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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. Intro:
  3. The runners are contracted by a UK Secret Service agent to extradite an international fugitive back to England. However, KE is having none of their plans.
  5. Runners:
  7. Matrix Specialist: /u/jorji-life as Primer
  9. Life Insurance: /u/ProxyClouds as Basics
  11. Misc: /u/KatNine as Toy
  13. Misc: /u/Doordox as Fleur
  15. Body:
  17. Meet J in Dante's Inferno, lowest circle
  19. All runners prepare for their meeting, Toy buys a Berwick Dress, Primer puts on a suit as does Basics and Fleur is aided by her Fixer to get the stick of Squatter Lifestyle washed off her so she can actually get through the door.
  21. Once inside, the meet happens at Midnight; J is a MI5 agent that's been tracking Alejandro Rejes, real name unknown, an international fugitive wanted for crimes against meta-humanity. He has taken shelter among an Ork gang in Redmond and supplying them with cyberware and drugs that's boosted their strength.
  23. Runners negotiate and manage to up the considerable 80k bounty with another 10k upfront payment. They also get the location and face of their target.
  25. They begin with some sleep and then a physical recon of the area after meeting up the next day at the HellaBurger in Auburn.
  27. Along the way, Basics and Fleur leave to meet with Lanky Jack, though nothing really comes of this besides funny RP as...
  29. During her scouting of the area via Fly-Spy, Toy is surprised to see a convoy of KE Roadmasters and Drones hurtling in at high speed.
  31. They surround the building the gang is using and after a quick and decisive firefight destroy said gang. The target is dragged out as a Horizon News team arrives (this was a PR stunt by KE for New Years) and thrown into a Roadmaster for processing away from the cameras as the KE Captain in charge only wants big burly tatooed Orks for the audience to gawk at.
  33. The runners try and track the Roadmaster while contemplating their next move. Toy's Fly-Spy and her RCC are targeted by KE for being too close to a law-enforcement vehicle though she manages to peel away.
  35. Without a plan, they call their Johnson who is as surprised as them at the turn of events. Using his own considerable resources he manages to find that the target is being held at a small KE station in Auburn, out of sight so that no questions are asked beyond the prepared press conference that is happening in Redmond.
  37. Seeing the station mostly undefended besides its token defence and on-site SWAT team, the runners decide that a quick extraction is still possible.
  39. As a distraction, they purchase some HE grenades and Fleur drops one into a trash dump outside a nearby Stuffer Shack. Basics calls up KE acting as a concerned citizen, and they then blow up the dump. The SWAT team deploys following Basics' successful Con test with dispatch.
  41. The SWAT team gone for at least a few minutes, they begin their attack. Primer hacks into the host and spoofs the local Dobermans to attack their nearest KE officer. In the resulting confusion, Toy moves in on one side with her own two Dobermans and Basics and Fleur move in from the other.
  43. Combat ensues and things seem to be going well for them, until Primer gets marked, does not reboot, and subsequently multiple Data-Spikes to his deck from the Spider and Killer IC brick him into unconsciousness.
  45. Their Matrix support down and the drones from Toy also destroyed, its down to Basics and Fleur. However, Basics neglects to turn his Smartgun wireless off, and just as they enter the building and the KE officers are on the verge of just giving up, it gets bricked.
  47. KE surges forward as the runners call it a day and attempt a quick escape. Toy manages to evade a Spirit of Man that was sent to stop her as well as the KE roadblock set up ahead and they make a semi-clean getaway.
  49. Run Time: 8 hours (sigh)
  51. Mission Rewards:
  53. 1 Karma
  55. Hub Fodder:
  57. The new KE captain that began his big career boost with the Tacoma docks investigation (see (Un)Civil Liberties) has now further cemented his authority with an audacious New Year's sting on a Redmond gang.
  59. Alejandro Rejes has been processed by KE and his true identity revealed, he was moved to an Ares facility for further questioning.
  61. Notes:
  63. I am not going to rate this run as I am unsure of what to even say about it. The design of this run, as stated boldly in the description, was a High Threat run that would involve a major twist. I did not have time to look over and analyse each runner's or player's former experience or capabilities and expected that if they had applied to the run, they knew what they were getting into.
  65. I was wrong in this aspect and many fuses were blown and patience was lost during the run. While I was again praised for my protrayal of the world and the descriptive nature of the run itself, the players ended up frustrated and made massive mistakes in game that led to the run getting completely botched.
  67. P.S.: I am taking a break from GMing on the Hub after this so that I can better understand the threat of various elements in the game.
  69. GM Rewards:
  71. 10 GMP, being given as 10 Karma to Booker
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