
Anons New Chapter3: Scootaloo's Sisterhooves Social

Sep 22nd, 2015
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  1. > It had been nearly a week since that incident.
  2. > Since then the Elements had dropped all contact with you altogether.
  3. > Pinkie Pie had tried to talk to you for a bit after, but after the way she played you awhile back you didn't bother with her.
  4. > You sat at your desk staring down at a book on how to cook different meals.
  5. > In that week you had worked on bettering yourself mentally.
  6. > Which was a pain considering...
  8. > You groan.
  9. > Construction...
  10. > After the Doctor and his crew moved in they felt as if the house needed some renovation.
  11. > Derpy was also staying with you for a bit, she was still getting check-ups from the Doctor.
  12. > Her noggin was still a little bruised but that was it.
  13. > She was staying in your room.
  14. > You had told them home renovation was okay as long as they didn't touch your study or bedroom.
  15. > And if they stayed out of the backyard.
  16. > Peeking behind you you could see Aggro chasing his tail around in the back yard.
  17. > He was kicking up chunks of dirt effortlessly as he did so.
  18. >....
  19. > Someone else could deal with that.
  20. > This was not the only change.
  21. > Apparently some of the fillies and colts around here idolized you.
  22. > They even made a game about you.
  23. > Anon and the Basilisk.
  24. > Basically they stacked on each other to make you and then fought a single, unlucky foal who was the Basilisk.
  25. > It was kind of cute too watch actually.
  26. > That toppled with the many gifts life was going pretty great.
  27. > You had heard news of Dash acting weird but you chalked it up to her being the usual sore-loser.
  28. > The door to your study clicked open as a gruff stallion with a construction hat on peeked in.
  29. > "Anonymous, your friend would like to know if you would like a traditional or modern kitchen.
  30. "I don't really care..."
  31. > "Alright..."
  32. > The door closed.
  33. > "He wants traditional guys!"
  34. > A cheer was heard.
  35. > Followed by a shout from the back.
  36. > "Jack Hammer fell in the back yard!"
  37. > "Crap, get the crane!"
  38. > "AHHH!!"
  39. > You close the blinds.
  40. > Aggro wouldn't actually hurt them.
  41. > He was just going to play with them.
  42. > They way he did it you could swear he was going to eat your face off though.
  43. > Pulling out a golden box the size of your head you click it open.
  44. > It was filled to the brim with the cigars Iron Will had made.
  45. > After you gave him the feedback he had told you how to make the recipe.
  46. > Everything used in the grey goop and two more ingredients under the name 'Whopping bark' and 'Truths Desire".
  47. > You lit one up and let it jut out of your mouth as you leaned back in your chair.
  48. > They were still hard to get used to whenever you took a puff it felt like you were just breathing in air.
  49. > Stale air at that but still.
  50. > You blew it off into the air and rub you stubble.
  51. > You decided to shave the wildman beard and keep a little bit of stubble on your chin.
  52. > It looked much more professional than before.
  53. > Staring at the ceiling you think about what to do next.
  54. > Maybe you could go on a vacation.
  55. > You had heard good things about Manehatten...
  56. > The door to your study creaked open slowly.
  57. > Turning towards it you could see the Doctor poke his head through the door.
  58. > "Anonymous you've got a visitor."
  59. > Opening the door fully he stood there with a nervous looking orange filly.
  60. > Oh it was Scootaloo.
  61. > What was she doing here?
  62. " Scoots, what are you doing here?"
  63. > She almost seemed to pass out at the nickname.
  64. > "I-I needed t-to-to"
  65. > "OH CELESTIA HE'S...licking me?"
  66. > "He's tasting you Jack, don't worry we've got a crane!"
  67. > "What is he doing!?"
  68. > "He's got a hold of the crane!"
  69. > "Tell my wife I love her!"
  70. > "Jaccck!"
  71. > A loud snap followed by the sound of twisting metal reverberated throughout your house.
  72. > Scootaloo's ears folded back as you plugged yours.
  73. "Let's go somewhere else shall we?" You shout over the commotion.
  74. > The two of you sat quietly at the ice cream palor.
  75. > It was right across from Sugarcube corner and it didn't nearly get as much business.
  76. > You gave them yours though.
  77. > And by extension...
  78. > Multiple ponies sat all around you, staring at you intently.
  79. > Everybody elses...
  80. > Leaning back in your chair Scootaloo takes a lick of her triple scoop ice cream.
  81. > The entire walk over she had been dead silent.
  82. > Whenever you looked back she had looked away, blushing profusely.
  83. > She was fidgeting in her seat now.
  84. "Sooo... how's the Ice cream?" you ask her leaning back.
  85. > You didn't have a job yet, but after saving the town some ponies (Namely parents) had sent you some bits.
  86. > She nodded silently.
  87. > Something was up.
  88. > With a sigh you lean forward and place both your elbows on the table.
  89. > Woops, nearly flipped the whole thing over.
  90. "Whatever you got Scootaloo ain't gonna bother me, hit me with it."
  91. > She took a deep breath and turned back to you.
  92. > "Anon.... Sisterhooves social is coming up here a soon."
  93. > Wait a minute...
  94. > "And like last year it's at Sweet Apple Acres."
  95. > Oh good lord no...
  96. > "Rainbow Dash just kind of ignored me...."
  97. > Please stop here.
  98. > "And Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have THEIR sisters."
  99. > You knew exactly where this was going.
  100. > "Will you be my big sister?"
  101. > You....
  102. > A big sister...
  103. > You would laugh if you were not the one it was happening too.
  104. > You stammer a bit.
  105. > Looking down at her pleading face you almost said yes.
  106. > But you couldn't be anything like that!
  107. > Looking back at Scootaloo for any tips that this was a joke you could find none.
  108. > She was dead serious...
  109. > She was asking you of all peo-ponies to be a big sister!?
  110. > Why not Twilight, last you heard she only had a big brother.
  111. > Or maybe Fluttershy, she seemed like the only child kind of horse.
  112. > You scratch your head, still trying to stammer something out.
  113. "hyeubug?"
  114. > That was exactly what you had wanted to say.
  115. > Scootaloo sighed and pushed away from the table.
  116. > With a dejected look she hopped out of her seat and began to sulk away.
  117. > "I knew you wouldn't go for it..."
  118. > Sucking up all the pride you had build in the last months, you get up.
  119. "Wait Scoots."
  120. > She stopped, not even bothering to turn around and face you.
  121. "I-I'll be your big sisteeeerr...."
  122. > You could hear Iron Will busting a gut in the back of your mind.
  123. > Scootaloo whirled around instantly, her eyes practically shining.
  124. > She zipped over and hugged around your tree-trunk of a leg.
  125. >"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"
  126. > Ponies were starting to stare.
  127. > Blushing heavily you picked her up.
  128. "But keep this quiet for now please, might as well make it a surprise."
  129. > "Yesyesyes! Anything for my big SISTER!"
  130. > The ponies were giving you really funny looks now.
  131. "Sssshut it!"
  132. > Scootaloo snapped her mouth shut.
  133. > "Hehe, sorry..."
  134. > Scootaloo danced and bounced around you as you lumbered back home.
  135. > She pumped her hooves in the air, claiming that you would be the best sister ever.
  136. > You really wouldn't considering you were a man.
  137. > A man who slammed a basilisk and nearly killed himself to prove a point.
  138. > Which, raised a good question.
  139. > How the hell did you end up agreeing to be some fillys big sister?
  140. > Compared to your life so far this seemed to be a low point for you.
  141. > With a sigh you push past the door to your house.
  142. > Scootaloo followed you in, laughing excitedly.
  143. > You walked past the Construction workers who were hitting Aggro's thick skin with multiple tools.
  144. > You walked past the Doctor and Nurse Redheart running some freaky experiment involving a squid in the half finished kitchen.
  145. > "Redheart, get the saw stat!"
  146. > Heading up stairs you passed Javel shouting at the clogged toilet.
  147. > Moving past your room Derpy waved excitedly at you as she and Balai played a game of go-fish.
  148. > This ontop of Scootaloo's excited chatter?
  149. > So much noise.
  150. > Opening your door to your study you stopped.
  151. > The chair wheeled around to reveal.
  152. > "Anonymous..."
  153. > Iron Will....
  154. > Scootaloo stopped jumping upon seeing him and plopped down.
  155. > "Heeey, that's that one scary, minotaur dude."
  156. > You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  157. > Tonight was going to be a looong night.
  158. > You sigh loudly.
  159. > They had been going at it for at least three hours now...
  160. > "Nuh-uh!" Scootaloo repeated.
  161. > "Yuh-huh!" Iron Will retorted.
  162. > They glared at each other before Iron Will spoke again.
  163. > "Anonymous was one of the most determined students I've ever had, there's now way he would compete in some nancy pony event. That'd be a waste of good muscle."
  164. > You would interrupt, but neither of them would give you the chance.
  165. > "And I'm telling you that he's doing it just for me!"
  166. > "Really? I find that hard to believe."
  167. > "And I find your face hard to like, but your mom did so the impossible can happen."
  168. > Damn, Scoots had some burns.
  169. > Iron Will blew steam out of his nose, glaring at her intently.
  170. > With a sigh you get up and step in between the two.
  171. > Both of their attentions turn to you.
  172. > That was surprisingly easy...
  173. "Look, Will I did agree to do the Sisterhooves Social with her."
  174. > "WHAT!?"
  175. > Scootaloo stuck out her tongue at him.
  176. > "But the way these ponies treated you Anon! That's the whole reason you even came to me!"
  177. > It was true but...
  178. "Ever since the Triathlon things have been going better for me Will..."
  179. > You listen to the commotion still going on around your house.
  180. "Well, relative to what it was like before."
  181. > Patting Scoots on the head you give him a smile.
  182. "She needs somebody just like I did, so I'm going to be that somebody."
  183. > The brass bulls eyes flicked between you and Scoots for what seemed like countless minutes.
  184. > With another snort of frustration he folded his arms.
  185. > "If you say so."
  186. > With that he took your seat again.
  187. > You never got to ask why he was back.
  188. > Scootaloo galloped over to your trophy shelf and oggled the things up there.
  189. > Which just consisted of your Medallion, trophy, and some dried out herbs from the Everfree for now.
  190. "Why are you dropping by some unexpectedly?"
  191. > "Ah, I had the next two days off, Shining Armor is coming down from the Crystal Empire and doing some training."
  192. > With a frown Iron Will sighed.
  193. > "None of them have the drive you did Anonymous. These are soldiers, the best of the best. They couldn't even last an hour on Judgement day."
  194. > You chuckle.
  195. "Your methods are a little... extreme Will."
  196. > "Yeah but they worked."
  197. > He looked you over.
  198. > "Look what we did Anonymous. Before you were the biggest loser in this town, now you're making the most feared creature in Equestria your pet."
  199. > He smiled broadly.
  200. > "There's a reason why we get along."
  201. > You smile as well, silently agreeing with him.
  202. "So you spending the next two days here?"
  203. > As much as you liked Will, your house and psyche couldn't take another inhabitant.
  204. > He shook his head with a wave of his hand.
  205. > "I will be coming back for Hearthswarming eve, so be ready for that."
  206. > With a grunt he scooped out a duffle bag from under his desk.
  207. > "I had some training sessions in mind and I was going to invite you along."
  208. > He turned to Scootaloo and softened a little.
  209. > "She's a orphan isn't she?"
  210. "...Yes."
  211. > She was oblivious to your conversation.
  212. > He turned back to you, his hard look unusually soft.
  213. > "Anonymous, if there's one thing a big guy like us should have it is big hearts."
  214. > He shot one more glance back at her, then turned to you.
  215. > "Well then big Sister. We can train another time, you've got something more important right now."
  216. > You nod silently and stand up.
  217. > Jutting your fist out, the two of you punched your fists together.
  218. > Leading him to the door you waved goodbye as he left.
  219. > Walking back into the study you plop down in your chair.
  220. > Luckily you had a new one made to support your weight.
  221. > Scootaloo dug through some of your books.
  222. "Don't you have to go home now Scoots?"
  223. > The filly flinched at your words.
  224. > Right you forgot...
  225. > The orphanage she lived in wasn't abusive or anything like that.
  226. > You had personally looked into that.
  227. > But it was one of the most boring and most uninteresting places in Ponyville.
  228. > Going there must be murder on ones soul if anything.
  229. > Deciding to salvage it you quickly change the subject.
  230. "Soooo, when is the Sisterhoooves social. I never really asked."
  231. > Scootaloo cleared her throat and muttered something.
  232. "What?"
  233. > She mumbled something again, placing a book back in its place.
  234. "Sorry, I'm not getting it Scoots."
  235. > "Tomorrow."
  236. >.....
  237. > She's joking right?
  238. > Eyeing her you could tell that she was most definitely not.
  239. > With a sigh you slouch in your seat.
  240. "Why didn't you ask earlier?"
  241. > "Because I didn't want you to change your mind..."
  242. "What why would I-"
  243. > Looking up you could see her eyes welling with tears.
  244. > "My parents changed their minds, they obviously didn't want me. Rainbow changed her mind, she said I would be her student! She hasn't talked to me since last month!"
  245. > Wiping some tears out of her eyes she sniffled.
  246. > "Everypony changes there minds about me in the end, I always end up ignored..."
  247. > You frown.
  248. "Well I'm not changing my mind..."
  249. > She sniffled lightly.
  250. > "Yeah right..."
  251. > You raise an eyebrow.
  252. "Scoots I didn't change my mind when I wanted to beat the Triathlon. No matter how much blood, sweat, and tears left my body I kept on going. What makes you think I would change my mind now of all moments?"
  253. > She sniffled again, staying silent this time.
  254. > "I-I don't know..."
  255. "Exactly, nothing is ever going to make me change my mind, Especially if it's hanging out with a friend."
  257. > You are Rainbow Dash...
  258. > And this spandex is really tight...
  259. > Wiggling into a more comfortable position you snap more pictures of Anonymous and Scootaloo talking.
  260. > She was crying now... good.
  261. > This was some sweet dirt.
  262. > You didn't even know what in tartarus they were talking about, but it was probably something evil you bet.
  263. > Scootaloo burst into tears and tackled Anon.
  264. > Anon froze for a second before slowly placing a hand on her back.
  265. > This was good...
  266. > Real good....
  268. > You awoke to the unusual smell of.... pancakes?
  269. > Looking down at your desk you could see a plate of pancakes, still steaming hot and fresh on your desk.
  270. > Holy shit they looked glorious.
  271. > Some grunting from the other side of the desk caught your attention.
  272. > Scootaloo pulled herself over your desk and smiled brightly at you.
  273. > Like an eager pup...
  274. > "Like them? The Doctor dude helped me make them!"
  275. > You looked back down at the pancakes and noticed bits and pieces of tentacles sticking out of them.
  276. > How they even looked appealing before was beyond you.
  277. "Uhhuh... Yeah, Scoots I'm not really that hungry. Why don't we-"
  278. > "Oh...Ok, I worked really hard on them..."
  279. > Her ears dropped and you looked back at the pancakes.
  280. > For fucks sake...
  281. > You grab your fork and pick off a bit, sticking it in your mouth you give a forced 'mmm'
  282. > You felt one of the tentacles squirm...
  283. > Using all of your will you managed to swallow it.
  284. "Tastty...."
  285. > Scootaloo smiled.
  286. > And you had to take another bite.
  287. > Halfway through chewing the Doctor opened the door and poked his head in.
  288. > "Anon, don't eat the pancakes my experime-"
  289. > You looked at him, some of the pancake still sticking out of your mouth.
  290. > .....
  291. > "....."
  292. > He closed the door and you could hear his hooves clopping as he trotted away.
  293. > Your life seemed to get better and oh so much worse at the same time.
  294. > After you spit out the pancakes much to Scootaloo's dismay you decided to get ready.
  295. > The Sisterhooves social was going to be at 3:00 today and it was already 9:00 AM.
  296. > Which meant you had awhile to prepare.
  297. > Stepping out of the bathroom and slipping on your jacket you step out of the bathroom.
  298. > Scootaloo had spent the night, sleeping in your room with Derpy.
  299. > The two had talked about something most of the night but you had opted to ignore it.
  300. > Your chair was starting to become your life.
  301. > Moving down the stairs you stretch as Scootaloo followed you excitedly.
  302. > Aggro looked up from the half of the living room he was taking up, a pile of sleeping construction workers curled up next to him.
  303. > You push open the door and look down.
  304. > Huh, the local newspaper never came down this way...
  305. > Reaching down you froze.
  306. > What.
  307. > The.
  308. > Fuck.
  309. > A picture of you holding a cry Scootaloo was on the first page.
  310. > It had been altered a little bit to where you were smiling maniacally.
  311. > The headline read...
  312. Anon, True hero or Manipulative Sociopath? Get the story here.
  313. > The story was just a bunch of fluff as to how you had made Scootaloo cry by calling her names.
  314. > One of the names was Fat for gods sake.
  315. > She was skinny as a friggen bean!
  316. > It then described in great detail how you had forced her to stay at your house and eat worms out of a bowl all night.
  317. > This was just ridiculous.
  318. > But...
  319. > A rock flew past your head and crashed through your window.
  320. > A light green pony flew back into the sky, yelling about your evil nature.
  321. > Ponies were still buying it...
  322. > You toss the newspaper on the ground and sigh.
  323. > Someone had been spying on you last night, and judging from how fast this thing was printed.
  324. > They obviously had a vendetta against you.
  325. > Who though? Last you recalled you had a bunch of ponies on your shit-list.
  326. > The Elements of harmony for one.
  327. > A majority of the stallions in this town hated you...
  328. > Whoever did it had to REALLY hate you th-
  329. > Fucking.
  330. > Rainbow.
  331. > Dash.
  332. > You growl in frustration as you stomped inside.
  333. > You know what?
  334. > It was a good thing the Sister hooves social was tonight.
  335. > You needed some exercise...
  337. > You are Scootaloo...
  338. > And you cannot wait for tonight!
  339. > This was the first time you ever had a sister for the Sisterhooves Social.
  340. > Even if your sister was a mountain of muscle that could probably overthrow the Equestrian government if he felt like it.
  341. > But that wasn't as important as you and him competing in the social.
  342. > Clopping your hooves together excitedly you smile brightly as he returned from the doorway.
  343. > Stepping past you he lumbered into the kitchen.
  344. > You frowned, something was wrong...
  345. > You watch as he sat on one of the kitchen chairs.
  346. > The whole thing splintered on his weight.
  347. > His behind slammed into the ground and cracked the tile floor.
  348. > He seemed like he didn't care one bit.
  349. > Folding his arms over his chest he sighed.
  350. > "Not going to change my mind...."
  351. > What?
  352. > You were worried now.
  353. > Your heart began to pound a million beats a minute.
  354. "What's going on!?"
  355. > You didn't mean to sound that desperate.
  356. > Anon looked at you, his eyes narrowed.
  357. > With a sigh he began to tell you about an article on the paper.
  358. > That explained the rock from earlier...
  359. > With a sigh you sit down across from him.
  360. > "Anonymous this doesn't mean...."
  361. > You found the words hitched.
  362. > Tears began to form again.
  363. > He was going to change his mind...
  364. > He looked at you silently for what seemed like hours.
  365. > Finally he began to chuckle.
  366. > "As if a stupid paper slip was going to stop me Scoots..."
  367. > YES!
  368. > He stood up and stretched out his arms.
  369. > "Now, what do you think could pass me off as a girl?"
  370. > You and Anon headed towards Sweet Apple Acres.
  371. > All day ponies have been shooting him looks.
  372. > Especially dirty ones when they saw that he was with you.
  373. > You had opted to just stick a broken mop head on his head.
  374. > Then you just kind of put floral pattern curtains on him.
  375. > He was still blushing.
  376. > It was hilarious.
  377. > By the time you two reached the Acres the party had long begun.
  378. > Fillies and their sisters galloped around the acres.
  379. > You could see Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom across the field.
  380. > Giving them a wave they both Oh'd in surprise when they saw who you were riding.
  381. > Straight into battle my trusty steed!
  382. > Anon walked shamelessly up to the booth and gave Applejack a hardened gaze.
  383. "I would like to sign my sister and I up for the event please."
  384. > Applejack looked him over and rolled her eyes.
  385. > "Did ya' really think something like this would pass off ya' fool? Ah'm half tempted to kick you off th-"
  386. > "Applejack! What is going on here!" Granny smith trotted next to the booth.
  387. > "Granny, ah, this isn't."
  388. > "Nonsense, this looks like a perfectly eligible pair of young sisters ready to play the game, ah say we let them join."
  389. > You relaxed as Applejack rolled her eyes again and slid the form over to Anon.
  390. > He signed up and let the pen drop.
  391. > "Thank you!"
  392. > "Now ain't that one of the cutest little pair of fillies you've ever seen Aj?" Granny smith started as Anon lumbered away.
  393. > Either she was completely cool with the stunt you were pulling or she was thicker than you thought.
  394. > Anon and you sat and ate some snacks before hand.
  395. > He just ate some apples while you munched on some apple pie.
  396. > It melted in your mouth...
  397. > Two mares trotted over and talked to Anon for a bit.
  398. > You ignored it...
  399. > Until they flipped a pie in his face.
  400. > They then trotted off, laughing about it.
  401. > Anon just wiped the bits of pie out of his face.
  402. > You cowered when he looked down at you.
  403. > This was all your fault....
  404. > He reached down and wiped some pie out of your hair.
  405. > "Got some on ya." He simply said.
  406. > You relaxed.
  407. > It wasn't long before Aj announced that the games were starting.
  408. > You and Anon were at the starting line in an instant.
  409. > Most of the ponies booed the two of you for some reason...
  410. > It almost wavered your spirits, until you looked up and saw the determination in Anon's eyes.
  411. > You two were going to win.
  412. > The even was a little different this year.
  413. > The same obstacles as last year but the straight run led the group through one of their barns instead of a straight path down.
  414. > Sweetie Belle and Rarity took a spot to your left.
  415. > Rarity snobbed Anon which wasn't a surprise.
  416. > Aj and her sister took a spot to your right, Granny Smith taking over the announcements.
  417. >"3"
  418. >"2"
  419. >"1"
  420. >.....
  421. > Everybody participating looked up to see she had fallen asleep.
  422. > "Granny!" Aj shouted.
  423. > "GO!"
  424. > You and Anon took off as soon as she said it.
  425. > He cleared the mud in a single bound.
  426. > You almost did not.
  427. > He stopped and slowed down already though, turning back and giving you an encouraging smile as the ponies passed him.
  428. > By the time you reached the baskets you leapt from one to the other.
  429. > Anon used a choppy foot technique to move from one to the other, it happened within seconds.
  430. > When you reached the crates Anon rushed in front of you.
  431. > He barreled through the crates sending them flying in multiple directions.
  432. > Nopony cheered.
  433. > You just laughed at his antics as you chased after him.
  434. > Stopping at the pies Anon licked his lips and eyed them.
  435. > You came to a stop and hopped up on the picnic table.
  436. > Some of the ponies were stuck here unable to finish their pies.
  437. > You don't think you could finish yours either.
  438. > Anon ate his pie within seconds.
  439. > Eyeing yours, you simply nodded and he devoured it.
  440. > The two of you hopped away from the table.
  441. > The hale bay was easy, Anon moved it like nothing.
  442. > The bushel of apples was easier, Anon had you place the barrel upright as he launched them like a cannon.
  443. > Next came the grape crushing.
  444. > Anonymous scaled the tub within seconds, throwing himself over the ledge.
  445. > Your juice came out within seconds.
  446. > When you made it to the chicken coop he let you balance the egg will you piggybacked on him.
  447. > Placing the egg at its holding place, he let you stay on his back as he sprinted down the field, heading towards the barn.
  448. > You two had saved a ton of time by your effective way of doing things.
  449. > You could see Rarity and Applejack rushing down the field, still dragging their sisters along.
  450. > Anon jogged lightly after them, laughing about something.
  451. > When you guys reached the barn Rarity and Applejack both leapt forward.
  452. > What they didn't realize though was that they had severely mis-judged the barn.
  453. > It was old and rickety, not really being used for anything other than hay storage.
  454. > Just as they left the barn a plank of wood came loose and smacked off Applebloom and SweetieBelle.
  455. > They didn't notice, too busy with their own problems.
  456. > Anon did though.
  457. > He stopped to help them but the whole barn creaked.
  458. > This thing was going to come down any second...
  459. "A-Anon..."
  460. > "I know..."
  461. > He grabbed the dazed fillies and turned around to get out.
  462. > But the whole front of barn suddenly came crashing down.
  463. > Anon in surprise fell back and bumped against a stray lantern.
  464. > "What the fuck is going on!" He shouted as it fell to the ground.
  465. > The lantern shattered instantly spreading fire to the hay.
  466. > The other ponies stopped behind you, seeing the smoke.
  467. > Looking back at your last exit it collapsed as well, smoke beginning to fill the barn.
  468. > But the fire would engulf you faster than the smoke surprisingly...
  469. > Anon let out a grunt of surprise at the sudden turn of events.
  470. > He let the three of you to the ground slowly.
  471. > Looking for a way out he stood back up.
  472. > "We need to"
  473. > He fell to a series of hacking and coughs.
  474. > Smoke rises...
  475. > He fell to his knees, still having a fit.
  476. > "Get it together!" Applebloom shouted.
  477. > The fire spread to the roof.
  478. > A loose rafter fell from up above and caught Anon in the back of the head.
  479. > He was out like a light...
  480. > The three of you cowered away from the fire where ever it spread.
  481. > The crackling and constant popping struck fear into your very core.
  482. > It was over...
  483. > The roof creaked and groaned before collapsing...
  484. > SLAM!
  485. > You cracked an eye open.
  486. > Anonymous was back up, keping the roof from collapsing.
  487. > You couldn't really see him.
  488. > Just his figure.
  489. > The flames danced around him, making a compliment to his personality.
  490. > The waves that distorted the air from the heat added to the coolness of it all.
  491. > You could swear Anons eyes were glowing, and they were staring directly at you.
  492. > Without saying anything he struggled to raise the roof higher.
  493. > And he did, he raised it high enough for you and your friends to escape.
  494. "Anon!"
  495. > "Leave."
  496. > The three of you complied, crawling out of the barn.
  497. > Looking back at the black form one last time the flames enveloped around him.
  498. > The glowing eyes were the last thing you saw as you exited the building.
  499. > After you crawled out the three of you got up and hightailed it out of there.
  500. > Seconds after you did the barn gave out completely.
  501. > The whole thing came collapsing down.
  502. > Anonymous was still in there....
  503. > Sweetie Belle was the first to start crying.
  504. > Applebloom joined shortly after.
  505. > It didn't take long for you to start.
  506. > Stay calm....
  507. > Stay calm....
  508. > You repeated the chant over and over in your head as the fillies crawled out of the barn.
  509. > Maybe you could lift it and crawl it...
  510. > Raising the barn a little the whole thing nearly came crashing down.
  511. > No that would not work.
  512. > Your lungs and throat burned from the smoke entering your body.
  513. > The sheer weight of the barn was causing you to see spots.
  514. > But you were more worried about survival.
  515. > There had to be something!
  516. > Your brain rushed through different thoughts on how to escape.
  517. > There was no way you could use brute strength to get out of this.
  518. > The barn was fragile right now and you were treading on broken glass.
  519. > The weight seemed to be getting to you.
  520. > Ripping the mop off of your head you shoot both arms out like a scarecrow.
  521. > The weight of the collapsing barn rested on your back now.
  522. > Which made it easier to hold, but not to move.
  523. > The fire was now licking at your skin.
  524. > With a grunt you fall to one knee.
  525. > The fire enveloped your right arm and shoulder.
  526. > You collapsed under the weight and pain.
  527. > So did the building....
  528. > The rafters collapsed on your back pinning you under the burning rubble.
  529. > This was it...
  530. > It was over for you.
  531. > Your vision began to fade...
  532. > Even if they got a hose it would take them too long to bring it over.
  533. > After all of your hardwork.
  534. > All the crap you dealt with in your life.
  535. > You weren't going to see the next day...
  536. > And that was ok to you....
  537. > ....
  538. > You began to fall into a dreamy haze.
  539. > The world was so pretty....
  540. > The fire spread to your back now, causing you a great deal of pain.
  541. > You were okay with this...
  542. > ....
  543. > ...
  544. > Scootaloo would blame herself for this.
  545. > Because she had wanted to have some fun for once, she had killed the only guy willing to listen to her.
  546. > ...
  547. > Your dreamy haze began to fade away.
  548. > She would not be at fault for this....
  549. > Your hands began to clench at the ground as it all dispersed.
  550. > The thoughts of acceptance were gone.
  551. > The thought of not seeing the next day drove you, not hindering you now.
  552. > The world suddenly seemed much more clear than before.
  553. > Pushing back up with all of you might you managed to get some distance.
  554. > Enough distance to get back on your knee and place both hands back on the roof.
  555. > Despite the test of time and the power of the fire it still held steady, which was problematic for you.
  556. > You had no way to get out...
  557. > The fire on your back was spreading around your body now.
  558. > It was a wonder you weren't dead yet...
  559. > With a groan of pain you manage to stand to your full height.
  560. > Bringing the roof along with you...
  561. > Just standing under the roof you had to think quick.
  562. > The smoke was suffocating you so you had to be quicker than quick.
  563. > You wavered a bit.
  564. > No.
  565. > You weren't going to make it out...
  566. > Suddenly two peculiar sounds caught your ear.
  567. > A sound akin to a jet rushing by over head and the laughter of...
  568. > Pinkie Pie...
  569. > You could hear her just beyond the barn.
  570. > "Weee wooo weee woo, fire departments here to save the day!"
  571. > With a click just beyond you the barn began to be doused with a high powered stream of water.
  572. > Looking up above you could see just through the roof.
  573. > A rainbow blur came back and began to spin around the barn rapidly.
  574. > The smoke began to rise faster into the air, being sucked into the 'vacuum'.
  575. > Looking to your left and right rubble began to get cleared away by a purple and blue aura.
  576. > "Fluttershy bring him in!"
  577. > Suddenly the weight shifted in the back.
  578. > Turning around you could see a bear grabbing one corner of the roof.
  579. > Not shortly after three others did the same.
  580. > "This way Anon!"
  581. > That sounded like Applejack but you didn't care.
  582. > You followed the sound of the voice, it encouraging you the entire way.
  583. > Ducking out under the barn the bears let it go.
  584. > Without you and the bears it dropped like a sack of bricks.
  585. > You gasp and wheeze for air as you fell to your knees.
  586. > The Cutie Mark Crusaders rushed over and bombarded you with questions about your health.
  587. > You wave them off and felt a heavier presence in front of you.
  588. > Looking up slowly you saw your saviors.
  589. > The Elements of Harmony...
  590. > They all smiled warmly down at you.
  591. > Well except for Rarity who snobbed you and Rainbow Dash who just kind of looked away.
  592. > Twilight put out a hoof as you continued to hack and wheeze.
  593. > You slap her hoof away and shakily rise to your full height.
  594. > The Elements stared on as you got over your fit.
  595. > Giving a raised palm to the fillies yammering you with questions you look at the Elements.
  596. > Twilight trotted up to you and sighed.
  597. > "Meet us at the courtroom at ten tonight, we can't do it here."
  598. > With that they left you alone, even Pinkie who seemed surprisingly quiet.
  599. > You watched in silence as they trotted away, talking to a few worried ponies on the way.
  600. > The CMCs background noise suddenly came back full force.
  601. > "ANON!" Sweetie Belle shrieked.
  602. > You jerked out of your state, turning to face the girls.
  603. > Applebloom and Scootaloo were still rubbing their ears.
  604. > "We just wanted to say."
  605. > "Thank ya'"
  606. > "For everything you've done Anon."
  607. > You didn't realize they had a hive mind.
  608. > Sweetie Belle and Applebloom galloped off.
  609. > Leaving you and Scootaloo alone.
  610. > And the crowd of ponies still trying to be nosy.
  611. > With a sigh you turn to lumber home, opting to take the longer, more secluded route.
  612. > Scootaloo wasted no time following after you.
  613. > She was like a pup.
  615. > The two of you walked in silence Scootaloo staring up at you the entire time.
  616. > With a sigh you turn back to her and raise an eyebrow.
  617. > She smiled broadly.
  618. "Yes Scoots?" Your voice sounded oddly close to a smoker.
  619. > She stayed silent for a second.
  620. > Before she galloped forward and hugged your leg tightly.
  621. > "You really didn't change your mind..."
  622. > Without saying another word she shot you one last smile before galloping off.
  623. > Huh...
  624. > That was heart-failure inducing.
  625. > You walk through the town square.
  626. > Just beyond a couple of buildings you could see the castle, standing high and mighty over the town.
  627. > After you got home and washed off all of the ash, soot, and threw away the now rags of curtains you got checked up on by the Doctor.
  628. > Aside from you back and you right shoulder you were fine.
  629. > He just blasted the burned areas with a beam of magic and told you not to sleep on your back for a while.
  630. > You itch your back. The pain was completely gone, the only reminder that it was even there was a large scar and some itchy skin.
  631. > Stepping past the statue you sigh.
  632. > This could go two ways.
  633. > They were finally going at you full guns ablazing.
  634. > Or they were going to do things diplomatically.
  635. > Either way you were boned, if it was a diplomatic approach you were probably still going to be screwed over.
  636. > And you still had a ton of questions.
  637. > Like who the hell leaves a lantern on in the middle of the fucking day.
  638. > You stop in front of the castle and steel yourself.
  639. > Knocking on the doors you waited patiently.
  640. > Two pegasus guards answered the door.
  641. > They stared forward and grunted a hello.
  642. > When they realized it was you they order you to follow and turned around.
  643. > You didn't like being ordered around, but things were already as bad as is.
  644. > No point in picking fights.
  645. > The mane six were loud.
  646. > Like really loud, you could hear them all the way down the hall.
  647. > And the doors were closed.
  648. > You heard your name thrown around a couple times.
  649. > The guards knocked on the door before entering.
  650. > The voices behind it instantly went silent.
  651. > "Give us a minute!"
  652. > You waited for a couple minutes as some things were shuffled around.
  653. > Just what where they planning in there?
  654. > Suddenly the doors flew open.
  655. > You were not expecting this...
  656. > In the middle of the table was a large cake.
  657. > The Elements sat around it all smiling at you.
  658. > Except you know... Rarity and Rainbow.
  659. > They looked different though.
  660. > Like they were ashamed.
  661. > The guards ushered you into the room.
  662. > Taking a look at the cake it was labeled with bright green letters.
  663. 'Please accept our apology!'
  664. > This was another trick.
  665. > You got ready for them to drop the act and cuff you right now.
  666. > You would give them a fight...
  667. > You smash your fists together twice and bring them up.
  668. "Bring it!"
  669. > Looking around the room in high alert the Elements stared at you like you were insane.
  670. > Twilight cleared her throat catching your attention.
  671. > "Anonymous... we're sorry."
  672. > ....
  673. "You have my attention..."
  674. > If this wasn't a trick you were going to dance when you got home.
  675. > She sighed before continuing.
  676. > "We've been... apathetic to your situation. Some of us even worsening it..."
  677. > Applejack continued for her.
  678. > "We've been a little hard on ya' Anonymous and we realize it now."
  679. > This had to be a trick.
  680. > Or a dream, you were sure it was a dream.
  681. > Or you never made it out of the barn.
  682. > Pinkie Pie clopped her hooves, smiling nervously.
  683. > "We're sorry Anon, but we all thought you were just a..."
  684. > You quirk an eyebrow waiting to hear them out.
  685. > "Loser." Rainbow Dash said coldly.
  686. > she sighed and slumped in her seat.
  687. > "You're not one now though..."
  688. > "We heard about what ya' did."
  689. "What?"
  690. > You fold your arms over your chest and quirk an eyebrow.
  691. > Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all told us that you had saved them twice." Twilight said.
  692. > Rarity met your eyes.
  693. > "And she told us how you did it the first time."
  694. > The rockadile huh?
  695. > So they did understand what you were thinking back there...
  696. >Rainbow seemed to be wiping tears out of her eyes.
  697. > "Scoots also told me about your promise Anon."
  698. > You softened your gaze on her.
  699. > Within a second she was fighting a flood of tears.
  700. >"I-I've been such a horrible pony for the last few months."
  701. > Scoots must've also told her how she really felt.
  702. > Pinkie Pie appeared seemingly out of nowhere to comfort her friend.
  703. > "She revoked the article about you Anon, we figured you already guessed who it was." Twilight said.
  704. > Like that was enough.
  705. > "She had one published about how she assumed what happened though..."
  706. > Now that made you freeze.
  707. > Rainbow Dash admitted she was wrong?
  708. > Not only that.
  709. > Rainbow Dash admitted she was wrong about you!?
  710. > You wanted to be mad about it.
  711. > You wanted to be upset that she had just made an assumption and everybody blindly followed.
  712. > That's exactly what Twilight had done earlier.
  713. > But you couldn't.
  714. > You looked over the mares faces, each one holding a sincerity you hadn't seen since you were dropped off on this planet.
  715. > Letting your arms drop you sigh heavily.
  716. "We can't be friends..."
  717. > The mares all seemed heartbroken.
  718. "You've all hurt me too much to ever reconcile something, if we even had anything in the first place."
  719. > They seemed ashamed to meet your gaze again.
  720. > Then you scratched the back of your head.
  721. "But we can stop this silly little war."
  722. > You looked at Rainbow as you said it.
  723. > She didn't turn away this time.
  724. "I'm tired of hating you guys, truth be told. I don't want to hate anyone."
  725. > You walk up, stepping into the lighter part of the council room.
  726. "I will put everything aside, and we don't have to be enemies anymore."
  727. > You offer your hand, placing it in the middle of the table.
  728. "We can be allies."
  729. > The first pony to place a hoof in your hand was Dash.
  730. > Soon after the other five followed.
  731. > Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, and finally Rarity.
  732. > They all smiled at you solemnly as you gave them a stoic nod of approval.
  733. > "Sooo what would we be called?" Pinkie started.
  734. > "Oh! The Uneasy Alliance of Betterment for all!?"
  735. > You didn't really care about a name to be honest.
  736. > "Ah think that's a mouthful Pinkie."
  737. > "Yeah, you're right. So how about A.A.N.O.N"
  738. > What?
  739. "What?"
  740. > "Alliances Are Not Optional Now!"
  741. > That was dumb.
  742. "That was kind of dumb Pinkie." Rainbow said off in the corner.
  743. > She laughed.
  744. > "I know!"
  746. > You step through your door and slip out of your jacket.
  747. > Heading up the stairs you passed the sleeping mass of ponies and the stray Basilisk in your house.
  748. > You step into the study and look at the trophy shelf.
  749. > It had five shelves.
  750. > The Medallion sat at the very top shelf.
  751. > The Triathlon trophy sat at the second.
  752. > You held to items in your hand to commemorate the day.
  753. > A piece of burnt wood from the barn...
  754. > And a framed picture of the elements.
  755. > You place the burnt wood from the barn on the second shelf.
  756. > Looking at the framed picture you slip it into the third.
  757. > You had briefly thought about putting it on the last shelf...
  758. > But you felt at peace with them now...
  759. > Despite everything you had dealt with.
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