
Deadmeat Chronicles: The play area

May 30th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn and you are exploring the area you found.
  2. >You spot an area surrounded by a fence and lots of fluffies are inside.
  3. >Something else is getting your attention.
  4. >There is a smell coming from the placed that makes your belly rumble.
  5. >It’s the smell of food.
  6. >“Deadmeat smeww nummies but no see nummies.”
  7. >You wonder around the fence not seeing any way inside.
  8. >Other stray fluffies are milling about talking about nummies and trying to push past the fence.
  9. >You stand beside a sidewalk and you see something magical.
  10. >A two legged monster has pulled a part of the fence away and it closed back behind him.
  11. >You are amazed, your head starts to hurt from what you have just seen trying to figure out what just happened.
  12. >Your head is pounding as you realize that you must go through the opening to get in.
  13. >You watch the spot for a few minutes before another two legged monster comes out carrying a crying fluffy.
  14. >”Nuuu sowwy stick! Bopsy no mean make poopies!” Tears running down its face.
  15. >”You know you only poop in litter box at home! Now mommy has to clean up what you did!”
  16. >”Bopsy sowwy! No mean poopie! Nuuuuu! Waaaahhh!” the fluffy pony cries.
  17. >The two legged monster is focused on the fluffy.
  18. >While the fence is open you run inside.
  19. >The closing gate hits you knocking you forward making you roll a few feet.
  20. >You are inside the fence and you look at the other fluffy ponies playing.
  21. >Some are chasing balls, others playing with blocks, some are happily throwing sand in the air, others are just hugging and giggling.
  22. >The two legged monsters are just sitting back watching the fluffies play.
  23. >”New fwen?”
  24. >You turn to see a pink earth fluffy smiling at you.
  25. >”Deadmeat neva been fwen befor.” You tell him.
  26. >”Dats ok, Thewum gif huggies to new fwen!”
  27. >You try to back up but the other fluffy is on you giving you a hug.
  28. >It feels good, you don’t remember the last time anything was nice to you.
  29. >You actually hug back for a second.
  30. >”Wet’s pway! Wet’s pway hide and go seek!”
  31. >”How pway?” You ask.
  32. >”One of us count, one of us hide, one of us fin’!” It says excitedly.
  33. >”Me go first!”
  34. >It starts to run around counting. “Wun!.... Too!.... Aaaaa!..... Wun!.... Ten!..... Wun!...”
  35. >It runs to a few locations not satisfied with any of them.
  36. >Finally it finds a block one third its size and puts it on its head.
  37. >”O K! Weady or not come fin’ me!” It starts giggling saying how it will not be found.
  38. >You run up to the friendly fluffy and point to it, “You dere.”
  39. >”Nuuuuu! Yoo fin fwuffy, yoo too gud at dis game.” It pouts.
  40. >”Deadmeat sowwy, me do bad thing?”
  41. >”Nuuu, fwuffy wike yoo. Show new fwen to daddy!”
  42. >”Yoo daddy here?” you ask curiously.
  43. >”Fowwow fwuffy!” It says bouncing excitedly. “Fowwow!”
  44. >It starts to run off and you follow it and where it leads you freezes you in your tracks.
  45. >It has led you to a two legged monster.
  46. >You are way too close to this one, it will notice you.
  47. >You fall over and quit moving.
  48. >”Dadda! Daddy! Daddaddy! Thewum fin new fwen! Thewum happy! Come meet dada!”
  49. >Is it talking to the two legged monster?
  50. >The thing gets up, it seems to have layers of fur on, it’s under coat is white but its outer coat is brown.
  51. >It is writing in a notebook, something completely foreign to you.
  52. >It stands up and walks toward you, your heart is racing in fear.
  53. >”So Theorem, you have made a new friend huh? Where’s your owner?”
  54. >You lay there hoping the monster will walk away.
  55. >”Why are you playing dead?” It places its top malformed hooves on its sides.
  56. >”Are you a stray? How did you get in here?”
  57. >You still don’t answer.
  58. >The monster leans down and whispers in your ear, “Pro-tip, when you play dead, don’t keep your eyes open and look around.”
  59. >”Ahhh! Monsta see Deadmeat!” You shout and start running away.
  60. >”Wait fwen! Daddy no monsta, fwuffy being siwwy!” Your new friend yells at you.
  61. >The monster runs in front of you and blocks your escape, you know there is no way to avoid him.
  62. >”Wow, your fast… much faster than others of your kind.”
  63. >It bends down extending his hand toward you.
  64. >You jump back and puff your cheeks out.
  65. >”Wow, you are quick… and you are definitely a stray..” He says eyeing you.
  66. >”No strays are supposed to be in here, how did you get in?” It asks of you.
  67. >You don’t say anything to the monster, you don’t know what to do.
  68. >Your stomach growls.
  69. >”Well, at least I know why you’re in here.” He walks back to where he was sitting and grabs a bag.
  70. >He comes back and pours some pellets in front of you.
  71. >”Ooooh! Dadda wikes you, dada gif yoo nummies!” Your new friend says.
  72. >You friend comes up and starts to eat the pellets but the monster picks him up.
  73. >”No. let your friend eat. He looks like he’s starving.”
  74. >The pellets smell so good.
  75. >You try a nibble and then quickly find yourself chomping the pile down.
  76. >Your belly is full and your more at ease, but you still don’t trust the monster.
  77. >”Well, looks like you’re fed now. I am impressed you got in here. You’re the first stray I’ve seen get in.”
  78. >The monster turns and walks away holding your friend in its arms.
  79. >He turns back and starts to talk again.
  80. >”By the way, strays are not allowed in here. If the people who run it find you, they will kill you.”
  81. >”In your terms… they will give you big owwies.”
  82. >He turns and walks away again, he walks through the magical fence.
  83. >After it seals behind him he yells to you, “If you’re here tomorrow, I’ll give you some more nummies.”
  84. >It walks away again. “Let’s go Theorem.”
  85. >”Thewum see fwen again!” It says smiling.
  86. >”We’ll see, but daddy doubts it.” Your new friend looks disappointed as they walk out of sight.
  87. >You stare at the fence.
  88. >The shock hits you that you are locked inside with monsters.
  89. >They will hurt you if they know you aren’t supposed to be here.
  90. >They will hurt you if you can’t get out.
  91. >Your head starts to hurt again.
  92. >You feel the ground shake from footsteps.
  93. >You turn to see another two legged monster walking toward the magic fence.
  94. >It is hold a fluffy pony in its arms and start to push open the fence.
  95. >You run forward to get out.
  96. >The thing turns around and sees you, “Uh un big guy, your owner would get worried if you got out.”
  97. >Before you can react the thing kicks you back in.
  98. >You roll backward seeing your chance for escape close.
  99. >You notice there are fewer and fewer fluffies inside the fence.
  100. >You run around the inside seeing no exit.
  101. >You look hard at the part of the fence the sidewalk goes under.
  102. >The sun is going down and according to the monster you will be in trouble when it does.
  103. >You feel the ground shake again.
  104. >You run to a nearby bush to hide and watch.
  105. >Another two legged monster carrying a fluffy walks through the magic place.
  106. >You see it push the spot with its hand.
  107. >”Dey make magic happen by pushing?”
  108. >You walk up to the spot and place your head against it.
  109. >You start to push the spot, your leg running as place as you do.
  110. >It moved, just a little but it moved!
  111. >You are kicked from the side.
  112. >“Someone would be pissed if their fluffy escaped.” A monster says as it walks through the fence.
  113. >”Ahhhh, Munsta! Munsta put fwuffy down! Ahhhhhh!”
  114. >You turn and see a two legged monster holding up a squirming and squealing fluffy pony.
  115. >”Ok, almost closing time, who’s this one belong to?” the monster says.
  116. >”Oh I was getting worried! Thanks for finding my pony.” One of the monsters come up and takes the fluffy.
  117. >Another monster opens the magic spot, you start running.
  118. >”New fwen? New daddy? Take fwuffy home?” A stray walks up to the monster.
  119. >”Goddamn vermin!” He kicks the hapless stray across the grass, it yells in pain and runs off.
  120. >”Hard enough taking care of one of these things…” He says walking off.
  121. >The fence closes just before you get to it.
  122. >A fluffy runs past you screaming, with the monster right behind it.
  123. >They run past you as you butt your head against the fence trying to force it open.
  124. >It moves but not near enough, you hear the fluffy crying.
  125. >You look up and see the monster walking back holding the crying earth fluffy.
  126. >The monster looks down and sees you, “Fuck people need to keep a leash on their pets. I’ll be back for you in a bit.”
  127. >The monster walks past, “We’re closing people, get your ponies! I found a wonderer here, who’s missing their pet?”
  128. >You feel you have no time left. You start to stomp your hooves in frustration.
  129. >Desperately you back up as far as you dare.
  130. >There are a few yards between you and the magic spot.
  131. >You take of running as fast as you can to burst through the magic spot.
  132. >You strike the fence with all the force you can muster.
  133. >It feels like all the bones in your body crunch when you make impact.
  134. >The fence opens! You hit the gate with enough force to overcome its springs.
  135. >You push it open a bit then it stops, your feet running uselessly against the ground.
  136. >It closes back rolling you along its base and throws you like a pin ball paddle down the fence line.
  137. >You stop after a few feet and sit up feeling like your head is going to spin off.
  138. >”OK, where is that straggler?” You hear the monster say as it is coming back.
  139. >You take off as fast as you can run seeing a clump of bushes.
  140. >You climb underneath looking back to see if the monster is coming.
  141. >You see it looks around where you were then walks off.
  142. >You made it, you’re safe.
  143. >You have a full belly and the sun is setting.
  144. >You look around to make sure no monsters are close and no other meanie fluffies are around.
  145. >You push up some leaves and lay down for the night.
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