

Dec 7th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((I got the posts.))
  2. Tsaaq: "Yes we're throwing each other in the air." She snickered and slowly shook her head at him. She gave Adam a pat on the back and attempted to wave over the waitress. Her eyebrow rose when Dori spoke. "You never fainted. You just fell... Or that's what happened whenever we were in practice together I guess. Wouldn't it be worse if you were suddenly unconcious or whatever?" She asked.
  3. Covet: Tae walked into the cafe, having told her parents she was going to get some dessert since her mom had polished off the last of her wine ice cream, and she couldn't sneak any bites from it. Walking up to the counter she ordered herself a slice of warm apple pie a la mode. She wasn't aware that the make up she'd put on over the hickeys and light bruises on her neck was starting to wear off , and wasn't worried about covering it up with her hair.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "That could be pretty serious...." Adam started, picking up his coffee to take a sip again before setting it back down. His eyes trailed over toward the door when Tae walked in, smiling at her presence because he liked Eli's sister. She was a cosplay queen and he respected that. "Hey look, it's Tae."-
  5. Smokeless: Dori shrugged some."well I more so blacked out than anything to be honest." she looked down at her drink and took a sip. she heard the bell and looked over to see who was coming in and she smiled waving at tae
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged some. "Okay..." She trailed off. She smiled as well and waved at Tae. "Hey!" She called out to her. The smile slipped from her face when she noticed the marks on Tae's neck. She quickly lowered her head, taking out her notebook as she waited on her food.
  7. Covet: Tae looked over and saw the group of people over at the table and gave a grin, "Hayley! and Adam and Dori." She said walking over as she pulled her hair back over her shoulder. "How are you guys doing? What are you up to?" She asked standing next to their table.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, just studying." He said with a shrug, his eyes looking Tae over with a smile. He notced the markings on her neck, his hand slowly and discreetly moving to his pocket for his phone which was thankfully dried out after the little incident with the washingTON machine last night. He slipped his fingers over the screen beneath the table, sending off a text to Eli. You dirty rat.-
  9. Smokeless: Dori smiled to Tae"Hey hun how are you? Nothing really just enjoying my coffee before I hit this homework." Dori noticed the marks but didnt think anything of it. She figured Tae's boyfriend left them and well personally it wasnt dori's business. dori scooted over just incase Tae wanted to sit down.
  10. Tsaaq: Hayley inhaled deeply. "Hey T. Wanna sit with us? Haven't seen you in a bit." She said awkwardly, her eyes immediately going to Adam becasue she knew he was a rat.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (At least Hayley knows hes going to fucking rat on Tae. She has no false hope of her boyfriend.)
  12. Smokeless: [snitches get stiches adam! XD]
  13. Alexithymiaa: (Nah, Tae's dad is going to kill her. I know that because I am Tae's dad.)
  14. Smokeless: [beat that ass]
  15. Covet: "Sure, I'd love to." She said then smiled at them all, "I can't say that I miss studying at all, other than being able to hang out with friends while doing it." She said with a laugh, "I'm doing great. Came for the pie, will stay for the friends." She watched as the waitress put her pie down for her.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -His eyes tried to discreetly look down to his phone at his message conversation with Eli, darting back up to look at Tae once she joined them in the booth. His attention focused on her neck again with the marks and hickeys, slipping his fingers over his phone again underneath the table and trying not to draw attention to himself. Covert mission.-
  17. Smokeless: Dori smiled to Tae"How have you been hun? It's been awhile since I seen you. It's been awhile since I seen anyone though to be honest." she let out a little chuckle.
  18. Tsaaq: Hayley spied Adam in the corner of her eye, probably texting Eli. "Yeah my tenders should be coming out soon." She muttered. "Uhhh... Tae. You should come with me to the bathroom." Hayley rose to her feet and took Tae's hand and dragged her towards the rest rooms. She stood in the narrow hallway with the other female. "That's from some other guy right?" She asked as she pointed to Tae's hickies?
  19. Covet: "Yeah, I've been busy doing my own thing lately. Cosplay doesn't take a break." She laughed then looked at Hayley as she requested to go to the bathroom, "Uh, yeah.. sure." She said not having a choice as she was drug away. When she was questioned about the hickies on her neck, her hand went to them immediately. "Shit...I thought I had them covered up. That was at like ten this morning though.. Uh, yeah. Totally from some other guy." She lied through her teeth boldly, but not convincing enough.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Adam watched as the two girls walked back into the bathroom together, directing his attention to Dori across the table. "So what have you been so busy with lately?" He asked her, only half paying attention because he needed to talk to Eli about this shit.-
  21. Smokeless: Dori watched as tae and hayley walked off. She had her attention turned back to adam and she smiled"just umm school and work is all. Nothing interesting really." she looked at Adam and noticed he really wasnt paying attention.
  22. DGNightwing: -Jason drove his car through the city, driving it to the Cafe. He parked his vehicle in the parking lot and got out of it, making his way to the frond door. As he walked in he saw some familiar faces, he looked at them and sat down, picking up a menu, deciding what he wanted to eat, setting his phone on the table next to it-
  23. DGNightwing: **him
  24. Tsaaq: She shook her head as her eyes widened. "Oh my god. You're still seeing Drew?" She asked Tae in an angry whisper. "What the hell is wrong with you dude? Didn't I tell you the minute Adam sees the signs he's gonna tell Eli who will then tell your dad? You said yourself you weren't going back to him! He was stabbed in the chest or something. Remember?" Hayley grabbed the other female by the shoulder, shaking her.
  25. Alexithymiaa: (Neils going to put bars on her windows.)
  26. Covet: [hahaha]
  27. Covet: Tae started to look rather sheepish. "I know. I talked to him on Thanksgiving. The whole family was there, and I tried to tell him we had to stop, but I don't know.. He convinced me not to. We haven't gone back to the lots at all, we've just been at his place, in his room. Nobody's even seen me. Adam doesn't know anything." Tae said because she doesn't know shit, looking guilty as fuck.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded his head to Dori, moving his hand out from underneath the table and setting his phone down on the surface before reaching for his coffee cup to take a sip. "I'm sorry, I don't remember what it is that you're studying."-
  29. Covet: [Oh.. okay bye then.]
  30. Smokeless: [kelseys song just came on pandora...]
  31. Covet: [which?]
  32. Smokeless: [shake it off]
  33. Covet: [ah lol]
  34. Tsaaq: "He does know you asshat! What did Drew even say to convince you? How could he convince you? He graduated high school when he was like twenty!" Hayley's voice rose a bit and she shook her head. "Bitch. He already knows." She let out a sigh. "At the harvest festival Adam heard you and I talking. The only way I got him off our ass is because I said you weren't fucking around with Drew anymore." She began to frown, leaning on the wall and banging her head against it.
  35. Covet: Tae frowned and listened to her. "I don't.. He just did..." She said whining a bit, "Well can't we just... I don't know. Tell him it's someone else? Like, I don't know someone he doesn't know?" She frowned, "Thank you for trying to cover for me though."
  36. Smokeless: [whos post???}
  37. Smokeless: [i forgot to ask when i came in from dciing]
  38. Smokeless: [not whos post but if i missed any posts sorry im stuffing my face and thinking]
  39. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah, it's your post)
  40. Alexithymiaa: ( Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded his head to Dori, moving his hand out from underneath the table and setting his phone down on the surface before reaching for his coffee cup to take a sip. "I'm sorry, I don't remember what it is that you're studying."- )
  41. Smokeless: She shrugged some"Graphic Design." she smiled to Adam. she turned her head to see who was coming in the cafe and offered the guy a small smile she couldn't remember his name but she remembered seeing him around She turned back to Adam "what is your major again?"
  42. DGNightwing: -Jason changed his mind about eeating, he stood up and walked out of the door, he wanted to go back to the dorms. He walked out and went to his car, getting inside of it driving off to the dorms
  43. Alexithymiaa: "I'm pre-law." He said with a nod, his eyes moving to the screen of his computer before deciding to shut it and give up on studying for the night. There were too many people aorund for him to focus anyway.-
  44. Tsaaq: Hayley groaned again. "He already made me promise not to lie to him about anything anymore. So if you're gonna tell him all that other stuff is from another guy then you're saying not me." She put both of her hands up and shook her head. "I've been trying. You're making it super hard! I thought you were done with that bozo!"
  45. Covet: "Fine.. I'll tell him." Tae said as she crossed her arms. "It's... complicated." She said softly biting the inside of her cheek. "I have only seen him twice since the incident at the lots. Thanksgiving and last night. He, said that we're dating, And I didn't realize that we were. So I felt bad."
  46. Tsaaq: "What?" Hayley asked with an astounded shriek. "How?" She continued to interrogate. "People who are dating cuddle! They go on movie dates! He brings you flowers when he does something dumb! You go on night picnics!" She argued, obviously only going by her only positive dating experience.
  47. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."Cool cool." she replied to Adam. Her eyes went to the door that led towards the bathrooms. she sipped her coffee some."So what have you been up to outside of school and stuff? How is that cute little pooch doing?"
  48. Alexithymiaa: (Bitches love flowers.....)
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, you know... working a good amount. I went home for Thanksgiving, so it was nice to see my family for a few days." He paused when she asked about Lady, his mouth turning up into a smile. "She's good. She's the best dog."-
  50. Covet: "We kind of cuddle. Sometimes, and we had popcorn last night...." She said "That's kind of like a movie date." Tae added, but Tae Stop that's not even close. "We just don't see each other often enough to actually do date stuff like that."
  51. Tsaaq: ((Ooops))
  52. Tsaaq: Hayley inhaled deeply with her eyes going wide. "You guys aren't dating! How many of his friends know who you are?" She asked her skeptically.
  53. Smokeless: Dori smiled and nodded her head."That's good. I didn't go home for thanks giving I stayed here. I am glad LAdy is doing good. I remember te last time we spoke about her she wasnt doing to well"
  54. Covet: "I don't know!" Tae said with a pout. "He doesn't really have friends, unless you count the people at the lots, and they all know who I am."
  55. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, she just had a little infection, but she's alright now. Nothing to worry about." He said with a smile before glancing over his shoulder toward the bathroom door. "They've been gone an awfully long time..."
  56. Smokeless: [wb]
  57. Covet: [Thanks. IMVU doesn't like Youtube lately.]
  58. Tsaaq: Her brown eyes were still wide with rage. "Oh god. Now we've been in here way to long! If anybody asks? You were perioding super super hard." Hayley told her. She went to pat Tae on the shoulder and went to lead her out of the bathroom.
  59. Covet: "Yeah... okay...." She mumbled then followed Hayley out of the hallway and back into the cafe. "Sorry... Girl things going on." She said to the group, quickly, moving her hand around her lower abdomen area, as she tried to pull her hair around her neck, knowing her marks were showing.
  60. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and looked at the door."Oh its probably just you know lady things." Dori shrugged looking at adam till tae and hayley came back and she smiled."see lady things" she was glad tae had confirmed her suggestion
  61. Alexithymiaa: "Ah..." Adam ducked his head down, not wanting to be involved in the lady things. He quickly packed his laptop and his textbook into his backpack, zipping it up. "Im going to head back so I can let Lady out before bed. I'll meet you at home?" He asked Hayley, leaning in to kiss her cheek.-
  62. Covet: "Hey... Adam.. Real quick..." She said stopping him after he gave Hayley a kiss on the cheek. Tae spoke quietly as she looked at him, "I just want you to know that... this.."She said pointing to her neck sheepishly, "Isn't from who you might think it is. So if you could not tell my brother...that would be great. It's from one of my cosplay friends, and I don't want him getting the wrong idea." She lied to him, glancing over at Hayley for a quick second.
  63. Covet: [Shit sorry Bliss!]
  64. Tsaaq: ((It's fine.))
  65. Alexithymiaa: (Bitchhhhhh you're too lateeeeee)
  66. Covet: [XD She don't know that...she's trying to save any face she might have left XD]
  67. Smokeless: [i gotta go to bed im nodding off here and there]
  68. Tsaaq: "Yeah. I'll see you at home." Hayley said with a smile, sitting down to get her tenders and fries. She still needed to nom. "Uhhh..." She looked over to Adam and Tae then lowered her head.
  69. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stopped when Tae grabbed his attention, looking down at her face with a bit of a wince. "Honestly I think he already kind of has the wrong idea. But I'm sure if you're open and honest with him, he'll be willing to listen and understand." He gave her a pat on the shoulder before stepping passed so he could head out.-
  70. Covet: Tae sighed and sat down to finish her pie off before she went home, concerned that she was going to get an ass chewing from her Brother now.
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