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Aug 29th, 2012
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  1. [12:24] Session Ident: Shining_Latios (synIRC, daddyswag) (
  2. [12:24] <Shining_Latios> hey I heard you can help me
  3. 01[12:24] <daddyswag> Who sent you?
  4. [12:25] <Shining_Latios> jabbathegriffin
  5. 01[12:25] <daddyswag> Ah, JabbaTheGriffin. Good man indeed.
  6. 01[12:25] <daddyswag> And yes I may be able to help you.
  7. 01[12:26] <daddyswag> What exactly do you need?
  8. [12:26] <Shining_Latios> Well
  9. [12:26] <Shining_Latios> Tips on getting girls
  10. 01[12:26] <daddyswag> Ah! So you are a heterosexual?
  11. 01[12:26] <daddyswag> I presume a male?
  12. [12:26] <Shining_Latios> Yea
  13. 01[12:27] <daddyswag> You see, the thing about girls is they love a guy with confidence.
  14. 01[12:27] <daddyswag> You need to show them you're dominant.
  15. 01[12:27] <daddyswag> Be the alpha-male.
  16. [12:27] <Shining_Latios> How so
  17. 01[12:27] <daddyswag> Put yourself out there.
  18. 01[12:28] <daddyswag> Do something you would normally regret.
  19. 01[12:28] <daddyswag> But don't regret it.
  20. 01[12:28] <daddyswag> Let me think...
  21. 01[12:28] <daddyswag> First off how old are you?
  22. [12:28] <Shining_Latios> 14
  23. 01[12:28] <daddyswag> And what age are the girls you want?
  24. [12:28] <Shining_Latios> entering high school
  25. [12:28] <Shining_Latios> 14-15 I guess
  26. 01[12:29] <daddyswag> My specialty.
  27. [12:29] <Shining_Latios> My luck lol
  28. 01[12:29] <daddyswag> Have you ever worn a bandana?
  29. [12:29] <Shining_Latios> no
  30. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> Bandanas are often a sign of strength.
  31. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> Your inner thug will appear.
  32. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> lol r u sure
  33. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> Bandanas are a great start to high school.
  34. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> Yes.
  35. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> private school
  36. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> cant wear w/e i want
  37. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> Look, these girls want the dick.
  38. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> :[
  39. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> They are sheltered.
  40. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> You are going to a private school where you pay money.
  41. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> They don't know shit.
  42. 01[12:30] <daddyswag> This is where you step in, and fuck them.
  43. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> hm
  44. [12:30] <Shining_Latios> how
  45. 01[12:31] <daddyswag> Dominance.
  46. 01[12:31] <daddyswag> Show them you don't give a fuck.
  47. 01[12:31] <daddyswag> Pull their hair, ravage them.
  48. [12:31] <Shining_Latios> Ik but how/
  49. 01[12:31] <daddyswag> That will get them going.
  50. [12:31] <Shining_Latios> pull their hair i will get expelled
  51. [12:31] <Shining_Latios> can i play with their hair/
  52. 01[12:31] <daddyswag> Define play.
  53. [12:32] <Shining_Latios> touch
  54. 01[12:32] <daddyswag> You want to fuck these girls, not become the gay best friend.
  55. 01[12:32] <daddyswag> Use your brain man, c'mon.
  56. [12:32] <Shining_Latios> o
  57. [12:32] <Shining_Latios> lol
  58. 01[12:33] <daddyswag> By any chance are these girls catholic?
  59. [12:33] <Shining_Latios> probably some
  60. 01[12:33] <daddyswag> You're going to want to go after those girls.
  61. 01[12:33] <daddyswag> Tell them jesus gave you permission to ravage them.
  62. [12:33] <Shining_Latios> ok
  63. 01[12:33] <daddyswag> Maybe when they're not looking, lift up their skirt.
  64. 01[12:33] <daddyswag> Do something naughty.
  65. 01[12:34] <daddyswag> Like I said, something you wouldn't normally do.
  66. 01[12:34] <daddyswag> You WANT to make a scene.
  67. 01[12:34] <daddyswag> A piece of advice though.
  68. [12:34] <Shining_Latios> im gonna get expelled lol
  69. 01[12:34] <daddyswag> Don't fuck in the bathrooms.
  70. [12:34] <Shining_Latios> ok
  71. 01[12:34] <daddyswag> Then do it off campus my man.
  72. [12:34] <Shining_Latios> lol
  73. [12:35] <Shining_Latios> heres the thing
  74. [12:35] <Shining_Latios> how will I get girls to like me to invite me to hangout with them
  75. 01[12:35] <daddyswag> Stand out amongst the crowd.
  76. 01[12:35] <daddyswag> You'll see at least one guy doing that.
  77. 01[12:35] <daddyswag> You want to be better than him.
  78. [12:35] <Shining_Latios> how
  79. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> Well, when I was 4.
  80. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> 14*
  81. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> I beat the shit out of him.
  82. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> I showed my dominance.
  83. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> My inner man.
  84. [12:36] <Shining_Latios> what if hes twice as tall as me jw
  85. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> The chicks came to me, I did not go to them.
  86. [12:36] <Shining_Latios> then what
  87. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> It will show you're not afraid to get the shit kicked out of you.
  88. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> Girls like that too.
  89. [12:36] <Shining_Latios> true true!!
  90. 01[12:36] <daddyswag> It's all about confidence though.
  91. [12:36] <Shining_Latios> good advice right there danhg
  92. [12:37] <Shining_Latios> *dang
  93. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> Another thing.
  94. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> Grab a shirt that says SWAG on it.
  95. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> Like this
  96. [12:37] <Shining_Latios> why..
  97. [12:37] <Shining_Latios> ok lol
  98. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> You don't need swag to show that you have it.
  99. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> You get what I mean?
  100. [12:37] <Shining_Latios> yes
  101. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> You are born with swag.
  102. 01[12:37] <daddyswag> It's just hidden.
  103. [12:38] <Shining_Latios> but swag was made up after I was born lol
  104. 01[12:38] <daddyswag> No my friend.
  105. [12:38] <Shining_Latios> ?
  106. 01[12:38] <daddyswag> Swagger.
  107. [12:38] <Shining_Latios> o
  108. 01[12:38] <daddyswag> Means to be dominant.
  109. 01[12:38] <daddyswag> Aggressive.
  110. 01[12:38] <daddyswag> CONFIDENT.
  111. [12:39] <Shining_Latios> ok
  112. 01[12:39] <daddyswag> Did you start school yet?
  113. [12:39] <Shining_Latios> not yet
  114. [12:39] <Shining_Latios> sept 6
  115. 01[12:39] <daddyswag> Do you want to have sex with these girls?
  116. [12:40] <Shining_Latios> eventually hell ya
  117. 01[12:40] <daddyswag> Because i'll let you in on a little secret.
  118. 01[12:40] <daddyswag> Something I wish I knew when I was 14.
  119. [12:40] <Shining_Latios> ?
  120. 01[12:40] <daddyswag> Chicks digg the gays.
  121. 01[12:40] <daddyswag> You could pretend to be gay, become their friend, and then fuck their brains out.
  122. 01[12:40] <daddyswag> Tell him how you used them to get close to them.
  123. [12:41] <Shining_Latios> wait what
  124. 01[12:41] <daddyswag> You act gay to become close to them.
  125. [12:41] <Shining_Latios> oh
  126. 01[12:41] <daddyswag> And then they invite you over to their house.
  127. 01[12:41] <daddyswag> And then shit hits the fan.
  128. [12:41] <Shining_Latios> thts actually weird because 3 people I know pretend to be gay and get all the girls..
  129. 01[12:41] <daddyswag> Exactly.
  130. 01[12:42] <daddyswag> They know the drill.
  131. 01[12:43] <daddyswag> You got any other questions?
  132. 01[12:43] <daddyswag> I gotta go pick up some girls at 1.
  133. [12:43] <Shining_Latios> sorry went to get water
  134. [12:43] <Shining_Latios> um
  135. [12:43] <Shining_Latios> well
  136. [12:43] <Shining_Latios> like when I do get invited to hangout with them what do I do
  137. [12:43] <Shining_Latios> how do I act etc
  138. 01[12:43] <daddyswag> Flirt with them.
  139. 01[12:43] <daddyswag> Touch them, but sexually.
  140. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> Put your hand around them and hold them close.
  141. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> Look right into their eyes.
  142. [12:44] <Shining_Latios> ok
  143. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> And next thing you know, you're in their bedroom.
  144. [12:44] <Shining_Latios> what if they think im creepy
  145. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> Or their dad beats the shit out of you.
  146. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> But that's rare.
  147. [12:44] <Shining_Latios> ok
  148. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> Dude, it's about the confidence.
  149. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> You can't keep doubting yourself.
  150. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> You just need to try it.
  151. [12:44] <Shining_Latios> oh
  152. 01[12:44] <daddyswag> It's not rape if she enjoys it.
  153. [12:45] <Shining_Latios> true
  154. [12:45] <Shining_Latios> anything else
  155. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> Dress like you don't give a fuck.
  156. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> Step outside your comfort zone.
  157. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> Like I said, bandanas.
  158. [12:46] <Shining_Latios> has user JabbaTheGriffin gotten a girl from ur advice
  159. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> If you need too, put it on after school.
  160. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> Dude, when I first met Jabba.
  161. [12:46] <Shining_Latios> and I already dress like i dont give a fuck lol anywhere I go nike shorts and a shirt
  162. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> He was just like you.
  163. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> Soon he started getting all the bitches.
  164. [12:46] <Shining_Latios> lol
  165. 01[12:46] <daddyswag> But now he's settling down with that one girl.
  166. [12:47] <Shining_Latios> doesnt he have a wife
  167. 01[12:47] <daddyswag> But you're 14.
  168. 01[12:47] <daddyswag> Na, he has a gf.
  169. [12:47] <Shining_Latios> oh
  170. 01[12:47] <daddyswag> And he's committed, you're not.
  171. 01[12:47] <daddyswag> That's the big difference.
  172. [12:47] <Shining_Latios> o
  173. 01[12:47] <daddyswag> Alright look man, I'm gonna head out.
  174. [12:48] <Shining_Latios> ok
  175. [12:48] <Shining_Latios> peace
  176. [12:48] <Shining_Latios> thanks dude
  177. 01[12:48] <daddyswag> If you need further advice ask Jabba when I'm on.
  178. 01[12:48] <daddyswag> np man and good luck.
  179. [12:48] <Shining_Latios> Okay
  180. [12:48] <Shining_Latios> thanks bro
  181. 01[12:48] <daddyswag> Confidence. Dominance. Arrogance.
  182. 01[12:48] <daddyswag> Remember those.
  183. 01[12:48] <daddyswag> Swag out~
  184. [12:49] <Shining_Latios> Ok
  185. [12:49] <Shining_Latios> peace
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