
Bath Time Mishappenings / Snow (Challenge No.28 winner)

Feb 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous, May 30, 2013; 22:11 / FB 11247
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Just something I thought up, first fluffy piece so bear with me
  5. >Own a white fluffy pony named Snow.
  6. >Worked graveyard last night on the fork lift, came home at around 3am.
  7. > Literal scared the shit out of your fluffy pony Snow. After taking Snow outside and cleaning out her bedding, you slide open the glass door to go outside.
  8. >Placing a bucket full of lukewarm water on the lawn, you look towards the bushes lining the fence. "Damnit Snow! Get back here!” You yell at her shit covered behind, the only part sticking out from the bush.
  9. >She comes waddling back babbling about buzzy bugs and wingy friends. "That's nice Snow, now are you ready for bath time?” You ask in the cutesy voice a grown man can do.
  10. >She puffs her cheeks and shakes her head at you, “Nuuuuuu, Sno nu wan stingy,smew wa wa!” She huffs at you, as threateningly as a fluffy pony can manage.
  12. >”OOOWWEIEIEEE!” She yelps as you flick her on the nose. “I don’t want to hear another word of sass from you, now hold still.” You tell her, picking her up in your hand and pouring water atop of her.
  13. >”Nuuuu! Nu wan wa wa, meanie daddy, Nuuuuuu Wike! NUU WIKE!” Snow keeps huffing, clearly she isn’t enjoying herself. You feel her squishy body under all that wet fluff, struggling and wriggling frantically .
  14. >”Now Snow how am I supposed to clean you if you just keep fighting me?” You ask, uncapping the lightest, softest, unscented baby shampoo you could find. Snow however doesn’t care, starting to try and push herself out of your grasp.
  15. >”Come on Snow, im doing you a favor, and this is how you repay me?” Sighing as you drizzle some shampoo atop of Snow’s head. “Now close your eyes, unless you want a repeat of last time.”
  17. >”Fuck that has to be about my overtime!” You jump to your feet and quickly run inside, the only think snow hearing is the glass door sliding shut with an audible THUD.
  19. >Be Snow, bestest fluffy pony ever, except for right now your all wet and covered in something slimy daddy says make you smell good. Hearing that noise must mean your all alone, “Daddy?” No response and your all alone, for a second your filled with joy that you don’t need to be washed anymore.
  20. >”Sno cwean! Snow cweanes fwuffy eva.” You proudly exclaim to no one in particular, reaching your hooves forwards as you try to right yourself. “Wy darkies,” You ask yourself, oh wait that’s right daddy told you to close your eyes. Stupid daddy thinking he knows better than you, but you know bestest. And now it is time for funsies!
  22. >You feel something weird slowly creep, slide over your face and eyes, it smells pretty but you hate the feeling of it on your fluff, “Dummy wa wa, weave Sno awone or get biggest owwies!” You quickly open your eyes angrily to find what is on you, and give it big owwies.
  23. >Opening your eyes so you can see something goo like, but only for a second before your sight goes black and your eyes start to burn intensly.
  24. >”Owieee! OWIEEESSSS! DADDY DADDY WA WA STINGY, WA WA BURNIES!” You use you hooves to try and rub your eyes but it only makes it sting and burn much more.
  25. >You stop screaming for a second and it dawns in your little fluffy mind, “Wa wa,” you say softly, getting to your hooves and wandering blindly forwards and backwards.
  26. >Daddy brought a thingy full of wa wa, it’s how he got you wet in the first place. It has to be here! You think to yourself.
  27. >”Owwwies!!?!” You yell as you bop your nosy into something wet, hard, and cold. Thinking as hard as your fluffy head will, you try to figure out what it is infront of you. You get angry when nothing comes to your head aside from huggies and sketties, “Dummy thingy, Sno gif you worsest owies!” Taking a few steps back you charge head first into it, “Huh u hu, huhuhu, Snow owwies! Huhuhu.” But then something slaps you in the face, and disappears. You know that it was wa wa, so this thingy must have wa wa inside it.
  28. “Yay, Sno smarty fluffy, Sno fin wa wa!” You declare proudly, reaching with your front two hooves you feel what should be the top edge of the pail.” “Giff sno wa wa, sno nee wa wa fo burnies!” You shout as your eyes still burn.
  29. >With all your might you jump with your rear hooves and are airborne for a split second, teetering on the edge of the pail. You open one of your eyes and see the yard and inside for wa wa. Reaching with one hoof you try to scoop up some wa wa for your eyes
  31. >All of a sudden you feel weightless, you look at sky, yard, water, sky, yard, and water again. All you can think about is the meanie thingy that just wouldn’t give you the water. That is the last think you think before you feel a splash and your world starts to go dark.
  32. >You thrash violently in the water as you now can see, the shampoo washing off your face. It is dark you can hardly see anything you try to get to the edge, scraping your soft hooves on the wet, rough, and almost vertical sidewall of whatever it is your inside.
  33. >Your inside are starting to hurt, your breathie place is starting to burn, you miss daddy and are scared, wondering why and how this happened.
  34. >You think back to the last time daddy gave you a wash and how fun it was, being tickled and scrubbed, even with shampoo in you eyes daddy made sure you were safe and clean in the end.
  35. >Everything starts to fade away into darkness, you look up and see sky above the wa wa your in, and a large silhouette above you. Your eyes start to go black and everything stops.
  37. >”GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!” You scream, “I go answer the phone and you already find a way to kill yourself. Fuck! Not again……” You pull Snow’s drenched lifeless fluffy out of the bucket and sigh, placing her down on the grass gently. You take a deep breath and look at her, she looks at least peaceful as if she was just sleeping
  39. >Maybe your not a fluffy guy, this is the 2nd time this has happened. One of these guys dying unattended for a couple of minutes.
  41. >Maybe those five dollars would have been better spend on that copy of Red Orchestra
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