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Feb 21st, 2017
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  1. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: He isn't a snake or a leech
  2. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: He's a good guy
  3. Pete95: nah
  4. Pete95: he showed me his true colours
  5. Pete95: augusto showed me the screenshots
  6. Pete95: of what was said
  7. Pete95: about me
  8. Pete95: once i got kicked i shit talked for like 10 mins in chat then lef tit
  9. Pete95: and moved on
  10. Pete95: from what i heard he continued
  11. Pete95: then jenny removed me
  12. Pete95: out of the blue
  13. Pete95: when it was between me and shaz
  14. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: You shit talk everyone on the server though?
  15. Pete95: hahaha
  16. Pete95: exactly
  17. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Jake just gave it back
  18. Pete95: thats me
  19. Pete95: i do it
  20. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: So why are you offended
  21. Pete95: ive always shit talked
  22. Pete95: so people raid
  23. Pete95: but they never do
  24. Pete95: im not at all
  25. Pete95: its the way he went about it
  26. Pete95: behind my back
  27. Pete95: i said it to him in chat
  28. Pete95: hes being all secret
  29. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: He simply got asked a question by omniels
  30. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: And sent it
  31. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: He fucking knew you would find out lol
  32. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: We knew Augusta would tell you lol
  33. Pete95: augusto is loyal
  34. Pete95: thats why i like him
  35. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: So he didn't just say it behind your back
  36. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Augusto is a snake
  37. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: As you would say
  38. Pete95: nope
  39. Pete95: thats being loyal
  40. Pete95: and a friend
  41. Pete95: alina even sent me the screenshots of him hacking
  42. Pete95: from the discord
  43. Pete95: thats how i got you lot banned
  44. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Lol that wasn't us
  45. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: That's what he sees
  46. Pete95: his mates goign to lose his job too sent it into facepunch direct
  47. Pete95: so its beign reviewed
  48. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Your a cunt
  49. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Fuck yourself
  50. Pete95: haha idc mate
  51. Pete95: its abusing a system
  52. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Your actually a cunt
  53. Pete95: do you complain about our presidents and memers of parliment abusing the system?
  54. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Your ruining someone's life over a fucking game
  55. Pete95: you let it slide
  56. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: That's so shut
  57. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Shit
  58. Pete95: and what
  59. Pete95: hes abusint the system
  60. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Your such a cunt
  61. Pete95: Na im being the right person
  62. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: I don't want to talk to you again
  63. Pete95: if a woman got raped next to you
  64. Pete95: what would you do
  65. Pete95: let it happen?
  66. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: You ruin someone's life?
  67. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Over a game
  68. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Your such a cunt
  69. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: That's triggered me
  70. Pete95: No, i prevent abusive people from ruining a game
  71. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: No
  72. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Fuck off
  73. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: He's helping a friend and you lose his job for him
  74. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Fuck off
  75. Pete95: even tho he bans hackers
  76. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: You care way to much
  77. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: Fuck your self
  78. Pete95: you'll see im right
  79. Pete95: dont worry
  80. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: No
  81. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: That's never right
  82. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: What did the guy do wrong?
  83. Pete95: Let me ask you this
  84. Pete95: if a woman was being raped, and she was in front of you
  85. Pete95: would you help her
  86. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: loooooooooool
  87. Pete95: or leave her
  88. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: its a fucking game pete
  89. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: not rape you twat
  90. Pete95: its real life
  91. Pete95: i pay money to the game
  92. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: to you its real life
  93. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: for me its a bit of fun
  94. Pete95: not at all
  95. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: it fucking is
  96. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: you hav eno job
  97. Pete95: im competative
  98. Pete95: thats why i enjoy the game
  99. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: so you play rust and go to the gym
  100. Pete95: sorry i have no job
  101. Pete95: ?
  102. Pete95: what does that even prove?
  103. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: you have no other passtimes
  104. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: so you play rust
  105. Pete95: i play rust go to the gym
  106. Pete95: and what
  107. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: rust takes up most of your time
  108. Pete95: ?
  109. Pete95: and what?
  110. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: aka you rlife
  111. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: rust is your life
  112. Pete95: Dan, you are very hypocritical
  113. Pete95: what you just said backs up my argument
  114. Pete95: "You have no job rust takes up your life"
  115. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: yes
  116. Pete95: trhanks for agreeing with me.
  117. Pete95: thanks*
  118. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: what?
  119. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: what is your arguement?
  120. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: that rust is your lifer?
  121. Pete95: so you havbent been reading
  122. Pete95: scroll up dick head
  123. AntiHack:Violation Level 558.131: no
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