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Jan 6th, 2016
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  1. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_14_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_14_0_, this_.col_country_code as col_coun3_14_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date4_14_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last5_14_0_ from table_server_group this_ where this_.col_country_code=? limit ?
  2. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_15_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_15_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_15_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_15_0_, this_.col_name as col_name5_15_0_, this_.col_server_group_id as col_serv6_15_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_15_0_ from table_universe this_ where this_.col_server_group_id is null and this_.col_universe_id=?
  3. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_9_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_9_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_9_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_9_0_, this_.col_player_id as col_play5_9_0_, this_.col_researches_id as col_rese6_9_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_9_0_ from table_player this_ where this_.col_universe_id is null and this_.col_player_id=?
  4. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_14_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_14_0_, this_.col_country_code as col_coun3_14_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date4_14_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last5_14_0_ from table_server_group this_ where this_.col_country_code=? limit ?
  5. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_15_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_15_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_15_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_15_0_, this_.col_name as col_name5_15_0_, this_.col_server_group_id as col_serv6_15_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_15_0_ from table_universe this_ where this_.col_server_group_id is null and this_.col_universe_id=?
  6. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_9_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_9_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_9_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_9_0_, this_.col_player_id as col_play5_9_0_, this_.col_researches_id as col_rese6_9_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_9_0_ from table_player this_ where this_.col_universe_id is null and this_.col_player_id=?
  7. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_14_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_14_0_, this_.col_country_code as col_coun3_14_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date4_14_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last5_14_0_ from table_server_group this_ where this_.col_country_code=? limit ?
  8. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_15_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_15_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_15_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_15_0_, this_.col_name as col_name5_15_0_, this_.col_server_group_id as col_serv6_15_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_15_0_ from table_universe this_ where this_.col_server_group_id is null and this_.col_universe_id=?
  9. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_9_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_9_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_9_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last4_9_0_, this_.col_player_id as col_play5_9_0_, this_.col_researches_id as col_rese6_9_0_, this_.col_universe_id as col_univ7_9_0_ from table_player this_ where this_.col_universe_id is null and this_.col_player_id=?
  10. Hibernate: select this_.col_id as col_id1_12_0_, this_.col_version as col_vers2_12_0_, this_.col_date_created as col_date3_12_0_, this_.col_key as col_key4_12_0_, this_.col_last_updated as col_last5_12_0_, this_.col_player_id as col_play6_12_0_ from table_report this_ where this_.class='com.ognext.SpyReport' and this_.col_player_id is null
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