
Slayersteady: Chapter 1: The Fiend Slayer

Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. [18:05] <!CYOA-sama> [Chapter 1: The Fiend Slayer]
  2. [18:06] <!CYOA-sama> -Thud-
  3. [18:06] <!CYOA-sama> Your head bangs against the cart as it hits a bump.
  4. [18:06] <!CYOA-sama> You stare vacantly up at the morning sky for a few moments.
  5. [18:06] <!CYOA-sama> "Ow." You say to nobody before sitting up quickly and looking around.
  6. [18:07] <!CYOA-sama> There's more people than there were when you fell asleep.
  7. [18:07] <!CYOA-sama> You look around at the other people hitching a ride from the old farmer.
  8. [18:07] <!CYOA-sama> Guess this must be a high traffick trade route.
  9. [18:08] <!CYOA-sama> The fact you evidently slept through several stops briefly makes you wonder how long you've been asleep but you quckly decide it doesn't actually matter that much.
  10. [18:08] <!CYOA-sama> The other passengers, and old woman and her grandchild were here before.
  11. [18:08] <!CYOA-sama> The man with the potion bag must have gotten off already.
  12. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> He's been replaced with a young man with a walking staff and a fancy book.
  13. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> You belch.
  14. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> Religion always makes you gassy.
  15. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> You yawn.
  16. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Charming..."
  17. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> You turn to your right.
  18. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> You didn't even notice her until she spoke.
  19. [18:10] <!CYOA-sama> A woman in a cloak.
  20. [18:10] <!CYOA-sama> Well "woman" anyway.
  21. [18:10] <!CYOA-sama> You detect magic from her which leads you to believe she's probably hiding her face under that cloak for a reason.
  22. [18:11] <!CYOA-sama> You decide not to worry about it and instead ogle her delicious brown cleavage pushed together by her chestplate.... some armor.
  23. [18:11] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Compliment her on her nice rack.
  24. [18:12] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Ask the two new people if they have anything scary and large that needs savagely murdered, there's no such thing as a bad time to advertise.
  25. [18:13] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Tell the farmer to avoid bumps better and go back to sleep without acknowledging the brown bitch
  26. [18:13] <!CYOA-sama> Choose
  27. [18:13] <HyakkoF> Hmmm.
  28. [18:15] <HyakkoF> [x] Advertise
  29. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  30. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  31. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  32. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  33. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  34. [18:16] <Brutus> [X] Tell the farmer to avoid bumps better and go back to sleep without acknowledging the brown bitch
  35. [18:16] <Taco_Hell> [x] Tell the farmer that
  36. [18:16] <HyakkoF> That is also a good choice.
  37. [18:19] <!CYOA-sama> Vote ends at :20
  38. [18:19] <!CYOA-sama> I told you, we goin old school.
  39. [18:19] <HyakkoF> I like that way.
  40. [18:20] <@CEB> [X] Compliment her on her nice rack.
  41. [18:20] <@CEB> >not complimenting brown just because
  42. [18:20] <@CEB> fuckin' faggots
  43. [18:21] <Taco_Hell> >Being a jerkass rogue that steals spells
  44. [18:21] <Taco_Hell> >Complimenting anything
  45. [18:21] <!CYOA-sama> You kick the back of a hay bale.
  46. [18:22] <!CYOA-sama> "Try to drive smoother old man, I'm trying to sleep."
  47. [18:22] <!CYOA-sama> You turn your back to the armorcloacklady and close your eyes.
  48. [18:22] <!CYOA-sama> "How rude.... he's letting you ride for free."
  49. [18:22] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] STAB. HER.
  50. [18:22] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Explain to her you are not rude.
  51. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Ignore her and sleep.
  52. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> Choose.
  53. [18:23] <@CEB> [X] Ignore her and sleep.
  54. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  55. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  56. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  57. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  58. [18:23] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  59. [18:23] <Brutus> [X] STABBY STABBY~
  60. [18:23] <HyakkoF> [x] Ignore and sleep
  61. [18:24] <Taco_Hell> [x] STAB THE BOOBS
  62. [18:24] <!CYOA-sama> (You do remember route girls can die in this one right Brutus?)
  63. [18:24] <!CYOA-sama> Need a tiebreaker
  64. [18:24] <Imouto> [x] Ignore and sleep
  65. [18:24] <Imouto> don't stab the cunt.
  66. [18:25] <!CYOA-sama> You decide not to show the cunt the error of her ways with your knife and/or penis.
  67. [18:25] <!CYOA-sama> You attempt to go back to sleep.
  68. [18:25] <Brutus> (I can't help it. I'm in a stabby mood~)
  69. [18:25] <!CYOA-sama> You hear a sound.
  70. [18:26] <!CYOA-sama> Your ear twitches and you sit up.
  71. [18:26] <!CYOA-sama> No one else notices at all.
  72. [18:26] <!CYOA-sama> "I thought you were going to sleep..." The brown bitch says.
  73. [18:26] <!CYOA-sama> You sigh.
  74. [18:26] <!CYOA-sama> "I should..."
  75. [18:27] <!CYOA-sama> "I should just go to sleep and let them eat all of you." You say as you tilt your head back and stare at the sky.
  76. [18:27] <!CYOA-sama> 45 seconds, 8 of them from the north north-east, no alpha.
  77. [18:27] <!CYOA-sama> "So... how much money do all of you have on you?" You ask flatly.
  78. [18:28] <!CYOA-sama> "What are you gonna rob us now?" The brown woman says as she reaches for her sword.
  79. [18:28] <!CYOA-sama> "Bitch are you deaf? I'm asking if you have enough money to afford to live."
  80. [18:29] <!CYOA-sama> "I... I only have a few copper." The old woman says as her now freightened grandchild clings to her.
  81. [18:29] <!CYOA-sama> "P-please sir, I don't carry money." the priest says.
  82. [18:29] <!CYOA-sama> "I have 800g on me, bring it on thief!" The armored woman says as she stands up.
  83. [18:30] <!CYOA-sama> "GOOD ENOUGH!"
  84. [18:30] <!CYOA-sama> You sweep the bitch off her feet as hellhounds bursts from the treeline toward her through.
  85. [18:31] <!CYOA-sama> You slam your heel down on her chest causing her to let out a grunt.
  86. [18:31] <!CYOA-sama> The blade in your boot pops out and you drive it into the hellhounds ribs as it flys overhead.
  87. [18:31] <!CYOA-sama> In a single motion you backflip out of the cart and land on top of the creature before snapping it's neck.
  88. [18:32] <!CYOA-sama> You roll away as it explodes violently.
  89. [18:32] <!CYOA-sama> "I fucking hate dogs..." You whisper under your breath as you're surrounded by four of them emerging from the bushes around you.
  90. [18:33] <!CYOA-sama> The cart comes to a stop as the startled driver begins to panic and reaches for his crossbow.
  91. [18:33] <!CYOA-sama> There are four more...
  92. [18:33] <!CYOA-sama> Fireballs launch out of the treeline towards the cart, it'll burn like a tinder box and take your soon to be paycheck with it.
  93. [18:34] <!CYOA-sama> You step off the head of a charging hellhound and throw daggers inscribed with dispelling runes that collide with the fireballs midair nullifying them.
  94. [18:35] <!CYOA-sama> The three that have already shown themselves still have their charge.
  95. [18:35] <!CYOA-sama> The other four have xpended their fire and are little more than wolves now, sword bitch can probably handle them... and if not who cares, as long as the money is still there.
  96. [18:37] <!CYOA-sama> The other three hellhounds move in on your back as you land.
  97. [18:37] <!CYOA-sama> Of course, they won't use their charge with prey within striking distance.
  98. [18:37] <!CYOA-sama> Well, this might be good anyway....
  99. [18:37] <!CYOA-sama> You draw your dagger.
  100. [18:37] <!CYOA-sama> The hellhounds hesitate.
  101. [18:38] <!CYOA-sama> "Hoh... smart puppy."
  102. [18:38] <!CYOA-sama> "Unfortunately you've already pissed me off... besides, you're worth 100g a piece."
  103. [18:38] <!CYOA-sama> As if they understand the hounds bark violently and lunge at you.
  104. [18:39] <!CYOA-sama> You slam your boot into the jaw of the first one driving it into the ground and breaking it, you then quickly kick the creature into the air as it self destructs.
  105. [18:39] <!CYOA-sama> The other two lunge at you at once.
  106. [18:39] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Kill them quickly and go help the others.
  107. [18:40] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Take the time to steal "Fireball" from one of them before they blow their charge.
  108. [18:40] <!CYOA-sama> Choose.
  109. [18:40] <HyakkoF> How strong is fireball?
  110. [18:40] <!CYOA-sama> It's like an incidiary grenade.
  111. [18:40] <!CYOA-sama> Think dark souls.
  112. [18:41] <HyakkoF> [x] Steal
  113. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> It's like that fireball.
  114. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  115. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  116. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  117. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  118. [18:41] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  119. [18:41] <@CEB> [X] STEAL
  120. [18:41] <Brutus> {STEAL}
  121. [18:41] <Taco_Hell> [x] Steal
  122. [18:42] <!CYOA-sama> You avoid their charge and kick one of them in the face as it attempts to breath fire at you.
  123. [18:42] <!CYOA-sama> It yelps loudly and explodes.
  124. [18:42] <!CYOA-sama> The other bursts through the flames left behind by it's kin and snaps at you.
  125. [18:43] <!CYOA-sama> You thrust your elbow into it's jaw wincing at it breaks skin but driving it's head into the ground before it can breath fire.
  126. [18:43] <!CYOA-sama> You hold down the beast with your arm filling it's mouth too much for it to breath fire and thrust your dagger into it's chest.
  127. [18:44] <!CYOA-sama> You feel the warm flow of mana through the blade and into you.
  128. [18:44] <!CYOA-sama> It burns but you grit your teeth.
  129. [18:44] <!CYOA-sama> You yank the blade free.
  130. [18:44] <!CYOA-sama> The hound is dead but it doesn't explode as it's magic flames have been sapped.
  131. [18:45] <!CYOA-sama> You turn towards the cart and see a blazing inferno.
  132. [18:45] <!CYOA-sama> That's not right... you definately stopped four fireballs.
  133. [18:45] <!CYOA-sama> Not only that, the old lady and her kid are safe.
  134. [18:45] <!CYOA-sama> You see them huddled behind the priest who beats back a hellhound with his staff.
  135. [18:46] <!CYOA-sama> You approach and the creature backs away slowly.
  136. [18:46] <!CYOA-sama> "You think I'm the alpha now?"
  137. [18:46] <!CYOA-sama> The hound backs away from the terrified priest and flees into the woods.
  138. [18:46] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Guess not..."
  139. [18:47] <!CYOA-sama> You look over at the flames.
  140. [18:47] <!CYOA-sama> You can see a sillouette in the midst of them.
  141. [18:47] <!CYOA-sama> Must be sword girl... it makes you wonder.
  142. [18:48] <!CYOA-sama> You walk towards the fire and are suprised as the coprses of the hellhounds come tumbling out of it.
  143. [18:48] <!CYOA-sama> The girl follows shortly after holding the burned and slashed up body of the old farmer.
  144. [18:49] <!CYOA-sama> "So a salamander huh? I had my money on some kind of Amazon." You say with a cocky smirk.
  145. [18:49] <!CYOA-sama> The lizard-like woman places the dead man on the ground.
  146. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> "Shut up...." She says as she grits her teeth.
  147. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> Her eyes are sad.
  148. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> Eyes full of failure.
  149. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> Probably not the first time somebody has died because of her.
  150. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> Her long red hair is bloody.
  151. [18:50] <!CYOA-sama> The hounds must have been all over her.
  152. [18:51] <!CYOA-sama> Her blue eyes smolder softly as she looks down at the deceased man.
  153. [18:51] <!CYOA-sama> "W-witch! A fiend witch! You called them to us! The hound came for you!" the priest begins to shout.
  154. [18:51] <!CYOA-sama> You sigh.
  155. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> The slamander physically revoils at the priests words and stands up.
  156. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> She sheaths her blade and turns away.
  157. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Stop her.
  158. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Kill the priest and follow her.
  159. [18:52] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Follow her.
  160. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> Choose
  161. [18:53] <Taco_Hell> [x] Kill the priest and follow her
  162. [18:53] <Brutus> [X] STop her
  163. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> No, you can't ignore her, bitch has your money.
  164. [18:53] <Brutus> Bitch ows us money.
  165. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  166. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  167. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  168. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  169. [18:53] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  170. [18:53] <Taco_Hell> Bitch owe us money
  171. [18:53] <Taco_Hell> And fucker being loud
  172. [18:53] <Taco_Hell> Win win
  173. [18:54] <@CEB> [X] Stop her.
  174. [18:54] <Brotius> man, I chose the best time to ditch my closing shift.
  175. [18:54] <Brotius> also, tadaima
  176. [18:54] <@CEB> welcome home bud
  177. [18:54] <HyakkoF> [x] Follow
  178. [18:54] <Brutus> Welcome back~
  179. [18:54] <Brotius> Hmm, not sure how to feel about the priest
  180. [18:55] <Brotius> I mean he could be a magical jehova's witness or some shit.
  181. [18:55] <Brutus> >Magical jehova's witness
  182. [18:55] <!CYOA-sama> He was also protecting the old lady despite being piss in pants terrified.
  183. [18:55] <Brutus> Dammit Brotius stop making me laugh.
  184. [18:57] <Brotius> [x] stop her
  185. [18:57] <!CYOA-sama> "Hey." You say as you grab her shoulder.
  186. [18:57] <!CYOA-sama> She look back at you violently.
  187. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> "Easy..." you say as you take your hand off her.
  188. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> "I don't work for free, and if it wasn't for me the old fart wouldn't be the only corpse here."
  189. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> Tears form in her eyes.
  190. [18:58] <!CYOA-sama> "You're the worst..."
  191. [18:59] <!CYOA-sama> She pulls throws her gold bag on the ground.
  192. [18:59] <!CYOA-sama> "There... bastard." She says as she turns and walks away.
  193. [18:59] <!CYOA-sama> You pick up the coins and follow her as you count them.
  194. [18:59] <!CYOA-sama> All 800.
  195. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> You tie the pouch to your waist and keep walking.
  196. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> She turns quickly after you've distanced yourself from the others.
  197. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> "WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING M-" she says as she turns.
  198. [19:00] <!CYOA-sama> You keep walking past her and continue on towards the next town.
  199. [19:01] <!CYOA-sama> "I get it...." she says as she turns and quietly walks behind you.
  200. [19:01] <!CYOA-sama> It's quiet as the two of you walk.
  201. [19:01] <!CYOA-sama> You almost want to say something just to cut the silence.
  202. [19:01] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Try to cheer her up.
  203. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Try to make small talk.
  204. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Confess your eternal love to her.
  205. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> Choose.
  206. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  207. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  208. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  209. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  210. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> CEB ants Brotius Brutus HyakkoF Imouto Taco_Hell
  211. [19:02] <Taco_Hell> [x] Confess your eternal love for her rack
  212. [19:02] <!CYOA-sama> #notrolloptions
  213. [19:02] <HyakkoF> [x] Confess your eternal love to her.
  214. [19:02] <Brutus> [X] Confess your eternel love for her.
  215. [19:02] <Brotius> oh god I'm dying
  216. [19:03] <@CEB> Try to make small talk.
  217. [19:03] <HyakkoF> No option to just keep walking, so we might as well go big.
  218. [19:03] <!CYOA-sama> You turn around suddenly.
  219. [19:03] <!CYOA-sama> "I love you." you say as you look the slamander in the eyes.
  220. [19:03] <!CYOA-sama> "Fuck off." she says immediately with no hesitation.
  221. [19:04] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm serious." You reply.
  222. [19:04] <!CYOA-sama> "Die." She says with venom in her voice as she attempts to walk past you.
  223. [19:04] <!CYOA-sama> You rip open your shirt and dramatically collapse grasping your chest.
  224. [19:04] <!CYOA-sama> She turns around with a look of disgust on her face.
  225. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> You look up at her with tears streaming down your face. "Why, my beloved? Is it because I didn't comfort you?"
  226. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> She frowns as hard as she possibly can.
  227. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> You crawl to her on your knees.
  228. [19:05] <!CYOA-sama> You grab her scaly hand and kiss it.
  229. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> "Please forgive my foolishness, I hadn't yet discovered my deep feelings for you."
  230. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> She glares at you.
  231. [19:06] <!CYOA-sama> Your tears fall down and stain the ground as you look up at her.
  232. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> "Please, my fiery beloved.... give me a chance to win your heart... I can change!"
  233. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She shouts.
  234. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> You let go of her hand.
  235. [19:07] <!CYOA-sama> Your lip quivers as you stand and try in vain to supress your tears.
  236. [19:08] <!CYOA-sama> You pull your shirt closed and turn your back to her.
  237. [19:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Of course.... who could love a heartless mercenary like me."
  238. [19:08] <!CYOA-sama> The wind blows your shoulder length hair over your face as you say with a heavy heart.
  239. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Goodbye my love... my heart will cling to your memeory forever."
  240. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> The genuine heartbreak and sadness in your voice leaves the salamander dumbfounded.
  241. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "You... I..."
  242. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "WHAT?!"
  243. [19:09] <!CYOA-sama> "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?"
  244. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> You turn and let your shirt hang open, revealing your scars that you don't really try all that hard to hide anyway.
  245. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> "Of course, I would never lie about love!" you say emphatically.
  246. [19:10] <!CYOA-sama> "Now that I've said it I will love you forever!"
  250. [19:12] <!CYOA-sama> "It's your fault for crying in front of me."
  251. [19:12] <!CYOA-sama> "I fall in love really easily you know."
  252. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> You stare her straight in the eyes as you give your speech and the abject terror on her face tickles your sadistic bone.
  253. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> "You're fucked in the head..."
  254. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> She tries to walk past you.
  255. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> You grab her arm and pull her back into a hug.
  256. [19:13] <!CYOA-sama> "No no no no no no no no no. That's no good my love."
  257. [19:14] <!CYOA-sama> You look down at the slightly shorter than you salamander with wide eyes.
  258. [19:14] <!CYOA-sama> "You'll never get rid of me like that, I'm going to make you love me back even if I have to kill everyone else in the world to do it."
  259. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> Your wide psychotic stare makes her tremble in your grasp.
  260. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> "A-are you serious? Y-your fucking with me right?"
  261. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> You gently lift her chin.
  262. [19:15] <!CYOA-sama> "I never lie about love."
  263. [19:16] <!CYOA-sama> The salamander breaks off and runs towards town at top speed.
  264. [19:16] <!CYOA-sama> "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE MY LOVE DARLING!" You scream behind her.
  265. [19:16] <!CYOA-sama> She's so beautiful when she's fleeing in horror.
  266. [19:16] <!CYOA-sama> You can't wait to hold her in your arms.
  267. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> You should ask her name so you can get a tattoo of it.
  268. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> You continue walking towards town.
  269. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> She'll definately be there waiting for you.
  270. [19:17] <!CYOA-sama> [Chapter 1: End]
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