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- [dialog d_page_postala]
- -200,200
- resizepic 190 175 5054 643 100
- resizepic 200 185 9300 623 80
- htmlgump 211 200 290 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 208 221 9300 590 26
- textentry 211 225 555 25 0 0 1
- button 785 223 4024 4025 1 0 1
- [dialog d_page_postala TEXT]
- Atacaginiz Page'i Imla Kurallarina Gore Atiniz.
- <tag.pg_reason>
- [dialog d_page_postala BUTTON]
- On=0
- src.smg Pg Iptal Edildi
- On=1
- if (strmatch('<argtxt[0]>',''))
- src.smg Sorununuzu belirtmediniz.
- dialog d_gmpage
- elseif ((strlen(<argtxt[0]>)) > 110)
- sysmessage @0481,,1 110 karakteri gecmemesine ozen gosteriniz.
- tag.pg_reason <argtxt[0]>
- dialog d_page_postala
- tag.pg_reason
- else
- pg_call *Page* <argtxt[0]>
- endif
- [function pg_smsgx]
- var.act <act>
- var.p <p>
- newitem i_memory
- act.p 6000 2000
- var.regfla <act.region.flags>
- act.region.flags <region.flags>
- p 6000 2000
- act.sayua 01eb 0 0 1 <args>
- p <var.p>
- act.region.flags <var.regfla>
- act.remove
- act <var.act>
- [function pg_call]
- var.pg_box 04000586d
- if !(strmatch('<tag.pg_call>',''))
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_call>.baseid> == i_page) && (<uid.<tag.pg_call>.link> == <uid>)
- try uid.<tag.pg_call>.more1 <serv.time>
- try uid.<tag.pg_call>.morep <p>
- try uid.<tag.pg_call>.tag.reason <args>
- serv.allclients pg_announce guncelleme. <name> [<uid>]: <args>
- sysmessage @0450,1,1 Mesajini yeniledin.
- return 2
- endif
- endif
- if (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> > 100)
- sysmessage @0481 Su an <uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> cevapsiz cagri bulunmakta, cagriniz iletilemedi, lutfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.
- return 0
- endif
- newitem i_page
- tag.pg_call <act.uid>
- act.more1 <serv.time>
- <uid>
- page: <name>
- act.morep <p>
- act.tag.reason <args>
- act.cont <var.pg_box>
- act.cont.morex <eval (<act.cont.morex> + 1)>
- serv.allclients pg_announce yeni. <name> [<uid>]: <args>
- try sysmessage @45,1,1 Mesajiniz iletildi, <uid.<tag.pg_call>.cont.rescount>. siradasiniz.
- var.wtpage <eval <uid.<tag.pg_call>.cont.rescount>>
- src.newitem i_pageyasak1
- src.act.attr attr_decay
- src.act.timer 60*60
- if (<var.wtpage> == 00)
- var.wtpage Yok
- endif
- return 1
- [function pg_announce]
- if (0<account.plevel> > 1)
- pg_smsgx * Page: <args>
- endif
- [function pg_wipe]
- if !(<var.pg_wipe>)
- if (<var.pg_nowipe>)
- pg_smsgx * Su an bakilmakta olan <eval <var.pg_nowipe>> tanesi disinda tum page'ler silindi.
- else
- pg_smsgx * Tum page'ler silindi.
- endif
- else
- var.pg_wipe <eval (<var.pg_wipe> - 1)>
- if !(<uid.<uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont.<eval <var.pg_wipe>>.more2>.region>) || (<uid.<uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont.<eval <var.pg_wipe>>.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- try uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont.<eval <var.pg_wipe>>.link.tag.pg_call
- try uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont.<eval <var.pg_wipe>>.remove
- else
- if (strmatch('<var.pg_nowipe>',''))
- var.pg_nowipe 1
- else
- var.pg_nowipe <eval (<var.pg_nowipe> + 1)>
- endif
- endif
- pg_wipe <var.pg_wipe>
- endif
- [function pg]
- var.pg_box 04000586d
- if (strmatch('<args>','h')) || (strmatch('<args>','help'))
- pg_smsgx * Pg list: page'leri listeler.
- pg_smsgx * Pg go: page sahibine gider.
- pg_smsgx * Pg summon: page sahibini getirir.
- pg_smsgx * Pg origin: page'in atildigi yere gider.
- pg_smsgx * Pg message: page sahibine mesaj atar.
- pg_smsgx * Pg delete: page'i siler.
- pg_smsgx * Pg jail: page sahibini jailler.
- pg_smsgx * Pg queue: page'i listeye geri koyar.
- pg_smsgx * Pg wipe: tum page'leri siler ve duyurur.
- return 1
- elseif !(<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount>)
- sysmessage @185 Aktif page yok.
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','w')) || (strmatch('<args>','wipe'))
- if !(<src.isgm>)
- pg_smsgx * Bu komutu sadece GM veya daha ust rutbedekiler kullanabilir.
- else
- var.pg_nowipe 0
- var.pg_wipe <uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount>
- pg_wipe
- endif
- elseif (strmatch('<uid.<tag.pg_answer>.cont.uid>','<var.pg_box>'))
- try act <tag.pg_answer>
- if (strmatch('<args>','g')) || (strmatch('<args>','go'))
- gouid <>
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','s')) || (strmatch('<args>','summon'))
- if (0<account.plevel> < 4)
- if !(<>) || (<>)
- pg_smsgx * Bagli olmayan bir kullaniciyi sadece GM veya daha ust rutbedekiler summon edebilir.
- endif
- else
- endif
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','m')) || (strmatch('<args>','message'))
- if !(<>) || (<>)
- pg_smsgx * <> su an bagli olmadigi icin ona mesaj atamazsiniz.
- act.more2 0
- act 0
- tag.pg_answer
- pg list
- else
- dialog d_pg_message
- endif
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','o')) || (strmatch('<args>','origin'))
- goplace <act.morep>
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','j')) || (strmatch('<args>','jail'))
- if !(<>) || (<>)
- pg_smsgx * <> su an bagli olmadigi icin onu jail'leyemezsiniz.
- act.more2 0
- act 0
- tag.pg_answer
- pg list
- elseif (0<> > 1)
- pg_smsgx * Hata: staff uyeleri Yasaklanamaz
- else
- i_pageyasak1
- 1 Saat Page Atamama Yasagi Aldiniz..!
- try act <tag.pg_answer>
- pg_smsgx * <> 1 saat page atamayacaktir, elinize saglik.
- pg delete
- endif
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','q')) || (strmatch('<args>','queue'))
- act.more2 0
- act 0
- tag.pg_answer
- pg_smsgx * Page bakilmamis olarak isaretlendi.
- pg list
- elseif (strmatch('<args>','d')) || (strmatch('<args>','delete'))
- act.remove
- tag.pg_answer
- pg_smsgx * Page silindi.
- var.wtpage <eval <uid.<tag.pg_call>.cont.rescount>>
- if (<var.wtpage> == 00)
- var.wtpage Yok
- endif
- if (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount>)
- pg list
- endif
- else
- pg_smsgx * Page aktif, [<>] <> [<>]: <act.tag.reason>
- if !(<>) || (<>)
- pg_smsgx * Bu kullanici su an <>'a bagli degil.
- endif
- endif
- else
- var.pg_font <basefont color=#203040
- var.pg_font1 <basefont color=#aaaaaa
- var.pg_font2 <basefont color=#90aa40
- if (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == 1)
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(0).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list1
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == 2)
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(1).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(0).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list2
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == 3)
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(2).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(1).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(0).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list3
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == 4)
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(3).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(2).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(1).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(0).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list4
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == 5)
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(4).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(3).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(2).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(1).uid>
- try tag.pg_5 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(0).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_5 [+]
- else
- var.pg_5 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list5
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> > 5)
- try tag.pg_x 0 // page multiplier
- try tag.pg_pc
- try tag.pg_pt
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (3 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (4 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_5 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (5 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_5 [+]
- else
- var.pg_5 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_listx
- endif
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_list1]
- 170,200
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 184
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- resizepic 75 150 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 156 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_list1 text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>%
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- [dialog d_pg_list1 button]
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_list2]
- 170,177
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 250
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- radio 80 138 5605 2092 0 2
- htmlgump 101 136 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 83 156 330 46 5 0 0
- resizepic 75 216 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 222 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_list2 text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>% || Averaj cevap suresi: <eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>)>,<eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / (<uid.<var.pg_box>.morey> / 10)) - ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>) * 10))>m
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_2>> <var.pg_2> [<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_2>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.tag.reason>
- [dialog d_pg_list2 button]
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_list3]
- 170,144
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 316
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- radio 80 138 5605 2092 0 2
- htmlgump 101 136 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 83 156 330 46 5 0 0
- radio 80 204 5605 2092 0 3
- htmlgump 101 202 310 20 6 0 0
- htmlgump 83 222 330 46 7 0 0
- resizepic 75 282 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 288 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_list3 text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>% || Averaj cevap suresi: <eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>)>,<eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / (<uid.<var.pg_box>.morey> / 10)) - ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>) * 10))>m
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_2>> <var.pg_2> [<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_2>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_3>> <var.pg_3> [<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_3>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.tag.reason>
- [dialog d_pg_list3 button]
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_list4]
- 170,111
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 382
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- radio 80 138 5605 2092 0 2
- htmlgump 101 136 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 83 156 330 46 5 0 0
- radio 80 204 5605 2092 0 3
- htmlgump 101 202 310 20 6 0 0
- htmlgump 83 222 330 46 7 0 0
- radio 80 270 5605 2092 0 4
- htmlgump 101 268 310 20 8 0 0
- htmlgump 83 288 330 46 9 0 0
- resizepic 75 348 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 354 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_list4 text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>% || Averaj cevap suresi: <eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>)>,<eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / (<uid.<var.pg_box>.morey> / 10)) - ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>) * 10))>m
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_2>> <var.pg_2> [<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_2>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_3>> <var.pg_3> [<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_3>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_4>> <var.pg_4> [<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_4>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.tag.reason>
- [dialog d_pg_list4 button]
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_list5]
- 170,68
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 448
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- radio 80 138 5605 2092 0 2
- htmlgump 101 136 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 83 156 330 46 5 0 0
- radio 80 204 5605 2092 0 3
- htmlgump 101 202 310 20 6 0 0
- htmlgump 83 222 330 46 7 0 0
- radio 80 270 5605 2092 0 4
- htmlgump 101 268 310 20 8 0 0
- htmlgump 83 288 330 46 9 0 0
- radio 80 333 5605 2092 0 5
- htmlgump 101 331 310 20 10 0 0
- htmlgump 83 351 330 46 11 0 0
- resizepic 75 414 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 420 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_list5 text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>% || Averaj cevap suresi: <eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>)>,<eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / (<uid.<var.pg_box>.morey> / 10)) - ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>) * 10))>m
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_2>> <var.pg_2> [<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_2>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_3>> <var.pg_3> [<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_3>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_4>> <var.pg_4> [<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_4>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_5>> <var.pg_5> [<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_5>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_5>.tag.reason>
- [dialog d_pg_list5 button]
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_listx]
- 170,68
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 10 5054 370 468
- htmlgump 85 27 120 20 0 0 0
- resizepic 75 20 3000 342 30
- button 215 24 4006 4007 1 0 1 // take
- button 254 24 4015 4016 1 0 2 // summon
- button 295 24 4030 4031 1 0 3 // message
- button 335 24 4018 4019 1 0 4 // delete
- button 375 24 4003 4004 1 0 5 // jail
- radio 80 72 5605 2092 0 1
- htmlgump 101 70 310 20 2 0 0
- htmlgump 83 90 330 46 3 0 0
- radio 80 138 5605 2092 0 2
- htmlgump 101 136 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 83 156 330 46 5 0 0
- radio 80 204 5605 2092 0 3
- htmlgump 101 202 310 20 6 0 0
- htmlgump 83 222 330 46 7 0 0
- radio 80 270 5605 2092 0 4
- htmlgump 101 268 310 20 8 0 0
- htmlgump 83 288 330 46 9 0 0
- radio 80 333 5605 2092 0 5
- htmlgump 101 331 310 20 10 0 0
- htmlgump 83 351 330 46 11 0 0
- resizepic 335 408 3000 82 24
- htmlgump 348 411 40 20 12 0 0
- button 392 413 2224 2104 1 0 99
- resizepic 75 434 3000 342 30
- htmlgump 88 440 320 20 1 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_listx text]
- <var.pg_font>><uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> page listeleniyor.
- <var.pg_font>>Staff islevselligi: <eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more1> * 100) / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morex>)>% || Averaj cevap suresi: <eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>)>,<eval ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / (<uid.<var.pg_box>.morey> / 10)) - ((<uid.<var.pg_box>.more2> / <uid.<var.pg_box>.morey>) * 10))>m
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_1>> <var.pg_1> [<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_1>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_1>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_2>> <var.pg_2> [<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_2>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_2>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_3>> <var.pg_3> [<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_3>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_3>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_4>> <var.pg_4> [<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_4>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_4>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font1>><uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.account>: <uid.<tag.pg_5>> <var.pg_5> [<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.uid>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <uid.<tag.pg_5>.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><uid.<tag.pg_5>.tag.reason>
- <var.pg_font>><eval (<tag.pg_x> + 1)>..<eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- [dialog d_pg_listx button]
- On=99
- if !(<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> > 5)
- pg list
- else
- if (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> > <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 10)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (3 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (4 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_5 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (5 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_5 [+]
- else
- var.pg_5 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_listx
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 10)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (3 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (4 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_5 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (5 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_5>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_5 [+]
- else
- var.pg_5 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list5
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 9)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (3 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_4 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (4 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_4>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_4 [+]
- else
- var.pg_4 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list4
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 8)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_3 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (3 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_3>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_3 [+]
- else
- var.pg_3 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list3
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 7)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- try tag.pg_2 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (2 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_2>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_2 [+]
- else
- var.pg_2 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list2
- elseif (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> == <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 6)>)
- try tag.pg_x <eval (<tag.pg_x> + 5)>
- try tag.pg_1 <uid.<var.pg_box>.findcont(<eval (<uid.<var.pg_box>.rescount> - (1 + <tag.pg_x>))>).uid>
- if (<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.region>) && !(<uid.<tag.pg_1>.link.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- var.pg_1 [+]
- else
- var.pg_1 [-]
- endif
- dialog d_pg_list1
- endif
- endif
- On=1
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg go
- endif
- On=2
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg
- pg summon
- endif
- On=3
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- act.more2 <uid>
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg message
- endif
- On=4
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg delete
- endif
- On=5
- if (<argchk[1]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_1>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[2]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_2>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[3]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_3>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[4]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_4>.uid>
- elseif (<argchk[5]>)
- act <uid.<tag.pg_5>.uid>
- endif
- if (<act.baseid> != i_page)
- pg_smsgx * Bu islem icin bir page secmelisiniz.
- return 1
- endif
- if (<uid.<act.more2>.ischar>) && (<uid.<act.more2>.region>) && !(<uid.<act.more2>.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>) && (<act.more2> != <uid>)
- try pg_smsgx * Bu page ile <uid.<act.more2>.name> zaten ilgilenmekte.
- act 0
- pg list
- else
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- endif
- tag.pg_answer <act.uid>
- pg jail
- endif
- [dialog d_pg_message]
- 170,160
- nomove
- page 0
- resizepic 60 0 5054 370 304
- htmlgump 83 20 300 20 0 0 0
- htmlgump 83 40 330 65 1 0 0
- htmlgump 83 105 330 20 3 0 0
- resizepic 74 125 3000 345 160
- textentry 83 130 330 35 1152 1 2
- textentry 83 150 330 35 1152 2 2
- textentry 83 170 330 35 1152 3 2
- textentry 83 190 330 35 1152 4 2
- textentry 83 210 330 35 1152 5 2
- textentry 83 230 330 35 1152 6 2
- button 340 255 4021 4022 1 0 0
- button 380 255 4030 4031 1 0 1
- [dialog d_pg_message text]
- <var.pg_font1>><>: <> [<>] <eval ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)>m
- <var.pg_font2>><act.tag.reason>
- <tag.pg_m>
- <var.pg_font1>>Gonderilecek mesaj:
- [dialog d_pg_message button]
- On=0
- pg undo
- On=1
- try act <uid.<tag.pg_answer>.link.uid>
- if !(<act.region>) || (<act.findtype.t_eq_client_linger>)
- pg_smsgx * <> su an offline oldugu icin ona mesaj atamazsiniz.
- pg undo
- return 1
- endif
- act.findid.i_page_messager.remove
- newitem i_page_messager
- if (0<account.plevel> == 2)
- act.tag.plvl Counselor
- elseif (0<account.plevel> == 3)
- act.tag.plvl Seer
- elseif (0<account.plevel> == 4)
- act.tag.plvl Gm
- elseif (0<account.plevel> == 5)
- act.tag.plvl Senior Gm
- elseif (0<account.plevel> > 5)
- act.tag.plvl Admin
- endif
- act.tag.time <serv.rtime>
- act.tag.from <name>
- act.tag.message1 <argtxt[1]>
- act.tag.message2 <argtxt[2]>
- act.tag.message3 <argtxt[3]>
- act.tag.message4 <argtxt[4]>
- act.tag.message5 <argtxt[5]>
- act.tag.message6 <argtxt[6]>
- <uid.<tag.pg_answer>.tag.reason>
- act.cont <uid.<tag.pg_answer>.link.uid>
- act.timer 1
- pg_smsgx * Mesajiniz gonderildi.
- act <tag.pg_answer>
- if !(<act.color>)
- act.color 1 // bu page istatistiklere girdi
- try act.cont.more1 <eval (<act.cont.more1> + 1)> // yanitlandi
- try act.cont.morey <eval (<act.cont.morey> + 1)> // ortalamaya katildi
- try act.cont.more2 <eval (<act.cont.more2> + ((<serv.time> - <act.more1>) / 600)> // sure eklendi
- endif
- pg delete
- [dialog d_pg_message_user]
- 0,0
- nomove
- noclose
- nodispose
- page 1
- button 15 15 30 30 0 2 1
- page 2
- resizepic 50 50 5054 337 335
- button 362 62 3 4 1 0 0
- htmlgump 63 60 250 20 0 0 0
- htmlgump 63 80 250 20 1 0 0
- htmlgump 63 100 250 20 2 0 0
- resizepic 60 125 3000 320 130
- htmlgump 65 130 310 20 3 0 0
- htmlgump 65 150 310 20 4 0 0
- htmlgump 65 170 310 20 5 0 0
- htmlgump 65 190 310 20 6 0 0
- htmlgump 65 210 310 20 7 0 0
- htmlgump 65 230 310 20 8 0 0
- htmlgump 65 270 310 20 9 0 0
- resizepic 60 295 3000 320 70
- htmlgump 65 300 310 60 10 0 0
- [dialog d_pg_message_user text]
- <var.pg_font2>>Mesajiniz Var!
- <var.pg_font1>>Gonderen: <findid.i_page_messager.tag.plvl> <findid.i_page_messager.tag.from>
- <var.pg_font1>>Tarih: <findid.i_page_messager.tag.time>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message1>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message2>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message3>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message4>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message5>
- <findid.i_page_messager.tag.message6>
- <var.pg_font2>>Atmis oldugunuz page;
- <>
- [dialog d_pg_message_user button]
- [itemdef i_page_messager]
- name Page Messager
- id i_book_open
- type t_eq_script
- weight 0
- On=@Create
- attr attr_invis|attr_move_never|attr_newbie
- On=@UnEquip
- src.dialog d_pg_message_user
- On=@Timer
- remove
- return 1
- [itemdef i_page]
- name Page
- id i_book_open
- type t_script
- weight 0
- On=@Create
- attr attr_invis|attr_move_never
- [itemdef i_page_box]
- name Page Box
- id i_basket_square
- type t_container
- weight 2000
- tdata2 03f
- On=@Create
- attr attr_move_never
- dispid i_grave_stone
- On=@Click
- sayua <> <name>
- sayua 0482,0,0,0 [<rescount> cagri]
- sayua 0482,0,0,0 [t: <morex> si: <eval ((<more1> * 100) / <morex>)>%
- return 1
- On=@PickUp_Ground
- return 1
- [eof]
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