Me: I've taught a ton of people how to play street figher with no visual guide, nothing but my words
  101. Me: You're correct
  102. Me: I was not disagreeing
  103. Me: The thing is, smash is very very different from other fighting games, it gains its depth in different ways
  104. Me: and you cannot translate that to existing fighting games very easily
  105. Me: or possibly at all
  106. Friend: Teaching somene what a dragon punch is actually requires effort to make them comprehend it, since nothing else on earth uses it
  107. Friend: Criken found JC3MP
  108. Me: teaching someone to perfect split in startcraft requires effort too
  109. Me: it's a part of the game
  110. Friend: Not the skill floor
  111. Friend: You can play Starcraft competently without that
  112. Friend: And becuse of how it's designed, you pick it up on your own eventually
  113. Friend: Instinctively
  114. Friend: "I need units here and here, I'm just going to go do that"
  115. Me: perfect splits? ehhh, not necessarily, but I can't disagree
  116. Me: fighting games have a huge investment up front they require from the players, and that limits the growth of the genre
  117. Me: however there is no way to change this without compromising what makes fighting games worth playing
  118. Me: or requiring them to change into something completely different from what they currently are
  119. Me: like smash bros
  120. Me: in order to compensate for this, I think they need better, gamified, tutorials
  121. Me: like skullgirls
  122. Me: and guilty gear
  123. Me: which is what RTS have done
  124. Me: like Starcraft 2's tutorial missions
  125. Me: that have you practice simple scenarios
  126. Me: or the RTS tactic of having the campaign be an informal tutorial, slowing showing you each unit in a context where it's useful
  127. Me: fighting games have never had an equivalent to that, and Guilty Gear perfected the formula with its mission and combo trial modes
  128. Me: That and a quarter circle forward or a dragon punch input are not that hard
  129. Me: especially in modern fighting games
  130. Friend: Oh and even worse, some games like Blazblue call the buttons ABCD and confuse players in the tutorial
  131. Friend: For no good reason
  132. Friend: Making system specific button pictures is not hard
  133. Friend: It's not even hard to change it depending on the input method
  134. Friend: Games in other genres do it all the time
  135. Me: that's...
  136. Friend: Where the tutorials update depending on if you use a keyboard or 360 or ps4 controller
  137. Me: they're trying to get you on their system
  138. Me: because it's not square, triangle, or XYBA
  139. Me: it's ABCD
  140. Me: some fighting games let you show either the buttons on the controller or the in-game button it's associated with
  141. Me: like the guilty gear tutorials do
  142. Friend: A new player playing the tutorial doesn't need to know that
  143. Me: Yes, they do
  144. Friend: They just need to know what to push
  145. Friend: It doesn't matter to a new player if they call it Y or B, they just need to know what button to push
  146. Me: SFV's tutorial shows you both icons at the same time
  147. Friend: It adds another layer of shit to push through for new players just trying to get through the very first tutorial
  148. Me: the reason is because it's rebindable, and fighting game control schemes are patterned the way they are to make a mental metaphor for the relationships between the buttons
  149. Friend: "PUSH THE D BUTTON" *looks down at controller* "I don't have that button?"
  150. Friend: So what? If it's rebindable... show what it's currently bound to!
  151. Friend: Problem solved
  152. Friend: PC games do this all the time
  153. Friend: Vast majority even
  154. Me: except that's harmful to the learning process of figuring out what the buttons are supposed to be across characters
  155. Friend: They're all the same though! If you bind A to triangle, it'll be triangle to all of them
  156. Friend: It's not going to be per-character keybinds
  157. Friend: And if you just show the triangle button, you know to just push that button
  158. Me: But you want to know that it's A B and C, not triangle, square, or circle
  159. Friend: Why?
  160. Me: because it's easier to store the information that way
  161. Friend: Bullshit, DMC did it with the buttons and it had no problems
  162. Me: I mean in your brain
  163. Me: like in street fighter, it's LP MP HP, LK MK HK
  164. Friend: How? In the age of QTEs, where EVERYONE can push whatever button on reflex by thinking of it, how is changing what you're trying to push help at all?
  165. Me: you want to know that these buttons go upwards in ascending order of strength
  166. Me: and there's one row of punches on top, and kicks on the bottom
  167. Friend: Step 1: Find the damn button. Step 2: Find out what it does. You're missing the step 1 here!
  168. Me: you don't want to know, "triangle, square, R2"
  169. Friend: When I first picked up Marvel, I had to actually turn off the game and READ THE PHYSICAL MANUAL to figure out wtf the S button was supposed to be
  170. Me: because then you can't relate together that they're in the same category
  171. Me: ABCS
  172. Friend: Right! It's not even consistent!
  173. Me: you want to know that they chain and S is special, the launcher
  174. Friend: Between games, there's no standard!
  175. Me: guilty gear has P K S H D
  176. Friend: Why is it D on one game and S on another? And why should I care and not just call them A like a normal person?
  177. Me: because it's played on a fight stick primarily
  178. Me: It's not A
  179. Friend: Whenever going through the Marvel tutorials, you know what I had to do first?
  180. Me: it's S
  181. Friend: I had to translate them
  185. Me: Because you want to think of it as the function it performs, not the physical button on the gamepad!
  186. Friend: WHY IS THIS SO HARD
  187. Friend: Not when I'm learning it!
  188. Friend: I don't CARE about what function it performs IF I CANT FIND THE BUTTON
  189. Me: Then that's the problem with the tutorial, and other games have solved the tutorial issue
  190. Friend: That's like showing someone an FPS for the first time and telling them to push the shoot button! WHO FUCKING KNOWS WHAT THAT IS WITHOUT ALREADY PLAYING ONE BEFORE
  191. Friend: Is the shoot button A? Right trigger? Right bumper? B? X? Every game has a different one
  192. Me: It's not the same in an FPS, because the buttons don't have relationships with each other
  193. Friend: Just show the button
  194. Me: because the buttons don't have a chaining order
  195. Friend: Lies! People got things like the BXR in Halo 2 just fine
  196. Friend: There are cases where it can be proven that people can pick up on it if you give them the chance
  197. Me: and because every game has the buttons do different things that are the same across all the characters in that game
  198. Friend: Know what buttons you need to do for the BXR? B... then X... then R!!!
  199. Me: with P K S H, that's different for every player on every control scheme
  200. Friend: Calling something low kick or high kick doesn't make a degree of sense, since "low kick" and "high kick" ARE the same for every character
  201. Friend: Whatever, fuck it, I have to make dinner and get to class
  202. Friend: Out of time to discuss this
  203. Friend: I made my point, you just don't give a damn
  204. Friend: Just know that at this rate, fighting games will literally never grow
  205. Me: whenever I play guilty gear, on a new PC, I need to switch it back to showing PKSHD or I can't tell what the fuck they're trying to tell me to do
  206. Me: the notation they have is fucking sensible
  207. Friend: And if you're fine with having an isolated community of hardcore players that is inpenetrable for newcommers, then be my guest
  208. Me: the tutorials just need to show new players both the button and its label
  209. Me: Dude, if they change it, it won't be worth playing anymore
  210. Me: it'll be like smash 4
  211. Friend: hahaha
  212. Me: They're presenting things in the way that makes it easiest to understand the game in the long term
  213. Friend: You have so little faith in the game if you think changing it from S to A is going to make the game literally unplayable
  214. Friend: What a pathetic, fragile genre
  215. Me: I'm talking about all the stuff, not that
  216. Friend: k
  217. Me: they're teaching the player better by labeling the buttons this way
  218. Friend: Which is why new players struggle to make the right inputs
  219. Friend: Because it's for their own good
  220. Friend: Just like how it drives them to drop the game
  221. Friend: It's for their own good
  222. Me: Guilty Gear built better tutorials
  223. Me: so did skullgirls
  224. Me: capcom games need to catch up
  225. Me: but SFV did show you both the button and the label for the button in the tutorial
  226. Friend: If you're 'teaching the player better' by making the game harder to learn, you're fucking up in a major way
  227. Friend: Somewhere along the line, you failed
  228. Me: it's harder to learn, but easier to understand
  229. Friend: Not at first it isn't
  230. Friend: And first impressions matter
  231. Me: at least we're not tekken, they call the buttons 1 2 3 4
  232. Friend: You mess that up, you lose the player forever
  233. Friend: Dammit I'm wasting too much time, I need to get dinner going now or I'm not eating tonight
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